ARCS& 11\'1111 II·url I r ARCS & SPARKS PRELIMINARY Spring - Summer 1971 Issue ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS contents: page 13th Annual Rocky Mountain Spectroscopy Conference PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT AND CALL FOR PAPERS ..... hhh ........... 2 August 9-10, 1971 Denver, Colorado LOOKING AHEAD ................................. 00 ......... m m •••• h •• ' ..................... h. 00 3 The Rocky Mountain Section of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy an- ADELAIDE SYMPOSIUM '.' .. 00 ................. 00 ........... __ •••••••••• m ........................ 4 nounces the 13th Annual Rocky Moun- tain Spectroscopy Conference to be held August 9 and 10, 1971 at the 10TH NATIONAL MEETING - SOCIETY FOR APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY 00 __ 4 Albany Hotel in Denver, Colorado. Original papers are invited in all ULTRA CARBON CORPORA nON ELECTS SHELDON TO fields of theoretical and applied spec- BOARD CHAIRMAN AND HUGHES TO PRESIDENT hh.m •••• h __ h ...... 5 troscopy including: atomic absorption, flame, arc-spark emission, activation analysis, nuclear particle, gamma ray, COORS/SPECTRO-CHEMICAL LABORATORY, GOLDEN, COLORADO .00. __ 6 x-ray, ultraviolet, visible, infrared, far infrared, Raman, NMR-EPR, mass 22ND ANNUAL PiTTsBURGH CONFERENCE .... h __ ....... __ h. __ .h m ... hh • 11 spectrometry, and laser microprobe. Send abstracts of less than 300 words by May 20,1971. 1971 SUMMER COURSES ........ m .......... m .... .... m •• __ ....... .m ........ 13 Send abstracts and requests for SIX FORMER NBS STAFF MEMBERS further information to: George M. Pachelo PERPETUATED ON MOON'S FAR SIDE .__... h ....... n ••••• __ mh h __ h __ m 14 Conference Chairman Dow Chemical Company 1970 EASTERN ANALYTICAL SYMPOSIUM mh ••• .... m.n ....... .h .. h h. 16 Building 559 P. O. Box 888 Golden, Colorado 80401 INDUSTRY'S RESPONSE TO ITS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES .00 __ 00 __ 00 0000 ... 18 SAS MEMBERS EMPLOYMENT SERVICE hh __ .h. __ m •• __ m ••• h m ..... m •• 19 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: put Arcs & Sparks on your mailing list. We want to publish any information and photos which you feel will be of interest to your fellow spectroscopists. Deadline-October 15, 1971 for Fall-Winter issue. Address: Miss Marion M. Tamblyn Editor Arcs & Sparks Ultra Carbon Corporation P.O. Box 747 Bay City, Michigan 48706 Arcs & Sparks is published by Ultra Carbon Corporation, P.O. Box 747, Bay City, Michigan 48706, for the advancment of the profession of spectroscopy. News stories, changes of address and other pertinent a correspondence should be directed to the Editor. 2 June 2-3 Second All-Industry Conference on September 12-17 162nd National ACS Meeting. Wash- Pollution Control. Pick Carter Hotel, ington, D.C. Includes Analytical Chem- Cleveland, Ohio. Contact: William istry Division sessions. Contact: J. C. M. Mueller, Director of Education, White, Analytical Chemistry Div., ASM, Metals Park, Ohio 44073 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tenn. 37830. 615-483-8611, June 14-17 International Symposium on Identifi- ext. 3-1472 cation and Measurement of Environ- mental Pollutants. Ottawa, Ontario, October 5-8 International Symposium on Nuclear Canada. Contact: M. K. Ward, Research Materials. Gatlinburg, Tenn. National Research Council of Canada, Sponsor: AEC-ORNL. Contact: E. H. Ottawa 7, Ontario. 613-993-1421. Kobisk, Oak Ridge National Labora- tory, P.O. Box X, Oak Ridge, Tenn. June 14-18 26th Annual Symposium on Molecular 37830. Structure and Spectroscopy. Ohio October 4-9 16th International Spectroscopy Col- State University. Contact: K. Narahari loquium. Heidelberg, Germany. Con- Rao, Dept. of Physics, 174 W. 18th tact: Herrn Dr. W. Fritsche, p.A. Ave., Ohio State University, Columbus, Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker, Ohio. 6 Frankfurt/Main 8, Postfasch 119075, June 16-18 24th Annual Summer Symposium, Germany. Division of Analytical Chemistry, October 16-18 Pacific Conference on Chemistry and ACS. NBS, Gaithersburg, Md. Topic: Spectroscopy. Disneyland Hotel, Ana- Analytical Chemistry: The Key to heim, Calif. Contact: Lee Kalbus, Progress in National Problem Areas. California State College, San Bernar- Contact: W. W. Meinke, National dino, Calif. 92407. 714-887-6311. Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C. 20234. October 18-21 18th Spectroscopy Symposium and Exhibit Ontario Science Centre, Tor- July 25-30 XXIIIrd International Congress of onto, Ont. Canada. Contact: G. F. Pure and Applied Chemistry. Boston, Biesinger, Phillips Electronics Indus- Mass. Contact: Secretariat, XXIIIrd tries Ltd., 116 Vanderhoof Avenue, IUP AC, c/o American Chemical So- Toronto, Ont. Canada. 416-425-5161. ciety, 1155 16th St., N.W., Washing- ton, D.C. 20036. 202-737-3337 October 18-22 10th National Meeting of the Society for Applied Spectroscopy. St. Louis, August 9-10 13th Annual Rocky Mountain Spec- Mo. Contact: E. F. Kaelble, Monsanto troscopy Conference. Albany Hotel, Co., Inorganic Research Dept., 800 Denver, Colo. Contact: George M. N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, Mo. Pachelo, Dow Chemical Co., Bldg. 559, 63166. P.O. Box 888, Golden, Colo. 80401. November 10-12 Eastern Analytical Symposium. Stat- August 16-19 8th Australian Spectroscopy Confer- ler Hilton Hotel, New York City. ence. Clayton, Victoria, Australia. Contact: A. Z. Conner, Hercules, Inc., Contact: J. E. Kent, Dept. of Chem- Research Center, Wilmington, Del. istry, Monash University, Clayton, 19899. Victoria 3168, Australia. 3 ADELAIDE SYMPOSIUM The Inaugural Symposium of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute, Analytical Chemistry Division, is to be held at the University of Adelaide, May 25-28, 1971 The announcement of this first Symposium has received The theme, the economical advantages of using modern enthusiastic response. Advance information indicates analytical techniques, will stress production,. quality that participation and attendance will surpass expectations. control and product standards. Prominent speakers from The aim of this first meeting is to bring together people Australia and overseas with experience in these areas interested in analytical chemistry to share knowledge of will read approximately 75 papers. There will also be a modern methods and techniques. Particular emphasis is display of the latest developments in analytical equip- being placed on the important role analytical chemistry ment. For further information: Mr. R. B. Lower, Analyti- plays in industry. cal Chemistry Div., C/- Adelaide and Wallaroo Fertilizers Ltd. Box 80, P.O., PT Adelaide, S. Australia 5015. 10th NATIONAL MEETING SOCIETY FOR APPLIED SPECTROSCOPY Program Development Progress Meeting attendees will have an opportunity to hear a Report discussion of European practices in X-ray and/or optical emission spectroscopy in a paper by Dr. Franz Rosendahl. Substantial progress has been made by Dr. Emmett F. Dr. Rosendahl is on the staff of Titangesellschaft, Kaelble, Program Chairman. and the organizing chairman MBH in Leverkusen, West Germany. for the various general sessions and special symposia. A few of the highlights from the program in store for Professor Velmer A. Fassel of Iowa State University will attendees at the 10th National Meeting of the SAS are receive the second annual Maurice F. Hasler Award given in the following paragraphs. sponsored by the Bausch & Lomb Company. The program for the Spectroscopy in Space symposium Following the award luncheon, Dr. Lester W. Strock is complete. Dr. Herbert Gursky, American Science & will chair the 1971 Hasler Award Symposium. Papers Engineering Company, Cambridge, Massachusetts, will be related to flame spectroscopy, one of Professor Fassel's current areas of research. and Dr. Werner Neupert of the Goddard Space Flight Center at Greenbelt, Maryland will be presenting Mr. Maurice E. Salmon of the Smithsonian Institute papers on solar and galactic X-rays. Infrared spectros- has arranged an interesting symposium on the use of copy in space will be discussed in a paper by Dr. spectroscopy in museum examinations. This will Rudolph A. Hanel who is also at the Goddard Space provide meeting attendees with an opportunity to Flight Center at Greenbelt, Maryland. Dr. Richard learn about several fascinating approaches to blending Tousey of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory will be the ancient arts and modern spectroscopic technology. presenting a paper on ultraviolet spectroscopy in space. Speakers will include: A symposium of interest to applied spectroscopists in 1. Dr. Thomas Cairns, Conservator-Chemist, Los the electronics industry will cover Analysis and Char- Angeles County Museum of Art. acterization of Electronic Materials. Already Mr. G. B. Subject: Applications of Mass Spectrometry in the Larrabee, the head of the Radiochemistry Branch at study of metallic objects and the study of painting Texas Instruments, Inc., is scheduled to present a media and pigments of Indian minature paintings. paper on Activation Analysis. The Raman Effect on 2. Mr. William J. Young, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Semi-conductors will be discussed by Dr. A. Mooradian Massachusetts. of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. An Subject: Applications of the Laser Microprobe and interesting paper on X-ray Topography may also be Optical Emission Spectrography in the analysis of included in this symposium. museum artifacts. 4 3. Mr. J. F. Hanlan, National Conservation Research Program development is also proceeding for symposia Laboratory, National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, on Spectroscopy in Environmental Control, Spectroscopy in Canada. Bio-medicine, New Frontiers in Spectroscopy, Use of Subject: Water color pigment
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