24 Chronicle, T h u r s d a y,August 23,2018 A-LEVEL RESULTS ECS-EO1-S2 Success came in many ways as thousands of exam result envelopes were opened Head teachers praise their pupils’hard work and tireless dedication was the most hardworking stu- I WITHAM dent, so she deserves every part of this success. It’s phenomenal.” SIXTH FORM A total of 55 per cent of students A determined Witham Sixth secured A* to C grades or a dis- Form student who travelled 100 tinction* to pass in their chosen miles every day to complete his c o u r s e s. studies hopes to go into engin- All students who took art, busi- eering after achieving a distinc- ness, health and social care and tion in BTEC IT. sport achieved top grades of A* to *(("& 0'-*.!"$+ After moving to Northampton- C, or equivalent. ''#&'-*,!*P!'&-+'*)-',''# shire during his course, Henry Debbie Kershaw, director of "&'*'$$,"'&& ,(",!+%0 Knight, 18, wanted to continue his Witham Sixth Forms, said: “T his T ONF N studies at the sixth form despite is a wonderful cohort of students the distance. who have been at the forefront of And dad Barry happily did the evolving the provision at Witham Sixth Forms into a new era. !"$"+%&,$*+ 200-mile round trip from home to .*.!"$+"&+,'#'**#"& Witham again to ensure his son “We pride ourselves on offering %'+,%#+&%'$+."$$ continued studying at the place he the correct courses for the young l ove d . people of Witham to ensure they Henry said: “I moved to live are well equipped for the next !+,-0*+'**'-+& stage in their lives.” &'&**'-+%,$+*'-& with my dad a year ago, just +,*"&$0 %0 '!"& before my second year of sixth +*." (0%&, !* + form started. I wanted to carry on I BRAINTREE with the same course and with the same teachers as they had always SIXTH FORM 0*+#"(+."$$ helped me a lot. At Braintree Sixth Form, more '*%,$*0$"& & &*$/+, “My dad has also been really than 94 per cent of all grades were supportive. Every day of the week, achieved at A*-E, with 39 per cent !#& %! he drove an hour and a half to get of the results being the highest " $ $$$ " me to sixth form. On a bad day, the grades of A*-B - an improvement $ % journey would take three hours. on last year’s figure of 34 per two As and Ethan Whitely, who Henry and Barry Knight But, we would contact the sixth cent. gained an apprenticeship after form and I would always be given A number of students now have getting distinction* in BTEC any work I had missed out on. their sights set on university, graphic and two Bs at A-level. “During the drive, I would including Samuel Newman who Freya Cox will also go on to watch videos I had downloaded to achieved A*A*A*AA and is hop- Warwick to read law after getting help with my studies. ing to study chemical engineering an A* and two As and Ruth “Every second has been worth at Cambridge University. Thornton will read French and it with my result today. I could not Natacha Maurin achieved German at Bristol University have asked for better from my dad AAAB and is also hoping to study after also receiving an A* and two or my teachers. I was absolutely history and Spanish at Cam- A s. petrified to get my results. But, bridge University, while Harrison Principal Carl Wakefield said: now I know I can do anything; I Hunt, who also achieved AAAB, is “I am exceptionally proud of the feel immortal.” hoping to study for an economics results achieved by our college Dad Barry, who would leave and finance degree. students this year, particularly home between 4.30am and 5am to The sixth form also celebrated during a time of increased get his son to sixth form on time, International Baccalaureate (IB) demand and expectations in said: “He is my son; that’s why I results in July, with 100 per cent of terms of the new subject cur- did it. the Year 13 IB cohort passing the riculum content. “We would stop for breakfast on qualification at an average points “I am also extremely pleased !!$!%#!" the way and then get home at score of 31, which is above the that virtually all of our Year 13 about 8.30 to 9pm each night. world average figure of 29. students have secured their first !($ &#" “I promised I was not going to David Conway, head teacher of choice university place, and that a $#""#" cry today, but I have. He is my boy Notley High School and Braintree number have also secured high and he has done himself proud. I Sixth Form, said: “B r a i n t re e quality apprenticeships at reput- !##%!"#($" knew he could do this; I’m very Sixth Form was set up to offer all able organisations both locally as happy and proud.” local young people a progression well as in the City of London.” #%#"##!$$!# Another success story came in route to university and other post He added: “The bottom line is ""'!#!" !# the form of 18-year-old Holly Lar- 18 career options. that all of this cannot happen balestier who, after scoring just “It is great to see so many of our without a huge amount of hard an E halfway through last year, students achieving excellent work being put in by our students #"##$"#!( came away with a respectable B grades and continuing on the next themselves whilst working in col- "#%#"$$"%( Holly Larbalestier g rade. steps of their education and laboration with a fully committed She also gained a B in geo- c a re e r s. ” and highly skilled team of staff. ##'" graphy and an A in economics When combined with the support and is due to start a financial I PLUME and input shown throughout from "#!(#!!# audit apprenticeship with RSM in our students’parents and carers, # ("! "! C h e l m s fo rd . COMMUNITY it is clear to see why we have had “Right up until the day before yet another extremely successful the exams, my teacher was going ACADEMY year. It has been an absolute pleas- ! !!#"%#"%# through past papers with me and I Plume Community Academy in ure to work alongside them all.” # !$!(( #!(# was still struggling to make sense Maldon celebrated an increase in Ruth Clark, assistant vice prin- of it,”she said. its A* to E pass rate up to 96.2 per cipal and the overall college lead, %#$! (!$ “At best, I was expecting a D or a cent. added: “As an academy, we are C. For the hardest module in And nearly half of all A-level exceptionally proud of the !$ #"" ""'!#!" maths last year, I got an E; in that entries resulted in A* to B grades achievements of our post-16 stu- same module this time I got an A,” –48.2 per cent, up six per cent dents and as the senior lead for """ she said. from 2017. Plume College, it continues to be Emma Baker, head teacher at Stand-out performers were an absolute privilege to work !# Maltings Academy where Holly Daniel Dangerfield, who will go alongside staff, parents and ! Witham sixth former studied her GCSEs, said: “E ve n on to read physics at Warwick carers to ensure that all our stu- Samuel Schlaich when she was at Maltings, Holly University after get two A*s and dents achieve their very best. ECS-EO1-S2 A-LEVEL RESULTS Chronicle, T h u r s d a y,August 23,2018 25 around the county and students looked ahead to the next chapter in their future Or miston R ive r s A c a d e my “In addition to congratulating our excellent students, I would like to thank our parents and carers for their support, and our teachers for their unwavering dedication. It has been wonderful to witness so many delighted stu- dents collecting results at the academy this morning.” She added: “On a final note, I would like to wish our Year 13 students well for the future and thank them for their hard work and commitment during their time at Plume Academy.” I T H U R S TA B L E SCHOOL Meanwhile, Thurstable School in Tiptree congratulated students on their huge achievements, with 99 per cent getting between A*-E. The school was also pleased to report that 64 per cent achieved A*-B and 55 per cent achieved A*- A. Almost all students achieved the level required in their studies Students in Braintree Sixth Form went into school to collect their A-level results to move on to their choice of and thoroughly deserve their suc- studying English and American dent has the opportunity to fulfil Barratt, who will study mechan- advanced study or work. I ORMISTON cess. So many of them have literature at Kent University. their potential and the skills to ical engineering at Imperial Col- Head teacher Miles Bacon said: secured places on prestigious Thomas Damps, who has a visu- succeed whether going on to lege London after achieving “Our sixth form does a great job of RIVERS courses and at leading universit- al impairment and SEN, also study at a leading university or A*A*AA, Poppy Timson, who will making sure that every student ACADEMY ies and we have no doubt that they secured B, B, distinction in cre- entering the world of work.” read sport and exercise psycho- receives a tailored programme of will continue to achieve highly in ative writing, law and performing logy at Loughborough after get- study that meets their individual The head teacher of Ormiston their next chapter.
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