50¢ July 18, 2010 Think Green Volume 84, No. 27 Recycle this paper Go Green todayscatholicnews.org Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend Go Digital TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Building the house of God Dedicated to the glory of God Bishop Rhoades dedicates St. Anthony BY TIM JOHNSON AND MARK WEBER Pages 12-13 Bishop dedicates new St. Anthony of Padua Church in Angola ANGOLA — “The most important part of the dedi- Haiti relief cation ceremony is not the anointing of the walls or the blessing of the building, important as those parts USCCB and CRS offer thanks are. The most important part of this rite is the dedi- to the diocese cation of the altar,” Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades said in his homily at the Mass of Dedication at St. Anthony Pages 3, 5 of Padua Church in Angola on Saturday, July 10. He said, “The altar will be anointed with the sacred chrism, the same oil that is used at Baptisms, Confirmations and Ordinations. Why is this so important? Because the altar is the most important Teens and faith object in this church. Indeed, it is the center of this church edifice since on it the memorial of the Lord Parishes, programs nourish is celebrated; the sacrifice of the cross is perpetuat- high school students ed on it; and from it we receive the Body and Blood of the Lord. Pages 4, 8-9 “The most important reason why this church was built, and the greatest act to be celebrated here, is the Eucharistic Sacrifice,” Bishop Rhoades said. “Every time you gather in this church for Holy Mass, you will be strengthened by the Holy Eucharist to live Diocesan finances your faith and to be witnesses of Christ’s love. The Eucharist is what builds you up as a parish and nour- ABA and finance reports ishes you to love as Christ loved and to be a true Pages 14-17 evangelizing community here in Angola, a commu- nity that proclaims the truth of the Gospel in word and deed.” The Mass of Dedication of the new church began with the handing over of the church to the bishop. Summer schedule Contractor Bill Kinder of Kinder and Sons TIM JOHNSON Construction, architects Ron Dick and Jeremy No issue next week, July 25 Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades anoints the altar with sacred chrism oil at the Mass of Dedication at St. Anthony Church in Angola on Saturday, July 10. Conventual Franciscan Father Fred Next issue Aug. 1 ANGOLA, PAGE 13 Pasche, pastor of St. Anthony Parish, is seated at the right. SCULPTURE TO BE USED Bishop visits Vincent Village DURING WORLD YOUTH DAY BY KAY COZAD bilitated by Vincent Village. Vincent Village, formerly known as Vincent House, is located at 2827 Holton FORT WAYNE — Vincent Village Ave. in Fort Wayne, and serves homeless Executive Director Ann Helmke, Vincent families with children as a transitional shel- Village staff and board members gathered to ter. It is the only one of its kind in Allen welcome special visitor Bishop Kevin C. County, working to keep families together. Rhoades on June 30 for an informational According to Helmke, it began as a small meeting and tour of the organization’s com- shelter serving up to seven homeless fami- plex. Following congenial introductions, lies at a time in 1989, and has grown to the those gathered with Bishop Rhoades viewed current organization that provides shelter, a short video promoting the history and supportive services and affordable housing essence of the Vincent Village program. for an average of 60 homeless families each During a brief discussion the bishop year. CNS PHOTO/WORLD YOUTH DAY 2011 came to know firsthand information con- The largest percentage of families cerning clients served, programs available served by Vincent Village is single female- A sculpture group, “Jesus Takes up his and funding for the village. Following the headed, but the number of two-parent fam- Cross,” from the Spanish city of Madrid, will discussion Helmke and a few board mem- ilies have risen recently due to the econom- bers served as tour guides as they walked ic situation in the area. Because the organi- be part of the Stations of the Cross during Bishop Rhoades through the St. Hyacinth zation welcomes children, 70 percent of its the Aug. 16-21, 2011, World Youth Day in Community Center, the shelter, youth serv- clients are age birth through 18. ices and around the neighborhood where Madrid. The Diocese of Fort Wayne-South several abandoned houses have been reha- VILLAGE, PAGE 24 Bend will take a pilgrimage to Madrid. 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC JULY 18, 2010 TODAY’S CATHOLIC (ISSN 0891-1533) Eucharist helps us to be an (USPS 403630) Official newspaper of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 evangelizing community PUBLISHER: Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades EDITOR: Tim Johnson NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad IN TRUTH Editorial Department AND PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, CHARITY Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, BY BISHOP KEVIN C. RHOADES Elmer J. Danch, Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister Margie Lavonis, Holy Cross Sisters CSC, Joe Kozinski and Deb Wagner SUMMER INTERN Claire Ronner Two weeks ago, I was honored to visit and celebrate Holy Mass for the Sisters of the Holy Cross at the Church of Our Lady Business Department of Loretto in South Bend. I had already vis- BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice ited the communities of the Holy Cross AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber Brothers and Priests in recent months. I BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol have enjoyed getting to know the Holy [email protected] Cross family of sisters, brothers and priests. The Congregations of Holy Cross have Advertising Sales played, and continue to play, an important Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) role in our diocese. They were among the (260) 456-2824 pioneers of the Catholic Church here in our diocese. The Holy Cross Sisters were cer- Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) tainly some of the pioneers of Catholic edu- (574) 234-0687 cation here. Web site: www.todayscatholicnews.org When I celebrated Mass for the sisters and guests at the Loretto Chapel, I thanked Published weekly except the fourth all the Sisters of the Holy Cross for their Sunday in June, second and fourth example of consecrated life and generous weeks in July and August, the first week of September and last week in service of Christ and His Church. After December by the Diocese of Fort enjoying lunch with Sister Joan Marie Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. Calhoun St., Steadman, the congregational president, KAY COZAD P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, IN 46801. and the leadership team of the congrega- Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades walks with Vincent Village Executive Director Ann Helmke as they tour Periodicals postage paid at Fort Wayne, tion, I was able to visit many of the infirm the neighborhood on June 30. IN, and additional mailing office. sisters who were unable to attend the Mass. It was very moving for me to meet these POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: incredible women and to learn about their san property to serve the needs of the com- Wayne who attend the daily 6:15 a.m. Mass Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort lives and apostolates. I even met some sis- munity. invited me to celebrate this Mass for them Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: ters who had taught in Catholic schools in [email protected]. Vincent Village provides shelter, basic sometime. I was privileged to do so on July Lancaster, Pa., in my former diocese. I met needs, supportive services and affordable 1, the feast of Blessed Junipero Serra. I many sisters who had devoted their lives to housing for homeless families with chil- expected to see a few dozen parishioners at MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort serving in various foreign missions and oth- Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) dren. Ann Helmke, the executive director, that early Mass and was pleasantly sur- 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. ers who served in our diocese and through- and members of the board of directors, prised, and very edified, to see 150 people BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South out the United States. I left with thanksgiv- gave me a tour of Vincent House, the for- in attendance, including parishioners of all Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- ing in my heart for the selfless devotion mer St. Hyacinth convent, which is the ages. I joked with the people that I had to 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. and example of holiness of these consecrat- temporary shelter for homeless families. set two alarm clocks so I would not over- ed religious women. Then, we walked through the neighbor- sleep and miss the Mass! News deadline is the Monday morning hood, which has truly been revitalized by I wish to thank Father Tom Shoemaker before publication date. Advertising Priest picnic gatherings Vincent Village through the 32 homes that and Father Bob D’Souza who serve at St. deadline is nine days before publica- One of the enjoyable traditions of our have been renovated and are now attractive Jude’s and also all who attended the Mass. tion date. diocese is the summer gatherings of our affordable homes for families who are I spoke in my homily about Father Serra, priests, at both ends of the diocese. I ready to leave the shelter. It is great to see the holy Franciscan missionary of LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- enjoyed hosting a picnic at my residence at comes original, signed letters about that a poor inner-city neighborhood can California.
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