
������ o:.;UNIt:.ONS & ORAGONS Game ".---__ .. _J-- "",In<, .. �. -- -......� -.-�'"" ...... • • - ' "" " !MI. MpO<ol. ""'vI. l ... .........._ .. I'II/y ) I " • " .n .. \ I PROJECT : WIDEAWAKE PROJECT: WIOEAWAKE contains de ­ elhlctu ....,...... , butPopularity. for dill«· saiptioMof I\'lO$l oIlhe major mul8nlt 01 tnt 'PSOn,. and an indNiWat _ is giv. the M!IWIUrtNetstI� - ProIeuor)('",The Ing aid unde< duress will try to eSC8jle )(-MtfI�. The NftW Mutllf)'s-, The � lrom that situation as soon as possible, ClulJ�. the MOtkx;k$-. and many others. The phrass '"Gimme your Car or I'll slag 000" is 8yullng Ihls along with Ihe MAFWE, )'0\' where �oo $I�nd" an e�am"le 01 the SUPER HEFIOES- game lules. yo\J c.n lISt 01 negatlv, Popularity in play. Only cOI1 l cr ••" ..:IYen!Uf" 10, )'O"r own learn of II><>IIfI charact'.. wI><> s der them· mU!W\1 .,;MIntu,ers. _ ...........ot mankind ""'" ""!I8t"', Mo&I of thl c1wactendescribecI in \/'IiI Populafily. bOOk .r. mutant. - humans whose "","ISand T.''''ts arelI1e speeial allllI· bOdiescon ..... radicallych.nged to",,,o f tiel 01 the mutant In question. Becluse ONA !hat narurslly givest hem pow9rs� similar _rs often operele differenUy _ homo yond lhow .... ..to """" up/­ when used by"'"erent he...... oa<:h cnar· UlII ""�. M nt, ha..... been ••,,,,red to by ""ter', I'O"""f" are detailed 'n hi' or hI' ""ml OJ 110m<> wpericx. lne ne.t all? In entry. IIthe power is not explained In lun, hum.n .voIutlon - as ad_anced ""., ch""k the MARVEL SUPER HEROES modern mIn •• Cro-Magnon Man was Campaign Book 10' further inlormation. k • 01 ad_aneed ""., Neanderthal Man. NGrml1 BaC ground is summary the Char. humans are 'hid 01 mutants beCause aeter's history. end (� space permits) lhey ... dill",ent, often pow'''ul and some 001" on how Ihe charaet.. acts in _ This ...... .....'Y. veryd ang,rous. In. MilrvaI Univer .... univer .. ,. • Eaclo 01 the mutants leatuted Nl IhiI rich tipelllry 01 iruerweaw.g _ .nd _ crosa.ed and 1ldYentw i& deteribid in Iefms ofh is Of I'IIIfst. paths ....This boOk tisIk:schafaclel and isliu i n IfNI IoIIoorinO coven both 'hI"...._5 and villains lki sutlj_and ca!�: 01 mutan nd, ww:Iedditi onaUy d9iIIIw ith Mu\all1"N ...... Importam non-mutants that .., closely Rut t<hms( it 1<1Iown) conn""t..:! to mulants. Alitgilnc:l. "TWoi mllOrlant mutants are nor lealUl..:! ACoi litie. In this DOck - the Sca,h/t WitCh� an!! hotr Variable Abilitie. Mlther OIJicks/lVer.These IGlm&r mem­ Powers ane Talents bers 01 the BIOII>erho«JMull1lts� 01Ev# B ""karound CoIn be loond in 1M "AwJI>gMf� A"",," bJecI� bOd< (MH AC 2).Since lhey.re 1m­ A Mulant's Nama is\he name by,."ieh J>Ortanl _bars of \I>eII¥<InS/IfS. thly known blic Ihe muWII is to the pu 11Ial\le. ,rl cover..:! in lI1.tbook. New T.... X-Men and Mul.nll UN "­ The litle01 IhisbooIr Ih' is uml asIh' �c:od, .......s" 10 a>nc<I3Itheir idemitIH ""m,orl "",,1l.11ega1 QOWIrn"",nt_. and therebyptOlKlll1eirlriends and_ Ilion dedical«! to the capIU,,", SlUdy, Ind e 01165, w!1i11 various criminals an!! woncs. (� ne e",ry) elimination ofmul.I.nlS dan­ ily II fS bea,afS use a nom rAJ tocrime inSlili tear I� I:I8roos to ""lion.1 ,,,,,ur . TI'HI a"' ot their victims. PrOjecl Wideaw8ke are worried at>out the The Real Name 01 a mutant is hi' GI her "'mutant menace:' and may unleash the . given ..me, and the name th�t the mutant POW" 01 lhe Senlinfll.�10 t me it. � II onty goH by when not "r,v""ting or com""t· lilllng llllt Ihi$ massive coIlotCtion0/ Merry INri ling cri..... , FGllnsta...."" the r.al name 01 Ma.wl" mutanrkincl should share tI· Srotm� is Ororo MuntOll. So"", mutln". til. Ladin Inclll8"llemen. boyS and girlie. and . Iika 'o\I:WemoI�. are secretive abOut lIwIif mutanta 01 .. Illes . welcome 10 ... .- PROJEC"r. WIDEAWAXE. TSR. Inc. P. O. Bo;or 756 Lake Geneva WI 53t'7 ISBN 39HI760�nSl106OO 0-8803&-193-0 TO.. Inc. ._�. .. ... __._- 6I81XXX1501 .. ... -_. __ ........... -...... __ -.""' .. .... ,,_ ... -........ _,,---.__ ... - . I"SII. .. .... _. _ .. ___ . "" .. __... " .... _"-_ . _ .. ... ..__ ......� c- __ .."- U'O . _ ...... _.- _ ...-. .. .... .... .. ... _.. _--_ .....__ .... , .. ... .......- . ""- --_ .. -............ _ -...- .......-- .. .. .. "'"_ . _ .. __ ... _or . _�_ .... .. "'� """" ............ ' ........................ ___ or ..._"""'""_"_1gOO · .. .. __ �_._ c-_""""'__ . ___ �U.I .. ..-OOO9'_·' ''''' ...... __ TheX·Menall IIiII Soonah", A BRIEF BACKGROUND Aft'"t hIt adventum.h, originaIl""'"01 changing. X-Men g",e w� 10a ......group. Iceman lhe demise 01 Pt-nbr. Kmy � Joined Prolessor Charlel X.Yle.lil'Sllou�t he and Angel qull the learn. and &ast had the team asSpriIe . Oate. known .. ,trier X·Men .fter &ncount.. l ng e.� mutantl in left.. ,lItr. Marvel Girl leh lor a sl1M time. and Shloowcaf"). Ro gue. lrom lhe Sec· 01 a hll 1r'''''\s and coming to tIKI conclusion Sunllre 'eturned to his nall.e Japan. Th, ond Brotherhood Evit M ut nts. hll X tor t� IO/MIhing must be done to Isain the ......inlng heroes. ted by Cyclop$. be­ come to Prof8$5Cf help in controli'lg riling nu_ 01 ...... mutanI,and help came the MCOIIdteam 01X ...... n. ....pewee. from And . derk _nalll� lhotm Ileal wiIh iheir � To \hal Ind, ThI. n... group wasI>\IM1. by IIIlor1une liM. RIIcheI .surn.-w�, the datIghIIIr 01 hi foundod his "SchOOl lor Gifted 'lbunlt­ from ita 0UIStI. Thundert>ird ditHI on the Cyclops.lias tied • world gene m-.;i. y Itlr," In Salem C&nttr.• nd Cfeatod Ih, team'. lilll mission. Jean Gre (Marvei In add�ion to MI rOle with the X.Mlln, 01 .ecklotnt. professor X Ilrst t.. m '" X·Men. Tht membe" this Gi�) died In I space only to be Is mentor Bnd leaeher to a 01 New tt.m were Sccn Summer. (Cyclops·). .eOOrn as PhoeniX'". Banlh" lost hi. group Mutams. This gr oup. firSI Me w · B.ot>by Drak, (1e<ImM.), Hank Coy po ers In • dtspe.ale struggle to "''''' J. gathered together while Ih' X Men well ' (geM1). Wa..... Wof'ihlnglOtl til �) pan. And P'-nir. parI$had ""'en, ,... oll.plenet battflng the ,lien BIood"". " and JeanGrey (U..... Gid"). spirittwIIIIad by Mastermindand 1M Hef� much)'IIU� IIwI el lhar oIthe g"""",01 At tiboul the same lime !hal thll WIS lill Club. lhe destroyed htrS8lf ,_ X-M .... Th'original I...., 01 Ntw MU!ants happening. ar.othtr powerful mutlm IllIt Ihan become, thrllllto the unlwr ... cone.lled of DanioelleMOcnsta. (MAge',. a�.rlld. Thiswat MI9J!<iIo"'. Ih.Muter AI the X·Men changed, ... dkl IlIeir RBhn. Sinclair (�sbII"'�), Xi'an Coy 01 (K..,.",a�), Sam Gulhrie (Cannort· M Ulanl Magnetism. Like P.ollssor foes_ Dne of the major adverSlrlu 01 the Manh new e ill /)tlf") nd CoSla XI¥ie•• Magnlto IOU{IIII to prOllCl the ris­ group I, the H llf Club. e powerful •• RoI>IKIo Da (Sun$pO!'"). 01 Ing mutan1 population from• feathJI.oc:� ron:ei n poIiIlcs Ind sociel\'•• uled by B .. Since the IonTllltion lhe group. KaJma ely. HII solution �domiMdng the am group (the _ Circle) devoted to I\asbeen lost ItI aetlon. and IIurIeIlm hu hum.n maJority. Magneto's app'04Ich world dominion. AI,o. Magnelo h,d been tJ<panded by AmaraIht """ilionof broughthim ;mo oonnlct with Xavier Ind ceasad racfU�ing supe�poweted Yil/Jins Aquilla (Magm.o-),CoIesSUI' lllrana siIte< the X·Mom. and SOOO Magnelo had .ssem· as hi. �ortltdtr.tes and bIg;!n .....ing Rupulin (Mag/k"'), 1M .Iian WllrIock", a bl&d his own te m of ,uper'flOWered mu· orher mean. to lo.ge equality be!Woon end Doug Ramuy"'. Under the guklln�, Brother· lantl. MlIgneto'1; group was called the maJ1 Ind mulant. 'r'81 I ..COnd 01 Professor XI.ler, Ih.... New M ulanll SrOlherIIood01 E vil Mutants. 6e<ivedlrom hood 01 Evil MutaJ1ts hal arisan fromIhe ho!le to gain conlrel 01 their pawe.. well 1M 11K:! that ltItifI*eeived powera....... ash.. of Ihtfirst. consisting01 Prrff" . ,.,.. enoughbe to able 10cope withthe human /fIfIcIIfI" by sociely U 1IViI. The original Brother· , Rogue. Dotsliny"", and Bioi>. and ..... hood 01 Evil Mu!arllS consiSled 01 Mag. led by the coId-heMed UyJllque•• Deep ........,. 01 N.... n8l0. TOld'". the Seerlet Wllch. t>enealh the 'lbrk I"" IIKI 01 Quick,if• .,. , and Mu(Ormind"'. Mcr1ockl. a �ing<Iom mullnl oulcaslt. CEREBRO p And In W l plans Time assed. ud the X·Men banled Ih' ashlng on the are mild. lor BrOlh.,.hOOd end OIhe. menacel. bOIh Projacl Wldeawake. a tnutanl-Gootrol or· mul8nl and OIhf1rwi1f1. The s.:.netWlteII ganiution that II rebuilding Ihe deadly W Ouic� lei! tn. BroIherhood lor Sontinels. Ih' ......noo". .nd Slob"' and Unu,� joIntId up brlelly wllh Magf>Mo. In comblll wllh an underground menace. Prclencr X appa",ntly died. His X·Men drifted apart IICXIM after thai. They we", brought l>a<:k togettwr wi*> Ihe � of Ale_ Sum· m. .. � 0.-began to SUII_•• nd IMn by!he oIthrMt lh, So...... , hUgot mUllnl-llurning robotf. Soon alter thl. � wu r .... ealed thll � was lICK Pro/utor XI.it. who died. DIll .ather a mutanl Ihape·shifter namlld Chlrpge#1Jf/' who had taken thl prol. .....·• pl.ee whll' XI... wu Involved ItIMCfet _eh. n.. original X·III .... Including Al,x Sum....., (HavoIr) and Loma Danl (Po­ /aria'), later di_ared on the I stlnd 01 Kra�GB. An amnesi... lrlcken Cyclops wu lhe only On' who returned. In an .tt,mpt to rescue lhe group. Xa.le. 8.SStmblad. secondIeIam ol mutant 1\8f0lS: P4Her Ras­ pulln of Russi.
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