Sustainable Sanitation P r a c t i c e Issue 2. 01/2010 Public toilets in Vienna ‐ Austria Sanitation as a Business ‐ Malawi O&M in two public institutions ‐ Uganda O&M system for UDDTs in Nakuru ‐ Kenya O&M in rural settings affected by conflicts ‐ Uganda Operation & Maintenance partner of Successful Models for O&M of Sanitation Systems Impressum published by / Medieninhaber, Herausgeber und Verleger EcoSan Club Schopenhauerstr. 15/8 A‐1180 Vienna Austria www.ecosan.at Editors / Redaktion Elke Müllegger, Günter Langergraber, Markus Lechner • EcoSan Club Journal Manager / Journal Management Isabelle Pavese Contact / Kontakt [email protected] Disclaimer / Haftungsausschluss The content of the articles does not necessarily reflect the views of EcoSan Club or the editors and should not be acted upon without independent consideration and professional advice. EcoSan Club and the editors will not accept responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by any person acting or refraining from acting upon any material contained in this publication. Die in den Artikeln vertretenen Standpunkte entsprechen nicht notwendigerweise der Haltung und Ansichten des EcoSan Clubs oder des Redaktionsteams. Der praktischen Anwendung dargestellter Inhalte muss eine unabhängige Begutachtung und professionelle Beratung vorausgehen. EcoSan Club und das Redaktionsteam haften in keiner Weise für Schäden (Sachschaden oder Personenschaden), die durch die Anwendung, oder Nichtanwendung der in dieser Publikation vermittelten Inhalte, entstehen. Reproduction / Reproduktion Permission is granted for reproduction of this material, in whole or part, for education, scientific or development related purposes except those involving commercial sale, provided that full citation of the source is given. Cover photo excluded. Die Reproduktion, Übernahme und Nutzung der Inhalte von SSP, vollständig oder teilweise, für Bildungszwecke, für die Wissenschaft und im Zusammenhang mit Entwicklung ist unter Voraussetzung der vollständigen Quellenangabe gestattet und erwünscht. Titelbild ausgenommen. aim and scope / Offenlegung der Blattlinie gemäß § 25, Abs. 4 Mediengesetz Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) aims to make available high quality information on practical experiences with sustainable sanitation systems. For SSP a sanitation system is sustainable when it is not only economically viable, socially acceptable and technically and institutionally appropriate, but it should also protect the environment and the natural resources. SSP is therefore fully in line with SuSanA, the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (www.susana.org). • SSP targets people that are interested in sustainable sanitation systems and the practical approach to it. • Articles are published after blind review only. • Sustainable Sanitation Practice is published quarterly. It is available for free on www.ecosan.at/ssp. Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) hat zum Ziel praxisrelevante Information in hoher Qualität im Zusammenhang mit „sustainable sanitation“ bereit zu stellen. „sustainable“ also nachhaltig ist ein Sanitärsystem für SSP wenn es wirtschaftlich machbar, soziokulturell akzeptiert, technisch als auch institutionell angemessen ist und die Umwelt und deren Ressourcen schützt. Diese Ansicht harmoniert mit SuSanA, the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance (www.susana.org). • SSP richtet sich an Personen, die sich für die praktische Umsetzung von „sustainable sanitation“ interessieren. • Artikel werden nur nach einer Begutachtung veröffentlicht. • Sustainable Sanitation Practice erschient vierteljährlich, kostenlos unter: www.ecosan.at/ssp. Information on the publisher / Offenlegung gemäß § 25 Mediengesetz publisher: EcoSan Club, Schopenhauerstr. 15/8, A‐1180 Vienna, Austria • chairperson: Günter Langergraber • website: http://www.ecosan.at/ • scope: EcoSan Club was funded as a non profit association in 2002 by a group of people active in research and development as well as planning and consultancy in the field of sanitation. The underlying aim is the realisation of ecological concepts to close material cycles in settlements. Medieninhaber: EcoSan Club, Schopenhauerstr. 15/8, A‐1180 Vienna, Austria • Obmann: Günter Langergraber • Gegenstand des Vereins: Der EcoSan Club wurde 2002 als gemeinnütziger Verein von einer Gruppe von Personen gegründet, die in Forschung, Entwicklung, Planung und Beratung in der Siedlungshygiene ‐ Sammlung, Behandlung oder Beseitigung flüssiger und fester Abfälle aus Siedlungen ‐ tätig waren und sind. Das Ziel des EcoSan Clubs ist die Umsetzung kreislauforientierter Siedlungshygienekonzepte (EcoSan Konzepte) zu fördern, um einen Beitrag zum Schutz der Umwelt zu leisten. Cover Photo / Titelbild Elke Müllegger Sustainable Sanitation Practice 2 Issue 2 /2010 Editorial The second issue of Sustainable Sanitation Practice (SSP) focuses on "Successful models for operation and maintenance of sanitation systems". This is for a very simple reason: the neglecting of operation and maintenance (O&M) for sanitation systems in practice. Especially in developing countries, O&M of decentralised sanitation systems is neglected to a great extend. One of the reasons is that most projects aim on construction of hardware, which is simpler and less time consuming. Especially donor financed programmes end after a certain period, leaving behind nicely constructed infrastructure, but rarely a developed strategy of O&M of the systems. Examples of different approaches and experiences of O&M in practise are shown. Four articles describe O&M systems in Africa and one paper focuses on public toilets in Austria. Especially the contributions from Kenya, Uganda and Malawi have one thing in common: They are still “insular‐projects”, which are at the very beginning to be taken up. We hope that the importance of O&M will be widely recognised in future and the “white elephants” disappear completely in the sanitation sector. The planning for the next issues is already in progress, the following topics are planned: Issue 3: "Use of urine" (April 2010) Issue 4: "The ROSA project" (July 2010). Issue 5: "Sanitation as a business" (October 2010). Issue 6: "Toilets" (January 2011). We would like to invite all interested persons to contribute articles to SSP, be available as reviewers and/or suggest topics for future issues. If you are interested and want to contribute please contact the responsible person for the SSP editorial office, Ms. Isabelle Pavese ([email protected]), for further details. We think that only with this participatory approach it will be possible to target the content of SSP towards the expectations of the readers. SSP is available online from the journal homepage at the EcoSan Club website (www.ecosan.at/SSP) from free. We do hope that SSP will be frequently downloaded and further distributed to interested people. With best regards, Günter Langergraber, Markus Lechner, Elke Müllegger EcoSan Club Austria (www.ecosan.at/ssp) Content: - Public toilets in Vienna: Operation between cost efficiency and service for the public .............................................................................................................................4 - Sanitation as a Business: A new spin on the challenge of sanitation Operation and Maintenance ................................................................................................................10 - Operation and Maintenance of sanitation systems in two public institutions: Experiences from Uganda.................................................................................................15 - Private sector involvement in operating a sanitation system with urine diversion dry toilets in Nakuru, Kenya.........................................................................................21 - Operation and Maintenance of water and sanitation systems in northern Uganda .................................................................................................................................26 Sustainable Sanitation Practice 3 Issue 2 /2010 Public toilets in Vienna: Operation between cost efficiency and service for the public The keys to sustainable and therefore successful operation of public toilets are cleanliness and accessibility, unfortunately in most cases these qualities cannot be found easily. Author: N. Kläsener‐Metzner Abstract This article reviews the status quo of public toilet facilities in Vienna. Specifically it deals with the 2004 recommendations of the municipal auditor concerning the closing of low‐frequented facilities, which are subject to a high degree of not‐intended use and the questions regarding the consequences of their closing, that were subsequently raised. This article explores, if employing sustainable operation and maintenance methods in public toilets in Vienna could prevent the closing of the relevant public toilet facilities or if other changes are necessary. Administration of public toilets in Vienna Statistics The public toilets of Vienna are under the administration of Municipal Department 48 – Waste Management, Street Cleaning and Vehicle Fleet. According to their homepage “waste prevention and separation … are the central goals of the municipal department.” (http://www.wien.gv.at/umwelt/ma48/) In the context of public toilets they are responsible for the development, construction, management, Figure 1: The famous Figure 2: Public toilet facilities operation and maintenance of the buildings and Wilhelm Beetz Jugendstil with cleaning personnel, 1st structures, as well as the continuous monitoring of facilities
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