#5 Island South-East Asia and New Guinea Sumatran orang-utan. The island South-East Asia and New Guinea chapter spans four global biodiversity hotspots. Sundaland supports orang-utan and tiger, the Philippines and Wallacea archipelagos have large numbers of endemic species, and New Guinea has marsupial tree kangaroos and egg-laying echidna. Contents #5 3 _ Ongoing conservation efforts 434 List of figures 394 3.1 Government 436 List of tables 394 3.1.1 Institutions for conservation 436 List of boxes 394 3.1.2 Protected areas 438 List of abbreviations and acronyms 395 3.1.3 Tackling unsustainable exploitation of wildlife 442 3.1.4 National and local policies 443 3.1.5 International agreements and mechanisms 445 3.2 Community-based conservation 447 0 _ Executive summary 398 3.3 Civil society 448 3.3.1 CSO capacity in the region 448 3.3.2 CSO programmes and activities 449 1 _ Background 402 3.4 Private sector initiatives 451 3.5 International agencies and donors 453 1.1 Socio-economic setting 404 1.1.1 Political and administrative context 404 1.1.2 Population and livelihoods 404 1.1.3 Economy 405 4 _ Lessons learned 460 1.1.4 Resource ownership and governance 406 1.2 Key biodiversity features 407 4.1 Protected areas 462 1.2.1 Geography and climate 407 4.2 Landscape conservation approaches 463 1.2.2 Habitats and ecosystems 408 4.3 Wildlife crime 464 1.2.3 Species diversity, endemicity and extinction risk 411 4.4 Civil society 465 1.2.4 Geographic priorities for conservation 413 4.5 The private sector 466 4.6 Access to data and information 467 2 _ Conservation challenges 418 5 _ Strategic approaches 468 2.1 Key direct threats 420 2.1.1 Unsustainable wildlife hunting 420 5.1 Priority geographies (key landscapes for conservation) 470 2.1.2 Logging and wood harvesting 421 5.1.1 Defining KLCs in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 470 2.1.3 Over-extraction of biomass and non-timber forest products 422 5.1.2 KLCs in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 472 2.1.4 Grazing and browsing 423 5.2 Strategic approaches to addressing the main pressures on biodiversity and ecosystems 476 2.1.5 Agricultural expansion and intensification 423 5.2.1 Mitigate conflicts and enhance the effectiveness of protected areas 476 2.1.6 Oil and gas production and mining 426 5.2.2 Encourage the use of landscape approaches 478 2.1.7 Transport and infrastructure 427 5.2.3 Mainstream action on wildlife crime across enforcement and policy-making institutions 479 2.1.8 Invasive species 428 5.2.4 Strengthen the role of civil society and the private sector in biodiversity conservation 479 2.1.9 Pollution of freshwater ecosystems 429 5.2.5 Improve data, knowledge and learning in support of biodiversity conservation 482 2.1.10 Climate change 429 5.3 Conclusion 483 2.2 Drivers of threats 430 2.2.1 Emphasis on economic development 430 2.2.2 Population pressure on resources 431 2.2.3 Weak governance 431 2.2.4 Civil unrest, conflict, insurgency 432 2.2.5 Unsustainable use driven by tenure insecurity and conflict 432 392 | | 393 List of figures List of abbreviations and acronyms Figure 1.1 Land cover map of the island South-East Asia and New Guinea region 411 ACB ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity Figure 1.2 Priority regions for conservation and Global 200 Ecoregions in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 416 ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific developing states (EU categorisation) Figure 1.3 Priority regions for conservation and endemic bird areas in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 417 ADB Asian Development Bank Figure 5.1 Priority regions for conservation and key landscapes for conservation in island South-East Asia and AHP ASEAN Heritage Parks New Guinea 475 APP Asian Pulp and Paper Figure 5.2 Priority regions for conservation, key landscapes for conservation and protected areas (IUCN ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations categories I to IV) in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 475 ASEAN-WEN ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network BIOFIN Biodiversity Finance Initiative (UNDP) BIOPAMA Biodiversity and Protected Areas Management project BMZ Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit (German Federal Ministry for Economic Development Cooperation) List of tables CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CEPF Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund Table 1.1 Distribution of forest cover by country in island South East Asia and New Guinea 409 CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Table 1.2 Total numbers of terrestrial and freshwater species and endemic species in the main CMS Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals taxonomic groups 412 CO2 carbon dioxide Table 1.3 Number of terrestrial and freshwater threatened species by major taxonomic group and country 413 COP Conference of the Parties Table 1.4 Number of terrestrial threatened species in the countries of the region, by threat category 413 COREMAP Coral Reef Rehabilitation and Management Table 1.5 Link between biogeographic priorities and countries in the region 414 CSO civil society organisation Table 1.6 Biodiversity priorities identified in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 415 CSR corporate social responsibility Table 2.1 Greenhouse gas emissions 430 DENR Department of Environment and Natural Resources (Govt. of the Philippines) Table 2.2 Corruption perception index scores, 2016 432 DFID Department for International Development (United Kingdom) Table 3.1 Summary of the division of responsibility for conservation between government agencies 437 DNA deoxyribonucleic acid Table 3.2 Summary of protected area coverage 438 EAAF(P) East Asian-Australasian Flyway (Partnership) Table 3.3 Overlap of protected areas and key biodiversity areas 439 EBA endemic bird area Table 3.4 Number of sites listed under international agreements and conventions 445 EIA environmental impact assessment Table 3.5 Status of the biodiversity-related conventions in the region 446 EITI Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative Table 3.6 Uptake of sustainability certification by oil palm and timber industries 451 EU European Union Table 3.7 Net ODA receipts to the countries of the region, 2011-2015 453 EUR euro Table 3.8 Net ODA disbursements from DAC countries and EU institutions, 2015 454 FAO Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations Table 5.1 Data sources for KLC identification in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 471 FLEGT Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (EU) Table 5.2 List of KLCs in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 472 FPIC free, prior and informed consent Table 5.3 Protected area coverage of KLCs in island South-East Asia and New Guinea 473 FSC Forest Stewardship Council G200 Ecoregions Global 200 Ecoregions GDP gross domestic product GEF Global Environment Facility GHG greenhouse gas List of boxes GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (German technical assistance agency) GNI gross national income Box 1 Aceh forests and Leuser Ecosystem (part of KLC 5) 474 HDI Human Development Indicator Box 2 Endemic island biodiversity (KLCs 3 and 4) 477 HoB Heart of Borneo Box 3 Island of New Guinea (KLCs 7 and 8) 480 HWC human-wildlife conflict ICCA indigenous peoples’ and community-conserved area ICCWC International Consortium on Combatting Wildlife Crime IKI International Climate Initiative, German Ministry for Environment (BMUB) (I)NDC (Intended) Nationally Determined Contributions INDECON Indonesian Ecotourism Network INGO international non-governmental organisation IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature KBA key biodiversity area KfW German government-owned international development bank KLC key landscape for conservation 394 | LARGER THAN TIGERS | Inputs for a strategic approach to biodiversity conservation in Asia – Regional reports | 395 LNG liquefied natural gas MAB Man and Biosphere Programme (UNESCO) METT Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool MoEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry (Indonesia) MoNRE Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (Malaysia) MtCO2e/tCO2e megatonnes/tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (unit of greenhouse gas emission) NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan NGO non-governmental organisation NIPAS National Integrated Protected Areas System (Philippines) NP National Park NTFP non-timber forest product ODA Official Development Assistance OECD-DAC Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee PA protected area PES payment for environmental services PNG Papua New Guinea PRC priority region for conservation REDD+ Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries, and the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks RSPO Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil SDG Sustainable Development Goals (UN) SMART Spatial Monitoring and Reporting Tool UK United Kingdom UN/UNDP/UNEP United Nations/Development Programme/Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime USA Unites States of America USAID United States Agency for International Development VPA Voluntary Partnership Agreement (signed under the EU FLEGT programme) WAVES Wealth Accounting and Valuation of Ecosystem Services WCS Wildlife Conservation Society WDPA World Database on Protected Areas WHS World Heritage Site WMA wildlife management area (Papua New Guinea) WWF World Wide Fund for Nature YUS Yopno-Uruwa-Som river basins (Papua New Guinea) 396 | LARGER THAN TIGERS | Inputs for a strategic approach to biodiversity conservation in Asia – Regional reports | 397 0 Executive summary Raja Ampat, Indonesia. The division of the sub-region into more than 25 000 islands has a defining influence on ecosystems and human societies. It has resulted in the evolution of thousands of endemic species, some found on only a single island, while the long coastline supports a wealth of coastal and shallow marine ecosystems.
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