47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 1481.pdf Near-infrared Spectroscopy of three 3:1 Kirkwood Gap Asteroids. S. K. Fieber-Beyer1,2 M. J. Gaffey,1,2 & P. S. Hardersen, 1Dept. of Space Studies, Box 9008, Univ. of North Dakota, Gr& Forks, ND 58202. 2Visiting astrono- mer at the IRTF under contract from the NASA, which is operated by the Univ. of Hawai’i Mauna Kea, HI 97620. [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Introduction: The mineralogy, petrology, isotope lifetime subjected to Yarkovsky to bring them to the chemistry, and chronology of the meteorites provide resonance in which they undergo chaotic orbital evolu- insights into the processes & conditions of the early tion such that the actual time required to reach a planet solar system & the relative timing of major processes crossing orbit ranges from several Myr to Gyr, which & events that occurred in the evolving early inner solar accounts for the paucity of long cosmic ray exposure system. However, the spatial locations of these events ages seen among the stony meteorites [17]. The shal- & processes are not well constrained because specific low size distribution of NEOs suggests collisional in- parent bodies of most meteorite types have not yet been jection into the resonance is not the sole mechanism identified. Since most of the larger main belt asteroids supplying meteorites and NEOs; however, an interplay are still located near their relative heliocentric for- between collisions and Yarkovsky act together to bring mation distances, they provide a glimpse of the distri- a robust number of fragments into the resonance [17]. bution of inner solar system materials during the for- [12] developed The Fragment Injection Model, mation epoch. Meteorites represent fragments of main which predicted specific asteroids that could efficiently belt asteroids that escaped into Earth-crossing orbits, deliver material from the 3:1 KG into Earth-crossing many via the chaotic zones associated with the proper orbits via collision/impact acceleration. Even the frag- motion & secular resonances with Jupiter and/or Saturn ments not directly inserted into the resonance have a [e.g.1,2]. Similarly, most near-Earth asteroids appear to high probability of making it to the resonance’s chaotic have originated in the main belt and escaped through zone via the Yarkovsky effect. Since the chaotic zone these same resonances assisted by the Yarkovsky ef- of the 3:1 KG is not dominated by any one particular fect. Researchers use meteorites and asteroids to un- assemblage, observation and characterization of indi- derst and nebular processes and history and to formu- vidual 3:1 KG objects is necessary to test possible me- late and constrain models of the early solar system teorite affinities [24-28]. [e.g., 3-8]. Probable parent bodies have been identified for on- The Kirkwood Gaps (KG) are severely depleted ly five [25, 29-31] of the ~135 meteorite classes [32]. zones in the asteroid belt located at proper motion res- These parent bodies (4) Vesta (HEDs), (3103) Eger onances with Jupiter. Objects near the 3:1 KG are sub- (enstatite achondrites/aubrites), (6) Hebe/ (695) Bella ject to excited eccentricities (e) and repeated planetary (H- chondrites & IIE iron meteorites), & the Maria encounters, which ultimately remove asteroids and Asteroid Family (mesosiderites) account for ~40% of asteroidal fragments from the resonance. Theoretical terrestrial meteorite falls. Thus, the sources of ~60% models indicate the majority of asteroidal material de- of the meteorite flux and ~97% of the meteorite classes livered to the inner solar system, particularly to the still need to be accounted for. Asteroids within the Earth, originates from the 3:1 and ν6 resonances [2, 9- “feeding zone” of the 3:1 KG are candidates for parent 15]. Asteroids and collisionally-ejected fragments with bodies. Previous spectral studies of a small set of as- semi-major axes (a) in the 2.47-2.53 AU range undergo teroids near the 3:1 KG in search of the parent bodies chaotic orbital evolution on short timescales [1]. of the ordinary chondrites were limited to VNIR spec- Changes in (e), (i), and (a) due to gravitational encoun- tra [33-37]. Such limited wavelength coverage does not ters with planets and non-gravitational forces such as permit detailed mineralogical analysis required to rig- collisions with other asteroids and Yarkovsky effects orously test meteorite affinities. This research has pro- can deliver nearby m-kms scale objects into the chaotic vided validation of the original work of [36] and has zone of the 3:1 KG [1, 15-19]. These objects are rapid- linked several asteroids as probable or plausible parent ly transferred to Earth- and Mars-crossing orbits mak- bodies for some meteorite type, as well as the potential ing the 3:1 KG a major source for meteorites and discovery of a small H-chondrite family [38]. NEAs [19-22]. Collisions play a vital role in liberating Observations & Data Reduction: NIR spectra of meteoroids from their parent bodies. Once liberated, asteroids (17) Thetis, (900) Rosalinde, and (2834) the fragments are subjected to gravitational forces and Christy Carol were taken on June 26, 2015 at the the Yarkovsky effect, which are key in delivering bod- NASA IRTF using the SpeX instrument [39] in the ies from their source region to the chaotic zones capa- low-res spectrographic mode. Asteroid and standard ble of moving material into near-Earth space [23]. star observations were interspersed within the same These fragments spend a majority of their dynamical airmass range to allow modeling of atmospheric extinc- 47th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2016) 1481.pdf tion. Data reduction was done using previously out- Mineralogical Characterizations of Asteroids near the lined procedures [40,41]. 3:1 Kirkwood Gap. [25] Fieber-Beyer, S.K., et al. Analysis: Band analysis is currently being con- (2011). Icarus 213, 524-537. [26] Fieber-Beyer, S.K., ducted. So far, only one of this particular subset of et al. (2012). Icarus 221, 593-602. [27] Fieber-Beyer, asteroids has absorption features located near 1- and 2- S.K.& Gaffey, M.J., (2011) Icarus 214, 645-651. [28] μm. The band centers and band area ratios (BAR) are Fieber-Beyer, S.K. & Gaffey, M.J., (2014) Icarus 229, diagnostic of the abundance and composition of the 99-108. [29] McCord, T.B. & M.J. Gaffey (1974) Sci- mafic silicates [e.g.,40-49], and will be measured rela- ence 186, 352-355. [30] Gaffey, et al. (1992) Icarus tive to a linear continuum fit tangent to the spectral 100, 95-109. [31] Gaffey, M. J. & S. L. Gilbert (1998) curve outside the absorption feature [e.g. 44]. To esti- MAPS. 33, 1281-1295. [32] Keil, K. (2000) Planet. mate the error, several polynomial fits will be used to Space Sci. 48, 887-903. [33] McFadden, L.A. & Vilas, sample different ranges of points within the Band I & F., (1987) Lunar Planet. Sci. XVIII, 614-615. [34] II spectral intervals. The uncertainty is estimated from McFadden, L.A. & Chamberlain, A.B., (1991) Aster- the difference between the min & max determined val- oids, Comets, & Meteors, 416-423. [35] McFadden, ues. After initial measurement of the Band I & Band II L.A., et al. (1984) Icarus 59, 25-40. [36] Vilas, F., & centers, the pyroxene chemistry will be determined L.A.McFadden, (1992) Icarus, 100, 85-94. [37] using [40]. If the pyroxene chemistry is consistent with Chapman, C.R. &Gaffey, M.J. 1979. Reflectance an HED assemblage, the [48] equations will be used to spectra for 277 asteroids. In Asteroids, Univ of Arizo- verify the pyroxene chemistry and if the pyroxene na Press, Tucson, pp. 655-687. [38] Gaffey, M. J., & chemistry is consistent with an ordinary chondrite as- Fieber-Beyer, S.K., (2013) MAPS Supplement, semblage the [49] equations will be applied as verifica- id.5124. [39] J.T. Rayner et al. (2003) Pubs. of the tion of the derived silicate mineralogy. Astronomical Society of the Pacific 115, 362‐82. [40] References: [1] Wisdom, J. (1985) Icarus 63, 272- M.J. Gaffey et al. (2002), Asteroids III, 183-204. [41] 289. [2] Morbidelli A. & M.Moons (1995) Icarus 115, P.S. Hardersen et al. (2005) Icarus 175, 141-58. [42] 60-65. [3] Chapman,C.R.,& J.W.Salisbury (1973) Ica- J.B. Adams (1974) JG R79, 4829-36. [43] J.B. Adams rus 19, 507-522.[4] Gaffey,M.J.&McCord,T.B. 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