NEPTUNE TIMES AND THE 97 Years Old 10 CENTS . and NEW P E R COPY 'C fie 0cean 4$robe 'Ctmes! Every Thursday VOL. XCVII NO. 23 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1972 T E N CENTS Installation And Miss 'Cheryl Lusey Science Program “Rumble Strips' and Radar To Control Speeding First Merchants Dinner Friday Weds J. H. DeVoid ■At Senior Higi ens In Grove NEPTUNE - Miss Cheryl Jean Lusey and John Howard DeVoid NEPTUNE — Bending light, bounc­ Monday, June 12 For Businessmen were married last Saturday in tlie M ■ ing microwaves and using laser beams: West . Grove United Methodist a i communications carriers were just , a OCEAN GROVE - First Mer­ OCEAN GROVE - Thc in­ Church. The Rev. John B. Kirby few of the tricks which held .the aud­ stallation dinner of the Ocean Jr., officiated. chants National Bank will open Grove Businessmen, Inc., will take ience’s interest last Friday at Neptune a full service banking office.in the placc tomorrow (Friday) night at Senior High School. • • Ocean Grove Camp ,Meeting As­ the-jjiiotel LaPierre, with State In a program entitled ‘Optics in sociation Building on June 1 2 ,, Communications,’ New Jersey Bell John G. Hewitt, president, an­ SenSor J. Ediyard Crabiel, mem­ Public Relations Supervisor Jos. Eng* ber of thc New Jersey State Tax lekc performed all these feats and more nounced today. The building is Policy Commission, the guest with the help of such laboratory instru­ located at the northeast corner of speaker. ments as gas. lasers, optical fibers and Main St. and. Pilgrim Pathway, microwave generators. But even more-fascinating than the lab gadgets,, he explained, was the fact that some of-these exotic tools are al­ ready at work providing -communica­ tions for the public - while the balance of them may be put in service b y . the •phone company before.' the . turn -' of the century,. Mr. Engleke demonstrated the basic principles of laser and microwave pro­ pagation and how each, might, be used. He pointed out that the phone com­ pany can. now transmit several thousand voice, conversations over some of the sophisticated long distance transmission media but on a laser heam the potentU- is for' 6 billion calls on a single circuit, ‘That sounds like an enormous capa­ city/ Mr. Engleke said. ‘But by the year 2000 We will probably need it. \Ve now transmit in addition to voices; computer data, -radio and television, wire pictures, for newspapers, and elec­ trocardiograms. ‘As time goes on and the;clectsomagi 01110 TURNPIKE and 5-30 running southbound on Pilgrim Pathway in 0<;c«n Grove'.’ (if cy.'rse not, netic spectrum becomes more crowded but, thc Camn Meeting Association did want ta g.ve credit 10 those who solved a problem and shared , gen. J. Edward Crabiel with, information we may gradually the answer with us, reported Edwin K. Williams, »i:siness M anner “Wc Have tried our test during Miss Judith E. Gies of Neptune, move into the use of visible light as the last throe years to take corrective action on all problems we sec, and complaints we receive,” tvho will be manager of F irst ■ # v officers to be' installed arc Mrs John Howard DeVoid a means of transm itting even ordinary Williams stated, “and needless to say some problems have been difficult to solve mostly due to lack Merchants’ Ocean Grove Office. Douglas I-bgal of tlie Quaker Inn, phone calls,* vhe concluded. "'V" o! funds.” • Parents-', of the eoupie are Mr. ' — Speeding in Ocean Grove lias beer) a growing concern to all of us,” lie added, “am! I'm sa glad i);mk lias leasctl tlie entire Camp president; Howard Haines of the La* and Mrs. Arthur S. Lusey,-211 .Car­ wc were able to institute a couple of deterrents p ;tur l -» ”»■> (uvyitig the Gr ive.”. TItis' is •''Jr. '.Villiams Meeting oil ice facilities-, at Pilgrim Pierre, vice president; William Bloor ton Ave.,; here, and Mr. and Mrs. last .week as he joins the executive training prog am of G iotiwili Industries. ,'in:l Main Avenue (>ut will of the New Jersey National Brink, Bari. J. DeVoid, East Swanzey, Earns Grants For M r. A llan V. Johnson, Executive Director, and F m * A. Opt ton. ttitcf Engineer for I,tc-Ohio occiipy; only ilio front portion of it treasurer, and Mis. Bcmice Hansen Tr.nivl.-n fon-.mission provided Ocean Crov- wit'i s"er'fications and Wttoprints ror. “nimble strips.” New Hampshire. •Oipso strips will .not jar a car but give very obvious warning nnd slow a driver rtev.n. They are easily until the association completes con­ of Davison Rugs, secretary. James G( Landscape Study installed over asphalt nr coucreta pavement, can b ' riernovv 1 ii rctiwrp-j o r a it!expensive tn install. struction of the new office it has Hnndford of. tiie Ocean Grove Nursing ' Attendants were M rs. Stanley Sculthorpe, of Newark, Del., ma­ 7 eon , \ v s " j>l;mnetl at Pilgrim. Pathway anti • Pit-, Home is the retiring president, serv­ NEPTUNE — Richard Dutter, jiot;s annroac tron of honor; and Miss Patricia man Ave. Until that time, probably ing two years. ‘ 501 Janet Road, has been awarded Ccu*''al, ’"’cean ............. ,.......... ... JoljeS, Ocean Grove Grove; Airs. tion in the next few weeks. Ston and slow signs aloiiR the nimble sttips will nat halt all speeders, early next year, the Camp Meeting two scholarships for his outstand­ A toast beef dinner will be served, Michael ^teiiney, West Lebanon, nnd the Association thanks Ocean G rove Police Chief Kent Cole fob locating a radar u n it which is . Offices will-be in the rear half of the ing achievement in Landscape Ar­ starting at, .7:30 P.M. A six-piece or- New^ifampshire; Miss Kimberley being purchased b.v a benefactor of Occan Grove. Radar will he in effect sometime this week, just as present building. chitecture at Rutgers. University soon as warning signs have been posted at the Grove's six entrances. chc£'ca will play for dinner and danc- Bateman, Winchendon, Mass., and 'It is a particular pleasure for us to College of Agriculture arid Environ­ om:5 P.M . to 1 A.M. and pro- Mrs. Robert Farley, Howell Twp. open this office,’ Mr. .Hewitt said, mental Science. ■ vide entertainment.' Tbe public is in­ Best man was Frank Miller of Graduates June 3 ! Jean Balzer Is Valedictorian At 'because it provides us tlie opportunity, vited and reservations may 'be made Keene, N ew Hampshire. Ushers to matte outranking services just that by calling the Hotel LaPierre, Beach were John E. Boy ca, and Kenneth Riverview Academy, Shark River Hills mucf more Convenient to our many Avenue at Wesley Labe. Wright. Jr., both of Keene, and friends hcte. First Merchants’ relation-. State Senator Richard Rv Stout, na­ William O’Brien and Gerald Gan- NEPTUNE ■- A day student from . ship with Ocean* Grove and its people tive son of Ocean Grove, will present ley of East Swanzey. Neptune, Jean Balzer (17) of '223, began when the bank was founded Sen. Crabiel. Attorney Andrew J. A reception was held in Gibbs Poplar Place, has.been named Valedic- in 1911, and wc look forward now to . Wilson will install the new officers. Hall, Ft. Monmouth Officers Club, ‘ torian of Riverview, Academy’s grad- ’ det eloping even greater friendships Ted Bell of the Ocean Grove His­ Ft. Monmouth. Following a wed­ uating class, Dr. John McCall, presi­ through this new office.’ torical Society will present Certificates ding trip to Virginia Beach, Va., dent of the academy announced. The bank will be open six days a ' of Achievement to various Ocean Mr. and Mrs. DeVoid will reside at Graduating Ceremonies will be held week, fts teller windows will be open Grove business bouses who are coop­ 63 Spring St., Keene, N. H. on June 10th, 6:30 p.m. at the First on a continuous basis Monday through erating in maintaining the Victorian The bride is a graduate of Nep­ Baptist Church in Asbury Park. The Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Fri­ theme in the community. tune High School, and is a senior Commencement address at the service day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Satur­ rJ3 )C third annual Citizenship Award at Keene State College. The groom will be delivered by the Rev. Thomas day from 9:30 a.m. to I p.m. A night \® pbe presented to a Community is a graduate of Mohadnock Re­ Taylor, Professor of Hebrew at the depository will be available for after- leader. Previous winners were the late gional High School, Swanzey, N.H., Biblical School of Theology in H at­ hour customers. ■ Police Chief David Lalce and Howard attended Bentley College, Walth­ field, Pa. H e was formerly associated T he .office, First Merchants’ 19th in L. Smith, hardware merchant. am, .Mass., and graduated from with Faith Seminary and is also well Monmouth County, will provide-the Frank M. Henson, newly-appointed New Hampshire College, Manches­ known as a Youth speaker. The invo­ bank’s full range - of services. These manager of the Ocean Grove Camp ter, N. H. He is employed as a cation will be’ given by the Rev. Ells­ include savings and cheeking accounts, Meeting Association, will be presented. salesman for Keene Volkswagen, worth Schabert, Pastor of . the First with free checking -account services to Inc. , Methodist Church in Bradley Beach. William T. Kresge of the Ocean Kichard Dutter senior citizens; Christmas Clubs, the Grove Times will be master of cere­ * — THOMAS O.
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