PITTSBURGH /> < > *• a. i— m n — r£ rt. iM »u taxl o —• _j 142nc z o J J >. 17 20 cents Friday, July 25. 1986 _ 3 "5 O O O JJ </» 3 "D *• O7 JJ -* People of diocese J • i -aJ —iJ t t . dlOcese play big part in to sign aiding Peruvians new pact By PATRICIA BARTOS Also, two Mercy nuns working In Chimbóte, Sisters Betty Carroll Fr. John Harvey, diocesan and Rita Harasluk, recently over­ By STEPHEN KARLINCHAK director of the Society for the Pro­ saw Installation of a cistern, pro­ pagation of the Faith, returned viding the only running w ater In a The Diocese of the Pittsburgh home from a recent trip to Chim- poor barrio section of the city. The and the Federation of Pittsburgh bote, Peru impressed with the project was again funded by dona­ Diocesan Teachers were to sign s work accomplished because of tions from people of the Pitt­ new three-year contract on July the concern and contributions of sburgh Diocese. The Sisters also 23 for the teachers in high schools people of the Pittsburgh Diocese. help with a feeding program for represented by the Federation. children In the area. Fr. Douglas Nowlcki, OSB, Fr. Harvey was on hand for the diocesan education secretary, and Another feeding program, 20th anniversary celebration of which reaches 1,000 persons a Bruno Scuglia, president of the the Matemldad de la Virgen Federation of Diocesan Teachers, day with food provided by Caritas Hospital, which had been founded International and Catholic Relief were to sign the contract on by Fr. Jules Roos, a Pittsburgh behalf of the diocese and the Services, Is headed by Dominican priest and long-time Chlmbote Sister Dorothy Lemmon, also a teachers' union, respectively. mlssloner, and Msgr. Ray Moore Pittsburgher. According to Fr. Robert Duch, of the San Diego Diocese. assistant superintendent of Fr. Harvey also reported that diocesan schools for secondary The hospital receives a share of the Chimbóte parishioners of Fr. education, the contract will give John Price, who died May 30 In the teachers raises of five percent proceeds of the annual Founders Day Dinner In Pittsburgh and the flash flooding In Pittsburgh, were in the first year, and six percent In shocked to hear of his early death. the following two years. Diocesan Council of Catholic Women has been active In fund­ One young Peruvian priest he met In addition, Fr. Duch said that a traced his vocation to Fr. Price’s committee is to be established to raising efforts for the hospital. influence, he added. Include representatives of the The hospital seems like “an oasis in the desert," Fr. Harvey said. diocese and of the union to study Another, less visible, sign of Pit­ the Increase of benefits for lay tsburghers' presence In Chlm­ teachers In the diocese, especially On the morning of the bote, Fr. Harvey said, is the fact In the area of pensions. hospital's anniversary celebra­ that nine men from the city have Fr. Duch said 300 teachers In tion, Fr. Harvey noted, the latest been ordained to the priesthood in 12 high schools will be covered child — number 23,624 — was the last two years. He attributes under the contract. Schools bom there. The hospital Includes this new Increase in vocations to whose lay faculty members are 25 beds, with modem equipment the influence of area missionaries represented by the Federation are to care for premature Infants, and at work In the area. "The Central Catholic In Oakland, St. a newly Instituted nutrition pro­ priesthood was once held in dis­ Paul Cathedral In Oakland, gram providing food and care for dain. but over the years we have Sacred Heart In Shadyside, North Children in a poor barrio section of Chtmbote, ing there, using contributions by Pittsburghers. 100 children. Many of the births won over the people, to the extent Peru, make use of a cistern recently constructed — Photo by Fr. John Harvey are handled by midwives, trained that they now embrace the (Continued on page 2) through the efforts by two area Mercy nuns work- at the hospital, he added. priesthood," he said. In Hill District Jubilee Day Center to open By PATRICIA BARTOS January of 1985 to begin a day a large open area where crafts program at Jubilee in the soup classes and recreation activities The new Jubilee Day Center for kitchen itself in the hours after will be held and where educa­ the Homeless, located on the the noon meal — which Jubilee tional films will be shown, If the renovated second floor of the serves seven days a week to some center can obtain a projector. Jubilee Soup Kitchen at 2005 250 needy men and women. This Sister Liguorl estimates some 50 Wyandotte St., Hill District, will tem porary set-up w as a prelude to to 75 homeless men and women formally open Monday, July 28, Sister Liguori's goal of converting will be using the center by providing an alternative to the building’s second-floor un­ wintertime. wandering the streets for the finished storage area into a The center also includes city’s homeless men and women. separate day center for the modern shower facilites for men The center will operate Mon­ "guests," as Jubilee workers refer and women, and a laundry area. days through Fridays from 1:30 to the men and women who What the center does not and will to 4:30 p.m., providing primary patronize the center. not have is a television set. "It's health services, G.E.D. training, Work on the second-floor pro­ too passive. We want to get them laundry and shower facilities, a ject began last fall and the day actively involved.” Sister Liguorl crafts program and a library for center was suspended for the explained, adding, “the homeless the homeless. tim e. and the unemployed have too A recent open house and The end result of Sister's dream much time on their hands, and dedication cerem ony at the center is a handsome, airy second-floor not enough activity.” drew some 80 friends and suite designed by architect Tasso Of the final result. Sister Liguorl benefactors. Katselas, with walls done in said, “I never thought it would be The idea for such an operation oyster white, and offsetting sec­ so beautiful. I had a rough idea of first came to Sister Liguorl tions colors of mauve and melon. how it should look.” Architect Rossner, president of the Jubilee The area now Includes a Katselas. who contributed his ser­ Association, one cold winter day classroom, where sessions in vices. was also pleased with the when she realized the homeless G.E.D. preparation will be held; a result, and its “intensively used men and women, after finishing health room, where a nurse will space,” Sister added. their lunches at the soup kitchen, be visiting three days a week Director for the center is Helen would be off into the cold looking through the Community Health Lee of McKees Rocks, assisted by Admiring the main area of the new Jubilee Day volunteer with the center; and Helen Lee, for a haven until the night Services of Oakland and where Peggy White, a VISTA volunteer, Center for the homeless. In the Hill District, are manager. This section will be used for craft shelters opened for them. Sister hopes to attract a volunteer from left Sister Ltguort Rossner, director of the classes and recreation for the homeless. That realization led Sister in doctor also to work; a library, and (Continued on page 2) Jubilee Association; Peggy White, a VISTA — Photo by John C. Keenan A rea m an to be ordained Cardinal Ratzinger denies criticisms Fr. Timothy Michael Paul Dawes will be ordained a priest By AGOSTINO BONO “Often It Is said that the con­ The congregation is working on communication. The first for the Diocese of Pittsburgh on# gregation lets itself be excessively a document on bioethics and meeting was held in Latin Saturday, Aug. 2 at 10 a.m. in VATICAN CITY (NC) — The Influenced by anonymous denun­ another on the fundamentals of America in 1984, and the con­ St. Alphonsus Church, Wexford Vatican's chief doctrinal wat­ ciations or by groups which are moral theology, he said. The car­ gregation is planning one for with Bishop Anthony Bevilac- Fr. D aw es chdog denied criticisms that his more or less extremist," he said. dinal said there were no deadlines Africa, he said. qua officiating. agency Is "excessively influenc­ "The congregation never takes an for publication of these On July 22, the Vatican also Fr. Dawes will offer his first ed” by Catholic extremists. initiative based solely on uncon­ docum ents. released a papal letter to the Peru Mass of Thanksgiving on Sun­ firmed private information." Bioethics is a theme which "is vlan bishops dated July 14. day, Aug. 3, at 2 p.m. in Our Cardinal Joseph Ratzlnger, Congregation procedures are urgently calling for treatment," Pope John Paul II called Car­ Lady of the Most Blessed Sacra­ head of the Congregation for the geared toward "sufficient control he said. dinal Ratzlnger's visit an effort to ment Church, East Hills. The Doctrine of the Faith, said the so as to eliminate everything "We have already been busy for strengthen the bishops' ties to the homilist for the liturgy will be congregation's "reliable sources which is purely subjective and quite a while on this, and we are Vatican through discussion of Fr. Thomas J. Byrd, a priest of Our Lady of the Most Blessed of Information are the bishops, private and so that partisan confident that you will not have to themes of mutual interest such as the Baltimore Archdiocese.
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