-- SUPPIJEMENT TO TUN : BRITISH MED I CALJIOURNL. LONDON: SATURDAY, MARCH 27TH9, 1909. CONTENTS. PAGEC PAP5E ANNUAL MEETING. BELFAST, 1909: . PATFOL~GI~ALM ,SEUMTi PATHOLOGICA MUSEUM.. ....................'... 145......ASSOCIATION NOTICES.-Council Meeting 149 AND FOR SCIEN.TIFIC RESEARCH 145 ... G4A*$8S SCOHOLARSHIPS CENTRAL MIDWIVES BOARD .E .. 149 MEETINGS OF BRANCH13S AND DIVISIONS:. NAVAL AND MILITY APPOINTMENS .... ... ... 150 Birmingham Branch ... .. .. *.. 146 VITAL STATISTICS ..... ... 150 Central Division .. .. ..146 Gloucestershire'Branch ....i v ision147 VACANCIES AND APPOINTMENTS .... 150 iraawashire and Cheshire Branch: Bury and Rochdale Divi- BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS .. *.. * *,151 ~sions "I.*. ... ... 147 Mktropolitan Counties Branch: Lambeth Division ... ... 147 DIARY, FOR THE WEEK*.. ... 151 Stratford Division .. ... 147 Southern Branch Guernsey and Alderney Division ... 147 BOOKS, ETO., RECEIVED . ... Yorkshire Branch , ... ... ... 148 CALENDAR ... .. 152 The Museum-will-occupy a,central position, and will* be- easy of access. It is hoped that it will be possible for arrangements to be mad* wherHy;exiibitors myhiave an .oppbrtunity-of ANNUAL MEETING, BELFAST, 1909. demonstrating their specimens. THOMAS HOUSTON, THE PATHOLOGICAL MUSEUM. W. J. WILSON, Tau following Committee has -been appointed to organize Honorary Secretaries. the pathological museum: Communications should be addressed to; one of the President: Professor W. ST. CLAIR SYMMERS. Honorary Secretaries at Queen's University, Belfast. Honorary Secretaries: THOMAS HOUSTON, M.D.; W. J. WILSON, M.D., GRANTS AND FOR; J. S. DICKIE, M.B. C. H. P. D. GRAVES, MI.D. SCHOLARS9HIS RGWLAND HILL, M.B. (Cookstown). SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. C. G. LOWRY, M.D. Professor MCWEENEY (Dublin). GRANTS. J. E. MACILWAINE, M.D. Professor MooRu, (Cork). THE Cowneil of the British Medical Association is pre- JOHN M'LEISH, M.B. C. H. NESBITT, M.D. (Randals- pared to receive applications from members of the Medical W. J. MAGUIRE, M.D. town). Profession for Grants in aid of Researches for the Advance- J. a. .RANxiN, M.D. Professor O'SULLIVAN (Duiblin). ment of Medicine and the Allied Sciences. FRED. SMYTH, M.D. R. T. ROWLETTE, M.D. (Dublin). The Grants are made subject to the following conditions ERNEST WALES, M.D. Professor WHrIE (Dublin). 1. That the work of the Grantee shall be subject to J. SINGLETON DARLING, M.D. JOHN WILSON, M.D. (Castle inspection by the Science Committee of the Associa- (Lurgan). blayney). tion. EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS. 2. That each Grantee shall ,furnish to the Science 'The Pre:sident-elect: Sir WILLIAM WHITLA, M.D., LL.D. Committee, on or before May 15th following the a}lot- The Local Honorary Treasurer: JOSEPH NELSON, M.D. ment of the grant, a report (or, if the object of the The LocalVHonora,y Secretaries: H. L. McKISACK, M.D.,; C. B. grant be not then attained, an interim repart, to be SHAW, M.D.; HOWARD STEVENSON,-F.R.C.S.I. renewed not later than the same date in each subse- The Committee propose that the material should be quent year until the final report is presented) ar,ranged.under the following heads: containing: L Exhibits bearing on discussions and papers in the (a) A statement, in a fom stisfactory to the various- sections. Science Cominittee, of the results. arrived at, or the II. Specimens and illustrations relating to any research stage which the inquiry-has reached; work. (b) A statement of expenditure incurred, accom4 III. Instruments relating- to clinical diagnosis and panied by vouchers as far as possible; pathological investigation. (c) A reference to any Transactions, Journals, or IV. 'Individual specimens of special interest, or a series otlber publications.in which the. resulti of the illustrating some special subject. research have been announced. It is also proposed to make a special effort to gather SCHOLARSHIPS. together a series of exhibits relating to: The Council of the British Medical Association is also (a) Tuberculosis. prepared to receive applications.for Research Scholarships, (b6) Diieases of warm climates. as follows: (c) Cancer of the uterus. 1. An ERNEST HART MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP, of the (d) X-rays and photography. value of £200 per annum, for the study of some The Committee wish it to be understood that the above subject in the department of State Medicine. are only suggestions, and if there is any subject in which 2. THREE RESEARCH SCHOLARSHIPS, each . of the Members are specially interested, and of which interesting value of £150 per annum, for research in Anatomy, specimens can be supplied, they will be glad to hear from Physiology, Pathology, Bacteriology, State Medicine, them Clinical Medicine, or Clinical Surgery. (258) to 2w 1 146 -- .TOVMALJ MEETINGS OF BRANCHES AND DIVISIONS. LMARCH 27, 11909- Each Soholarship is tenable for one year, but is renew- able by the Council, provided that the whole period of CENTRAL DIVISION. tenure shall not exceed three years. A SPECIAL and a general meeting of this Division was held The Scholarships are awarded subject to the followig at the Medical Institute on March 16th at 3.30 p.m. Mr. conditions: GAMGEE was in the chair, and there were twenty-five other members present. I 1. That the work of the Scholar shall be subject Special Meeting. to inspection by the Science Committee of the Earlier Election of Representative.-The CHAIRMAN, Association. having declared the meeting special, moved the alterations 2. That he shall farnish the Science Committee, of the rales necessary to enable the Division to elect the on or before May 15th following the grant of the Representative earlier than is at present possible: Scholarship, with a statement of the work done 1. In Rule 7, alter "three months" to "nine months." by him. 2. In Rule 11, "Business of Annual Meeting," omit Section (b). 3. That he sign an undertaking to abide by the These alterations were unanimously agreed to. above and other regulations affecting Scholarships, Vote of Thlanks to Former Representative.-A letter a copy of which w be supplied to him. from Dr. Foxeroft, tendering his resignation as Repre- sentative, was read, and it was resolved: Application. That this meeting of the Division accepts Dr. Foxcroft's Applications for Grants and Scholarships for the year resignatibn with regret, and tenders to him its best thanks 1909-10 must be made, not later than May 27th, 1909, for his past servicesas Representative. in the prescribed form, a copy of which will be supplied on application to the Medical Secretary, 429, Strand, Electionof Representative.-The SECRETARIES announced London, W.C. that the Executive had nominated Dr. Kirby as Repre- Each application should be accompanied by a recom- sentative, and, no further nominations being made by the mendation from the head of the laboratory in which the meeting, he was pronounced duly elected. This concluded applicant proposes to work, setting out the fitness of the the special business. candidate to conduct such work and the probable value of the work to be undertaken. This is not intended, General Meeting. however, to prevent applications for Grants in aid of Confirmation of MiJnutes.-The minutes of the last work which need not be performed in a recognized ordinary general meeting were read, confirmed, and signed. labOratOrY. Report of Re resentative.-Dr. KIRBY --ien moved the J. SMITH WHITAKER, Medical Secretary. resolution standing in his name: That the Representative shall submit his reporb to the first 429, Strand, W.C., general meeting of the Division held after the Annual March, 1909. Representative Meeting. This was seconded and carried unanimously. The following additional resolution was also carried: That the Executive Committee be instructed to bring this Ptt1dinlg if ~r 4s & i1Iziu. resolution before the next special meeting of the Division as a proposed addition to the Rules of the Division. [The proceedings of the Divisiom and Branche of the Medioal Inspection of School Children. - On the Assooiation relating to Soientifso and Clnical Medicine, Medico-Political Committee's report on the medical when rtported by the Honorary BSeretaries, are published inspectiOn of school children and the treatment of those considerable discussion arose. n the body of the JoumsAL.] found defective To the questions submitted to the Division the following answers were finally adopted: BIRMINGHAM BRANCH. Question 1. AN ordinary meeting was held at the Medical Institute That in thie opinion of this Division medical inspectors giving on Thursday, March 11th, Mr. F. MARSH, the President, their whole time to the duties should be paid by salary; being in the chair, and 20 members present. those only giving part time should be remunerated according Annual Report.-The report of the Branch to the to the time spent on the work. Central Council on the and financial membership position Question 2. of the Branch, and on its proceedings during the year 1908, Resolution 1.-That this Division emphatically disapprove3 of was considered and approved. the treatment of school children in school clinics, as it con- Demonstration.-Mr. GEORGE HEATON showed a patient sidert that the available medical and surgical skill is fully in whom a liver abscess had burst through the right lung, adequate to meet all reasonable requirements. a fistula which of bile Resolution 2.-This Division considers that, should school leaving through large quantities clinics be established, the staff should consist of all medical were coughed up. The man was a painter aged 25. His practitioners in the neighbourhood who are willing to serve, illness started with pain in the left hypochondrium and and that they should be paid according to the time spent on left side of the abdomen, with fever and general malaise. the work. This continued for seven weeks. A rigor then followed, Question 3. and pain in the right side of the chest and abdomen. Ten As this question only applies to rural districts it was not days afterwards he was suddenly seized with suffocating considered.
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