![I]Urf)Am. --~----· ~------:=-:==·--:------===-==---- CH.HEL of Eask, Escombe-Rev](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
lllhtctor~. BISHOP AUCKLAND, &c. i]urf)am. --~----· ~-------:=-:==·--:--------===-==---- CH.HEL OF EAsK, Escombe-Rev. Robt. CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE SoCIETY'S CARRIERS. Thompson DHPoT, Market place-Rev. Thomas To BARN A 1{0 CASTLE, John Carter C.IUPEL OF EASK,St. HelenAucklaud­ Thaukeray, secretary~ treasurer Rev. Matthew Chester INLAND REVENUE OFFICE, Newgatc st David All1son & Geurl(e Hulburn, from lliDEPE.liDRNT CHAPEL, New~ate st . -Thomas Price, suptrvisor the Malt Shovel, Tues..iay, ani John fRIENDS' M RETING HousE, Newgate st, GAs WoRKS, Brong-harn place-Christo­ Robinsnn, from the ~ lt>ec~, Thursday and New IShildon pher Harris, manager BROUGH John {'RIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPI!LS, S'l.int MRCHANICS' INSTITUTE, Market place­ To Rohinson, lrom the A ndrew A uck.land, W illiam street, and \Villiam Hepple, presi lent; Matthew .Fleece, Thursday l'i ew Shildon Richley, secretary, Edward Hopper, To CHE8TER-LE-STREET, James WESLEYAN ASSOCIATION CHAPEL, librarian South ruad · MECHANICS' INSriTUTK, New 8hildon Clarkson and Georg-e Stokeld, from the \VESLB"iAN METHODIST CHAPKLS,Back -John Pickering, president; Franci• Malt Shovel, Thursday; John s.-out, Bo11dg-ate; Escombe; West AucKland; Harker, secretary ; James Oliver, Wednesday, and Thomas Tarn, TuetJ Uld Shildon; New Shildon, and Mer­ libra1ian ri~>gton MECHANIC!' INSTITUTE, West Auck. To DARI.I~GTON, John Rudd, from WKHKYAN NKW CoNNEXION CH&PKL, land-llobert Tbompson, treasurer; the Malt Shovel, Tuesday & Friday W illinglon Jos!!ph Moses, secretary; John Thump­ To DURHAM, John Cartu, JollTI Clark­ RoMAN CATHoLic CHAPEL, Town head, son, librarian -.Rev. J ooeph Cul!en, priest NEws RooM, West :Auckland-Nathan son, George Ho! burn, Robert Holliday Parker, sc·cretary John Sprout & Geurg-e Stokeld, from POLICE STATION, Silver POOR LAW UNION, street-\Villiam the Malt Shovel, Thursday; John Hrown, superintendent; Henry Barton, 1\Iundale, from Fore Bondgate, Satur­ WoRKHoUSE, Newgate street. sergeant Governor-Thomas Reynolds. STA M PU FFICE, Bnck. Boudga te-Thomas day, and John Robinson, from the Matron-Ann Reynold~. 'fhornton, sub-distributor Fleece, Tuesday Surgeon-Valantine H utchinson To HAUGHTO~-LE-SPRING, Jobn Clfrk to the Board of Guardia.ns William Trotter COACHES. Carter, David Allison, George Holburn Rtlitving Officers -George Green well and To BARNARO CASTLE, a Coach, from aud Robert Holliday, from tbe Malt .John Kirk.up the Railway Hold, Market place, at Shovel, Thursday half-past five, every aftt>rnonro To 1\EWC}.STLE, Thomas Clarkoon & fo D (}){HA l\J. a Coach, from the Railway REGISTRARS Hotel, Market place, every morning- at Georg-e Stokeld, from the Malt Shovel! 0F lliRTHS, DEATHS & MARRIAGES. 1 eight and l'icveu, aud every alteruoon Thursday-John Sprout, Wednesday­ Superintendent R~yistrar- William Trot­ at lour Thomas Tarn, Tuesday, and Thoma1 ter, Back. Bondg.tte fo "EST ACCKLAND, a Coach, from West1!arth, Wednesday and Saturda~­ Re!JistroJ•& of Births a11d Deaths-Ralph tht· Railway Hotel, Market plac<", every Joplin and John Kirkup morniitg, at twcr~t~ minutes past nine J olm Robinson, from the Fleece, Tues­ Registrar of .Mar, iages-Thomas Dean day, and George Hodgson, from the CONVEYANCE BY RAILWAY. Wi1ite Lion, Thursday COUNTY COURT1 Staliun at UrsrroP AucKL,:"D, o" the To STAINDHOP, John Carter, John Held at Bishop ,\ uekbud. ~TOCKTO:\ RAII.WAY, I!Yil:iam Cr"w­ Clark.son & Rohert Holliday, from the Judge-Henry Stapylton, Ebq­ ford .• slatw.1 ,,o,·lr-•· and culleclor; !\lalt Shovel, Saturday Trrasurer- - Tbornton W i!ltam Gihoon, goods ag11lt To S U:'IIDERLAND,JohnCarter, Robert High Bailiff-· Geor~e Taylor [~.:ate An Uu1· ib1t, frolll tlie '! alhot Holel, Clerks-Trotter & Hodgsou, Baek llund­ awaits tl,e arnval and rh·par!ure of the Holliday and Davld Allison, from the Balli./f-Juhn Pigg. several lraius Malt Shovel, Saturday • CUESTElt LE STitEET, WITH THE VILLAGES OF GREAT LUMLEY, PELTON, BIHTLEY AND NEIGHBOURHOODS. CHESTER LE STREET is a populous parish, con- . Lumleys, from the time of the Conqueror, down to taininJ!' the chapPiry and town nf its name, and se\'eral the reign nf Elizabeth. The lh ing is a perpetual townships, iududing those of Great and Little Lumley, curacy, of which the Hev. TIJOnHlS Hyde Ripley is the Peltnu, and Birtley, hereafter noticed. Chester le Street incumbent. There are places of wor~hip for Primitive is 262 mile~ N. from London, 6 N. from Durham, and and Wesleyan l\letho,li~ts and ln<lt-pendents. A me- 9 s. fmm Newcastle; situated in a valley westward of chanirs' imtiture, a N.;tional school. and a "avings' the river Wear, on the Hornan road that kads to the bank, are the othet· establishments of the place. 1\Ja­ Ja,t namt'd town. It was callt'd by the Saxons Gun- terial beut<fit results to the town from the c(Jntiguity of castre, or CuTtl!agPster; under that appellation it was the coal mines; and it derivrs no trifiing advant<Jge erecttd into au epi~copal set', and so cnnrinued under a from many rt'spectable residence• and noble seat!! in its suecessiouof eight bishops. The dig-nity was remm·ed viduity. Three quarters ot a mile tu the t'a~t stauds to Durham in 9!!5,ahout a century prior to which period Lumlt<y Castle, the fine baronial seat of the Earl of the bishop of Lindisfarue removt<d the rdics of :Saint Scarborungh: it is one of the largest structure~! in this Cuthbert to this place, though they were 8ubseqnently part ot Eu~land ~ the grounrts arouud it are orna~ intern·d at Durham, then Dunholme. The lord bishop meutetl with beautiful plantation~, and the p>~rk is l10lds copyhold courts here twice annually-usually iu extensive. Two miles 110rtn-east from this c<~stle is the months of April and October; and petty sessions Lamhton Castle, the seat of the Earl of Durham; and t;,r tile ward of CheHer take 11lace every alternate 11 short di,tance htnce is Che,ter Deanery. The Wednesday. The population of the parish, and also of country round here may be cons1aered fertile: it is the town, has increast"d considerably of late yt"ars, and le~cltowards the east, but the views from many points the latter has received some material improvement~, are ex1 en sire and pleasing. The p;!rish contained, in amon~st which the lightiug it with gl!.~ b perhaps one 1841, 18,357 inhabitants, an<! in 1851, 20,907. of the most dt<sirable mea~ures. This is one of the GREAT LUMLEY' is a township and vil age, in the polling stations at the election of members for the parish of, and ahout two miles s.E. from the town of, northe1 n divi~ion of the county. A very large iron Chester le Street; seated in tht! centre of !In immense and brass foundry and ~>team-engine manuiactory, and coal field, trom w hi eh its sole importance and prosper!ty the Bmley Iron Company, employ a great number or is derived. The Wes1eyan Methodists, and those of lmnds. There are, besrdes, in the neighbourhood of the New Counexion. have e<!ch a place for theil' wor­ the town, extensi1·e collieries, corn and paper mills, ~hip. A lwspital was founded here by Sir John Duck, and a ropery on a large ~cale. m 1685, for twelve poor women, whu have a 8mall The parish church of Saint Mary and Saint Cuthbert stipend weekly. Population of the towmhip, 1,730. (ancu·11tly collegiate) is a hand~ome 8tone edihce, with PELTON i~ a township and village, in tht1 pari~h of, a tower, surmounted by a stone !>pi re, one hundred and and two miles !11. w. from, Chester le Srreet. This fifty-~ix feet in ht"ight, considered 'he DJO~t eltgant place t>xhiblts a ~tnking example uf the advantal{e5 iu the 11orth of E11gland. In the north disle of thb derivable from the church-buildinl!' aets of padiament. churoh are a regular series or monumeuts, with dligie~ Previous to 1841, Penon wa~ little better than an ordi­ of the deceased ancestry of the noble family· of the nary pi~ village, with a tew farm horurett i11.wrsperst>ll. 11 .
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