Today’s web bonus >> Check out photo galleries from community events. DelcoTimes.com TODAY’S WEATHER High: 79 Low: 61 PAGE 10 www.Linvilla.com Friday,June21,2019 $1.50 FACEBOOK.COM/DELCODAILYTIMES » delcotimes.com WET LOCAL>>PAGE4 Tempersflare at session examining SUITS prison report LOCAL >> PAGE 5 Sex ‘traveler’ The Chester Water Authority who pursued headquarters in Chester. The ‘teen girl’ gets company,thefocusofacorporate fight, draws its water from the probation Octoraro Reservoir, inset. SPORTS >> BACK PAGE CHESTER WATER GOES TO COURT TO PUT Sixers get COMPANY IN TRUST, SEEKS PROBE OF DEAL Thybullein1st PAGE 3 round trade with Celtics MEDIANEWS GROUP PHOTOS PUTTING THE HOME IN HOMETOWN SINCE 2002! Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices 601 E Baltimore Pike, Media, PA 19063 Sandra McCulley CRS, SRS, REALTOR Award WinningTop Producing Agent. Office: 610-566-3000 • Cell: 610-368-6641 2 | NEWS | THE DAILY TIMES FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2019 INDEX FocusonDelco LOTTERY Advice..................................31 PENNSYLVANIA Bars......................................16 Pick 2(June 20): 5-1 Bridge .................................34 (Day: 6-4) Business.......................20-21 Pick 3(June 20): 9-1-0 Classifieds ..................36-43 (Day: 9-6-9) Comics.........................33-35 Pick 4(June 20): 6-3- Community ........................29 7-6 (Day: 3-3-3-0) Horoscopes.........................31 Pick 5(June 20): Living............................27-28 3-0-1-9-5 Local................................ 3-11 (Day: 9-6-8-7-8) Movies ................................20 Treasure Hunt (June Music...................................17 20): Nation............................14,24 7-8-11-16-29 Obituaries.................... 25-26 Cash 5(June20): Opinion ........................ 22-23 3-13-19-31-32 Region.............................12,15 Match 6(June20): 18-20-27-28-46-48 Religion..........................18-19 MegaMillions(June18): Sound Off........................... 10 12-14-22-24-48 Sports..........................44-56 Mega Ball: 21 Spotlight ............................30 Megaplier: 2 Television ...........................32 Powerball (June 19): Weather.............................. 10 4-18-21-26-38 World .................................. 14 Powerball: 1 Power Play: 3 DELAWARE CORRECTIONS SUBMITTED PHOTO Play 3(June 20): 2-1-3 (Day: 6-5-5) TheDelawareCountyDaily Flood water rolls over the banks of a creek in Ridley Creek State Park in Edgmont Thursday and into the Times strives for accuracy. parking lot. South Jersey actually took the brunt of the storms and flooding. If you have a photo you’d like to Play 4(June 20): 3-3-6- If you see an error in our 6 (Day: 5-9-7-1) pages, call the newsroom at see featured in ‘Focus on Delco,’ email it to [email protected]. Please include your name and address. Lucky for Life (June 17): 610-622-8810. Horizontal images work best. 3-25-29-40-47 Lucky Ball: 8 Lotto America (June 19): TODAY’S OBITS Other Times 6-8-17-25-44 Star Ball: 8 Multiplier: 3 Alexander M. Massey 100YearsAgo–1919: Association of Delaware he was displeased with Heights,and21.3millsfor Multi-Win Lotto (June Evelyn Barksdale (Cookie) Acaseofsmallpoxhas County. After a discussion ousted director B. Granville residents of Bethel, to fund 19): William T. Locke caused a great stir among of the law covering treat- Lash’s presentation at a the $18.1million budget. 6-10-18-21-23-30 health officials in Chester. ment of juveniles, MacDade recent meeting. Matthews Gina Gasiorowski 10YearsAgo–2009: Topreventaspreadofthe referred to an Army plan said Lash at times said Food picked and eaten the NEW JERSEY RhetaH.Lythgoe disease, physicians have for military training of high themilitants’actionswere same day was the idea pre- (nee Demelko) already vaccinated every- school boys. “It certainly justified. sented to the Marple com- Pick 3(June 20): 3-3-3 Helen “Helca” Sakosky body on Lincoln Street, would give them discipline 25YearsAgo–1994: missioners for a farmers (Day: 2-0-8) (nee Kosierowski) betweenEightandNinth and strength of character,” An agreement on medical market on the grounds of Pick 4(June 20): 5-5- Margo V. Doss-Anderson streets, where the one he said. benefit cost containment the former Marple Elemen- 1-3 Jo’ele Marie Simpson- case was found, and are 50YearsAgo–1969: between the Garnet Valley tarySchool,WestChester (Day: 9-7-0-2) Whitsett nowbusyaroundtheDela- TheBlackCommunity,a Education Association Pike and Malin Road. “We Jersey Cash 5(June ware County Electric Co.’s Richard W. Edgar militant group that took and the Garnet Valley wouldhopetobegininthe 20): plant at the waterfront in over the Robert Wade SchoolBoardledtoaslight fall,butcannotstarttoso- 9-12-16-32-42 Xtra: 3 Carmella M. (Emmi) the West End, where the Neighborhood House reduction in the district’s licit vendors and sponsors Jones, “Millie” Pick 6(June 20): patient worked. June 11, is still in posses- final 1994-95budget. The untilwehaveaspace,”said 9-26-27-46-47-49Xtra: PAGES 25-26 75YearsAgo–1944: sionofthebuildinganda agreement resulted in a farmersmarketcommittee 2 Extension of the Juvenile Chester policeman said he 2.9-millreductioninthe member Lisa McCauley. Cash 4Life (June 17): Court age from 16to 18 believes they will be there 1994-95budget approved “Farmers are growing and 31-36-45-46-59 “has not worked out so for some time. Patrol- by the board last night. In selling now and we need to Cash Ball: 4 MORE ONLINE well,” Judge Albert Dutton man Paul Matthews, who spite of that savings, how- approach them as soon as TocheckouttheDaily MacDadesaidinanad- has two children enrolled ever, the board hiked taxes possible for October.” Times online, visit: dressbeforethemonthly in the building’s Concord 22.5mills for residents All numbers unofficial until validated. DELCOTIMES.COM meetingoftheMagistrates DayCareCenter,admitted of Concord and Chester – COLIN AINSWORTH FRIDAY, JUNE 21, 2019 THE DAILY TIMES | NEWS | 3 COURTS “The deal with thecityisstill on the table, ChesterWaterAuthoritygears they can accept it at any time. We’re asking the judge to upforsurvivalbattleincourt approve that; that we have the power By Colin Ainsworth Special to the Times under the law to transfer the CHESTER>> The Chester Water Au- thority is preparing for a trifecta property into of developments in the ongoing the trust.” question of whether the finan- — CWA Solicitor cially distressed City of Chester, Francis J. Catania as CWA’s original incorporator, has the ability to terminate and sell the authority. but there’s an attempt to have While the city awaits the July one of the largest wealth trans- 1deadlineforitsrequestforpro- fers in this region’s history hap- posaltoselltheassetsoftheau- pen – from the (CWA) ratepayers thority, the CWA has issued a re- to the Aqua shareholders,” said quest of its own. The authority is- Catania. sued a request for qualifications The RFQ was initially sent to on June 19 (with a July 15 dead- 10 Pennsylvania-based universi- line) for investigative services ties, both private and public, with “into the attempted purchase unspecified groups outside aca- and takeover of the authority’s demia set to receive it next week. customers and assets which be- “We’ve been actively engaged in gan in 2017 and continues to the making right-to-know requests. present.” MEDIANEWS GROUP FILE PHOTO We have so much stuff we need The CWA Board of Directors Chester Water Authority bottles sit on the table during a recent meeting of its board. help,” Catania said. authorized the RFQ at a June 12 The RFQ outlines various com- meeting, the same day Chester 40-year term. day. “We’re asking the judge to tions in their system and the im- munications, discovered “through City Council passed a resolution While the city has not yet approve that; that we have the pactthe10percentrateincrease certain requests issued under authorizing its RFP. passed a resolution to enter into power under the law to transfer would have on Aqua customers. Pennsylvania’s Right-to-Know The RFQ comes as the author- the agreement, a July 19 hear- the property into the trust.” The case, also before Angelos, is Law, and other sources,” between ity prepares for two separate ing is scheduled in the Delaware According to Catania, Aqua set to begin trial Oct. 7. the state Department of Commu- court cases related to its Janu- County Court of Common Pleas Pennsylvania Inc. has filed a pe- With the court cases moving nity and Economic Development ary adoption of a proposed set- Orphans’ Court Division before tition to intervene and become a forward, the CWA board autho- and Chester’s state-appointed Act tlement with the city. The CWA Judge Spiros Angelos to review party in the case. rizedtheRFQtolookbackward 47 coordinators Econsult Solu- Board of Directors approved a res- the trust process and authorize Aqua, whose unsolicited of- at who the players were that led tions with Aqua and consultants olution on Jan. 24 to enter a 40- the transfer of property into it, fertobuytheCWAinMay2017 to this situation. The background tied to investor-owned utilities. year settlement to avoid litigating should the city enter the settle- spurred the initial controversy, to the RFQ states “It is suspected These communications occurred the city’s ability to initiate a sale, ment. filed suit in the county Common that there are numerous third prior to and following the initial approving a 10 percent rate hike “The deal with the city is still Pleas Court against the city and parties involved in this unin- May 2017 offer. to fund a one-time payment to on the table, they can accept it at CWA in early April to block the vited (2017) takeover attempt (by The concluding objective in the the city of $60,285,000 through a any time,” CWA Solicitor Francis settlement. Aqua cited the ap- Aqua), only some of whom have RFQisto“prepareafinalpub- bond issuance. CWA assets would J. Catania said during in an in- proximately $750,000 it pays CWA been identified.” licreport”ontheinvestigation’s then be placed into a trust for the terview at the Times office Thurs- annually for four interconnec- “I don’t know who ‘they’ is, findings.
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