.. 9.15 a.m.-The Man from Yesterday. 5,00 p.m.-Junior Jamboree, present. 7.30 p.m.-Bargain Hour. THE DAILY . NEWS LPURITANI ...... ,. .... 11.00 p.m.-Bargain Hour. • ltallable at 11.00 p.m.-Pepsi Cola Sportscast. Vol. 62. No. 66 ST, JOHN'S; NEWFOUNDLAND; THURSDAY, MARCH 24, 1955 (Pric. 5 Cents) Charles' Hutton &Sons CONVICTED' OF $5,500 THEFT l' . : \ Eisenhower Asks For " Egypt in "State I Urges Talks Precede OfWar"-IsraetMeeting Of Big Four Gaza Incident ~rings French Time For "Deeds St:::;NAT~;,t!~:-C/:!'lh'~~ Open Of Good Faith" Egypt's "state of war" against Israel for provoking the' WASmNGTON-AP - President Eisenhower 'll d 38 E t. I c. aUed Wednesday for "exploratory talks" on p..... eI ash at G aza th a t kI e gyp lans and eight Israelis, Is r a eli representative Abba 1 De b a t e' ISSUes between· Russian and the Western powers- Ia.. Eban asked the United Nations ment this week by Maj. S~lah S.a. the next few months - once treaties for rearmin" Security Co u nc II Wednesday lem! Egyptian guidance minister, W t G f .. to condemn "Egyptian incursions, calhng for the return of the terri. es ennany are inaUy ratified. murders, demolitions and sabo- tory of Negev to Egypt, Eban saId: On GerlJlan St k 11 k 1I~ challenged the Soviets ill tagc" whlc.'l m .sald had been of. "This insolent territorial claim OC lr ar et these talks Dr otherwise, to de:Uon flclally described by UN bodies as putforwar~ by Major, Salem I~ Rearmfunellt I strate "deed.~ tltat would show tilt "a main cause of the present ten. tm clear light of· day IS Lbe Uitl' 'IB h go~d faith of Russia" toward ~ slon" and as "repeated aggressive mate source of tension on our PARIS-AP-The Fl'ench aruc ~?tiations to ease world tension,' a(:~ by Egypt against Israel." s~~tbern frontIcr. S t d 't d b i He said that if such evidence ~ , Egypt's Omar Loutli contcjlded Let me say that Egypt or any' ena e opene I S e ate, came available a top·level mee~ that Eban' "had tried to drown" other Arab state will not get tile Wednesday on the West: C II F ill:: of the Big Four might be held the Egyptian complaint against the N~gev, nor is our territory a~ai1. German reannament treat-I a 5 or Senat~r Walter ~orge (Dem.~ Gaza Incldant In a general debate ~lial for bargaining In diSCUSSions . ' Ga,l saId the views expressed b, on the whole Palestine question. u[ re~ional defence organizations." les. , It heard a de Gaulltst , Ei,enhower at a press conference "H~ tried to leave aside the (CaIro reports publlshM In New appeal for their approval as ! Sf b./et Werl: close to his own. The influent- bioody Gaza aggression. He care. York said Salem placed the reo the "least evil" solution un. : a I I Y i31 chairman of the Senata foreign fully avoided dealing with his gov, t~rll of Negev-providing a land. ' , relations committee had started erument's responslblllty which had l.nk between Egypt and her Arah der the CIrcumstances. debate on a meeting with a state. be-an establl~bed. He failed to lsay neighbors-as the price for Arab Hatificatlon by the Senate, or WASHINGTON - AP- ment Sunday night that he thought t' wh~ the guilty havc not been pun. defence co • operation with Io.;e Council 'of the Republic, is cx· Bernard M B h d' the top men of Britain, !:.'le United I' I~hed; he hUed to express any re. \Vesl.).. pecled to complcle French parHa· " aruc, a Vlser Stntes. Russia and France should glct." ~ANT AS~URANCE rnr.ntary discussion. That is the to preSIdents, called Wed· get tog~ther this year. FR:\NCIS FOLEY of St. John's, convicted of the robbery of $5,500 from the CONSIDER REPORTS Lban saId:. "My go\"~rnment Is last b,ig 'obstacle to putting guns nesday for jean effecLivt! POLICY DEFINITION I prepared to gIVe an assurance that b.ck In tIw hands of Germans, A h' 1 """,, . " Chinche proprietor of thc White Lily Cafe, hides his face as he leavcs the ,Both sides Were heard at length i! no hostile act is carried out by halE. dozen other countries still S Ie d of defence and re- 'Tbe pO,hcy defInition made by \'Iednesday as the council for th~ Egypt against Israel, then no hos. must ratify one or another of the placing .the fear of inflation the preSIdent Wedne~day in re.. COllrt Hou!ie yesterday. after hearing the jury bring down the "guilty" verdict. third time considered the Ga'Za In. tlJll aero[ any kind will be carried t:caties, but no difficulty is antic· 'th th I'd f t b sponse to repo~ers qUestion! Foley quickly muffled his head in his coat when he saw DAILY NEWS photo­ eldent and ,relative reports by out by ,Israel against Egypt." Ipat'zd, ' ~,l ,,: con I ence 0 sa· Ehowed him to be m a position be- J:rallbcr David Butler waiting to take his picture. He returns to the Court Maj .• Gen. E. L. M. Bums of Ot. LOUtll, who spoke to the council Premier Edgar Faure told the lhty, ~~:cen the stands tak~n by Senator p~r:-nr.· t~wa, chief of the UN truce super. after Eban, criticized ~rns 'reo swators his government is unan. Th~ 84·year.old, whlte·halred fi· J orge a~d, the Republican Senate on Monday to hear sentence pronounced. '! tn cor­ vls!on organization ,In Palestln.~. port for being "beyond the fram~. Imous in backing the treaties, nlucier told the Senate banking leader, WIlham Knowla~~ of Cali- him .. ! · h S d' Eban said Burns reports re- work of the Gaza Incident." Loutfi thcugh several of his ministers c~mmiltee: ~ornia. In sum ,the posItions bu- fa"or:n: \"I'laled with deep gravity" the ten· said the report confirmed that Is· \'olcd against them or abstained In "1 we do not preserve our na· Irally are these: .' ' "S ermen ave 'A a, plum!, It slons on the Israell.~gyptian f~on. r~cl had committed premedlated tbe National sse m b I y, lower tional sccurity and our national ,,.~corge has advocated meetin, I' fnr ~p~. Baroness F tier whlcb Feb. 28 exploded mto aggresslun, us i n g its regular house of parliam:!nt, which ratified Ic~(diL, then noLhlng can have last· 1I I\i1OUt the, Russians being com· " • a conflict ",;!th regrettably serious ~: med forces, and had violated LbEm Dec, 30. "1 mean to take' in>: value," I pelled ~o glye sorne evidence of · ,'Ba ,t t'lle. lo~:n ~:i next to . Burns at the ~ ~~~::e~~e, a~~ement and the ~~e~u~o~e~~iu:si~ilm~~t I~e~i~ :~; w~~r~~~~et~a;t~:e Ii~;lll!?:ne~~ ~~~ t~:lttn'it!dr~~t~~s 1~001~~r. ,Freed On t C, . ' .. .' ,. 1:()~able' ,~nd , dlreeUy ,across '<Bums 'tend )iis report to .. the with deep conviction," Faure said, '15 ilia committee wound up three ~I,sen-!lower stick~ to ~e stand" 1n 'Ep. - from Loutfi. council Marcll 17. In It he care· Senator Michel Debre. a close w~eks of public hearjngs on the frl! U,S, , governm,~nt has held. oney ap i Eban said that for the councU to Mly avoided blaming either side frllower of Gen. Charles de GauBe, market's 1S,month boom. !~rough t~o administrations. This B R' C¥ OW confine its judgment or crlUclsm for the tension but denlt with rrrommcnded adoption of the The committee had asked for his IS, th~t Without evidence of Soviet M R e.,'c-c U e I c;, to the Gua incident alone \Vou~d causes contributing to the tension treaties even though he said he vicws on "whether present levels sincerity a top-level session might I'. ).!O:-:TREAL-CP _ Mrs. b~ gravely prejudicial and IneqUlt· in order, to find the DJSt way of h~d doubts. He recalled the desire of stock prices and recent acceler· ~;d~s Elsen~ower ca~led It '!fed- I P 'f f Y able. le~senlng It. ,of many senators towards a new ~(jon of stock·market prices con· s'h' y, a futile e~ercl!e in just Ilarry ursey, WI eon PORT BURWELL, Ont.-CP-F.our fishermen, half INSOLENT CLAIlII Burns plans to leave today {or a '~ffort for Big Four talks before sWuted a potential danger to the .•er propaganda, member of the British Par- dead from 35 hours' exposure to the cold and the constant Referring to reports of a state· we~kend visit to Ottawa. West Germany is finally given per· economy," Kn?wland says ,there are sub- jialncnl \Vednesday nl'ght n'is-ion to take its place in the ~tnn!lal dangers In a blg.power pounding of raging seas, were rescued Wednesday from Decision Made S d T II 0 "~es'tern military alliance, IT'S A~ ~r.EN QUESTION I ronference '~hlch he be!ieves ,,!ould "',,~ acquitted 011 a charge their foundering tug 75 feet off shore at Clear Creek, ' til Y 0 s n "France finds itsc\{ in an im· He sal~. No one kno.ws wheUle,~ !hGW ,the Wester~ Allies diVIded. "oi '\ possessingd Sl t counterfeit 40 mt'les southwest of London, Onto Troops Nle··lV S. Dal.lTay I,Ilp.,,"otiatc.
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