Manher of Audit Bureau of CireuUUioH Contents Copyright by the Catholic Press Society, Inc.. 1960 — Pennksioa to Beproduee, Eaeept Lorettine Nuns Will Teach in Bolivia On Arudes Otherwise M art^ , Given After 12 M. Friday Following krao 2 Holy Family High Graduates DENVm CATHOLIC To Open S. America Mission Tw o aduates o f H oly broUier, James, Is a seminar-] Sister Mary Peter was bom REGISTER Family Righ School, Deli­ ian at St. Thomas'. A sister, in Mexico City and attended LilUan, attends Ldretto Heights schools there, in Costa Rica, ver, will open a new foreign VOL. LV. No. fO. THURSDAY, OCTOIER 2 0 . 1960 DENVEIL COLORADO mJ^OD for Uie SUters of College. I (Turn to Page y —Column!) Loretto this week in La Paz, Bolivia. Sister Mary Peter (Patricia Brocc), a gpraduate of Uie dais of ItM, and Sister Peter Mi­ chael (Cwot Dunphy), a grad­ uate of 1941. are two of.th e 27,190 Students Enrolled three nuns wbo have been cho­ sen by tbe LoretUnes' General Council for the new mission in South America. Tbe third mem­ ber of the group k aster Eva Marie, a naUve of New Mexico. The three Lorettine nuns left In Schools of Archdiocese New Orleans.by freighter on OcL 10. They had to ‘travel by boet as they were taking with TOTAL IS NEARLY DOUBLE FIGURE DECADE AGO them house furnishings and other equipmenL Catholic elementary superintendent of schools. the aitohdiocete total 22B14. ver report an enrollment of 70B per cent in Uw other A formal departure ceremony and high schools in the The total Is nesrly double Of Uieae 17B01 are enroUed 730 u compared with 637 in parts of Uw ardidlocue. tbe 16,191 pupils enrolled In in schools of the Denver met­ I960 and 420 in I960. Although the iwoportionste SISTER PETER HICHAEL and Sister Vary Peter was conducted Oct. 4 at Archdiocese of Denver mother-house in Nerinx, Ky., enrolled a new high of archdiocesan schools 10 years ropolitan area and 4,713 in HIGH SCHOOL RATE increau in tbe aebooU consult a m^> and book on South American customs sgo and represents an in­ elementary schools outside The cpre^all in oea u for k somewhat ian than that In at which, in Uie tra^UM of 27,ISO students this year, to tbom pnpart lor Uw new miwiOB beiof opened this crease of 888 over the enroll­ that area. high si^ooia amounts to 619 the elementary seboria, the week in La Pei. Boilria, br the Sisters of Ixvetto. the Lorettines, the three sisters according to figures re­ ment in the past year. The past year the corre­ per cent in 10 years; 63.8 per figures indicate thit Uw pori- XlH two mmt are pochutes of Family Hlah SdiooL received their mission crosses. leased by Monsignor Wil­ This mission assignment in TOTALS LISTED sponding figures were 17,034 cent in the Denver area and (Turii to Pope 5 — Column4) Siter Peter ¥*«*»*i. who was appoiotad nqterior, ii a nathe of liam Jones, arcbdlocesan Elementary school pupils in in Denver; 4JU3 outside Den­ Salt T*it* and ffliter M ny Peter was bom faa Hezieo City. Bolivia marks the second fo^ eii^ mission that has been a^ ver; sod a totaLof cepted by the Lorettine Sisters. Ten years ago there were College Newman Clubs They worked in China until only 9,771 elementary pupik Parishioners improving 1662 when they were forced out Catholics of Archdiocese enrolled in Denver area of that country. schools; 2,402, outside Den­ Mother Mary Luke, Superior ver; for I total of 12,173. Set Congress in Golden General o f thie LoretUnes, made Will Aid Missions of 16-YEAR GROWTH 3 States to Be Represented Church in Georgetown a vUit this summer to Peru A comparison of these fig­ and Bolivia inspecting sites f n ures shows that the element­ By Fiane McCAanr Andrew Warwlrit Newman Qnb Edifice Getting Brick Veneer the mission and she personaUy World on October 23 ary school pt^tulaUoa in tbe ' Newman Clnb delegate! from eh«pi»hi and pastor of S t J(v selected Btdivia and made ar­ Denver area hw grown by 79 eight colleges and unlversiUu le t^ 'i Pariah. Mission Sundsy, OcL 23, will Members of Our of of its rich sDver mlnu, was one rangements to open an ek- Yet government programs in per e n t in tbe 10-year period. of three states will meet for the *Btiwetiire o f the New­ Loardaa Cbnrch in Oeorgetown of the first places visited by mentary schdol for Spanish and give all Catholics an opportun­ themselvu ire not enou^i. Ex­ Tbe enrollment outside Den­ Northeastern Rerional Congreu man Qub FedeitUoD of Na- are now, engaged in a project Father Joaeph P. Machebeuf in Indian children as she thought ity to parUdpate in one of Uw perts in the field of iQtema- ver hu leaped by 96B per of tbe IntenlKnoitaio P r o ^ ce timal, Provinckl, and Loeri o f renovating Use clrards. b k early m W on trips. ttonal relations point oat that cent; and tbe Over-ell Increau of Newman Clubs at the Colo­ the need there greater. most effecUve aid programs of Levek” wUl be the theae ef A now b ri^ veneer is iieing Nearby Silver Plume became Also woiUng in la Fax are what is also needed, along with h u been S2B per cent rado School o f Mina, Golden, Uw meeting. Delegria wfil dk- aD time—one of prayers, aacri- applied to Use walls o f tbe band­ o f almost equal importance, but volunteer priests from the Arch­ these programs, is the '“human” Enrollment in archdiocesan Oct 28. < ^ CUM tbe individual memker’a i t Architect Gerald B. Morse Georgetown w u the county seat diocese of St Louis. They care fieei, and alma offered in the touch, the peraoDii contact Uie high schools this year reached Prior to tbe general sessioiis part in tbe edBCsUonal, ipfrlt- of Denver, a frequent vUtor and has tbe advantage of a more for the Parish of Christ Uw it»mo o f God and country. practice of charity and j u t o 4B76, u compared to 4,746 Uw Newman Club representa- oal, and social aspects e f tbs with his wife to Georgetown, do­ farcraUe site for reaidencea, King The Lorettine Sisters will Everyone knowi that tbe that promotes understanding be­ a year ago and 3,018 in 1900. UvM will attmid a Man at 11 CTganixrilOB. nated hia efforts to Improving tween peoplu. boilnesa bouses, and milk for be ndgbbors to tiie American United States and Ruaiia have The h i^ schools in the Den­ a.gL in S t Jouph's Church, RepresentattvM from Denver tbe dimch. Uw reduction of the ores. priests. invested great aoma o f money BRIDGE ver area accounted for 4,246 Golden, and a lu n ^ in the par­ Unlverrity, Uw Univartto of Uw contractor wtrting on Father John B. Raverdy, pas­ Sister Mary Peter .U Uw and maivower to win tbe lead­ Ikat is one of the reasons do­ students, an increau of 138 ish hall. Criorado, Colorado State Col­ tbe project is Alden Netael, irtw tor of Central City, vidted daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Jamet ers of the wwld to tiwtr sides. nations to the missions are so over the 4,106 enrolled the At 1 pm tbe general seuioni lege, Colorado State Unbwdty, has also donated mncfa id his Georgetown from 1806 until Bruce of S t Catherine’s Parish. The vote for treedmn or slsveiy productive of good. The. UB. past year and of 1,648 over wUl begin in Coolbaugh Hafi at tbe University of Vjpealng, wort; on the churdt 187L He celebrated Hass mostly Her broUwr, John, k a junior in the world may well be de­ priests, sisters, and lay m i^ n - the 2B88 ‘students in I960. tbe Colorado School of Hina Nortbeaiten Jnnlot Coikfe, OTHER PROJECTS {Tvmto Pope 2 — Columns) at Holy Family and anoUwr cided on the basia of such aid. aries aided by our prayers and High achook outside Den­ with an addrea by Father Sterling; and N rin ik a State Tbe commonity of Cstbolici contributions provide the bridge Teachen Crilege of Cbadroo, attending tbe Georgetowa between our country and the Neb., will attend the congiwa. dutreh also bopes to peint the peoples of the world. Over that interior of Uw buildlBg and to Radioisotope Department Is Created 10 Donors Add $37 Frank EetU, president of bridge we approach our less f<n^ •V the Colorado S cl^ of HUm ittstsD a new beating lyitom if tunite “broUien” personally, in auffident foods eao be (d>taiDed. Newman Club and regloaal dL tbe same manner and qiirit rector of the federation wUl be The pariihiaoen are in hopes In Remodeling at Penrose Hospital Chriat. To Priesthood Burse that fom qr swldeots of GeMlie- congren boat How have we done in tbe In addithn to Father War town and passoni wbo have, at­ Penrose Hospital in tbe trsat- Ten donors this week added Paoroee Hoapitai, Celocade evaluaUon of tbe hoapitai con­ fTunitoPaiK 3— Colwnnj) Tbe tom of I6JXI0 wiQ estib- wick. Fathers C h ska TUI of tended tbs A nrcb triiOe ca ve- ment o f their paUeots. Sprtsgi, has just eomplsted an ducted Ang. 9, 1 ^ by C|ri M. $37 to Uw 6t Jude Bone. Ike lirii a seminary bone in per­ Wyoming, Charles Fonytb, caUnas os skiing trips can aid With the opening of the rldlo- total for the fund u t aaide for aztanaive renodriing pcegraa Dtunbauld, M.D., a tepee- More Aosorlos petuity for the education of a 0 E 3 ., o f Boulder, ind S d i ^ tbsm in obtaining the fnads isotopic labm tory at the hos- ol Uw Penrose Cancer H n ^ iL aentaUve of the commiaaion.
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