May 6, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S3785 Those who knew Matthew Lieutenant Matthew Vandergrift’s and planting their crops. Many of them Vandergrift describe him as a true pa- stature in life is matched only by the rely on the H–2A program to find sea- triot, committed to his country, his depth of his sacrifice—and the void he sonal and temporary skilled workers to family, his friends, and to helping leaves behind. To Matthew’s family, I assist them in their time-honored those around him. He was full of en- know no words that can ease the pain work. ergy and laughter, and was always of losing a son or a brother. I hope that This program is vital to Wyoming’s looking for the next adventure. in time you will find consolation in the agricultural industry. That is why I Matthew grew up in Austin, TX, and pride you must feel for Matthew’s serv- joined my friend Senator ENZI in ask- attended Texas A&M University, where ice and for the joy he brought to all ing the Department of Labor to extend he graduated with honors in 2005. He who knew him. He was a patriot and a the public comment period on its pro- was a member of the Corps of Cadets hero. His country will always honor his posed rule changes to the program. and Naval ROTC at Texas A&M, ma- sacrifice. Many Wyoming employers have not jored in international business, and f had a 4.0 grade point average. had an opportunity to fully review the When he became a marine in 2005, CELEBRATING NATIONAL proposed changes. I recognize that im- Matthew joined a proud family tradi- SALVATION ARMY WEEK provement in the program is needed. tion of military service. His father was Mr. LUGAR. Mr. President, I wish to We must improve its efficiency for a major in the Marine Corps, his share my enthusiasm for a celebration both workers and employers. younger brother Barrett is an Air that is soon to take place across Amer- Recently, there was a very thought- Force helicopter pilot, and his great ica, National Salvation Army Week. ful editorial which was printed in the uncle was GEN Alexander Vandergrift, The Salvation Army has been serving Wyoming Livestock Roundup on April a World War II Medal of Honor recipi- and enriching American communities 12. ent and the 18th Commandant of the for over 125 years. Since 1954, when The editorial was written by Bryce U.S. Marine Corps. President Eisenhower declared the first Reece. Bryce is the executive vice- When he was killed, Lieutenant National Salvation Army Week, local president of the Wyoming Woolgrowers Vandergrift was in the middle of a units and State divisions have used Association and I believe he does a ter- year-long deployment that began last this time to celebrate the charitable rific job of summing up the feelings of August. Tasked with helping train work they have accomplished and call all Wyoming farmers and ranchers. Iraqi security forces, his team of four attention to forthcoming projects. It is I recommend it to my colleagues and marines lived and patrolled together a time of heightened activism for the ask that it be printed in the RECORD. with 50 Iraqis. They were performing organization and its members. But this There being no objection, the mate- sweeps in Basra in an attempt to calm week is also an opportunity, a chance rial was ordered to be printed in the violence, root out pockets of insur- for us to thank the corps’ members for RECORD, as follows: gents, and stand up an Iraqi unit that the wonderful gifts of servanthood and COMMENT QUICKLY ON IMMIGRATION REFORM could take charge of the security re- volunteerism they have shown. sponsibilities in the area. It was a dan- I recognize the many lives the Salva- (By Bryce Reece) gerous mission in one of the most dan- tion Army has touched through its im- Apparently frustrated with Congress and gerous places in Iraq. But it was also a portant work, and I am deeply thank- its lack of action regarding our immigration vital mission, and one that demanded ful for the men and women who offer laws, the Bush administration has decided to the smarts, courage, and character for their time and energy in realization of reform some aspects of our system adminis- which Lieutenant Vandegrift was its cause. tratively. known. Furthermore, I am especially pleased On Feb. 13 the Department of Labor (DOL) Each of our men and women in uni- to note that several Indiana commu- issued a 47-page proposal to amend regula- tions regarding nonimmigrant workers em- form is a patriot—they stand up at the nities will be host to their own festivi- call of their country and assume the ployed in temporary or seasonal agricultural ties in honor of this occasion. jobs. Contractual enforcement of non- task of service. But Matthew In Chesterton, IN, a public concert immigrant workers and employer respon- Vandergrift was also a patriot in a will be held on Saturday, May 17, with sibilities are also addressed. These proposed broader sense. Frances Wright, one of a performance by the Chicago Brass changes would supposedly ‘‘re-engineer’’ the America’s most famous lecturers, re- Band. In Bloomington, interested par- process by which employers may obtain tem- minds us that patriotism is not simply ties will be able to partake in ‘‘Donut porary labor certification from the DOL for one’s love and dedication to country. Day’’ on May 13 and a family Block use in petitioning the Department of Home- Patriotism, she observes, is a virtue Party on May 15. Columbus, IN, will fly land Security (DHS) to employ a non- that characterizes an individual’s com- the Salvation Army flag over its city immigrant worker in H–2A (agricultural temporary worker) status. mitment to the public good, to the hall for the entire week. Indianapolis preference of the interests of the many Workers from outside the U.S. are not only will witness a ‘‘Ramp to Camp’’ fund- vital to Wyoming and the nation’s sheep in- to the interests of the few, and to the raiser organized to send at-risk youth dustry, but are becoming increasingly impor- love of liberty. ‘‘A patriot,’’ she told an to summer camps. Fort Wayne-based tant to all of Wyoming’s livestock industry. Indiana crowd on July 4, 1828, ‘‘is a use- Salvation Army volunteers will hold a As importantly, they are vital to all of U.S. ful member of society, capable of en- Thank-a-Thon. New Albany, IN, will be agriculture. As the DOL noted in its pro- larging all minds and bettering all the site of several open house events. posal, ‘‘Data from the National Agricultural hearts with which he comes in contact; The list continues; these are just a few Worker Survey (NAWS) . shows that in a useful member of the human family, of the many noteworthy events that I 2006, 19 percent of all agricultural workers were first-time U.S. farm workers.’’ Among capable of establishing fundamental am confident will be a time of joy and principles and of merging his own in- the new workers, 85 percent were foreign- fellowship for participants. born and 15 percent were U.S. citizens. A new terests, those of his associates, and I hope you will join me in extending worker is defined as anyone with less than a those of his nation in the interests of best wishes and fine weather upon all year’s experience. the human race.’’ those involved in this year’s National Legally bringing in workers from outside We cannot count the hearts that Salvation Army Week, May 11 to 17. of the United States is a laborious, tedious, Lieutenant Vandergrift touched nor f time-consuming and expensive proposition. the lives he bettered—that knowledge This statement has become increasingly true rests in the memories of those who AGRICULTURAL TEMPORARY since 9/11. Increased and heightened security knew him and served with him—but we WORKERS has made the process a bureaucratic and ad- may hope to emulate his model of pa- Mr. BARRASSO. Mr. President, ministrative maze, one that many employers triotism. It is no easy task. It is rare every spring season brings many de- are on the verge of abandoning. Faced with the increased difficulty of compliance, that a man puts himself on the line for mands on the time of farmers and smothering and draining regulations and a his country and for those with whom ranchers in my home State of Wyo- seemingly endless parade of federal bureau- he served with such courage, with such ming. crats throwing up roadblocks, it’s hard for heart, and with such a smile, as Mat- They are busy tending to their live- people in the countryside trying to run a thew. stock, newly born calves and lambs, business and do things right. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:37 Sep 14, 2008 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD08\RECFILES\S06MY8.REC S06MY8 mmaher on PROD1PC76 with CONG-REC-ONLINE S3786 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE May 6, 2008 A lack of U.S. workers interested in or Institute a new auditing process to verify I hope you visit my Asian Pacific seeking employment in agriculture has com- that employers have, in fact, met their re- American Heritage Month web feature pounded the problem. While those in agri- sponsibilities under the H2–A program. to learn more about how the APIA culture have seemed to be ‘‘crying in the wil- Alter the current H2–A housing inspection community has shaped our Nation’s derness’’ about this worker shortage, some procedures.
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