• •-,- r Far All Department* i' , 9m-Si vBW.mj j^J |ao>e*s. U» la the Ms by SHadyiide 1-0010 Mgk la IMM4 OUlr. Mooatr ttretmi f*l*ur. wur** u Iteaa Ciu* MittM VOLUME LXXXU NO. 59 M IkiM Otfie* M ft* auk. H. J.. ndtr Uw AM « Itarck *, im RED BANK. N. J., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 6, 1959 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE $457,829 Is Low Bid Strike Probers Won't En OnRt. 35 Widening s TRENTON - Michael J. Ste vola. Inc., Middletown, waa the Balmy Today, But Stalled Law Against Quiz Rigs; low bidder yesterday for a con- tract to widen Rt. 35 in Shrews- 'Brrntfi Tomorrow Network Chiefs bury and a 1.300-foot stretch in No Signs Seen front of the Monmouth Shopping LONG BRANCH - Dca't wa> Center. Eatontown. pack yaor Bsrnwdas, that "la- Of Settlement Plan 'Doesn't The bid was $4M,BM0. l W There were oaty two other bids. In Any Avenue Go Far Enough' la fact, by timirriw. ITU They came from Manto Contract WASHINGTON (AP) - laves* tag Co.. Inc., Matawan, $403,071.- WASHINGTON (AP) — The aaarea ta It, (act steel strike today entered its gating congressmen offered ttNj* SB, aid Brana * Stuart Co.. Tren- support today for a network pres- ton. tH7.47l.15. short ef the IMS ree> 115th day with peace talks at a standstill, and not a sign from ident's proposal to make jfc** A spokesmani for the State ar*V crime to rig a te!eviilan,/qaB Highway Department aaid it will Today's mercury should any direction that a settlement reach late the Tss, WBUaaa D. might be near. show. They aaid it doesn't fa probably be two to four weeks far. enough. before contracts are awarded. Martla, weatherman, says. The nation-end the deadlocked VsstatooyM law lisas sister* ia industry and union negotiators— Robert E. Kintner, president of e»| ^^ — *f^*V M Wk t^lBMiiill^^ SSBAA still awaited the Supreme National; BroadcMting Co., Offidaia and reaMeata la ManBaHvlHt iwo •«§ ••JWwWt «*jaw Court's decision Whether to sus- a the specific proposal for a Shrewsbury and Red Bank are twe degrees taatoatffm tain or knock down a Taft-Hart- news liw, yeaterdey and said, it hoping the plans to widen Rt. 39 ley law injunction ordering the would bettatop the todustry/s of. will be torpedoed by tha federal 500,000 striking steel workers feels fo pbtfee itself. ••;*•?..;;:... Bureau of Public Roads. Tha bu- back to their Jobs for SO days. reau la reviewing tha plans to Whether Ike ruUaaj. wauM todayfrom Fraa*gtsa^prao. see if protests voiced in the Panama cease today or later remained two boroughs warrant scrapping the eaurt'a own secret. The eastiag System; ffewaaeaaaif the program. geverameat obtained the ta- aa the Beat wUesas ki|ktoafi The, highway departmen Tension juaettoa ks Federal court la teat nhawaf •• laMaoiadiai aaid the three bids ware aa unus- aare than two • ^we* •^sapssas^ ^ra ejssaj a*a>w^a^ejM**rajo«BBBj,.. ually small number to bo re- by the Hesse asbeeofmittee m<r ceived on a road construction m abeyance peadleg the legfauatlva ever sight. -' - /.:.. Eases Five of the subcommittee's alne plan. Target date for completion PANAMA (AP) — Panamanian of appeal. r* the protect is Aur. ' P*~ In obtaining the back-to-work members took issue with the nationalists finally planted their scope of Kintner'* proposed new Ask ration's flag in the Panama Ca- order, the government argued Red Bank and Shrewsbury said A NIW CROU—Cooper McCarthy putt ffnithtng that the strike menaced the pub- law. Any legislation, they said, nal Zone. yesterday. Panaman- should go much farther- aad Wednesday they would seek help ian troops rushed to. cleared out touchot on a now cross atop St. John's Episcopal Church lic health and safety-a conten- from their three county legisla- tion the striking United Steel- should strike at finagling and dis- the crowd of about Ml without In Little Silver. Mr, McCarthy made the wooden cross tors to have a bill introduced violence and took down the flag. workers union fought vigorously, OKPHANED IY SPilDERS — Michoel T.deichi, 5, lies honesty in every phase of die which would shift the proposed Anti-American tension appeared the same slie as a cross which wit blown off tha church all the way up through the Su- business. ''- linctonicious on New York itreet, sole survivor of ereth Typical of •their comment la Rt IS freeway to bypass both ising In tha Central American more) than a year ago. Helping in the operation,, from preme Court's hearing on the communities.. appeal Tuesday. that killed hit permit and younger brother yesterday. separate interviews was the ,r*e republic after a plea for moder- top to.bottom, are David Siogel and Henry Germond. 1 action Qf Rep. Walter' Rogers Both boroughs claim relocation ation on both side* by President On Capitol Hill Sen. Wayne Grim reminder of tragedy i* his father 1 shoe, torn off v (D-Tex.) , . ' . j. of the freeway would eliminate Ernesto da la Guardia. Jr. All, aro vostrymon of the church. Mr. Garmond olio is Morse (D-Ore.) announced he by impact. Victor Tedeichi, 41, hit wife, Louise, 40, the need for widening of Rt. 3S "There should ba a penalty <tai U. S. troops who had been o{unior warden af St.'John's. will ask Congress next year to and their other ton, Thomas, 3, were killed when their and construction of Jujfhandle manning the Canal Zone boundary give the President potent new anybody who perpetrates a f turns at Shrewsbury's northern after violent outbursts by nation- powers to halt strikes threaten- car was rammed by two teenagers fleeing police in on the airwaves, and that I and southern borders. •iiasn4 - otnKMutnnfM * *t TUtMBsoe] ^ ing to create national emergen- stolen ear. Michael it in critical condition with a broken advertising," Rogers ssid. Rep. Joke) B. " run handed control back to the tone's cies. arm, cuts and internal injuries. Police seized Albert Big< from Wall Township to the Eaton- regular police. State Okays Raritan He said he wffl latfodaee a Mich) said "It « glo, 16, end WilJiam Harris, IS, as occupants of the aeraaa the beard, to i town-Shrewsbury border. The De la Guardia pinned much of bin to provide aHeraattv* pro- 1 fear in Rod Bank and Shrewsbury the Mama for tha violence oa tha stolen car. (AP Wirephotol la any Mad ef program. is that motorists leaving tha free- American potfce and troops for Under one approach ta fie ' Committee Chairman Oreo Har> way will turn Rt SI into an o» usb* forceaaalMt the demon-School Bond Issue Morse plaa, the Proa Id en t ris (D-Ark), one of .'our taffl* IWi l - a tolt ben wko did not announce i#> }? .J v fL Wfc TUa strators who triad to cross the RARITAN^rOWNSHIP-County ture. with the eastern half to be rect stend, aaid a* yesterday'e woiUd effect traffic flow, WioesewMj border Tuesday-on Pane- School Superutendent Earl B. single storyand the wsstern half Mra«acy beard whk and the beauty of the boroughs, aeisioo ended' that the •edttKrJ' ma's Mth anatvor- Garriaoa hu advised the Board of two stories. The exterior witt be must "face the facts of life." va> officials say. sary—and plant their flag. Infur- Education that the stato haa ap- brick. Tha Register . ___ lets it polices itself, be afekLaK fdttorlaljy haslatsd-b fcuA byy the oppoattioaef , the aa- proved th* board'* application for The next major jwojeej of the find. faces the prospect of rigid g# •rged the State Highway Depart tknaliste stoned tha American a ll.S00.0M Mgk school bond it- board, which may ba started next : meat to relocate tha fra ... .. year, wm bo alour^or ali-room Seen in Fair Haven ernmem controls. alternative procedure ;:s«ntoer«;'aald'*: would let the Pi rtuderita. the soperimendaat laerate' srere tost as amcN a ported."" V;" ;:•;•;':•'••••;• ; thequlx show frauds as the pub- tthe .PTA census showed*, that Th^'s whai the Board of Edo- 113 kindergarten studenU Will "Wa aaa no _ affordd the Bttt hU network ha* takea vlg- Officials here had hoped that eation learned at it* meeting last entering school next fall and U$efoas step* to *ee that It doesn't - Si bSSS^SSr && p hmiry ;of protonged ddisputes In INK m Division rf Local suck aa that now confronting (he happen..' again, Kteteer eateV ^ *• • " "tteh •* condemns and reproves The high school will be bultt for Robert J. King, a board mem However, Rep. Attch- because they do not behoove an- Go ld permit the is- steel industry," Morse saM. Mr. Howard said that N.B.C. ha* setup a apscfal da> suance of ahort term notes over •Mpppils. tosUrt. andeventnaUy bar, said future enrollment fig- •bout SO student* will be graduat- partment—headed by. aa ex-P.BJ. acored;the "arrogant < thoritiea of a country which will be enlerged to accommodate Strike-halting Injunctions under a period of three years to pay the Tart-Hartley law may be Istire- s .based on.a pre-school cen-ing In June and about M0 theman-to ferret out any dscipllea Vsbira7wlthi«a ter l<00 aqulpmany so ttat -more sued for not more than SO days, sus conducted by /heParent- following year. or fraud. •*»•" and interest in the canal The census estimated, there Dwight R. G. Palmer, highway la WashmgtoB, the SUto De- «««• Projected eniollmwt figures and the court, have no authority ^,J^^I^ be saM, ftMJC *m commissioner, In dealing with to- partmont denlad'that the Ameri- school.
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