RED BA'•* / N [VOLUME XLIX, NO, 12. lisped Wosklr, Entered u fleconil-OUui Matter at till Post* odlci at Bed Bock. N. J. nndtr the Aet of liarah I, 1879.> RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1926. • $1.50 PER TEAR. PAGES 1 TO 12. VANDAIS ON THE FARMS. MORE PUPILS THIS YEAR. BACK IN HIS OLD HOME, TOWN. CLUB MORTGAGE BURNED. TO SEE FIGHT AFTER ALL GOT HIS ROWBOAT BACK. Wilbur Symington Engage! In Re»- Owner Found That Thief Who Took FLOODS IN A VILLAGE. CROWDED Wtt PUPILl • ' • ••' • • »•'' ' ' ;V .'•' '-\ ^ ,' '. • .. V»N INCREASE OF ABOUT 1OO taurant Builneii Here. RED BANK WOMAN'S CLUB RUMSON OFFICIALS WORRIED It Wai'Already in Reform School. THIEVERY; AW- DAMAGE ON Wilbur Symington, who recently MIDDLETOWN OFFICIALS HAVE MIDDLETOWN SCHOOLS AT OVER LAST YEAR, HAS LUNCHEON. FOR A TIME. Three' weeks ago a rowboat . i ;;•••;':. WA^Y PLACES. .- moved from Rahway to Elm place, owned by Edward A. Clark of Wil- DELUGE OF COMPLAINTS." ABOUT RAPACITY POINT. Folks In Fashionable Clothes and Hanea Park In Shrewsbury Town. Red Bank, has bocomo n partner The Luncheon Wai ' the Opening Some of the Comminionori Wanted liam street was stolon. Last week East Keanaburg Folk's Were Out Enrollment Beats All Records alia) High-Priced Cars, Loot1 Orchard! . «nip Wai a. Regular ('No Man'« with.Andrew Dougherty, his'broth- Meeting of the Club Year—Be- to Seethe Tunney-Dempiey Bout )Ar. Clark was in another boat on Strong at the Meeting of Town- Land;',So Far at School Facilities or-ln-law, • in tho ownership of tho •idol tho Burning of the Mart- But Did Not Want to Neglect the More Pupils aro Expected after and Crop, Fields—No Protection the river when he saw his stolen skip Committee Last Week—Wil- Farm Work Ends—Need of Ad- ' for the Farmeri. > ' . ,. ;'.- Wero Concerned., . Maplo Diner restaurant on Maple . gage Tkere Wero Addreiiea. ' Business of the Borough. boat with threo boys in it. Ono of liam SchaenTcr and His Hammer. avenue. Beforb moving to Red ditional School Spneo Evident. " : A woman and six children, tha " T,he enrbllrrten); on tho opening Tho Rod Bank Woman's club Tho coming fight between Gene tho boys was Hubert P. Flynn, son Complaints ab,out drainage took Bank Mr.' Symington sold a business More pupils nro enrolled' than children ranging in ago from twelve day of schdojl at Red Bank last waelt opened its club year at tho Berk- Tunney arid Jack Dempsoy at Phil- of Tcrrenco Flynn of Monmouth up most of the time at the meeting which he had conducted several ever before ut the Middletown town- to fifteen years, walked into James was 2,162, as (igainst 2,148 on tho ley-Cartcret hotel at "Asbury Park adelphia for the heavyweight title street. Hubert said he had bought of tho Middletown township com- years atEahway. ship schools, which vo-oponcd last 0. HendrlckBon's orchard near Mid- opening iday of schoou last year. last Friday afternoon and celebrat- was brought-up at last Thursday tho bo,at two weeks previous from mitteo last Thursday night. All of Wednesday after the summer 'vaca- dletown village a few days ago and The senior high school showed a loss Mr. Symington,moved back to his ed tho annual opening by burning night's meeting of tho Rumson Theodore Carney, a colored boy, for those complaints, fifteen in number, tion." The number of pupils ia more each of them started fillinga basket of 23 pupils, but the junior high old home town when he took up his tho mortgage of $10,000 which was mayor nnd council. It was not in- %1. He returned the boat to Mr. were referred to Frank Scott, the than 1,000 and it is oxpected that With poaches, William Maxfleld, a school showed an increase of forty. resldenco at Red Bank. He moved placed on the clubhouso property troduced as official business but it Clark and tMTlatter-wont to police township supervisor of roads. from- this placo fifteen years ago. waj considered of sufficient import- this number will bo increased con- special officer, of Mlddletown town- The only, school which showed a de- when it 'was bought five.years ago. headquarters to have Theodore Tho principal complaints were For four years ho was employed on ance to alter temporarily the course siderably, as additional children art ship, happened along and he arrest- creased enrollment besides tho sen- Covers were laid for 160 members Carney arrested. He found it im- about Ocean avenue at East Keans- the steamboat Sea Bird. Later ho of borough affairs. Tunney is well always enrolled after the farm har- TTd the woman arid six children-for ior high school was,the Oakland and friends.. Floral decorations possible to do this, as Carney was burg. Various residents thero said : served for a number of years as a known a} Rumson and ho has many vesting season ends.' stealing peaches/ '•;... _'. - street,school. AH the other schools wore furnished by Mrs. Abram I. in tho state reform school at James- that due to the recent rains Ocean sailor on ocean' going steamships. followers there. Ho at one time ; Mr. Maxfleld Is a brother of Po- showed increasoB. • Elkus, who is a member of the burg, he having been.sont thero for avenue was flooded most of the Tho members of the township Ho -was\ ii••• the* arnr.y transport live"d at Fair Haven. liceman George- Maxfleld of Bed ' Oh Monday of this v.ook 30 pu- club. , stealing bicycles two days after vMr. time with two feet or more of wa- board of education expect that bjr branch of the navy for more than Bank, Ho patrols part of Middle- pilB of the Hanco Park section of There was general ringing by the Last Thursday night tho Rumson Clark's boat was stolen. ,ter. They said the water rolled the time another Bchool year begins, two yoars during^ho world war. town township,on a motorcycle. He Shrewsbury township ontored tho club, led by Mrs. Lester. Lovett and commissioners passed motions to along the street in regular torments, or perhaps sooner, it will bo neces- is paid.a salary to dp'this work by Red Bank schools, Thero wero now Mrs. Arthur V. Gregory, and.then havo ordinances drawn up for a covering yards, filling up cellars and sary either to enlarge some of th« a number of private individuals who enroHmonts from other sources and Mrs. J. D. Tuller, the club presi- storage building for road machin- washing out the contents of cess- schoolhouscs or to put classes on contribute-to a fund for this pro- NEW DEAL IN OFFICIALS. pnrt time studios. -The township this brought thp total enrollment to PARTY FOR BRIDE-TO-BE. dent, made a short address outlining ery, for sidewalks on Bingham ave- pools. They said that after the wa- -toctlon.fpr themselves and their about 100 rce-o than for the samo tho work planned for the coming nue and for- a storm sower. Wil- ter dried up a film of bad-smellinj» board has invited tho stato school neighbors. ; „ ,.j_ v ALMOST A COMPLETE CHANGE authorities to mnko an inspection period last year. "SHOWER" GIVEN FOR MISS season. She closed her talk by liam A. Stevens, tho borough at- scum was left on the street and The vjrpman and each"of tho six The pupils at Hanco Park, which thanking tho chairmen and commit- torney,- was instructed to draw up IN SHREWSBURY TOWNSHIP. yards. of the schools. It is expected that ' children hod nearly1 filled their, bas- ••'•••' MARGARET BUTLER. the ordinances and present them at this will bo done soon", and in deal- is the tract owned by George Hanco tees who were responsible for the Some time ago the property own- kots. The poaches were very hard the next meeting of the council on Because of the Formation of ing .with-the congestion problem the • Patterson between Shrewsbury ave- It Wai Held Thiinday Night at Her success.of tho luncheon. Tho pro- ers of Ooean avenue got together and very greon and Mr, Heiidrickson' Thursday night, September 23d. W. Shrewsbury Village as a Bori townships board will' be guided by nue'and tho xpnd from Newman Home nt Fair Haven—She Will gram was then taken over by the and co-operatively put down side- asked ,hls unwelcome, visitors what Warren Barbour, the mayor of ough, the Township will Retain tho stat9 officials. Nearly all the Springs to the Shrewsbury and Tin- Wed Oiborne E'Harriion of Red toastrnistrcss, Mrs, Louis J. Siding, walks and curbing in front of their possible • use they could have for Rumson, advised Mr. Stevens to Only One of Its Present Officials. township schools nrb now 'crowded ton, Falls road, woro virtually in Bank in October. < who introduced Mrs. Mary Wooster,] places. They engaged Herbert O. fruit which, was so. unripe! Tho' attend the meeting. Shrewsbury township voters will almost to their capacity. In many "no man's land" so far as school Guests from Pair Haven, Red Sutton as tho first speaker. Mrs. Todd, the township surveyor, to do • miscreants -said thoy -didn't, know _ "Sept'ember-23d-~is tho night of have to choose an entire-new sot of of tho-rooms -extra scnts~havc-hnd: Wflis -concerned. Provious to this Bank, Kumson,-,Seabright, Eaton- Sutton was the first president of the the work. The job" was not done what thoyv would do with the poach- the Tunney-Dempsey fight," said officials at tho election in November to be provided.
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