Wetterstrom takes break from giving to receive ... PAGE 13 .· m'community Newspaper Company www.townonline.cbm allstonbrighton FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2002 · Vol. 7, No. 18 I 44 Pages 13 3 Sections 75¢ • Jhename l..e ,~ Martin ...AstOn Martin" "This is not the car business. This is the toy business. People buy them for the same reason you buy tailor-made suits and $100,000 shotguns. Stephen Serio By Phoebe Sweet Aston Martin of New England, STAFF WRITER a local franchise owned by ru.t a strip mall, some body Stephen Serio since 1996 and shops and a car lot, flanked one of only about .20 dealerships P on either side by the cones in the country, .is the number and crumbled pavement of West- three Aston Martin dealer in the em Avenue road construction U.S., behind only Beverly Hills crouches a diminutive dealership and Greenwich, Conn. that attract'> the bare minimum of English company Aston Mar- window shoppers. tin, majority ow.ned by Ford But behind glass walls, guarded since 1987, is less like a compa­ ... by s i gn ~ admonishing covetous , ny than a club .,... the kind of club poseurs not to sit in the automo- one needs a secret handshake and biles, are some of the most osten- a few mi llion bucks to get into. tatious price tags in the automo- You may have heard of their tive game. most famous customer. He goes ST 4f •O Kl TH E LAroBSON Who said location is every- by the unassuming n,ame of Steve Serio, president of Aston Martin of New England, stan- with sorr e of his fleet of autos for sale. The car on the left Is a 1963 ~~ and on thing? ASTON MARTIN, page ~ the right Is the 2003 Vanquish, which Is featured In the lateSt James Bond movie. It's Thanksgiving Learning to s Studi on heKe ls comes For 18th straight year, Jerry Qu11111 to town - invites residents to enjoy a free dihner By Damian J. Troise CORRESPONDENT By Phoebe Sweet mood," said Quinn. ··You look STAFF WRITER around and see the id-,. Ifs' On the big screen, he plays powerful and intimidating war­ amazing." Sitting in the darkened bar­ riors, like Magua in 'The Last of And this year. as he ~as for the room of .The Kells among up­ the Mohicans" and Geronimo in past 17 years. Quinn \\ill \\Cl­ side-down chairs stacked on ta­ '·Geronimo: An American Leg­ come the families ofi Albton­ bles. for two and with the dim end," bur off screen he is a per­ Brighto~ to share their hieal with tight from the front windows sonable laid-back man with a him from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on barely illuminating the large, sense of humor and an array of Thanksgiving DJ.). empty room, it is hard to picture talents. With a wanmg eco omy that 300 people feasting on turkey Wes Studi takes on the role of doesn't show of impro' e­ and fixings. .,1gm. Joe Leaphom lin the upcoming But as Jerry Quinn, owner of ment, Quinn expects re need) film adaptation of Tony Hiller­ the restaurant, bar and dance club families to come this )Car than man's novel, "Skinwalkers," on Brighton Avenue, begins to ever before. which airs this Sunday on the describe the faces of the children "It's amazing ho\\ man) peo­ PBS Mystery! Serjes, present¢ who come to enjoy a free, three­ ple get laid off eYCI) a):· said PHOTO BY ZARA TZANEV by WGBH Boston. Studi, a Coach Jack Dolan helps Calle Richman, age 4, during skating·1essons at Daly Skating Rink in course Thanksgiving dinner each Quinn. Cherokee, plays the veteran cop Quinn abo e\pe ts more Cleveland Circle. The MDC is currently holding lessons for people of all ages. year, the room begins to fill. STUDI, page 27 'They are in such a joyous QUINrt, page 12 INSIDE The Chairman always ., rings twice·· 0 'Shaugnessy chiming . in at Scullers · ~ By Matthew S. Robinson Robert Woodruff CORRESPONDENT takes over the ART During the Golden Age of Vegas, a group of .,.SEEPAGE 15 singer/scoundrels made a name for themselves that has surviwed every one of them. Frank Sinatra, "Rich a Ding Ding" will be per­ . ., Dean Martin, formed at Scullers 400 Sol· Ea.•Y dea Sammy Davis .Jr. diers Field Road, Boston, at 8 Duet o the Thanksgiving holiday, there is · (and to a lesser ex­ p.m. on Nov. 26. For tickets an early deadline for next week's tent, Peter Lawford and information, call 617· 562· paper. The deadline for all items for and Joey Bishop) 4111 or go to www.scullers­ the Nov. 29 edition of the Allston- jazz.com. Brighton TAB is 10 a.m. on Monday, ruled 'The Strip" like Nov. 25. Anythi?ig submitted after that the kings on the time will be held until the following poker tables. Their (in)famous acts of debauchery and STAFF PHOTO BY JIM WALKER derring-do, along with their unavoidable popularity and week. Isabel Donellon of Brighton, seated left, sings Stnd perfonns right along wltlJ Carol O'Shaughnessy, right, during Tuesday's perfonnance of "That's Entertainment: The Music of Judy Garland and Uza Mlnelll" at the Faneuil Branch Library In 'pervasiveness, led them to have bestowed upon them O'SHAUGNESSY, page 12 INSIDE Brighton. O'Shaugtmessy will be at Scullers on Nov. 26. •:(\q, -It '{0 Al.so sptcid rrowP• Commentary 10 l\'IAEt c.~\' ~I) ~~-,,'cc :JI:.,, for kids & runagm SIMPLY FREE " '\~ .,•• ".)j_' '""' ~~~ ,-;~'-' ~ l • • New Fail °"''" Community Notes 3 CHIROPRACTH ~o-<''0' >• ; for Kids and Tetn<l(tn r • CHECKING 25 }1:.1~ cxpenence 4 Call Customer Service Learn to dance Crim~ Sports for more details Private and group lessons with or without partner • weekly dances • low rates ~21 Education 25 Auto Wedding preparation specials Shawmut Properties MERCA 1TIIE °&NK Work Injuries (lj 'FREE Uooll~©!l'il' ®OO<illi' •1 34 Tremont Street • Brighton Ubrary Notes 5 Banking on a first name basis 61°7-566-7850 Your Neighborhooi Realtor® 423 Washington Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Obituaries 9 617-783-3500 . bf New England 556 Cambridge St.1 Brighton ··t (617) 787-2121 www.mercantileboston.com ~ 384 Harvard St. Brookline 26 www.DanceSport·NewEngland.com Politlcal Notebook ( 61 7) 7 8 7 -87 00 331 Washington St. (Brighton Center) I Member FDIC , 1 t t Page 2 ·Allston-Brighton TAB Friday, November n, 2002 . www.townonline.com/allstonbrighton ~~-:-~~~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 ~~ ·. l ' We want yQUr news! COMMUNITY t AOL Keyword ~~~~~PER THIS WEEK on ow Town Online •• W<rjne Braverman (781) 433-8365 •' Welcome to the Allston-Brighton TAB! We • • • [email protected] The Allston-Brighton TAB is published online at onlin e.com/allsto~brighton and AmeNc&' ... rl •· are eager to senie as a forum for the communi Reporter . • . • • • • • , •••• Phoebe Sweet (781) 433-8333 Online Keyword: Town Online. To wn Online features from more than 45 local publications, Pt<>-= ti· 1 ~. ty. Plea~e send us calendar listings, social •••• [email protected] fifes of more than 200 Eastern Massachusetts co "ties, and items of regional interest. · ~: news flnd any other items of community Edilol' ip chief...... .•.. Greg Reibman (781) 433-8345 · 't intera..t. Please mail the information to Wayne • • . • [email protected] ·' ~r Braverman, editor, Allston-Brighton TAB, Advertising Director . • Cns Warren (781) 433-8313 Advertising sales • • • . Harriet Steinberg (781) 433-7865 P.O. Box 9112, Needham, MA 02492. You Town Online has anew f:: Real Estate sales • • .•• Mark R Macrelli (781) 433-8204 look! The largest news­ ! may fax material to (781) 433-8202. Our Russian section adurtising .. Yun Tabansky (617) 965-1673 Holiday Gift Gulde paper website in Eastern Arts & Entertainment deadline for press releases is Monday, 5 ~.m. , Class10ed"1elp wanted • . • . • . • . • • • . (800) 624-7355 ' p: Parking lots are mobbed, Massachusetts has been Find out what's hip and prior to the next Friday's issue. Calendar listings.. • • • • • • • • • •......... (781) 433-8211 . : lines are long and time is completely redesigned happening in Eastern Massa­ •· Residents are· invited to call us with story Newsroom lax numrer .... .....•.• •• .'(781) 433-8202 short. The holidays are here, with an emphasis on local chusetts. Click on Town 1:: ideas or reaction to our coverage. Please call Artsi1istings fax 11umber ..... ...•.•.••• (781) 433-8203 and the HIASYS Holiday Gift news and breaking Onhne's all-new Arts & Enter­ ~Allston-Brighton TAB Editor Wayne To subscribe. call ...................... (888) 343-1960 Guide offers a preview of stories. The site is both tainment section for all the lat­ Gener111TAB numbur .. • ......... (781) 433-8200 easily oavi~ated and :: Braverman at (781) 433~8365 or News what's going to be hot this est dining, music, museums, Hews e·mail • • • ••........ allston-brighton@cnc com more user-friendly. :;_Reporter Phoebe Sweet at (781) 433-8333 holiday season. • literature, performing arts, and Spcl!1s 1 . allston-brighton.sports@cnc com Check 1t out. movie news. "" with your ideas and suggestions. Events calendar • • ..... a!lston·[email protected] http:/ / glftgulde.hlasys.com/ .. ";: Arts arid enterta1mr ent . • . • • •. [email protected] www.townonllne.com www .townonllne.com/ arts : ~ Arts calendar. • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • [email protected] # ~ CNC E•itor in chief . .. Kevin R. [email protected] ' # , I TOWN ONLINE INDEX r 1;: The Allston-Brighton TAB (USPS 14-706) is published by TAB C::irnmunity ~ 254 Second Ave., Needham, MA 02494. J"~ weekly. Periodicals postage paid at Boston, MA. Postmaster: Send addres1j COIT9Ctioos 11> lhe Alstoo·Brighlon TAB, 254 Second • Metro}Yest Dally News • Parents and Kids • Towp Online Business 1' ! : Ave., Needham, MA 02494. TAB Community Newspapers assurT!EIS no responsibilily for lllJStalces In adverusements but will repnnt www .metrowestdailynews.com www.townonllne.com/ Directory I~ that part which is incorrect if notice is given within three wor1Qng days of ~publication date C Cop~hl 2002 by TAB Communit • Arts All Around parentsandklds www.townonllne.com/ shop ; f ty Newspapers.
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