HRG. 102-1084, PT. 3 NOMINATION OF JUDGE CLARENCE THOMAS TO BE ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES HEARINGS BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY UNITED STATES SENATE ONE HUNDRED SECOND CONGRESS FIRST SESSION ON THE NOMINATION OF CLARENCE THOMAS TO BE ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 Part 3 of 4 Parts J-102-40 Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 56-272 WASHINGTON : 1992 For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328 ISBN 0-16-040837-7 COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY JOSEPH R. BIDEN, JR., Delaware, Chairman EDWARD M. KENNEDY, Massachusetts STROM THURMOND, South Carolina HOWARD M. METZENBAUM, Ohio ORRIN G. HATCH, Utah DENNIS DECONCINI, Arizona ALAN K. SIMPSON, Wyoming PATRICK J. LEAHY, Vermont CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, Iowa HOWELL HEFLIN, Alabama ARLEN SPECTER, Pennsylvania PAUL SIMON, Illinois HANK BROWN, Colorado HERBERT KOHL, Wisconsin RONALD A. KLAIN, Chief Counsel JEFFREY J. PECK, Staff Director TERRY L. WOOTEN, Minority Chief Counsel and Staff Director (II) CONTENTS FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 CHRONOLOGICAL LIST OF WITNESSES Page Panel consisting of: John E. Palmer, president and CEO, EDP Enterprises, Inc., on behalf of the Heartland Coalition for the Confirmation of Judge Clarence Thomas, and J.C. Alvarez, vice president, River North Distribut- ing 1 Panel consisting of: Benjamin L. Hooks, executive director, National Associa- tion for the Advancement of Colored People; Rev. Dr. Amos C. Brown, the National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc.; and Rev. Archie Le Mone, the Progressive National Baptist Convention 18 Panel consisting of: Donald Baldwin, National Law Enforcement Council; Carl R. Peed, sheriff, Fairfax County, VA; Johnny Hughes, National Troopers Coalition; James Doyle III, former assistant attorney general, State of Maryland; Bob Suthard, International Chiefs of Police; and John Collins, Citizens for Law and Order 165 Panel consisting of: Harriet Woods, president, National Women's Political Caucus; Molly Yard, president, National Organization for Women; Eleanor Smeal, Fund for the Feminist Majority; Helen Neuborne, NOW Legal De- fense and Education Fund; Anne Bryant, American Association of Universi- ty Women; and Byllye Avery, National Black Women's Health Project 200 Panel consisting of: Joe Broadus, professor, George Mason Law School, Ar- lington, VA; James Ellison, professor, Cumberland Law School, Birming- ham, AL; Rodney Smith, dean, Capital University Law School, Columbus, OH; and Charles F. Rule, Covington & Burling, Washington, DC 265 Panel consisting of: Haywood Burns, Supreme Court Watch; Patricia Wil- liams, Center for Constitutional Rights; James J. Bishop, Americans for Democratic Action; and William B. Moffitt, National Center for Criminal Defense Lawyers 391 Panel consisting of: Ellen Smith, Concerned Women for America; Celes King, Professional Bail Agents; George L. Jenkins, Jr., chairman, Montgomery County Black Republican Council; and George C. Dumas, national chair- man, Republican Black Caucus 495 ALPHABETICAL LIST AND SUBMITTED MATERIAL Alvarez J.C: Testimony 8 Prepared statement 10 Avery, Byllye: Testimony 240 Prepared statement 242 Baldwin, Donald: Testimony 165 Prepared statement 167 Bishop, James J.: Testimony 466 Prepared statement 469 Broadus, Joe: Testimony 265 Brown, Rev. Dr. Amos C: Testimony 125 Prepared statement 128 Resolution 132 (in) IV Bryant, Anne: P««?e Testimony 232 Prepared statement 234 Burns, Haywood: Testimony 391 Report 394 Collins, John: Testimony 185 Prepared statement 187 Doyle, James, III: Testimony 183 Dumas, George C: Testimony 517 Prepared statement 519 Ellison, James: Testimony 267 Prepared statement 269 Hooks, Benjamin L.: Testimony 18 Prepared statement 21 Report 48 Hughes, Johnny: Testimony 180 Resolution 182 Jenkins, George L., Jr.: Testimony 507 Resolution 508 Prepared statement 511 King, Celes: Testimony 503 Prepared statement 505 La Mone, Rev. Archie: Testimony 136 Prepared statement 155 Resolution 161 Moffitt, William B.: Testimony 485 Prepared statement 487 Neuborne, Helen: Testimony 222 Prepared statement 225 Palmer, John E.: Testimony 1 Prepared statement 4 Peed, Carl R.: Testimony 169 Prepared statement 171 Prepared statement of Sheriff Marshall E. Honaker 176 Rule, Charles F.: Testimony 287 Report 288 Appendix 368 Prepared statement 384 Smeal, Eleanor: Testimony 205 Article from Newsweek 208 Prepared statement 211 Smith, Ellen: Testimony 495 Prepared statement of Beverly LaHaye 498 Smith, Rodney: Testimony 276 Prepared statement 278 Suthard, Bob: Testimony 184 Williams, Patricia: Testimony 442 Prepared statement 445, 452 V Woods, Harriet: Pa*e Testimony 200 Yard, Molly: Testimony 202 COLLOQUY Biden, Chairman Joseph R., Jr.: Baldwin, Donald 192-193 Bishop, James J 466 Brown, Rev. Amos C 139 Hooks, Benjamin L 138-139 Jenkins, George L., Jr 507 King, Celes 504 Le Mone, Rev. Archie 139-140, 144, 153-154 Neuborne, Helen 261-263 Palmer, John E 18 Smeal, Eleanor : 258-262 Suthard, Bob 192-193 Woods, Harriet 262-263 Yard, Molly 263-265 Brown, Hon. Hank: Hooks, Benjamin L 146-148 Heflin, Hon. Howell: Doyle, James, III 197-198 Kennedy, Hon. Edward M.: Bryant, Anne 253 Hooks, Benjamin L 140-142 Neuborne, Helen 251-252 Woods, Harriet 252 Kohl, Hon. Herbert: Brown, Rev. Amos C 149-150 Hooks, Benjamin L 148-150 Le Mone, Rev. Archie 148-150 Simon, Hon. Paul: Avery, Byllye 256 Brown, Rev. Amos C 144-145 Bryant, Anne 257 Collins, John 198-199 Ellison, James 388 Hooks, Benjamin L 144-145, 152-153 Le Mone, Rev. Archie 144-145 Neuborne, Helen 248-249,256 Smeal, Eleanor 249-251, 257 Smith, Rodney 388-389 Woods, Harriet 255-257 Yard, Molly 248,257 Simpson, Hon. Alan K.: Brown, Rev. Amos C 150-152 Bryant, Anne 253-255 Specter, Hon. Arlen: Alvarez, J.C 16-17 Baldwin, Donald , 196 Brown, Rev. Amos C 143 Smeal, Eleanor 258-260 Suthard, Bob 197 Thurmond, Hon. Strom: Alverez, J.C 15 Baldwin, Donald 194-195 Broadus, Joe 389-390 Collins, John 194-195 Doyle, James, III 193-195 Dumas, George C 524-525 Ellison, James 389-390 Hughes, Johnny 193-195 Jenkins, George L., Jr 524-525 King, Celes 524-525 VI Thurmond, Hon. Strom—Continued Pa«e Palmer, John E 15 Peed, Carl 193-195 Rule, Charles F 390 Smith, Ellen 524-525 Smith, Rodney 390 Suthard, Bob 193-195 NOMINATION OF JUDGE CLARENCE THOMAS TO BE ASSOCIATE JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1991 U.S. SENATE, COMMITTEE ON THE JUDICIARY, Washington, DC. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 9:07 a.m., in room 325, Senate Caucus Room, Russell Senate Office Building, Hon. Strom Thurmond, presiding. Present: Senators Biden, Kennedy, Metzenbaum, Heflin, Simon, Thurmond, Simpson, Specter, and Brown. Senator THURMOND. The committee will come to order. Senator Biden has requested I go ahead and open the hearing and proceed. We are very pleased to have you all with us, and we are sorry we didn't get to you last night. You may go ahead now and make your statement. We have Mr. Palmer and Ms. Alvarez. We are glad to have them. PANEL CONSISTING OF JOHN E. PALMER, PRESIDENT AND CEO, EDP ENTERPRISES, INC., ON BEHALF OF THE HEARTLAND COA- LITION FOR THE CONFIRMATION OF JUDGE CLARENCE THOMAS, AND J.C. ALVAREZ, VICE PRESIDENT, RIVER NORTH DISTRIBUTING Mr. PALMER. Thank you. Good morning to the distinguished chairman, Senator Thurmond, and to all of the esteemed members of this U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. My name is John E. Palmer. I was born in Kansas and reared in Missouri, truly the heartland of our great Nation. I am the presi- dent and CEO of EDP Enterprises, Inc., a full food service manage- ment company which specializes in feeding military troops. We cur- rently feed our courageous men and women at Fort Leonard Wood, MO, and Fort Riley, home of the Big Red One in the great State of Kansas. I have traveled to our Nation's Capital this day to represent and raise the collective voice of a group named the Heartland Coalition for the confirmation of Judge Clarence Thomas. This group is com- prised of men and women, blacks and Hispanics, Kansans and Mis- sourians, liberals and conservatives, business men and women, elected officials, and, of particular note, prominent Democrats and prominent Republicans. The common thread which bonded this diverse group of inde- pendent minds was a willingness to step forward and boldly call at- (l) tention to the fact that there does exist a consensus within the mi- nority community of our country which supports the confirmation of Judge Thomas to the Supreme Court of the United States. We firmly believe that we embody the true essence of main- stream America defined. The coalition formed to demonstrate the bipartisan, culturally diverse support which this nomination has throughout America. We are reflective of the 54 percent who sup- ported Judge Thomas' confirmation prior to even the beginning of these hearings, as illustrated in a USA Today newspaper poll. We are representative of the 63 percent who currently back the confir- mation of Judge Thomas, as pointed out in an ABC News poll. We find Judge Thomas to be a man of integrity, of compassion, of principle, of strong moral fiber, of ability, and a man who is fiercely independent. Although some views of Judge Thomas may differ from those held by Justice Thurgood Marshall, he, like Justice Marshall, has overcome hardships, discrimination, and deprivation to prepare himself for the challenge of our country's highest court. It is important that you know the Heartland Coalition is not a professional lobbying group. There is no organizational structure. There are no officers. There exists no committees. Not one single, solitary dollar of the millions of dollars which have changed hands fueling campaigns both for and against the confirmation found its way into the Heartland Coalition.
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