BUILT BY BAMA UNIVERSITY The PROGRAM MEDIA NOTES TABLE OF CONTENTS Quick Facts __________________________ 1 INFORMATION Head Coach: Sarah Patterson Alma Mater: Slippery Rock State College 1978 ALABAMA COMMUNICATIONS: Alabama’s President ____________________ 2 Alabama & Overall Record/Years: 415-92-4/34 The Alabama Athletics Communications Location: Tuscaloosa, Ala. The University of Alabama _____________3-4 Enrollment: 33,602 2IÀFH3KRQH(205) 348-3830 2IÀFHLVORFDWHGRQWKHJURXQGOHYHORI Coleman Coliseum, across the hall from the Athletics Administration _________________5 Founded: April 12, 1831 e-mail: [email protected] gymnastics practice facility. Conference: Southeastern (SEC) Volunteer Coach: David Patterson Back-to-Back National Champions________6-7 Colors: Crimson & White Alma Mater: Alabama 1982 INTERVIEWS: All interview requests Back-to-Back Individual Honors __________ 8 Record at Alabama/years: 415-92-4/34 Nickname: Crimson Tide should be made through Roots Woodruff Championship Celebration _____________9-13 President: Dr. Judy Bonner e-mail: [email protected] RI WKH$ODEDPD&RPPXQLFDWLRQV2IÀFH Patterson Family Success _____________14-15 NCAA Faculty Representative: Assistant Coach: Bryan Raschilla at least 24 hours in advance, at (205) Dr. Kevin Whitaker Alma Mater: Youngstown State 1989 348-2088. Gymnasts and coaches are not Patterson Plaza _____________________16-17 available on the day of competition until Record at Alabama/years: 179-45-1/16 Athletics Director: Mal Moore after completion of the meet. Coach Sarah Championship Anniversaries __________18-19 2IÀFH3KRQH(205) 348-0461 Deputy Athletics Director: Shane Lyons Patterson is available for interviews in Fan Support _______________________20-21 e-mail: [email protected] person or by telephone. Executive Associate Athletics Director: Facilities __________________________22-23 Finus Gaston Assistant Coach: Dana Duckworth CREDENTIALS: Credentials will be Classroom Success __________________24-29 Senior Associate Athletics Directors: Alma Mater: Alabama 1993 Record at Alabama/years: 134-36-0/13 * issued to working media ONLY and should In the Community __________________30-33 Kevin Almond, Milton Overton, be requested no later than 48 hours prior to 2IÀFH3KRQH(205) 348-8381 Ronny Robertson any home event. The Power of Pink__________________34-37 e-mail: [email protected] Associate Athletics Director/Senior * Spent nine years as a volunteer assistant Keeping Up with the Tide ____________38-39 Woman Administrator: Marie Robbins INTERNET: Information about the University of Alabama’s athletics can The Medalist Club __________________40-41 Associate Athletics Directors: Gymnastics Operations Director: Rita Martin be found several places on the internet, Jonathan Bowling, Jon Dever, 2IÀFH3KRQH(205) 348-3830 The Coaching Staff _________________42-49 e-mail: [email protected] LQFOXGLQJWKHRIÀFLDOVLWHIRU&ULPVRQ Carol Park, Jeff Purinton, Tide Athletics at RollTide.com. The Tide’s Support Staff ______________________50-55 Thad Turnipseed, Doug Walker Administrative Assistant: Robin Kelley booster club, The Medalist Club, has a site Guide to the Crimson Tide ___________56-57 2IÀFH3KRQH(205) 348-7600 at GymTide.com. For information about Assistant Athletics Directors: 2013 Roster _________________________ 58 Jeff Allen, Chris Besanceney, e-mail: [email protected] the University of Alabama, go to www. ua.edu. 2013 Crimson Tide Bios ______________59-76 Tommy Ford, Brad Ledford, Aaron Vold Athletic Trainer: Monica Decker Traveling with Alabama ________________ 77 Associate A.D./Communications: Strength and Conditioning Coach: Travis Illian MEDIA SERVICES: Up-to-date rankings and meet notes will be available to working 2012 in Review _____________________78-81 Doug Walker Director of Performance Nutrition: Amy Bragg Associate Communications Directors: media prior to the meet. Results will be Crimson Tide History _________________ 82 Gymnastics Academic Advisor: Fern Hampton distributed following the competition. Aaron Jordan, Josh Maxson and Selected coaches and gymnasts will be Great Moments ____________________83-92 Roots Woodruff (gymnastics contact) Managers: Stephen Buckner, Anderson Lovelace, brought into the interview room following The Hall of Fame __________________93-98 Assistant Communications Directors: Elizabeth Plant, Blake Sellers all home meets. Rich Davi, Jessica Paré and Skip Powers Marketing and Promotions: Krista Huffman Year-by-Year ______________________99-103 Athletic Department Photographer: VIDEO FEEDS: The University of Alabama and the NCAA ___________ 104-105 Gymnastics Mailing Address: Alabama, through Crimson Tide Sports Kent Gidley P.O. Box 870393, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0393 National Titles and Honors _________ 106-115 Gymnastics Communications Contact: Marketing, offers weekly video packages available via FTP download consisting Tide All-Americans _______________ 116-117 Roots Woodruff Gymnastics Overnight Shipping Address: Coleman Coliseum — Room 339 of interviews with coaches and athletes, Office Phone: (205) 348-2088 Alabama and Regionals ____________ 118-119 323 Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 taped video highlights and narrated tape e-mail Address: [email protected] packages from September through May. Alabama and the SEC _____________ 120-121 The gymnastics team is featured in this SEC Championships ______________ 122-124 Credits: 7KH8QLYHUVLW\RI $ODEDPD*\PQDVWLFV0HGLD*XLGHLVDSURGXFWRI WKH$WKOHWLF&RPPXQLFDWLRQV2IÀFHDQGZDVZULWWHQDQG package regularly during the season. Call the edited by Roots Woodruff. Additional editing credits to Pete LaFleur. The covers were created by Brent Hollingsworth. The book was printed by &RPPXQLFDWLRQV2IÀFHIRUPRUHGHWDLOV SEC Academic Honor Roll ____________ 125 Interstate Printing of Mobile, Ala. Photography Credits: Primary photography by Kent Gidley and Amelia Brackin. Additional photography including dates of the feed and download E\0LFKHOOH&DUWHU-DVRQ+DUOHVV'U:LOOLDP&DVWOHPDQ3RUÀULR6RORU]DQR5REHUW6XWWRQ-DVRQ*HW]0LFKDHO3DOPHU*HUDOG'XWWRQ&KULV Alabama Records _________________ 126-127 instructions. Dutton, Jeff Sipsey and Mark Lent. Special thanks to The Tuscaloosa News for use of their reproductions on page 39. Success Adds Up ____________________ 128 ROLLTIDE.COM 1 CHAMPIONSCHHAMA PIONO S “It is with great pleasure that I accept the position of president of The University of Alabama. I am looking forward to working with the Board of Trustees, the Chancellor and our students, faculty and staff as we continue to build on the progress and momentum that have led our University to such unprecedented success. We have so much to be proud of and so much to look forward to and, together with our alumni, fans, friends and supporters, we will remain committed to excellence and quality in everything we do. Please join me as Team UA celebrates our storied past with a dynamic and energetic present and a EULJKWIXWXUHÀOOHGZLWKRSSRUWXQLW\µ – Dr. Judy Bonner, President When Dr. Judy Bonner was named president of the DQ\WKLQJWKH\VHWWKHLUPLQGVWRµ3DWWHUVRQVDLG University of Alabama in 2012, Sarah Patterson was on “Including becoming president of the University of hand for the announcement and it is hard to imagine $ODEDPDµ that there was anyone more excited. Dr. Bonner assumes the presidency during a time of ´,ZDVQ·WJRLQJWRPLVVWKDWIRUWKHZRUOGµ3DWWHUVRQ unprecedented growth and achievement in all areas of said. the University. Patterson and the Crimson Tide athletics department ´,WLVDQLQFUHGLEOHWLPHIRU$ODEDPDµ3DWWHUVRQVDLG were already very familiar with the long-time UA “I am so excited about all we have accomplished as a administrator. Dr. Bonner served as the interim University and I can’t wait to see where Dr. Bonner is president when three Alabama women’s teams won JRLQJWROHDGXVµ NCAA championships in the spring of 2012, including Dr. Bonner holds two degrees from The University the gymnastics team’s second in a row and sixth overall. of Alabama – the B.S. in nutrition and the M.S. in food “I think it is highly appropriate that in this, the 40th and nutrition – and the Ph.D. in human nutrition from anniversary of Title IX, that you were our president The Ohio State University. She was named dean of the when the Crimson Tide women led the nation with College of Human Environmental Studies at UA in WKUHH1&$$FKDPSLRQVKLSVµ3DWWHUVRQVDLGDWWKH 1989 and, prior to that, served as special assistant to the championship luncheon Bonner hosted just before president, assistant academic vice president and head school resumed. of the department of human nutrition and hospitality When Dr. Bonner assumed the presidency on a full- management. time basis on November 1, 2012, Patterson gathered her She has held faculty positions at the University of WHDPWRJHWKHUWRVKDUHWKHQHZVRI WKH$ODEDPD·VÀUVW Alabama at Birmingham and The Ohio State University. female president. 'U%RQQHULVDQDFWLYHPHPEHURI FLYLFVFLHQWLÀF “I told our ladies that it just goes to show their and professional organizations and is the author of dreams have no ceiling and that they can truly do numerous articles. /LIHRQ7KH8QLYHUVLW\RI $ODEDPDFDPSXVLVGHÀQHGE\RSSRUWXQLWLHV,I \RXZDQW to get involved, join one of more than 350 student organizations, help plan concerts and speaker series, participate in intramural teams or run for student government. If you enjoy the arts, you can take advantage of a rich and varied schedule of musical, dance and theatre performances, art galleries and exhibitions, lectures and readings by writers, poets and experts on every topic imaginable.
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