https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19730002047 2020-03-17T07:22:24+00:00Z THE LARGE-SCALE STRUCTURE OF THE SOLAR WIND JohnH. Wolfe An invited review ABSTRACT The large-scale structure of the solar wind is reviewed on the basis of experimental space measurements acquired over approximately the last decade. The observations cover the fading portion of the last solar cycle up through the maximum of the present cycie. The character of the interplanetary medium is considered from the viewpoint of the temporal behavior of the solar wind over increasingly longer time intervals, the average properties of the various solar wind parameters and their interrelationships. Interplanetary-terrestrial relationships and the expected effects of heliographic latitude and radial distance are briefly discussed. INTRODUCTION SHORT-TERM VAR IAT1 ONS The purpose of this paper is to review our knowledge of Short-term variations are defined here to pertain to the the large-scale structure of the solar wind. This review solar wind behavior over periods of days and months, as will be considered from measurements made from 1962 opposed to years for long termvariations. Figure 1 is to the present. Results discussed represent data obtained taken from the Mariner 2 results reported by during the fading portion of the last solar cycle (cycle Neugebauer and Snyder [ 19661 and shows the variation 19) up to approximately the peak of the present cycle. in the solar wind velocity and temperature averaged over Only proton results will be considered here since they 3-hr intervals. The data were taken over approximately represent the major energy-carrying constituent of the 4112 solar rotations in late 1962. One of the most inter- solar wind, and discussions of solar wind composition esting features of these results is the great variability in and solar wind electrons will be covered separately later the solar wind over a time period on the order of days. in the conference. Consideration is given first to the The velocity is observed to rise frequently from a average behavior of the solar wind as observed over quiescent value between 300 and 350 km/sec up to as many days and up to several solar rotations. The varia- high as approximately 700 km/sec, indicating a high tions in the solar wind are then compared with the degree of temperature inhomogeneity in the solar large-scale interplanetary magnetic field observations and corona. Note that these high-velocity streams are often with the behavior of the solar wind over much longer asymmetric, showing a sharper rise in velocity on the intervals up through the major portion of a solar cycle. leading edge with a slower decay in the descending por- An overall view is given of the average properties of the tion. The temperature is observed to be approximately solar wind, and the interrelationship between solar wind in phase with the velocity, although frequently tending parameters; and interplanetary-terrestrial relationships to high values on the leading edge of the stream some- are discussed along with present speculation of the what prior to the velocity peak. Although some behavior of the solar wind closer to the sun, far beyond high-velocity streams tend to persist from one solar rota- the earth’s orbit and at high heliographic latitudes. tion to the next, they change in width and amplitude and some streams do not repeat at all. The data thus indicate, at least at the time of the Mariner 2 flight, that meauthor is at NASA-Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, dramatic coronal changes take place on a time scale of Glifornia. less than one solar rotation. Neugebauer and Snyder 170 !; 40 --- 300 I ' I AUG27 SEPll SEPT6 SEPlll SEPl16 SEPTZl AUG 27 SEPT I SEPT6 SEPT II SEPT 16 SEPT21 800 100 700 600 IO 500 400 I 300 WT23 SEF'T28 OCT3 OCT8 OCT13 OCTl8 2 SEPT 23 SEPT 28 OCT 3 OCT 8 OCT 13 OCT 18 "I .I... \ Y <a00 E 55 a E 700 .ROTATIOH 1769 1 50 & 700 45 m0 gj 500 40 -0 4- 300... a !?! OCT20 OCT25 OCT30 NOV4 NOV9 NOV14 r 55 50 700 45 500 40 300 NOV16 NOV21 NOV26 MC I OEC6 DECll NOV 16 NW21 NOV 26 DEC I DEC 6 DEC II 7oo ROTATION 1711 h, 500 400 , I Figure 1. Three hour average values of velocity and Figure2 Mariner 2 3-hr average values of plasma temperature versus time observed by Mariner 2 in late velocity and proton number density versus time. 1962. The time base is chosen to show the 27-day recurrence features associated with solar rotation. [ 19661 also reported the proton number density for this same period of time as shown in figure 2. For compari- son purposes the velocity is again plotted here as the darker curve and the density as the lighter curve. The AZIMUTH FLOW approximate in-phase relationship between velocity and ANGLE'de9 "[0 fl (UNA0 -2.69 -5 I ' temperature is in contrast to the striking anticorrelation between velocity and density observed here. In addition to the velocity-density anticorrelation, note also a frequent tendency for large increases in density associ- ated with the leading edge of a high-velocity stream. This density pileup is dramatically observed, for example, in the streams beginning September 1, September 30, and i' VELOCITY October 7. 300 Three-hour averages of various solar wind parameters 4 obtained during the last two weeks of December 1965 2 KP are shown in figure 3. The data are taken from the Ames I8 20 22 24 E6 28 30 Research Center plasma probe on Pioneer 6 [Wolfe, DEC 1965 19701 and show the solar wind bulk velocity, proton density and temperature, the two angular components of Figure 3. Pioneer 6 3-hr average values of velocity, the flow direction, and the geomagnetic disturbance density, tempemrure, azimuthal flow direction, polar index Kp. The angular components of the flow direction flow direction and Kp versus time. 171 are defined in terms of a spacecraft-centered, solar eclip- shifts in the polar flow direction are observed, fre- tic coordinate system. The azimuthal flow direction quently associated with velocity gradients, there is no represents the angle of flow in the ecliptic plane with particular flow pattern discernible in this angular positive angles defined as flow from the west with component. respect to the spacecraft-sun line and negative angles Similar results obtained during the rising portion of from the east. This angle has been corrected for the the present solar cycle have been reported by Lyon et aberration due to the motion of the spacecraft around al. [1968] using Explorer 33 data. Figure 5 shows 3-hr the sun and has also been corrected for an apparent average values of the solar wind bulk velocity; density systematic error of a negative 2.6”. The polar flow direc- (logarithmic scale); most probable thermal speed, related tion represents the angle of flow in the plane normal to to temperature by w = (2kTh~)”~; and the azimuthal the ecliptic containing the spacecraft-sun line with posi- and latitude (polar) angles. Note that the azimuthal tive angles defined as flow from the north and negative angle pSD has been defined here in a sense opposite to from the south. As was the case for the Mariner 2 data, that described for figures 3 and 4. The data were taken the stream structure in the velocity is quite evident in over the interval July 3-12, 1966. Again, the influence of the Pioneer 6 results. The density is observed to pile up the solar wind high-velocity stream structure is apparent. in front of the leading portion of the streams with a Note the striking examples of the density pileup at the sharp temperature rise associated with the positive gra- leading edges of the high-velocity streams and the dient in the velocity. Also note that associated with the east-west shift in azimuthal flow direction across the leading edge of each stream, the azimuthal flow angle positive gradient in velocity. shows that the flow shifts to a direction first from the Short-term variations in solar wind behavior as east and then from the west across the positive gradient observed over averages of several hours and considered in velocity. This is a very persistent stream feature and is on a time scale of weeks to months appear to be dom- even more dramatically observed in figure 4. These data inated by the solar wind stream structure. Coronal tem- were also obtained from the Pioneer 6 Ames Research perature inhomogeneities suggest (as observed near Center plasma probe [ Wolfe, 1970J and show the solar 1 AU) numerous coronal high-temperature regions that wind bulk velocity and flow directions for the first two give rise to high-velocity solar wind streams; due to the weeks of January 1966. Note the one-for-one correlation rotation of the sun, these streams interact with the qui- of the east-west shift in the azimuthal flow direction escent plasma associated with the ambient coronal solar with the positive gradients in velocity. Although large wind. The stream interactions manifest themselves as a positive gradient in the solar wind convective velocity associated with the leading edge of the stream, which is typically much steeper than the negative gradient in velocity associated with the trailing portion of the stream. Although the velocity and temperature are ANGLE, observed to be approximately in phase, the steep posi- deg tive gradient in velocity frequently indicates an interac- tion mechanism for heating the solar wind gas. Although the velocity and density are approximately anticor- related, anomalous density pileup is frequently observed ANGLE, AZIMUTH FLOW in association with the leading edge of the stream, pre- deg (UNA6 -2.6O) sumably because of a “snowplow” effect as high-velocity plasma overtakes the slower ambient gas.
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