BIOCELL ISSN 0327 - 9545 2006, 30(3): 501-529 PRINTED IN ARGENTINA X Argentine Congress of Morphological Sciences (X Congreso Argentino de Ciencias Morfológicas) ABSTRACTS March 15-17, 2006 Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires ARGENTINA 502 ABSTRACTS BIOCELL, 30(3), 2006 BIOCELL, 30(3), 2006 ABSTRACTS 503 1. 3. S-100 AND GLIAL FIBRILLARY ACIDIC (GFAP) ELECTRON MICROSCOPY OBSERVATION OF THE PROTEINS: IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL MARKERS OF BOVINE PARS TUBERALIS (LIGHT-DRAKNESS CYCLE THE FOLLICULO-STELLATE CELLS OF THE Lagostomus 12:12) maximus maximus PITUITARY Alzola R, Felipe A, Solana H, Maiarú ME. Acosta M, Filippa V, Mohamed F. Depto de Cs. Biológicas Fac. Cs. Veterinarias. Unicen. Tandil. Bs. Cátedra de Histología y Embriología, Proyecto 22/Q303 As. Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] Universidad Nacional de San Luis. E-mail: [email protected] The pars tuberalis is a well defined area of the vertebrates adeno- Immunohistochemical techniques has enabling to extend the mor- hypophysis. It consists of cells that can be classified in two groups: phological study of the folliculo-stellate (FS) cells. The pituitary one of follicular cells, and the other one of secretory cells. Secre- gland of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus maximus) exhibits folli- tory cells can divided in two types: one kind of cells that are present cular structures formed by FS cell. The aim of this work was to in other regions of the adenohypophysis, namely “pars distalis like immunohistochemically identify FS cells of pituitary gland using cells” and the other group, that differs ultrastructurally from the anti-S-100 and anti-GFAP antisera. Moreover, lanthanum hydrox- adenohypophysis called specif or inherent cells. ide was used as intercellular marker. Pituitary glands of adult male The objective of this work was to study the bovine PT by electron viscachas were processed for light and electronic microscopy. The microscopy. Samples from the bovine medium eminence-PT re- immunolabeling pattern of the S-100 was nuclear and cytoplasmic gion were fixed by immersion in Zamboni (48hs). Subsequently and cytoplasmic for GFAP. FS cells were present in the pars were treated with osmium tetroxide in 0.1M phosphate buffer pH7.4 intermedia and pars distalis of pituitary gland. They were spread for 2 hours. After dehidration, they were included in metacrilate. around pituitary follicles and their cytoplasmatic processes were Ultrafine slides were stained with uranile acetate and lead citrate. found between neighbouring endocrine cells. The tracer penetrated Semifine slides were stained with toluidine blue. freely into the intercellular spaces, delineating the cellular borders Bovine PT showed cells follicularly organized around the medium of granulated and nongranulated cells. These results suggest the eminence, separated by a thin conective layer of tissue. This FS cells probably participate in a network of intrahypophyseal com- follicules are distributed amonf the vases of the portahypophysis munication and may be involved in the modulation of the adeno- primary system, with a central light, filled with a still unknown hypophyseal endocrine activity. The expression of S-100 and GFAP coloidal substance. Follicules are formed by different cell types, suggest of neuroectodermal origin of the FS cell of viscacha pitu- surronded by a thin mesh of conective tissue. itary gland. 2. 4. RAT AND BOVINE PARS TUBERALIS IMMUNOCY- HISTOLOGY OF THE CORONA OF SCENTED AND TOCHEMISTRY WITH FB12 ANTIBODY (LIGHT- SCENTLESS FLOWERS OF PASSIFLORA SPP. DARKNESS CYCLE 12:12) (PASSIFLORACEAE) Alzola R, Felipe A, Solana H, Larsen M. Amela García MT, Galati BG, Hoc PS. Depto de Cs. Biológicas Fac. Cs. Veterinarias. Unicen. Tandil. Bs. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, UBA, Buenos Aires, As. Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] The pars tuberialis is a well defined area of the vertebrates adeno- The histology of plant osmophores has been poorly studied. With hypophysis. It consists of cells that can be classified in two groups: the aim of knowing thoroughly the structure and function of the one of follicular cells, and the other one of secretory cells. Secre- corona of Passiflora, P. caerulea (with odour perceivable by hu- tory cells are divided in two types: one type of cells that are present mans) and P. suberosa (without odour) were analysed. Histochemi- in other regions of the adenohypophysis, namely “pars distalis like cal tests and observations with TEM of the pieces in which odour cells” and the other group of specific PT cells, which secrete a is perceived in the scented flowers were performed in both type of substance of still unknown function. flowers, in anthetic and in recently closed ones. The staining of the The aim of this study was to immunolocalize the PT cells in bovine epidermis and subepidermal layers with sudan IV was positive, more and rat by means of an antibody denominated FB12, which spe- homogeneous in P. suberosa but more intense in P. caerulea. In cifically recognizes PT cells. The antibody was obtained from for- both species the epidermis was formed by papillae, shorter in P. malin 5% fixed bovine PT extracts, fixed in 5% parafomaldehid suberosa. Ultrastructurally, the epidermal, subepidermal and and homogenizated in sodium bicarbonate. Rats were inoculated 4 parenchima cells showed dictyosomes, mitochondria, ERr, plas- times with this immunogen, with the highest titres in the third and the forth bleeding. tids and lipidic globules in different amounts. Plasmodesmata con- In rats, the immunocytochemical study of the PT slides showed nected the epidermal, the subepidermal and both types of those that the antiserum recognizes a PT cell population, with an cells. Vesicles in exocitosis in the epidermal cells outer tangential immunoreaction in most of the cells, at a 1:4000 dilution. This re- wall, and an osmiophilic substance between the plasmalemma and action was circunscripted to small areas of the paranuclear region. the wall and also in the cuticle were observed. The wall became In bovine, immunoreaction was observed at a dilution of 1:16.000 more fibrillar near the thin cuticle and the microfibrils intruded in cells located in the internal part of the pars tuberalis. inside it. The tissues of both species appeared more vacuolated in These results strongly suggest the specific nature of both bleedings post-anthetic flowers. to recognize a specific secretion of the PT cells from both rat and Both species exhibit secretory tissue. P. suberosa emits some sub- bovine. stance, although not detectable by our olfactory sense. 504 ABSTRACTS BIOCELL, 30(3), 2006 5. 7. INDUCTION OF APOPTOSIS IN BOVINE GRANULOSE EPIDERMAL CHARACTERISTIC OF Prosopis denudans CELLS (CG) BY DISRUPTIÓN OF THE CALCIUM DEPEN- Benth IN DIFFERENT STADIUMS OF THE DEVELOP- DENT CELLULAR UNIONS MENT Angiono GM, Lombardo DM. Barrientos E, Stronati M, González E, Pentreath V. Faculty of Veterinary Science, UBA. E-mail: [email protected] U.N.P.S.J.B. (9000) Comodoro Rivadavia. Argentina. E-mail: [email protected] Cellular adhesion is necessary for the organization of the CG. The Ca++ fullfils an important role stabilizing cellular unions, for ex- Prosopis denudans Benth is the southern algarrobo but of the Ar- ample in the cadherin mediated cell contact. Alterations at this level gentina, used as forage, firewood and residents’ food by their high generate cellular changes that may lead to apoptosis. The objective nutritious value, ii vegetates in arid areas of Chubut, Sta. Cruz and of the work was to establish “in vitro”, the relation between the Río Negro. loss of the calcium dependent contacts with the integrity and the The epidermis is a key tissue in the water economy of the native apoptosis of the CG. The model was a bovine CG cell line treated species of the arid and semi-arid areas. with EGTA, with the purpose of disrupting the Ca++ dependen The objective of this contribution was to characterize the epider- homophilic unions mediated by E-cadherin. Cellular viability (CV) mis to foliate of seedling and mature plants of two origins of P. was determined by exclusion with Tripan blue stain and apoptosis denudans of the province of Chubut. index (IA) by staining chromatin with DAPI and TUNEL. Treat- Material of seeds and leaves were obtained from two places of the ments were made with 100nM and 9nM EGTA, and without EGTA. province of Chubut: Garayalde and Cerro Dragón. Cotyledons and Simultaneously, the role of the serum depletion was determined by repeating the same study in cultures with and without t5% bovine true leaves of seedlings obtained in laboratory and field individu- foetal serum (SFB). Obtained data were statistically analyzed by a als’ leaves were processed according to habitual fixation techniques 2x3 factorial design. Although the treatments generate evident and colored for the anatomical study with optic and electronic mi- apoptotic changes, in the different treatments with EGTA there was croscope of sweeping. no statistically significant differences between the percentage av- In folioles of the completely expanded compound leaf of mature erage of VC and the IA determined by DAPI. The tests by TUNEL and juvenile plant and in cotyledons it was determined the sto- validate the apoptotic changes demonstrated with DAPI. In treat- matal type predominantly anomocytic and unicellular trichomas, ments with and without SFB significant differences (p<0.051) be- in epidermis adaxial and abaxial were different cells tapes in shape tween CV average were seen, as for the IA (p<0.054). Since the in the different development stadiums. We compared characters of serum factor must be considered in the study of apoptosis, also the two accessions. effect of the EGTA to different concentrations from SFB has been analyzed. 6. 8. MICROSCOPIC ORGANIZATION OF UTERUS IN THE ON THE PRESENCE OF TRYPTASE-AND CHIMASE MAST SMALLNOSE FANSKATE SYMPTERYGIA BONAPARTII CELLS AND MICROVESSELS IN NON- SMALL CELL (MÜLLER & HENLE, 1841) (CHONDRICHTHYES, RAJIDAE) LUNG CANCER Avaca MS, Galíndez EJ, Estecondo S.
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