e7ke NEW --- M A Y 1969 SOURRE ■ I:INCE THE EDITORS' PAGE I It's said that sometimes we miss seeing the forest for all the trees. That's sure- ly what happened in the April listings-- with all the many vacation opportuni- ties, guess what? We forgot to include the BIG one - the 18th National Con- Reports arrive from assorted areas in vention in Seattle, June 26-28. Of the country of very late arrivals of course, we know that all the readers SQUARE DANCE issues. Please check are aware of it already, and if some with your post office if you are not re- aren't planning to attend, they're miss- ceiving your magazines during the first ing the VD event of the year! See you week of each month. We have been as- there-- we have big EDITOR badges sured that magazines spend no more given us by advertiser Bob Rottman, that 24 hours in any one of the two or and when you spot them, please stop three stops along the way, and should be arriving more promptly than our to say "Hello." You can also recognize writers report to us. us by the stacks of giveaway issues we'll be toting everywhere. Also stop For those readers who wonder when by the SQUARE DANCE booth, which their subscriptions expire, and have will be manned (and womaned) by va- lost track because of last summer's four rious-sized Burdicks. Enthusiasm is month extension on all subscriptions, high at our house, where we are all ma- let us assure you that a notice will be king plans for our jaunt to the west. sent about the same time your final magazine is mailed. Send your renewals Sample magazines are always available promptly-- don't miss a single issue of if you'd like to give them to your dan- the new, bigger, better SQUARE cing friends-- just drop us a card. DANCE! 2 e-74e 4/0a VOLUME 24, No. 5 SQUARE * MAY 1969 DANCE * Publishers and Editors Stan & Cathie Burdick * Workshop Editor Willard Orlich Editorial Assistant 2 Editors' Page Mary Fabik 4 Mail National Advisory Board 6 Meanderings 9 Caller Tips Edna & Gene Arnfield 10 Caller - Leader Directory Bob Augustin 12 Your Club's Personality 14 Easy Level Page Al "Tex" Brownlee 16 Round Reflections 18 S/D Record Reviews Louis Calhoun 19 R/D Record Reviews Johnny Davis 20 Burrs In The Saddle 22 Calling Is A Family Affair Jerry Helt John Hendron 24 Campers Corner 25 Puzzle Page Phyl & Frank Lehnert 26 Workshop 34 News Melton Luttrell 35 Events Singin' Sam Mitchell 38 Bookshelf 39 Sign-off Word Vaughn Parrish 40 Do-Ci-Do Dolores Dave Taylor Bob Wickers SQUARE DANCE Magazine is published monthly at 109 W. Water St., Sandusky,O. by Burdick Enterprises. Second class pos- tage paid at Sandusky, Ohio. Copy dead- line first of month preceding date of isue. Subscription: $5.00 per year. Single co- pies: 50 cents each. Mailing address: Box 788, Sandusky, Ohio 44870. Copyright 1968 by Burdick Enterprises. All rights reserved. Your new SQUARE DANCE maga- zine is very delightful reading and I en- joy it very much. I want to compliment you on pub- lishing a very newsworthy story entitled Chicago TV Presentation by Doug Ed- wards. His analysis of the entire sub- ject was excellent and being Publicity I have watched with interest your Chairman of the Chicago Area Callers building effort within the new book. his pep talk to square dancers to write The size of the task and the amount of to the TV stations for more programs work required is appreciated. You cer- of this type is something that I have tainly are on the right track so keep up been preaching about for years. the good work. Being a part of the program was a fas- By the way, I missed the record re- cinating and thrilling experience for view in March and thought I would me because I was selected to give a one comment. To my mind a regular re- minute talk about square dancing and view that indicates the material con- to demonstrate with dancers a teaching tent of at least some of the more popu- session. ular releases should be included. The re- I am sure Doug did not want to for- cord was designed to sell and contains get any of the other callers who ap- what is expected to gain approval. peared on the program so I would like Therefore, the content is a trend indi- to mention some others who played a cator. By keeping an eye on the broad part in the presentation. These inclu- picture presented, a caller can ob- ded Doc Adams, Gene Tidwell, and tain a feeling for what is in gene- Foggy Thompson. We should not for- ral use across the continent. This en- get Henry Gass, president of the Metro- ables him to stay in the mainstream politan Chicago Association of Square and his dancers who travel will be hap- Dancers who spoke on behalf of the pier. Even more important, it is an ex- dancers. Also, Lenny Roos spoke about cellent guide for those who want to the various ways to qualify for badges. keep the ordinary club dancing vocabu- Marvin Labahn lary restricted to basics that have been Chicago, Ill. generally accepted plus those newer movements that seem to be gaining ac- Good luck on that 1st Septemberfest ceptance (90/10). Finally, it serves as a for beginners. An answer for the rest- guide to workshop content for those less get-there-in-a-hurry young folks! workshop groups who want to look at How we'd love to be there to see it be- the best, or most likely experimental ing born. How many summer vacations movements, but not everything. in future can be used for learning Frank Holyoake the "blitz" course! Ottawa, Canada Jeff & Rose Flash Punta Gorda, Fla. I am not a subscriber and I want to add my name on your mailing list, and 1 conduct a workshop down in these if you have back issues for 1969 1 would parts once in a while and without like you to start me with the January SQUARE DANCE I would be lost. issue. I have just read a free copy that Thanks. belongs to a friend of mine and I like them very much. Enclosed is check for MacMcDougal S9 and I know I will be happy with Kingsville, Texas your magazine_ Herb Hill Atlanta, Ga. 4 PO BO X 788 e7ke SANDUSKY, OHIO ivela SQUARE DANCE 44870 Please start my subscription NOW. My check (or money order) is enclosed. El One Year at $S. E Two Years at $9.00 Canadian and F..reigu add 50c a year f■ d- postage. S Fund , NAME ADDRESS CITY f STATE ZIP CODE 5 Way down yonder in the curvacious One of my favorite people, Charlie roaded routes of West Virginia, I em- Baldwin, dean of New England callers, barked last month to keep a calling and pub-ed of the voluminous "New date. Somewhere in the "purple moun- England Caller," passes on a tip that tain majesties" I got my trails crossed we can all take advantage of. Some- and did a double pass through and a re- times a new avenue of promotion for verse clover leaf instead of a dixie peel our classes, dance events, and the ac- off. Somebody came to my rescue, di- tivity in general rests squarely beneath rected me out of the spider web and our noses while we tear our hair look- got me rockin' and reelin' on a better ing for wider coverage in the "biggie" course (on the highway, where else?). press. He says we should camp on the Sorry I was late, you wonderful Swing- doorsteps of the small "For Free" pa- ing Squares. pers most towns sprout, feed 'em our news, and watch it circulate into prac- tically every household. There's a new (SPLIT I DES)angle from New England! From time to time I'd like to pass on a cartoon reprint from the same magazine, for which I ren- der a square gag each month. Some New Eng- landers smile at 'em; oth- ers gag. A little stunt that's gain- ing popularity in Massa- chusetts (this should be a New England theme issue) is the organization of short term "PhD" series of lessons for class gradu- ates as they integrate into clubs. It helps 'em smooth out the wrinkles as they begin club dancing-a most crucial period in anybo- dy's book of progress. We all ne a Linus blanket luTBASIL YOU'Re SO SLOW ON RE[ASV CHAIN • of security from time to time. 6 4 STAN BURDICK One good projection is worth a hun- dred recalls! What are you doing now to see that your club will get the best fall kick-off possible? Callers all lined up? Refreshments, decorations, hospi- tality, entertainment adequate? Got a list of prospects for beginners class? Go visiting around this summer and pick up still more ideas to keep your club dynamic, progressive. Speaking of becoming a PhD reminds Ever notice how anybody you talk me of the two cows that were grazing to is a comfortable dancing advocate? alongside a highway when a tank truck You just can't get yourself an anti- of milk on its way to the distributor comfortable dancing bug notwithstand- happened to pass by. On one side of ing, nor with sitting either.
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