dennis hanthorn - Zurich General Director APRIL 9,I2,I5,I7(M), 2OII Opera Guide Synopsis: Così fan tutte Act II Despina continues to soften the resolve of the sisters. They agree to allow a flir- tation and accept Don Alfonso’s invita- tion to return to the garden. Dorabella accepts a locket from Guglielmo and gives him her portrait of Ferrando in return. Ferrando has less luck. Fiordiligi admits to herself that the stranger at- tracts her. A distraught Ferrando tells Guglielmo of Fiordiligi’s indifferent response. Guglielmo berates woman- kind. Dorabella is ready to marry her new lover and is annoyed by Fiordiligi’s pangs of conscience. Fiordiligi decides A scene from The Atlanta Opera’s 000 production of Cosi fan tutte by J.D. Scott to disguise herself as a soldier and search out Ferrando and Guglielmo. Hav- Act I ing overheard her plans, Guglielmo is Fiordiligi and Dorabella, two sisters The young men agree to try anything to impressed. When Ferrando renews his from Ferrara, meet and become engaged sway the loyalty of their sweethearts – pursuit, Fiordiligi’s resistance crumbles. to two officers in the local regiment: romance, threats, even suicide – for the It is now Guglielmo’s turn to rage at Fiordiligi to Guglielmo, and Dorabella harder they test the faithfulness of Fiordil- his betrayal. Don Alfonso advises them to Ferrando. The two young soldiers are igi and Dorabella, the better proof they to marry their sweethearts anyway. All so certain of the constancy of their fian- will have of their unswerving affections. women are weak, he says. Despina an- cées that they let themselves be drawn For his part in this charade, Don Alfon- nounces the women’s willingness to into a wager with Don Alfonso. The so enlists the help of Despina, the clev- marry. Disguised as a notary, Despina cynical philosopher finds the naiveté of erest of ladies’ maids. She is certain that presents the wedding contracts, which his young protégés amusing. In his opin- the women will give in eventually. the lovers sign. Everyone panics when ion, no woman is ever true to her word, Don Alfonso announces the return of especially in matters of love – they are While in the garden lamenting their Ferrando and Guglielmo. The men re- variable and not to be trusted. To prove loss, Dorabella and Fiordiligi are ap- turn to discover the wedding contracts. his point, Don Alfonso convinces the proached by their disguised suitors. They berate their faithless lovers. Dora- disbelieving young men to take part in In order to prove their love for the la- bella and Fiordiligi admit their guilt but a charade. After saying their good-byes, dies they pretend to drink poison. The protest that Despina and Don Alfonso Ferrando and Guglielmo leave with women are frightened and call for help. set them up to it. Don Alfonso reveals the other soldiers as if they have been Despina enters, disguised as a doctor, the plot. The women beg forgiveness, called to war. Then in disguise as exotic and cures the men, who are still rejected which their lovers readily grant. Albanians, Sempronius and Tizio, they by the women. return to woo each other’s betrothed. Character Map Fiordiligi Despina Dorabella Engaged to Guglielmo Scheming Maid Engaged to Ferrando Ferrando Guglielmo Ferrando Guglielmo (In Disguise) (In Disguise) Don Alfonso Mastermind Meet the Composer: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart the new prince archbishop, Count Hi- state functions. The position was hardly eronymus Colloredo, was appointed in worthy of his skills and generated only a 77, Mozart also found he was released modest income, a weighty concern now for guest engagements with less fre- that debts had begun to mount. Joseph quency. Though his position improved II commissioned another opera from and a generous salary was offered, the Mozart, Così fan tutte, which premiered composer felt the Salzburg musical January 6, 790. The emperor was too scene was stifling for a man of his enor- ill to attend the opening and died the mous promise and creativity. following month. His brother, Leopold II, assumed leadership, and Mozart Things came to a head in 78 imme- hoped to be appointed Kapellmeister – diately after the successful premiere of instead he merely received a continu- Mozart’s first mature work, Idomeneo, ance of his previous position. in Munich. The archbishop, then visit- ing Vienna, insisted the composer join Crisis hit in 79. Constanze’s medical him there. Never did Mozart better un- treatments at Baden and the birth of a derstand his position in the household second child pushed their finances to a than during that sojourn, when he was critical point. Mozart’s friend and fel- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart seated at the dinner table below the low Freemason, the impresario Eman- prince’s personal valets and just above uel Schikaneder, suggested he try his b. Salzburg, January 27, 1756; d. Vienna, the cooks. He requested to be perma- luck with the suburban audiences at December 5, 1791 nently discharged from his duties, and his Theater auf der Wieden. Composi- Child wonder, virtuoso performer and after several heated discussions his peti- tion of The Magic Flute began early that prolific creative artist, Mozart is the first tion was granted, punctuated by a part- summer but had to be halted when two composer whose operas have never been ing kick in the pants. generous commissions came his way: a out of repertory. His prodigious talents requiem for an anonymous patron (who Now completely on his own for the first were apparent very early in his life; by hoped to pass it off as his own composi- time, Mozart embarked on several hap- the age of four he could reproduce on tion), and an opera seria to celebrate the py years. He married Constanze Weber, the keyboard a melody played to him, at new emperor’s coronation as King of sister to his childhood sweetheart Aloy- five he could play the violin with perfect Bohemia. La clemenza di Tito premiered sia, and premiered a new work, Die En- intonation and at six he composed his September 6, and The Magic Flute was tführung aus dem Serail (The Abduction first minuet. completed in time to open September from the Seraglio), at the Burgtheater. 0. The Requiem, however, remained in- A musician himself, Wolfgang’s father, Mozart also gave concerts around Vien- complete, and as Mozart’s health began Leopold, immediately saw the potential na, presenting a number of new piano to fail, the composer feared he was writ- of his son’s talents. With the mixed mo- concertos and symphonies. His chief ing his own death mass. In December tives of religious piety and making a tidy concern was to procure a position at Mozart died at the age of 5 and was giv- profit, Leopold embarked on a series of the imperial court. A small commission en a simple funeral by his impoverished concert tours showing off the child’s ex- came his way from the emperor for a widow, then buried in an unmarked traordinary talents. Often playing with his one-act comedy, Der Schauspieldirektor grave on the outskirts of Vienna. sister Maria Anna (“Nannerl”), herself an (The Impresario), given in the same eve- accomplished musician, young Wolfgang ning as Antonio Salieri’s Prima la musica Courtesy of Minnesota Opera charmed the royal courts of Europe, from e poi le parole (First the music, then the those of Austrian Empress Maria Theresa, words), to celebrate the visit of the em- French King Louis XV and English King peror’s sister, Marie Christine, and her George III, to the of lesser principalities husband, joint rulers of the Austrian of Germany and Italy. Netherlands. As Mozart grew older, his concert tours The Marriage of Figaro, Mozart’s first turned into a search for permanent em- true masterpiece for the imperial court, ployment, but this proved exceedingly premiered at the Burgtheater in 786 difficult for a German musician in a and went on to Prague the following market dominated by Italian compos- year where it was a huge success. Don ers. Although many of his early operas Giovanni premiered in Prague in 787 were commissioned by Milanese and to great acclaim, but its Vienna pre- Munich nobles (Mitridate, Ascanio in miere in 788 was coolly received. By Alba, Lucio Silla, La finta giardiniera), this time, Mozart had received a mi- he could not rise beyond concertmaster nor imperial posting, Kammermusicus, of the Salzburg archbishopric. When which required him to write dances for Così fan tutte or “Women Are Like That” If you stopped someone on the street The plot of the opera is simple: two of ensembles during which the plot is and rattled off the names of Mozart’s young men put the fidelity of their fi- moved forward more so than is usual three Italian operas, you’d get smiles ancées to the test by disguising them- for ensemble numbers in opera buffa. of recognition when you spoke the selves and embarking upon an elabo- And, Mozart uses a surprising amount titles The Marriage of Figaro or Don rate seduction scheme urged on by an of obbligato recitative, giving Così a Giovanni. However, upon mouthing elder gentleman whose faith in the flavor from the opera seria time peri- the words Così fan tutte, or even its fickleness of women has long ago been od. Throughout the opera the pacing typical translation, “Women Are Like firmly ingrained. The opera ends hap- is unparalleled. Mozart’s musical com- That,” you would probably encoun- pily (a pleasant surprise in the opera!) position, on the whole, leaves little to ter relatively few knowing nods.
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