THE SENTINEL new Paramount drama, "Padlocked," is the feature. On the stage, Balaban & Katz will Why- present "Spanish Nights." Thispro- BERMAN'S duction is full of pep, and is sure to appeal. FUR SHOPPE Purchase a ready "SCHOOL'S OUT!" IS PAUL'S NEXT 160-162 N. Cicero Ave. Made Silk Coat SHOW "MY RELIGION: A DEFINITION" Austin 1764 Paul Ash and his merry-mad gang By Rabbi Louis I. Newman, Temple Finest Fur Shop Outside will stage their famous and popular Emanu-El, San Francisco- the loop when you can buy "School's Out!" production-a lot of comedy the materials and and melody in a class room. A recent little volume entitled "My On the screen will be George Kelly's Religion" contains the opinions of Remodeling, Repairing, Storage noted stage comedy-drama, "The Show- many leading Englishmen concerning save 1/2 Off." This story of a blustering opti- the fundamental doctrines of faith. We Guarantee Our Work and Our Prices mist and egotist convulsed Chicago Arnold Bennett is frankly agnostic; Are the Lowest audiences when it was on the stage. Conan Doyle is a spiritualist; Israel Under the direction of Malcolm St. Zangwill is a Jew racially and reli- Sk TAKE CHANCES Clair, the picture is said to be even giously; each writer expresses himself I PUT YOUR FURS IN funnier. The cast includes Ford Ster- according to the particular bent of ling, Lois Wilson, Louise Brooks and his mind. The booklet is a revelation STORAGE Gregory Kelly. of the belief and disbelief of modern Henri A. Keates, the popular Ori- intellectuals. It demonstrates the in- Our storage vault provides room for ental organist, will put on a novel escapability of the duty to formulate 3,500 coats and is the largest and safest West of the Loop 11th Floor Stevens Bldg. organ-stunt that will help his audi- one's philosophy of life. We may not ences find their voices. wish a religion, but we are compelled A telephone call or a note will bring No connection with any other store by the urgings of our spirit and of our messenger to your door when you are ready to store your furs. of similar name COLLEEN MOORE IN "ELLA life itself to frame one. CINDERS" Religion, it seems to me, depends upon a fourfold set of principles: a The film attraction at the Uptown belief in a Personal God; a belief in Lawndale's Famous Jewish theater next week will be "Ella Cin- the existence and immortality of the Restaurant ders," starring Colleen Moore and soul; a belief in the efficacy of prayer; Lloyd Hugh. and a belief in the freedom of the "Ella Cinders," adapted from the will. We may add other doctrines DINE AND DANCE GWIRTZ peculiar to the special At the * celebrated comedy strip by William creed we ac- cept; For an Outstanding Success Conselman and Charles Plumb, deals without, however, the four ten- of Your with a girl who won a beauty contest ets relating to God, immortality, BAMBOO INN WEDDING RECEPTION, and left a small town to enter Holly- prayer and free-will, there is little re- ligion in the 78 W. Randolph St. at Clark BANQUET OR SOCIAL wood's biggest studio. The story usual sense of the term. takes I do AFFAIR one back-stage and not believe that the concept of shows how a a Personal USE OUR NEW kitchen slave is made into a movie God is invalid today. We cannot pray to electricity; vamp. It is replete with humor. we pray BANQUET HALL to a Person. We are not The Uptown stage show will present machines, automata, but reasoning and The Pride of Lawndale Charleston experts from ten of Amer- experi- encing individuals. We behold Phone Rockwell 6672 ica's largest cities. The young in our- Charles- selves matter, energy and ton dancers have been surrounded personality; we see in the universe 3145 W. Roosevelt Road with a cast of capable matter and f professionals, energy. Can we not rightly conclude including Charlotte Dawn, who is seen that if we possess personality, At Kedzie Avenue as the the queen of Charleston; Beebe universe must likewise Moffic, possess it? Can who appears as the Royal En- a human being be characterized tertainer; Buster Brown, by a acrobatic quality which the universe lacks? dancer, I and the Three Crescents, mon- believe that God's personality is linked archs of syncopation. with our own, and that He is the IRVING ROUSE AND HIS "Ueberseele," the "Oversoul" of the ORCHESTRA universe. RICHARD BARTHELMESS IN Special Noonday Luncheon, 65c HISTORICAL ROMANCE Man has mind, will, purpose, senti- from 11 a. m. to 2:30 p. m. 4001 WEST MONROE ST.. ment, consciousness of himself and fTELEPHONEVANBUREN-3015 Chicken or Steak Dinner, $1.50 One of the most interesting and pic- his relation to the world. Can we from 5 to 9 p. m. turesque phases of our national mili- not call the totality of these quali- FORHIOWERS ALLGO. ILL., PHONE CENTRAL 8071 FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONs tary history, life at a Western army ties the soul? Many men content outpost during the Indian wars, is themselves with an immortality of given vivid portrayal on the screen in memory and influence. I believe in Richard Barthelmess' new picture, individual, personal immortality com- "Ranson's Folly," which comes next parable to the individual, personal Deliveries to Sunday in the Norshore theater. "Ran- and unique nature of our mortal life. All Parts of son's Folly," is based on the celebrated If each person counts for one on earth, novel by Richard Harding Davis. Dor- must we suppose that this individual- Chicago and othy Mackaill plays opposite the star. ity is destroyed with the decay of the c~i Suburbs The mid-week change in program body? We may reject the mechanis- ZUSMAN'S brings Rex Beach's new novel, "Pad- tic pseudo-proofs of spiritualism, but 4701 Lake Park Ave. Oakland 0495 locked," to the screen. The story real- we hunger for faith in the undying RESTAURANT WE TELEGRAPH FLOWERS ALL OVER 'istically pictures the clash between life of love, of selfhood, of communion 111 NO. DEARBORN ST. THE WORLD the old and new generation. Lois between the departed and the living. Moran, Noah Berry, Louise Dresser Prayer is an inevitable occupation and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., are in the of mankind. An oath is an inverted Quality - Food - Service cast. prayer. Weak and puny man con- stantly turns to a Power outside and beyond himself for understanding, THE "CIRCUS WEEK" COMES co- 50 Feet from the Lake TO operation, and fellowship. Through CHICAGO THEATER - BUSINESS MEN'S HAVEN 1127 Farwell Ave. prayer, man links himself with the infinite. We may not We Excell In That great American desire to pray, Institution, but with spirits attuned to the beauti- DINNER PARTIES which is the delight of all, young and Farwell Beach ful, the true and the right, prayer is BANQUETS, WEDDINGS old-the circus-will be glorified by the natural mode of self-expression. AND SOCIAL FUNCTIONS Apartment Hotel Frank Cambria's "Circus Week," If we can pray through nature, we can which is For Reservations 1-2-3 Room Kitchenettes Furnished to be the leading stage at- pray through the poetry and liturgy of FINEST APPOINTMENTS traction at Balaban & Katz Chicago the religious institution. Phone Dearborn 8237 Beautiful Lobby and Ball Room theater for one week, starting Monday. Man is not satisfied to think of Showers and Dressing Room for Bathers The feature picture with the "Circus himself as a slave to brue, machine- Ice-Gas-Electricity and Maid Service Week" show is "Fine Manners," fea- like forces. We may not FREE be wholly turing the wistful Gloria Swanson in free, but we are not wholly bound. Ready for occupancy Low rentals another one of her great roles. This We reject fatalism and its antithesis, 2 blocks to L and Vs block to bus picture is said to be Miss Swanson's bver-weening self-confidence. In the finest work. process of evolution whereby the fu- ture is built, man co-operates with VIOLA R. ROTH Graduate of School of Speech ALLAN DWAN'S "PADLOCKED" fate and God. God and man are part- Northwestern University COMING TO TIVOLI ners in a common task. TEACHER OF Cantor DRAMATIC ART To those of the "Stebbin's wife is going to make older generation, PLAY COACH AND READER who view with alarm the terrifying him go in for geology." "What's that Gunn School of Music and Dramatic Art manners and morals of the younger for?" "She can't make him keep Fine Arts Building JOSEF ROSENBLATT generation, we heartily recommend a himself tidy, and she thinks if he is 410 S. Michigan Ave. FIRST HIGH HOLIDAYS IN CHICAGO visit to Balaban & Katz Tivoli theater scientific, it won't be noticed."-Chi- Wabash 2898 next Monday, where Allan Dwan's cago News..
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