• lERN Coordinated With Member of· ATION College News Bureau North Carolina Collegiate and Service Press . o;:ociation ag Play- <inlb atW 1Jllath ~==========~'~ ~======~I ·?:::-.,_ :ei~g Published Weekly by the Students of Wake Forest College .,.,. ================================================================================================================================================================~~~~==== Vol. XIV, No. 18 WAKE .FOREST COLLEGE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1931 , Ten Cents ?9J~ Copy Maynard ====================T====================r========================================~===================T================w~ cation-by ~ Univer- W. F. GLEE CLUB TO Debaters Engage l11 Five 1' FORMER PUPIL oF CATAWBA.- WAK£ ct of the .. TRAINING SCHOOL BE HEARD OVER AIR POTEAT DISCOVERS l!'~ster in SUNDAY AFTERNOON , Humor. Home Battles In March NEw SP,IDER GENus DEBATERS MET IN ' the fact HELD ON CAMPUS The Glee Club will broadcast -----------------------------· Dr. W. L. P<Jteat of the Wake ·rica-the over Station WPTF in Raleigh Forest Department of Biology Sunday afternoon, between the announced recently. that one of ~rved for Schedule Shows Exten­ WELL ATTENDED hours of 2; 30 and 3; 00 o'clock. SIX FRESHMEN fAIL his former students, Professor NO-DECISION TILT bis coun- sive Meets In March­ in luxury The program will consis"t of sa­ J. D. Ives, of Carson-Newman cred numbers presented by the drinkers College, has discovered a new Is An Annual Affair for club, 'two or three selections by TO REACH STANDARD A-Pril; Itinerary Into genus of spider in Indian Cave, "Free Trade" Discussion 3 in the · clubs of the quartet, and probably a S.C. Slated for April. Tenn. This new member of the Church Workers; Held solo. spider family was named Ivesia Held Here Thursday about to Twenty-four Upperclassmen FaU This performance is being tennesseensia by Alexander Pe­ low with By Central Baptist As­ Short Passing Required Nine Night that he looked forward to with antici­ WILL PARTICIPATE IN trunkevitch, of Yale. to learn sociation. pation by the students as well Hours of College Work PI KAPPA DELTA MEET Prof. Ives obtained his M.A. nitted to- as the Glee Club members them­ from Wake Forest College in PRUETTE AND BROWN ARE selves. IN F ARMVIL~E, 24-30 Only 2. 6 per cent of· the freshman 1906, and is well remembered by SCHOOL· CONDUCTED-AT The quartet is composed of J. WAKE REPRESENTATIVES steps in class failed to pass the required six many members of the faculty K. Blackburn, first tenor; C. W. has just: ·LOCAL BAPTIST CHURCH hours <Jf work, as compared with the Debates Have Been Arranged who were here in his day. .s person. Teague, second tenor; E. E. Interesting Open Forum Discus­ ... Harrell, first bass, and E. T. 5.5 per cent of the upperclassmen If to re- who failed to come up to the standard With University of Richmond sion of Question Held-Many arts will Large Faculty of Prominent Harrell, second bass. J. K. Blackburn is soloist. of nine hours, is the report from and Furman; Contests With New Gestures Introduced by li as fast Leaders In B a p t i s t Work Grady S. Patterson, registrar ~f the Washington and Lee, Roanc.ke SELLING STATIONERY en a de- Teach Many Interesting and college. Members of Audience. E he can Out of the t~tal enrollment of 671 and Lynchburg Cc.Ueges Pend­ 1at time. Instructive. Courses To Large for all schools of the college, 2 2 6 ing; Tentative Engagements LEADS TO INTERVIEW I brought Number From All Over Cen­ CHAPEL HOUR GIVEN belong to the first-year class. Only The Catawba Indians and the your lit- six of the freshmen failed to pass Scheduled W i t h DavidSGn, "Aireal Brigade" of Wake For­ Jiled, yoU: tral Association. six hours of college work, while 24 Wofford, and Presbyterian Dr. Prince E. Burroughs Opti­ est College went into action on TO DR. BURROUGHS upperclassmen failed to reach the re- College of South Carolina. mistic About Modern College Thursday night, February 26, The-annual training school for quired standard of nine hours. 1931, when representatives from By the request the faculty, a Youth; Lik~ Wake Forest ored worke1•s in the churches of the Secretary Baptist Sunday School of letter has been sent to the parents of According to the schedule re-I Catawba and Wake Forest met Central Baptist Association was B d Add St d t d in a warm debate on the sub­ n By held in the Wake Forest Baptist oar resses u en 8 an each of these men from the regis- leased here Thursday by Harold By WYAX .WASHBURX trar's office, informing t-hem of this H .. Deaton, debate manager, the Recently, while making my usual ject: Resolved, That the nations :YPu Church,.February 23-27, with an Faculty In Two Appearances situation, and copies ~f these letters should adopt a policy of free enrollment of between 200 and have been sent to the individuals. Wake Forest College debating rounds from place to place peddling trade. Dr. P. E. Burroughs, secretary of Nineteen seniors out of the hun- squad will participate in five stationery, I chanced to enter the ~st B. Y. 250. Many students were among h · home of Dr. Cullom, Bible pr~fessor, Interesting Contest 1 by the those enrolled. the Baptist Sunday School Board, d~':d mem~ers of the class have con-, 0 Il_le encounters ~ext month, on Faculty Avenue. As I entered the This contest proved to be a very spoke at the chapel hour on Tuesday, dltlOns which they must remove be- besides taking part in the Pi comfortable sitting-room s o m e interesting and warm argument, since Raleigh, Congregations Gratifying Wednesday, and Thursday of this for~ April 12 _if they wish to receive Kappa Delta forensic contest to strange fate caused me to accidentally both affirmative and negative teams About According to Rev. J. A. Easley, week. Dr. Burroughs has delivered the1r degrees 1n June... b e · he ld a t F armv1. 11 e, V a., M arch s t um ble, an d 1 aw k wardly saved my- were composed of veteran speakers. past~r of the Wake Forest Baptist two daily addresses to the Wake For- • 24-30. self from pitching headlong into the Another factor which added to the n was a • Church, it was one of the most suc­ est Church in sessions for the Bible The Schedule arms of a well-dressed elderly man success of the debate was that it was win was cessful that· has been held. Many "Marching Men" Cast :he boys came considerable distances each Training School, February 23-27. To ·Be PI"cked Monday sitting in a chair reading the paner, a non-decision affair, and theref~re His talk on February 25 to the stu· The schedule for March debates fol- apparently at ease after having e;ten neither side was handicapped by the I. Wade night, and the ·congregations were iows: March 2, Waynesburg, Pa.·, d d'' law stu- gratifying, the pastor stated. dents centered around the thought NI"ght In Law Bm"ldi"ng a goo mner. use of technicalities and other de- ' "It is more blessed to give than to March 9, Asheville Normal (ladies- "We 11 , young man, " sa1·d h e, "b e b ate usages w h ich are not always ~ed flirt. Evening Progrrun receive .. nloin·decision); March 31, Western Car- seated." And a gleam of amusement interesting to the audience, but which 7as pre- · Th t t f th t I "M h 0 na Teachers College c t · t h' k" dl bl t· · fi · d "iss God- The program of the evening began The speaker restated· the text say- e ryou s or e cas o arc - A . · . rep m o 1s m y ue eyes. some 1mes 1n uence JU ges. at 5:15 with a lecture by Dr. P. B. · th t · •t t f d ' · ing Men," by James O'Brien will be s a result ~f their double VIctory "What is your name and where do tsenteda mg a m 1 s rans orme vers1on . , ' . over N. c. State, Wake Forest is qual- . ?" . • Catawba On 1\:ftb.-:mative Burroughs on "Growing a Church." he felt that it came closer home to held m Dr. Gulley s classroom m the . you hve. QuJckly answenng the . the jury · · · · law building Monday night March 1 ifie!l. to participate m the FarmVille questions I found myself gazing into The affirmative Slde of the query Thursday evening his talk was on h1m: 1t 1s better to g1ve than to get. ' ' contest wh"ch1 "II d t · h i ' w t d b c t b t "l don't know," said Dr. Burr~ughs, it was decided in a meeting of the l ner • WI e ermme t. e w ~- the face of Dr. Prince E. Burroughs, 1 as presen e Y a aw a, represen - eld, and the work and the pr~blems of the deacon. At that time many deacons · · college Dramatic Club last Wednes- of the southeastern champlOnShlP I veteran Sunday school worker and ed by Messrs. Charles Warlick and winners. "Just when Jesus sald these_ word~. day night of the P. K. D. national forensic fra-1 educational secretary of the Baptist Raymond Winters, from Pennsylvania ~ served and deaconesses were present to hear The people, who heard them 1mmed1- · ternity · d b t t d d M 1 d t' 1 B h f his advice. · · . This play will be entered by the lU e a e, ora ory, an extem- Sunday School Board. I then reflect- an ary an • respec IVe y. ot o ~am.
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