IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 24, Issue 1, Ver. 1 (January. 2019) 26-40 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosrjournals.org Practices, Contributions, Challenges and Sustainability of School Feeding Program in Ethiopian Somali Regional State, Ethiopia Yigzaw Haile (PhD Associate Professor) and Abdirasak Ali (MA) Corresponding Author: Yigzaw Haile (PhD Abstract: This study was attempted to explore the sustainability of school feeding program in Ethiopia Somali Regional State. Practices, challenges, contributions and sustainability of school feeding program in the region was captured. Different zones such as Gode, Jigjiga, Deghabour and KebriDehar were selected for the study. Different participants such as teachers, directors, parents, students, Woreda education offices, Region education bureau and WFP focal person were participated in the study. To select participants, primary schools of the respective zone were included in the study. All teachers and directors existed in the selected primary school were purposely selected. In the same vein, purposive sampling technique was employed to select students and parent feeding committee who are jointly working with the schools as well as purposive sampling technique was used to select region heads, woreda education bureau heads and WFP focal person. Percentage and thematic analysis were used to analyze quantitative and qualitative data respectively. The main finding of the study revealed that imbalance or clash between demands of SFP (School Feeding Program) which was expressed in terms of expected and unexpected demand and the supply side of the SFP were found. Region education bureau, schools (directors) and parents were not jointly working to generate new way to sustain the SFP in the region though community and the regional government were committed to support the program. The process of SFP in terms of distribution of food service and the actual distribution was not properly managed. In spite of the fact that there were gaps in SFP practices, SFP has contributed lot for student’s education. It tried to enhance student’s moral and vision to education, increase enrolment and attendance, enhance pastoral parent’s awareness and value to education, enhance quality of education since students motivation to education, concentration and attention in learning were increased after the commencement of food service in the respective schools. Besides, implementation of SFP in the schools change pastoral community’s view towards modern education, shape pastoral parents knowledge to education and increased student’s academic achievement. Despite the fact that there were benefits reported different challenges such as increasing number of students from year to year, lack of government and community commitment to support the program, lack of sectorial engagement, lack of financial and institutional capacity as well as lack of independent SFP structure at different levels affect the implementation of SFP and Future sustainability of the program. To sustain the program opportunities were identified in the study such as the existence of enough land at each school, surplus production, enough rivers, committed (in terms of readiness and perspective) government, parents and community to support the program. On the bases of the identified findings, the regional government is expected to establish new independent structure to run SFP, redesign SFP so as to accommodate the interest different sectors in the program, use the existed opportunity effectively and mobilize pastoral community resource for the program. Key Words: SFP Practices, SFP Challenges, SFP Contributions, SFP Sustainability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Date of Submission: 24-12-2018 Date of acceptance: 07-01-2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- I. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Education is a means to address the ever changing situation of the world as well as make ready children to bring something new for the world. Children are the present and future leaders of the country. Different hurdles are deemed in the process of accessing education for all children. One of the challenges rolling around this area is the family economic situation. Hunger is a main factor for parents, communities and other agents for not to see children attend in the schools. The life of their family is found to be at risk and do not let the children to attend their education. To address this challenge, school feeding program is very crucial. Its establishment wasto address the problem identified by that time. The school feeding program was started in London and USA in 1930 with the intention of solving the problems it was detected on the actual ground. It was aimed to enhance student’s growth by accessing milk in the schools (Ritcher et al., 2000). Food for education was also planned to DOI: 10.9790/0837-2401012640 www.iosrjournals.org 26 |Page Practices, Contributions, Challenges and Sustainability of School Feeding Program in Ethiopian .. offer food service for those parents who are poor or have problem of food security and unable to send their children to school Lawson, (2012). WFP also defined in line with some of issues stated here. The program is aimed to give food for children in different forms. It could be given in two forms; one it is giving in the school and the second is the family takes to their home. In school service, they have presented meals and high energy biscuits or snack (WFP, 2013). This service was not only limited to these countries but it had influenced other countries to apply the program on the bases of their own reality. With different schemes and procedures, the school feeding program was implemented in different countries. To mention some of them, in Brazile, the school feeding program was started in world war (1945) the second. They have promoted decentralization system to enact the program properly. Different agents such as government, teachers, parents and civil society were involved (WFP, 2009). The same holds true in South Africa. Food was availed in the schools particularly for the white and colored people. Different items such as milk and fortified biscuits were accessed in the schools (Tomlinson, 2007). In Malawi, the program was started to address school enrollment, attendance and learning capacity. Particularly it was attempted to offer for those children who were coming from poor families or orphaned and valuable (Swartz, 2009) part of the community. The same scenario happened in Zembabwe. The school feeding program was targeted to address the children who were vulnerable, out of school and orphaned one. Corn meal porridge was given for the school (WFP, 2004). In Tanzania, the school feeding program was started since 1956. Half day meal service and health matters were also given more emphasis by that time. It was also strengthen the program after they got their independence (Missan, 2011). As the researchers attempted to review different literatures, the impact of the program was enticed different countries to adapt the school feeding approach in their own country. Different themes were identified in different countries as serious problem for children for not to attend their education properly. The program was not address the children education services but also attempted to enhance the student’s health status in the respective countries. As Save the Children USA (2007) mentioned, the program was targeted to address different issues such as increase enrollment and attendance, alleviate short term hunger and improve nutritional status. As Rosso (1999) mentioned, the program has provided more opportunities to increase girls enrollment and attendance in the schools. It was also addressed the students living in hardship areas. Males were given more chance to attend schools than females. With intervention of the program in the country, girls got the chance to attend the program. The impact of the school feeding program on enrollment and attendance was witnessed in different countries. In Malawi, enrolment was increased in to 5% and attendance was improved in to 36% (WFP, 1996). The same holds true in Burkina Faso. The program assisted to increase school enrolment, regular attendance, consistently lower repeater rates, lower dropout rates, and higher success rates on national exams, especially among girls (Moore and Kuntze, 1998). According to the analysis by Gelli (2006), done from WFP‘s assisted 4,175 schools in 32 Sub-Saharan African countries which provided food to 21.7 million children in 2005, showed a 14 percentage yearly increase in school enrolment for both boys and girls . Also the United Nations reported that providing children with take-home ratios in addition to school meals increased enrolment in 32 countries and particularly beneficial for girls in the primary school (WFP, 2009). The program has also impacted on student’s completion rate and improvement of achievement test (Ahmed, 2004). It was further mentioned that providing pupils’ food helps them to increases attention and concentration in their learning (Madeley, 2000). Also School Feeding Programme effectively reduces absenteeism and increases the duration (King and Burgess, 1995). Similarly, implementation of this program has brought a significant impact on children enrollment, attendance and age of entry.
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