Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2017;10(2):2255-2258 /ISSN:1936-2625/IJCEP0038737 Case Report Thrombotic microangiopathy with ANCA-associated vasculitis in a child: a case report and review of literature Rui Zhang, Jia-Fan Zhou, Meng-Jun Liang, Ya-Juan Huang, Ai-Hua Li, Ning Su, Miao-Fang Huang, Qian-Hui Zhang, Zong-Pei Jiang Department of Nephrology, The 6th Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China Received August 25, 2016; Accepted December 6, 2016; Epub February 1, 2017; Published February 15, 2017 Abstract: We describe a case with acute renal failure, pulmonary bleeding, rashes and abdominal pain in a 9-year- old girl suffered from Thrombotic mircroangiopathy (TMA). The reason of TMA was ANCA-related vasculitis, which was seldom seen in pediatric patients. This type of patient is easily misdiagnosed as henoch-schoenlein purpura. The patient was given prednisone and mycophenolate mofetil (MMF) for the treatment of ANCA-related vasculitis. The renal function returned to normal and proteinuria decreased dramatically. Keywords: Thrombotic mircroangiopathy, ANCA-related vasculitis Introduction There was tenderness around the navel with rebound tenderness. Proteinuria3+ and hema- Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) is an acute turia3+ were found in urine routine test. The clinical syndrome, characterized by microangio- red blood cells were 3.62×1012/L, white blood pathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, cells were 10.3×109/L. Neutrophils were and multiple organ dysfunctions because of 8.02×109/L, platelets were 122×109/L, hemo- thrombogenesis. Hemolytic-uremic syndrome globin was 98 g/L. Stool routine test was nor- (HUS) is a typical phenotype of TMA in pediatric mal and the occult blood test was negative. Her patients, which present with fever, diarrhea, creatinine was elevated quickly to 715.7 umol/L dehydration, renal failure, and microangiopath- within 14 days. Testing for antineutrophil cyto- ic hemolytic anemia and mostly caused by gas- plasmic antibody (ANCA) was weakly positive, trointestinal tract bacterial infection. In most complement C3 and C4 were decreased. The cases, patients would remiss spontaneously anti nuclear antibody was weakly positive. The after supportive therapy without complications. anti-ds-DNA and extractable nuclear antigen The typical pathology of TMA is thrombi and were negative. Before the renal biopsy, the segmental fibroid necrosis in glomerular capil- patient was received 0.25 g/d of intravenous lary, afferent glomerular arteriole and renal methylprednisolone for three days, followed by arteriole. In the present report, we showed a another three-day course of 0.25 g/d of intrave- pediatric case of TMA with ANCA-associated nous methylprednisolone after 3-day interval, vasculitis (AAV). since we thought there was the possibility of crescent nephritis. In the meantime, the patient Case report was given antibiotics (ceftazidime, 1 g iv.drip, bid) because of acute tonsillitis, which might be A nine-year old girl without significant past another reason for acute renal injury. medical history characterized by two-week his- tory of abnormal pain, vomiting, nausea, oligu- After these treatments, the creatinine was ria, gross hematuria and edema. There were trended down to 183 umol/L. The renal biopsy rashes on her hypogastric zone and femoribus was performed (on Day 11 th admission) and internus. Her tonsil was swelling without favor. results showed that multiple thrombi in glomer- TMA with AAV in a child Figure 1. Renal biopsy photographs (digital scan): A. Haematoxylin and eosin stain. Capillary endothelial cells hy- perplasia in glomeruli of kidney. B. Periodic acid-silver methenamine stain. Glomerular capillary compression. C. Masson’s trichrome stain. Fibrosis and necrosis in afferent arteriole of glomerulus (arrow). D. Periodic acid-silver methenamine stain. Multiple thrombi in glomerular capillaies. ular capillar, glomerular capillary endothelial stomach, no cough and hemoptysis. We pre- cells hyperplasia, fibrosis and necrosis in inter- scribed prednisone 1 mg/kg, mycophenolate lobular arteries and afferent arterioles of glom- mofetil (MMF) 20~30 mg/kg, dipyridamole for erulus (see Figure 1). No crescents were found anticoagulation, gamma globulin intravenous in glomerulus. Furthermore, 2% schistocytes drip for the treatment of TMA and vasculitis, were seen in the peripheral blood smears which nifedipine for hypertension. The creatinine level was consistent with the diagnosis of TMA. returned to 76 umol/L, the proteinuria dropped Hemoptysis and hematuria were observed from 4.098 g/d to 1.67 g/d, following the next after kidney biopsy and developed Type one 2 months. The ANCA became negative. There respiratory failure (SpO2 down to 70%). The were no schistocytes in the peripheral blood patient was intubated and on SIMV mode for smears and the complement level back to three days. The hemoptysis ceased and respi- normal. ratory failure were resolved on Day 15th. Her Discussion SpO2 was back to 100% and hemoglobin kept stable. The rashes disappeared and the urine This patient suffered from purpura, acute renal volume became normal. There were no pain in failure, abnormal pain. These symptoms made 2256 Int J Clin Exp Pathol 2017;10(2):2255-2258 TMA with AAV in a child us sure she got henoch-schoenlein purpura at were categorized as focal in 13 patients first, which is a common disease in children. (32.5%), crescentic in 20 (50%), mixed in two The typical renal histology of henoch-schoen- (5%), and sclerotic in five (12.5%) [2]. The AAV in lein purpura is like IgA nephropathy. IgA stains children manefested as crescentic glmerulat- in the glomerular mesangiums, capillary endo- tis, tachypnea, hemoptysis, fever, headache, thelial cells and epithelial cells. Crescentic glo- abodomonal pain [3]. There is no report that merulonephritis can be one type of IgA nephrop- children with both TMA and ANCA-realted athy. In this patient the renal biopsy gave us a vascutis. different result. There were no IgA stained, only weakly IgM and 2+ C3, which we thought were Vasculitis is injury and infiltration of vascular nonspecific. Inversely, multiple thrombi in glo- endothelial cells, which might be a reason for merular capillaries, glomerular capillary endo- TMA. Low sC3 levels and histologic signs of thelial cells hyperplasia, fibrosis and necrosis in TMA are associated with a poor renal prognosis interlobular arteries were seen in the biopsy in patients with AAV [4, 5]. According to one result, which is consistent with the specific paper among the 220 adult patients with ANCA- lesion of TMA. The schistocytes in peripheral associated glomerulonephritis, 30 were identi- blood smears confirmed the renal histological fied having concomitant renal TMA by patho- result. The most common tpye of TMA inpediat- logic evaluation. TMA was independently asso- ric patients is HUS. HUS in children have been ciated with all-cause mortality in patients with classified as either diarrhea-positive versus AAV [5]. Some case reports reported that the diarrhea-negative or as typical versus atypical. treatments for TMA with AAV were plasma Diarrhea-positive or typical HUS is casused by exchange, intravenous methylprednisolone Shiga toxin (Stx) infection [1]. The typical clini- pulse therapy followed by oral prednisolone [6], cal manifestations are bloody diarrhea, throm- daily oral cyclophosphamide [7], or rituximab bocytopenia, hemolysis, fever, oligoanuria, neu- [8]. rological dysfunction, metabolic abnormalities and acute kidney injury. The treatments for typi- This patient also got pneumorrhagia when cal Hus is supportive treatment, especially we found microvascular thrombi in kidney. keep the balance of body fluid. More than Pulmonary involvement was common in AAV 80-90% of patients with Stx infection have a but uncommon in TMA. Nokes Tetal reviewed self-limited course. Children atypical Hus is 144 articles, only one of 74 patients had clini- atypical HUS (aHUS) defined also as a microan- cal important pulmonary involvement [9]. In giopathic anemia with thrombocytopenia and patients with TMA, pulmonary vessels may be renal failure, however there is most often inherently resistant to the development of (though not exclusively) no classic enteric pro- platelet microvascular thrombi and to the drome. aHUS is caused by abnormalities in the occurrence of endothelial injury. The paper ana- alternate complement pathway (AP), resulting lyzed the reasons, including low shear stress of in uncontrolled complement acivation and sub- the pulmonary circulation limit the formation of sequent tissue damage [1]. Clinical manesfes- von Willebrand factor-mediated platelet throm- tions are fever, upper respiratory tract infec- bi [10]. Low pressure and high compliance sys- tion, and non-bloody diarrhea. Plasma exchange tem sustained the pulmonary circulation even and anti complement treatment were recom- microvacular thrombi develops [11]. mended. There were no ANCA positive in both Hus and aHus patients. There were a few case reports exhibited that a positive ANCA patient can get henoch-schoen- There were no diarrhea, fever and special drugs lein purpura at the same time [12-14]. The rea- intake in this case. Stool routine test was nor- son might be that inflammatory cytokines make mal. The serological testing for antineutrophil priming of neutrophils and up regulation of cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) was weakly pos- adhesion molecules on their surface as well as itive which is an evidence for ANCA-related vas- on
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