St. Johns, Fowler pass millage test Increase defeated ST. JOHNS-Barring teacher strikes, Lancaster added that the teacher con­ representative should be conscious of these St, Johns Public Schools will open their tract negotiations have, been stalled pending millage votes and listen to what the people doors Aug, 31, just four weeks awayj the outcome of the vote, although each side are trying to tell them," Smith said. He following the passage Monday of a 14.5 had agreed to open the schools Aug. 31 added that he hoped tax reform wouldcome mill operating proposal. A second proposal if the millage was approved. during the current legislative session, of 2.5 mills,, designed to augment the through •amendments or whatever form current operational millage, was defeated they decide upon.- But the people are by a 2-1 margin. At Fowler Monday, voters passed a very unhappy." The 14.5-mill package attracted 1,661 16-mill operational package by a vote Of 273-202. • School wil 1 open Aug. 30 at Fowler,- yes votes and was rejected by 887 voters, Smith said. "If the state aid formula a near 2-1 mandate. However, the increase "This expresses the confidence people have in our schools and in the board of is passed then I can see no trouble in was defeated 1,714 against and 836 in operating on a full program. It will be favor. education," Supt. Don Smith said Tues­ day, "We are very pleased." a tight ship since we're trying to reduce "This means we can operate this year, our debt,' Smith added. The debt totals but on a limited scale," Earl Lancaster, The proposal, which was defeated June $39,000. school superintendent said Tuesday. 14 called > for a 1.5-mill increase above The superintendent noted that with the He said the. millage question was just the current 14,5 mill level. approval of the millage question, teacher one of three factors that will determine contract negotiations will resume Aug. 12 the quality' of education in St. Johns for ' "I think that we were honest in the at 7:30 p.m. with the Fowler Education the coming year. The others, he said, first presentation, but the people were Association. were the pending legislative state aid issuing their displeasure,» Smith said con­ cerning the June 14 vote. "I don't expect any problems in the package which would distribute at least negotiations," he said. "I feel that there $5 per student to the district and up to fc will be no real stumbling blocks." $40. I do feel that our state senator and The other factor, Lancaster said, was the outcome of contract bargaining. He noted that the district must negotiate with five groups, the largest being the St. Johns Education Association. Monday's election improved the school's bargaining position, the superintendent said, since they now know just how much money there will be locally. "The voters rejected the idea of an increase. Last year we went $100,000 in the hole, but this year we are going to operate on the money, we have." Lancaster said the schools would not try to make up that deficit this year but balance the budget for the 1971-72 school year. "This election just vindicated the trend in Michigan of the June 14 elections. Then the people sustained the present millage level but said no to an increase," Lancaster said. "We would have had no chance at all on a 17-mill question," he said. The_ ACCEPTING BROTHERS MEDALS millage Went down to defeat in June when both the current operational millage and tl\e increase "were combined into-a single- St, Johns voters ttf'r'tied oiit Monday to pass a Bob and Don Randolph Jr. accepted the Bronze Star Medal with V Device for proposition.^ 14.5-mill requesi- for school operationV At the^ame The feeling remained constant against time, they, defeated a,.2;6"**-mill .ihcrea&e:-uride^"a sec­ the medals of their brother' Sgt. Richard. heroism. Making the presentation is Cpt, the increase in St. Johns, as only 836 r r? Randolph who was : killed" v"iri -co'rfih&t': in • t; Jbh'n; ^'Gv-^Burkey' assistant. professor o'f. voted for the increase Monday, while 829 ond proposal.. Here. Robert Conn,, .,'r^ght, prepares to voted for the measure in June. This election cast his ballot. He is being assisted by election worker Vietnam Feb. 1. S'gt. Randolph was awarded Military Science at Michigan State,'. attracted about .300 more voters than the June election. Rudolph Mohnke. •' ' . » Bronze Star awarded to slain hero DeWitt gets It's orricial-- rec funds EAST LANSING—Sergeant Richard D. •Sergeant Randolph distinguished himself "Through his timely and courageous Randolph, late son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald by exceptionally valorous actions on 1, actions, Sergeant Randolph was instrumen­ LANSING - Up to $4,741 has D. Randolph, Yallup Road, St. Johns, has . February 1971 while serving as an assistant tal in thwarting the determined enemy been allotted irom the State Rec­ been posthumously awarded the Bronze Squad Leader with Company E, 5th Bat­ attack'and minimizing friendly casualties. reation Bond Fund for develop­ another election Star Medal with "V* device, first and talion, 46th Infantry. His personal heroism, professional com­ ment of • Riverside Park in the second oak leaf cluster and the Purple "On that date, the company was at a petence, and devotion to duty areinkeeping City of DeWitt, State Sen. William Heart Medal, defensive position in the vicinity of Chu with the highest traditions of the military S. Ballenger (R-Ovid) announced Lai when it was assaulted by a large ' service and reflect great credit upon him­ today. The medals were awarded for heroism 1 and meritorious achievement while par­ enemy force. Taking immediate action, self, the 23d Infantry Division, and the Ballenger said work on River­ for BathTownship ticipating in ground combat operations Sergeant Randolph began directing his United States Army.'* side Park will include the con­ in the Republic of Vietnam. efforts to repelling the insurgents until struction of a picnic shelter. BATH TWP—It's now official. Bath Town­ to break the tie and determine who should . captain John C. Burke, Assistant Pro­ his fighting position in the tower was hit ship voters will trudge to the polls again head up the township board. fessor of Military Science at Michigan by an enemy rocket. soon, making it the third election this Van Sickle's name was drawn, which State University presented the awards to "Recovering quickly from the initial Final park year. apparently ended the (dispute. However, Mr. and Mrs. Randolph of R-4, St, Johns concussion, he moved to a position on the This time, voters will decide the political the old pro-Smith forces, headed by Mrs, in a ceremony at the University Thursday ground beneath the destroyed tower and con­ Manager fate of Gerald Shepard, current chairman Virginia Eisinger, started up the recall afternoon. tinued to engage the advancing insurgents block cleared of the Clinton. County Board of Commis­ machinery again against Shepard.. Prior to his death SGT Randolph had been despite the loss of his weapon.. sioners. Petitions demanding the recall of Their main point of contention against awarded the National Defense Service "With complete disregard for his per­ Shepard, a former township supervisor, Shepard, printed reports have indicated, Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam sonal safety, Sergeant Randolph began change were certified this week by Ernest Carter, is that the former supervisor was not "doing Campaign Medal, Combat Infantryman picking up the numerous enemy hand by court county clerk. anything to bring the factions together.' Badge, Expert Badge with rifle bar, Sharp­ grenades landing inside the perimeter near "I have checked over the petitions and The charges claim he would' not attend shooter Badge with automatic rifle bar, his location and hurling them back on LANSING-The Circuit Court of Clinton they did file a sufficient number," Carter township meetings when invited, and did and the Marksman Badge with machine the insurgents before they could detonate. County removed the last obstacle In the said. "So an election will be called.* not act as a liaison officer between the gun bar. Ignoring the danger involved,' he continued path of a six-year-old plan to develop a announce d Carter said the next step would be for township board and the county board. The Randolph's also accepted these to effectively engage the hostile sapper 2,700-acre state park within 15 miles ST. JOHNS—John A,. Fox, a graduate his office to notify the county Election Carter had indicated earlier that the awards oh behalf-of their son. teams in this manner until he was mor­ of Lansing. of Fowler High School and Michigan State Selection Committee to establish a date ne w election will probably be held some­ The Bronze Star Medal citation read in tally wounded as a grenade was triggered By court action, through condemnation, University, was appointed Plant Manager, for the election. The date cannot be any time in October." part: before he could release it. the State received title to the final. 154 St. Johns Plant, of Federal-Mogul effective sooner than 45 days after the Committee acres of a tract in Clinton County desig­ August' 1, 1971, according to an announce­ meets to set the election time,' Carter nated in 1965 by the Natural Resources ment by K.V. Hurd, manufacturing manager. said. Commission as Sleepy Hollow State Park. Fox replaces Edward A. Idzkowskl who, "I have contacted two of the members All other acreage had been purchased, because of personal reasons, has resigned and we should meet sometime .this week," but development remained at a virtual from the Company.
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