
1965 Joumal of the Lepidopterists' Society 245 RECENT LITERATURE ON LEPIDOPTERA Under this heading are ineluded abstracts of papers and books of interest to lepidopterists. The world's literature is searched systematically, and it is intended that every work on Lepidoptera published after 1946 will be noticed here. Papers of only local interest and papers from this Joumal are listed without abstract. Read­ ers, not in North America, interested in assisting with the abstracting, are invited to write Dr. P. F . Bellinger (Department of Biological Sciences, San Fernando Valley State College, Northridge, California, U.S.A.). Abstractor's initials are as follows: [P.B.] - P. F. BELLINGER [W.H.] - W. HACKMAN [N.O.] - N. S. OBRAZTSOV [I.C.] - I. F. B. COMMON [T.I.] - TARO IWASE [C.R.] - C. L. REMINGTON [W.c.] - W. C. COOK [T.L.] - T. W. LA NGER [J.T.] - J. W. TILDEN [A.D.] - A. DIAKO NOFF [J.M.] - J. MOUCHA [P.V.] - P. E. L. VIETTE [J.D.] - JULIAN DO NAHUE [E.M.] - E. G. MUNROE B. SYSTEMATICS AND NOMENCLATURE Niculescu, Eugen, "Papilionidae" [in Rumanian]. Fauna Republicii Populare Ro­ mine, vol. XI, fasc. 5, 103 pp., 8 pIs., 32 figs. Academy of Sciences, Bucuresti. 1961. [price 6,40 Lei]. In the introductory part the author describes the taxonomy of all genera of Roumanian Papilionidae with remarks on the exotic species also. In the taxonomic part (pp.41-103 ) all spp. which occur in Rou­ mania are described. In this country occur: Papilw machaon, Iphiclides podalirius, Zerynthia polyxena, Z. cerisyi, Pamassius mnemosyne, & P. apollo. [J. M.] Niculescu, E. V., "Quelques remarques sur Pieris napi hryoniae Hbn. (Lep. Pieri­ dae)" [in French]. Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Luon, 30: 232-234. 1961. For the author, bryoniae is not a bona species, only a subspecies of P. napi of the high altitudes. [Po V.] Niellwenhllis, E. J., "On the femalc of Charaxes mars Stgr. 1886 ( Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)." Ent. Berichten, 19: 37-40, 2 figs. 1959. D escribes & figures '2 '2 of C. m. mars (previously unknown) & C. m. dohertyi (unique ) from Celebes. [Po B. ] Nieuwenhuis, E. J., "A new subspecies of Danaus alb(ll"tls Zinken (Lepidoptera, Danaidae) ." Ent. Berichten, 20: 67-68, 1 fig. 1960. D escribes as new D. a. wegneri ( Rana Mesc, Flores) . [Po B.] Niem;"enhuis, E. J., "Euploea algea m.elanopa Rober 1887 (Lepidoptera, Danaidae)" [in Dutch; English summary]. Ent. Berichten, 20: 217-218. 1960. On identity of species. [Po B.] Nieuwenhllis, E. J., "Over de Vindu.!a-speeies in het oostelijk deel van de Indo­ nesisehe archipel en op Nieuw-Guinca" [in Dutch; English summary]. Ent. Berichten, 22: 69'-76, 4 figs. 1962. Dcseribes as new V. deione ambonensis (Ambon), V. arsinoe m oluccallfl (Telcwang, Halmaheira). Distinguishes the spp. & their races in New Guinea & Indonesia. [Po B.] Obraztsov, Nikolaus S., "OSTHELDERIELLA amardiana, neue Gettung und Art der Tribus L aspeyresiini (Lepidoptera, 'l'ortricidae)" [in German]. Mitt. miinch­ ner ent. Ces., 51: 150-153, I pI., 2 figs. 1961. Type locality Sardab Valley, Elburs Mts., 1,000-1,400 m , N. Iran. [Po B.] Obraztso v, Nikolaus, "Zwei neue lind zwei wenig bekannte palaearktische Argy­ roploce-Arten (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae)" [in German]. Mitt. miinchner ent. c es., 51: 154-158, 4 pIs. 1961. Describes as new A. e-rnestiana (Akshehir, 1,000 Il1, Anatolia ), A. pfeifferian{/ ( Achyr Dagh, Bcrtlz Jaila, 1,800 m, S. Syria). Notes on A. ]J redotai & A. hyperbol'eana, with descriptions of ~ genitalia. [Po B.] 246 Recent Literature on Lepidoptera Vol. 19, no. 4 Obraztsov, Nicholas S., "North American species of the genus Eana, with a general review of the genus, and descriptions of two new species (Tortrieidae)." Jour. Lepid. Soc., 16: 175-192,7 figs. 1963. Describes as new E. (SUBEANA) (type canescana); E. (Ablabia) suhargentana (17 mi E. of Mayfield, Utah), E. (A.) idahoensis (Alturas L., Idaho) . Okada, Muneo, "Thc genera Evippe and Stenolechia, of Japan, with the descrip­ tions of two species of the latter (Lepidoptera: Gelee\)iidae)." Trans. Shikoku ent. Soc., 7: 41-53, 5 pIs. 1961. Describes as new S. issikiella (Sakai, Osaka Pref.). Transfers ReCllrvaria dorsalis & R. syrichtis to Evippe; redeseribes these spp. & S. notomochla, & describes larvae of the Evippe spp. (food plants LesJ7l'deza & Pinus, respectively). [Po B.] Okada, Muneo, "The family Xylorictidae of Japan (Lepidoptera)." Trans. Shikoku eni . Soc., 7: 81-96, 5 pIs. 1962. Cives characters of family & of the 4 Japanese genera, keys to genera, & descriptions of 5 of the 8 Japanese spp.; 4 are new to Japan. [Po B.l Okano, Masao, "Descriptions of a new species and a n ew genus of Plusiinae from Japan (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)." Insecta matsumu1'ana, 25: 91-92, 1 fig. 1963. Describes as new NEOPLUSIA (monobasic), N. fl1Tihatai (Fujisaki, Homori Pref., Honshu). [Po B.] Oku, Toshio, "A Ilew mint borer of Tortricidae from Japall, with description of a new gellus (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)." Insecta matStlffll1rana, 26: 104-107, 2 figs. 1963. Describes as new ALLOENDOTHENTA (monobasic), A. menthivom (Nokkeushi, Hokkaido); detailed description of larva. [Po E.) Oku, Toshio, "Descriptions of two new alpine moths of Archipsini from Japan (Lep­ idoptera: Tortricidae)." Insecta matsumumrw, 25: 93-95, I fig. 1963. De­ scribes as new Lozotaenia kumatai (Nagayamadake, Mt. Daisctsu, Hokkaido); C/epsis in signata (Mt. Daisetsu). [Po B.] Opler, Panl, & Jerry A. Powell, "Taxonomic and distributional studies on the west­ ern components of the AJ70demia mormo complex (Rioclinidae) ." JOtlr. Lcpid. Soc., 1.5: 145-171, 1 pI., 1 fig. "1961" [1962]. Describes as Ilew A. m. tuolum­ nemis (Crand Canyon of the Tuolumne, Calif.), A. m. dialeuca (5 mi NE of La Encantada, Sierra San Pedro Martir, Baja Calif.). Orfila, Ricardo N., "Las Dalceridae (Lep. Zygaenoidea) argentinas" [in Spanish). Rev. invest. agric., 15: 249-264, 1 pI., 12 figs. 1961. Proposes n. subfam. ACRA­ CINAE. Describes as new DALARCENTINA (Aeraginae) & type D. sexql1icen­ terwria (Parque Nacional Iguazll, Misiones, Argentina); Dalcera haywardi (Salta, dep. Odm, Vespucio, Rio Aguai, Argentina). Redefines fa mily & Argcntine genera (including Aeraga & Zaldaera); redescribes the 3 known Argentine spp. [Po E.) Orfila, Ricardo N., "Morpho breyeri sp. n. (Lep. Morphidae)" [in Spanish; English summary]. Rev. Soc. ent. Argentina, 26: 145-147, 1 pl., 4 figs. 1963. Type locality Caranda, 600 m, provo Ichilo, dep. Santa Cruz, Bolivia. [Po B.] Orfila, Ricardo N., & Sergio Schajovskoy, "Ceometridae (Lep.) del Parque Nacional Lanin (Argentina). III. Ceneros y especies nuevos de Ennominae" [in Spanish; Englisb summary). Physis, 24: 1-10, 3 pIs. 1963. Describes as new MARTIN­ DOELLOIA, & type M. iuradoi (Puca",); FRANCISCOJA, & type F. morenoi (Pucara); DACOSTINIA, & type D. fasciata (Pucadl); all from Lanin National Park, Neuquen Prov., Argentina. [Po B.] Ota, Kyozo, & Hiroyuki Kusunoki, "Strymonidia-buttcrflics of Shikoku, with the description of a new species." Trans. Shikoku ent. Soc., 5: 101-103, 1 pI. 19.57. Describes as new S. iyonis (Mt. Saragamine, Ehime-ken, Shikoku). Records & figures of S. lV-alhum fentolli & S. memo [Po B.] Paclt, Jiri, "Cenera of thc Hepialidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera)." JOl1r. Asiatic Soc., 19: 141-148. 19.53. Agrees (with Eltringham and Ford ) that importance of genital armature is overrated as a taxonomic criterion. Attempt to revise generic classification with a key that omits 3 little-known genera Designates Ii epia/us ammon Wallg. as type of new genus EUDALACINA. List of new generic syn- 1965 Iournal of the Lepidopterists' Society 247 onymy of Hepialidae. Includes a brief correction to his diagnosis of Lossbel'gialUl pseuciodimiata that appeared in Tijdschr. Ent., 91: 149-152. [J. D.] dos Passos, Cyril F., "Taxonomic notes on some Nearctic Rhopalocera. 2. Papilio­ noidca." lour. Lepid. Soc., 15: 209~ 225. "1961" [1962]. dos Passos, Cyril F., "The authorship of three scicntific names of Nearctic Rhopalo­ cera variously credited to Boisdllval or Lucas." Jour. Lepid. Soc., 16: 4.5-46. 1962. dos Passos, Cyril F., "The dates of publication of the Histoire Generale et Icono­ graphie des L epidopteres et des Chenilles de l' Amerique Septentrionale, by Bois­ duval and Le Conte, 1829-18.33[-18.34]. Jour. Soc. Bibliogr. IUlt. Hist., 4: 48-56. 19G2. Gives probable dates of publication of 2G parts & of 5 generic & 29 specific names proposecl in the work. [Po B.] dos Passos, Cyril F., "CaZephelis Grote and Robinson, 18G9 ( Insecta, Lepidoptera): proposed use of the Plenary Powers to designate a type-species in conformity with current usage." Bull. zaol. Nomencl., 20: .313-320. 19G3. Proposes naming vir­ giniensis as type, and suppressing Nymphidia & Lephelisca. [Po B.] dos Pass os , Cyril F., "Supplemental notes to previous taxonomic notes on some Nearctic Rhopaloeera." Jam. Lepid. Soc., 17: ]03-104. 19G.3. dos Passos, Cyril F., "A synonymic list of the Nearetic Rhopalocera." Mem. Lepid. Soc., no.l, 14.5 pp. 1964. See Review by F. M. Brown, En!. News, 75( 5): 138- 140. Pastrana, Jose A. , "Una espccie nueva de Lyonetiidae de la Argentina (Lepidoptera)" [in Spanish; English summary]. Acta zool. lilloalUl, 17: 217-2 1H, 2 figs. "1959" [1960]. D escribes as new Phyllocnistis bourquini (Tigre, Provo Buenos Aires; reared from Tcssaria integrifolia). [Po B.] Petersen, Bjorn, "The male genitalia of some Colias specics." IOtlr. Res. Lepid., 1: 1.3.5-1.56, 4 pIs., 6 figs. 1963. Gives a general description of (1; genitalia in Colia.s & Protocolias & discusses variation in some quantitative characters. Gives a key to these genera, the subgenera Colias & Mesocolias, & some .3.5 spp. (not all completely separable). Discusses phylogeny of genus. Figures genitalia of 34 spp. of Colias & related genera. It is not clear whether Protocolias (type im­ perialis) and C. (Mesocoli.as) (type vautieri) are new in this paper. [Po B.] Petersen, Giinther, "Identity, synonymy and generic position of Tinea confusella H .- S.
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