KyANG NEWS Hail to the chiefs 123rd Airlift Wing, Kentucky Air National Guard, Louisville, Ky. Vol. XX, No. 8 • Aug. 14, 2004 Kentucky wing selected as the AFA’s 2004 Outstanding ANG Flying Unit By Tech. Sgt. Amy Mundell Cargo Courier Editor The Air Force Association has named the ABOVE: Brig. Gen. Hank Morrow presents a chief master Kentucky Air National Guard’s 123rd Air- sergeant certificate to Susan Sanders during her promo- lift Wing as its Outstanding Air National tion ceremony in July. Guard Flying Unit for 2004, based in part on the wing’s exceptional performance last LEFT: General Morrow presents Dwight Riggle with a year while participating in Operation Iraqi Meritorious Service Medal during his promotion to chief Freedom and the Global War on Terror. Photos by Senior Airman Phillip Speck/KyANG master sergeant in July. During the award period, which encom- passed all of 2003, the wing deployed hun- 123rd Airlift Wing dreds of aircrew members, maintenance Public Affairs Office troops and support personnel to multiple lo- Kentucky Air National Guard cations in Southwest Asia, Europe and Af- AFA award 1101 Grade Lane rica, where they flew missions into dozens Louisville, KY 40213-2678 of countries while supporting a broad range Continued from Front Page of military operations. OFFICIAL BUSINESS Col. Mark Kraus, commander of the to the hard work, dedication and 123rd Airlift Wing, said he was honored for professionalism of its troops dur- the unit to be chosen for the award. ing the extremely high operations “I’m really proud of the men and women tempo of the past few years. of the 123rd for having been named the out- “Their wartime performance standing flying unit in the Air National Guard is nothing short of stellar, and it for 2004,” he said. continues today. We haven’t The colonel attributed the wing’s success slowed down much; we’ve just changed direction — out of See AFA, Back Page Europe now and soon into South America” as the wing prepares for an upcoming Air Expedition- TOP: A Kentucky Air National Guard C- ary Forces mission to provide 130 taxies into Ramstein Air Base, Ger- airlift services from Puerto Rico. many, following an airlift sortie. Hundreds of Kentucky airmen deployed to Germany “Selection for this award only in support of the Global War on Terror last validates the dedication and year. professionalism that I see in our folks day to day, and it’s an BOTTOM: 48 members of the 123rd Civil honor to serve alongside them.” Engineers Squadron board a Kentucky The award recognizes the C-130 as they prepare to deploy to Iraq wing’s total performance in last November. The troops spent four 2003, including its support of months at Baghdad International Airport. state and local events. Photos by Senior Airman Phillip Speck/KyANG The Cargo Courier 8 Aug. 14, 2004 COMMANDER’S CALL GUARD NEWS Don’t let your guard down — We’re at war! Reserve forces taking advantage of VA home loans By Rudi Williams when they are called to active duty during troops, Mr. Pedigo said. TTENTION! UNTIL tricts in New York City and Washington, American Forces Press Service wartime. He said the best way for guardsmen and FURTHER NOTICE, D.C., are centers of gravity and logical “They’re then subject to the same eligi- reservists to find out if they qualify for a WE ARE AT WAR! terrorist targets — but Columbus, Ohio? WASHINGTON — There has been a dra- bility requirements as a regular active-duty home loan is to submit an application for a A As inter-office memos That’s a bit of an eye opener! matic increase in the amount of Department servicemember,” he said. “During wartime, certificate of eligibility to one of the two go, that’s a zinger. From a global perspective, Columbus of Veterans Affairs home loans to National you only have to serve for 90 days to be- VA Eligibility Centers. The center in Win- It’s the e-mail that will is the equivalent of three houses down the Guardsmen and reservists in recent years, a come eligible for a VA home loan.” ston-Salem, N.C., handles states east of the bring you up out of your seat to seek fi- street in the same neighborhood. top department official said. Those who are discharged with a service- Mississippi River. The Los Angeles center delity, because you know it’s going to No offense to mall shoppers in Colum- The amount would increase even more connected disability with less than 90 days’ handles states west of the Mississippi. change the way you do business. bus, but let’s be honest: That one might if they knew that being on active duty dra- service are also eligible, Mr. Pedigo said. “They should submit the application I don’t know if that memo (or one with have gotten past us — and that’s the point! matically reduces the time it takes for them During peacetime, the eligibility require- along with a copy of their service record,” words to that effect) was ever circulated Indiscriminate targeting like this really to become eligible for the loans, said Keith ment is 181 days of continuous active duty Mr. Pedigo said. The certificate of eligibil- in the past few years, but for Department makes validation possible for almost any Pedigo, director of the VA Loan Guaranty with an honorable discharge. Eligibility is ity proves eligibility for the home-loan ben- of Defense employees, both civilian and similar scenario that one could imagine, Service. also granted to those who are discharged with efit. military, it wasn’t really necessary. and for that we’ll need to form a whole He said VA officials try to get the word a service-connected disability with less than Another difference between the reserve- As we approach the third anniversary new mindset. out to all guardsmen and reservists, but it is 181 days service. component and active-duty benefit is in the of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 it As citizens we have a responsibility to difficult to reach all of them because they Mr. Pedigo said VA officials are making amount of fees paid — reservists pay a bears remembering that we’ve not yet re- respond within our ability — to be vigi- are spread out across the country. “more and more” loan guarantees for guards- slightly higher fee, he said. ceived “further notice.” lant in our surroundings, alert to unusual “I would guess that many of them are not men and reservists, and they expect that num- The fee consists of a certain percentage We must act, think and plan accordingly events or abnormal circumstances and to aware of the requirements for a home loan,” ber to continue to climb. of the loan amount: 2.75 percent for Na- because relatives of the thugs who brought report any suspicious activity to the proper Mr. Pedigo said. “However, I would expect “We try to promote this benefit to the re- tional Guard and reserve servicemembers, that those who are interested in buying a violence to innocents on that otherwise or- Col. Mark Kraus authorities. serves and National Guard through various 2 percent for others. These percentages can home would go to the trouble to find out means,” he said. be lowered with down payments of 5 or 10 dinary Tuesday morning are vigorously 123rd Airlift Wing Commander As members of the Guard we are re- exactly what it takes to use the home-loan Currently, about 3.5 percent of VA-backed percent. pursuing opportunities to score a repeat quired to be ready to mobilize and deploy benefit.” loans are made to those who qualified based The fee does not have to come out of the performance. if necessary, a la Operation Noble Eagle. Normally, guardsmen and reservists must on National Guard or reserve service, he said. servicemember’s pocket, Mr. Pedigo said. Their ultimate success depends on our to orange for the financial services sec- Are you ready? Shots up to date? Gear serve six years before becoming eligible for There are some differences in the basic It can be included in the loan amount. ultimate failure to recognize the potential tors in New York City and Washington cleaned and serviceable? a VA home loan, Mr. Pedigo said. But, he eligibility requirements between home loans “So if you don’t have the cash, that’s not threat, but as time passes our attention D.C. in response to credible threat intelli- Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. said, that requirement changes dramatically for active-duty and reserve-component a problem,” he said. tends to drift to the routine, the day-to- gence. Enemy surveillance to target spe- Schoomaker predicts the Global War on day life uninterrupted. cific buildings there had been ongoing for Terrorism will go on for generations. It would be dangerous at worst and na- years, perhaps even prior to 9/11, the re- Those of us helplessly watching on Some extended guardsmen, reservists may get GI Bill boosts ive at best to believe that all those whose ports said. television as those fuel-laden airliners purpose is to direct terror toward us are Scarcely more than a month ago a So- found their mark on that otherwise ordi- By Rudi Williams servicemembers who have completed high school. thousands of miles removed from us. mali man, living and working in Ohio, was nary Tuesday morning knew that in many American Forces Press Service “The active-duty bill is a program designed for those who enlist Attorney General John D.
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