Think Green 50¢ March 22, 2009 Recycle this paper Volume 83, No. 12 www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend TODAY’S CATHOLIC Spring Sports In letter, pope responds to Take me out to the ball game criticisms over Lefebvrite decision Pages 13-18 BY JOHN THAVIS VATICAN CITY (CNS) — In a letter to the world’s In the pope’s words bishops, Pope Benedict XVI expressed regret that his lifting of the excommunications of four traditionalist Pope Benedict XVI’s bishops gave rise to a storm of protests and bitterness. The pope said the controversy over Bishop Richard letter to bishops Williamson’s statements denying the extent of the Pages 3, 5 Holocaust was “an unforeseen mishap” — one that could have been anticipated, however, by paying more attention to information easily available on the Internet. The pope said he was particularly saddened at the Inspiring spiritual reaction of some Catholics who seemed willing to believe he was changing direction on Catholic-Jewish perfection relations and were ready to “attack me with open hos- Pope declares tility.” He thanked “our Jewish friends” who helped clarify the matter and restore a sense of trust. year of the priest The Vatican published the 2,500-word letter in six languages March 12. The Vatican spokesman, Jesuit CNS PHOTO/GREGORY A. SHEMITZ Page 4 Father Federico Lombardi, called it a “unique, excep- Altar boys stand in the sanctuary during a Tridentine Mass at St. Michael the Archangel tional document” for its direct and personal style, and Chapel in Farmingville, N.Y., Feb. 1. The chapel is affiliated with the Society of St. Pius X. said it showed the pope had listened carefully to what people were saying. The pope said he was taking the unusual step of As a result, he said, “an avalanche of search would have revealed Bishop All Diocesan Team writing to the bishops because the episode had gener- protests was unleashed, whose bitterness laid Williamson’s views on the Holocaust and Athletes recognized ated “a discussion more heated than any we have seen bare wounds deeper than those of the present helped the Vatican anticipate the reaction. for a long time,” both inside and outside the church. moment.” “I have been told that consulting the infor- Pages 14-15 He said his overture to Bishop Williamson and the “I was saddened by the fact that even mation available on the Internet would have other three bishops of the Society of St. Pius X was Catholics, who, after all, might have had a made it possible to perceive the problem designed to close a wound and bring unity to the better knowledge of the situation, thought early on. I have learned the lesson that in the church, by lifting excommunications incurred in 1988 they had to attack me with open hostility,” he future in the Holy See we will have to pay and opening the way to dialogue with the society. said. greater attention to that source of news,” he Lenten faith sharing But when Bishop Williamson’s comments about “Precisely for this reason I thank all the said. the Holocaust were circulated, “it suddenly appeared more our Jewish friends, who quickly helped Pope Benedict said he deeply regretted ‘Do this in as something completely different: as the repudiation to clear up the misunderstanding and to another mistake: that the lifting of the remembrance of me’ of reconciliation between Christians and Jews, and restore the atmosphere of friendship and excommunications was not adequately thus as the reversal of what the (Second Vatican) trust,” he said. explained and gave rise to misinterpretations Page 12 Council had laid down in this regard to guide the The pope acknowledged something critics church’s path,” he said. have pointed out: that a simple Internet CRITICISM, PAGE 3 TELLING OUR FAITH STORY Visiting Burmese priests I love my Catholic faith because I have a God that support refugee population will forgive me if I am truly tlement needs. To that end, Bishop D’Arcy BY KAY COZAD recently placed a call to Father Stephen sorry. I also love how Jesus Mahn Thapwa, a Burmese priest stationed in died for us on the cross. It FORT WAYNE — Thanks to Catholic the Diocese of Wichita in Kansas, requesting Charities over 830 Burmese refugees were that he make a visit to Fort Wayne to minis- is pretty cool to think that resettled in 2008, in the Summit City — a ter to the Catholic Burmese population here. he died for us. That is why significant increase from the over 630 reset- Father Mahn Thapwa, who was ordained tled in 2007. Though the majority of the into the priesthood in 1976 in Burma, came I love the Catholic faith. refugees practice Buddhism, there are cur- to the U.S. in 1995, following political unrest rently over 45 registered Catholic Burmese there. He is currently pastor at Sacred Heart in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. Parish in Fredonia, Kan., and was inspired by Jacob Chelf Bishop John M. D’Arcy has worked dili- Bishop D’Arcy’s interest in assisting the Seventh-grade student gently with special meetings and Masses, for Burmese refugees. the Catholic Burmese population, to better St. Charles Borromeo, Fort Wayne understand and meet their spiritual and reset- BURMESE, PAGE 24 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC MARCH 22, 2009 TODAY’S CATHOLIC Official newspaper of the Pope’s letter is from a pastor Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy whose heart is pure A church for all and a special Sunday Church. In each culture, she finds her own EDITOR: Tim Johnson place. NEWS EDITOR and STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad A call came from Father Chau Pham, To see these people from so far away, SVD, pastor of St. Patrick’s, Fort Wayne, many of them afraid and anxious. Their indicating that I had been there for the Editorial Department language is so different to our ears, and our Vietnamese, and also for the Hispanics, but language so different to theirs. Yet, we are PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan NEWS I should come for the Irish on the Sunday FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, one in faith and the Eucharist — and in our &NOTES before St. Patrick’s Day. How can I say veneration of Our Lady. Michelle Castleman, Karen Clifford, “no” to that? Fort Wayne is a good city. Arms have Elmer J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, been opened to them. The mayor has set BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY Bonnie Elberson, Denise Fedorow, aside a special building where they can get Diane Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister A full church and the recognition of food stamps and help; and the Catholic Margie Lavonis, CSC, Joe Kozinski and a large confirmation class Church, as always, is doing its part, as A letter to be read in prayer Deb Wagner It is absolutely splendid to see the indeed we must. On Thursday, the bishops of the Catholic revival and strengthening of St. Patrick Our inspiration is taken from the Holy Church received a historic and moving let- Family who were also migrants and Business Department Parish. Karl Rahner, the distinguished the- ter about Pope Benedict XVI. I have asked ologian, mentioned that one of the great refugees; and of course, the Hebrew people BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice our editor to publish it in its entirety in this experiences of the Second Vatican Council, — God’s chosen ones, were also in an alien AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber newspaper. It is a letter from a pastor was the Welt-Kirche, the sense that we now land. BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol whose heart is pure. at last had a “world church,” a church for “You shall not oppress an alien; you will [email protected] The pope expresses his sorrow about the whole globe. This was evident at St. know how it feels to be an alien, since you recent events and it is evident that the reac- Patrick’s, and it was a joy to spend time were once aliens yourselves in the land of Advertising Sales tion of many in the church was painful to afterwards with the parishioners, and also Egypt.” — Ex 23:9. Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) him. It is a frank letter in which the pope to visit the beginnings of a health clinic. (260) 456-2824 explains to his brothers in the episcopacy The liturgy, of course, was for the third his reasons for lifting the excommunication Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) Sunday of Lent, but with a mention of St. Parish missions of those validly, but illicitly ordained as Patrick. Songs and readings were in I have six parish missions during Lent, (574) 234-0687 bishops. It is a gesture of reconciliation, Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Vietnamese, Spanish and English. and four have been completed. A wonderful which is part of his vocation as Successor night for a penance service at St. Michael’s, of Peter. Also, he lifted this censure in Published weekly except the fourth Plymouth, and then the long drive home response to the request of those who have And more immigrants through the pouring rain. A joy to be with Sunday in June, first and third weeks in been separated from the church since the July, first week in August and last week Off then, to our Archbishop Noll Father Bill Kummer and Father Eloy Second Vatican Council. in December by the Diocese of Fort Catholic Center, where two priests from Jimenez.
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