Saarland University Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology I Department of Computer Science Masters Thesis Formal Construction of a Set Theory in Coq submitted by Jonas Kaiser on November 23, 2012 Supervisor Prof. Dr. Gert Smolka Advisor Dr. Chad E. Brown Reviewers Prof. Dr. Gert Smolka Dr. Chad E. Brown Eidesstattliche Erklarung¨ Ich erklare¨ hiermit an Eides Statt, dass ich die vorliegende Arbeit selbststandig¨ verfasst und keine anderen als die angegebenen Quellen und Hilfsmittel verwendet habe. Statement in Lieu of an Oath I hereby confirm that I have written this thesis on my own and that I have not used any other media or materials than the ones referred to in this thesis. Einverstandniserkl¨ arung¨ Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass meine (bestandene) Arbeit in beiden Versionen in die Bibliothek der Informatik aufgenommen und damit vero¨ffentlicht wird. Declaration of Consent I agree to make both versions of my thesis (with a passing grade) accessible to the public by having them added to the library of the Computer Science Department. Saarbrucken,¨ (Datum/Date) (Unterschrift/Signature) iii Acknowledgements First of all I would like to express my sincerest gratitude towards my advisor, Chad Brown, who supported me throughout this work. His extensive knowledge and insights opened my eyes to the beauty of axiomatic set theory and foundational mathematics. We spent many hours discussing the minute details of the various constructions and he taught me the importance of mathematical rigour. Equally important was the support of my supervisor, Prof. Smolka, who first introduced me to the topic and was there whenever a question arose. During his course on formal logic I first experienced the delight of working with the proof assistant Coq. I am also massively grateful for the countless more or less formal discussions with my colleagues at the Programming Systems Lab and throughout the univer- sity. They helped to keep up my spirits over the longer stretches and provided valuable second perspectives on my work. Last but not least I would like to thank my friends and family for their unwaver- ing support throughout the writing of this thesis. iv Abstract In this thesis we present a formalisation of Tarski-Grothendieck set theory, that is, Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with Grothendieck universes. The development is executed in Coq, extended with the law of the excluded middle and a powerful choice principle. This yields a powerful metatheory where the inhabitance of every type is decidable. From the axiomatisation we develop the usual theory of sets, including restricted comprehension, ordered pairs, functions and finite ordinals. The formalisation is designed to support the construction of proof-irrelevant, classical models for type theories like the Calculus of (co)inductive Constructions. The actual model constructions are left for future work. v Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Metatheory 5 2.1 CiC and ECC ............................ 6 2.2 Logic ................................ 9 2.3 Classical Logic ........................... 10 2.4 Choice ................................ 11 2.5 Decidability ............................. 13 3 Axiomatisation of Tarski-Grothendieck 15 3.1 Sets and Membership ........................ 16 3.2 Inclusion .............................. 17 3.3 Extensionality ............................ 18 3.4 2-Induction & Regularity ...................... 19 3.5 The Empty Set ........................... 19 3.6 Unordered Pairs ........................... 21 3.7 Unions of Sets ............................ 22 3.8 Powerset ............................... 23 3.9 Replacement ............................ 23 3.10 Grothendieck Universes ....................... 24 3.11 Infinity ................................ 26 3.12 Choice ................................ 27 4 Development of the TG set theory 31 4.1 Singleton and Basic Sets ...................... 31 4.2 Binary Unions ............................ 35 4.3 Union over a Family of Indexed Sets ................ 36 vii 4.4 Separation .............................. 38 4.5 Ordered Pairs ............................ 43 4.6 Functions .............................. 47 4.7 Finite Ordinals & Natural Numbers ................ 55 5 Conclusion 63 5.1 Related Work ............................ 64 5.2 Future Work ............................. 64 viii CHAPTER 1 Introduction The topic of this thesis is the formalisation of a set theory which admits the con- struction of set-theoretic models for type theories. Both type theory as well as set theory concern themselves with the foundations of logic and mathematics albeit from rather different points of view. Before we introduce the material of this work in any detail it seems prudent to briefly survey the developments, formalisms and philosophies of the two camps. This overview is certainly not exhaustive and there is a wealth of secondary literature available for the interested reader. Our intention is simply to provide a small amount of historical context for the developments presented herein. Set theory can be traced back as far as 1874 to the work of Cantor [Can74] and the mantra of this camp is “everything is a set”. All the constructions familiar from mathematics can be built from sets and all operations on them can be encoded as operations on sets. A major achievement in this line of work was Zermelo’s first axiomatisation in 1908 [Zer08]. Fuelled by this result, the first third of the 20th century saw a lot of work around the construction of the best possible ax- iomatisation. The goal was to maximise the expressiveness of the theory without introducing any of the known inconsistencies like the Russell set [Rus02], and with as few axioms as possible. Beyond these mutually agreed upon criteria there was a lot of debate on which group of axioms was the “right” one. This debate and the studies it entailed led to the extensive knowledge we posses today about the relative strengths and weaknesses of the various axiomatisations. A set theory that stood the test of time and is still in use today is Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with the Axiom of Choice (ZFC). It is a cleaned-up variant of Zermelo’s original work with a major modification introduced by Fraenkel in 1922 [Fra22]. The axiom of 1 Chapter 1. Introduction choice, although already part of Zermelo’s original collection of axioms, is men- tioned explicitly since it tends to be the most controversial one. Accepting it into the theory has far reaching consequences and leads to rather unexpected effects, e.g., consider the Banach-Tarski paradox [Wag85]. When people speak about set theory without explicitly mentioning an axiomatisation they usually have ZFC in mind. In 1938 Tarski augmented ZFC with the assumption that there exist large inaccessible cardinals [Tar38] and later Grothendieck formulated a set-theoretic notion of universes, which when added to ZFC provided a theory equivalent to Tarski’s variant, albeit without the need to explicitly talk about the concept of car- dinality [Gab62, Kru65, GV72]. The resulting theory is called Tarski-Grothendieck set theory (TG) and its formalisation makes up the bulk of this work. Type theory on the other hand mostly focuses on the foundation of logic and concerns itself with the question of “what exactly is a proof”. This question is of course as old as logic itself, but new answers began to appear after Brouwer chal- lenged the justification for the law of the excluded middle [Bro23] and introduced intuitionism. Based on this, Kolmogorov and Heyting investigated the nature of proofs further [Kol32, Hey74] and thus developed what is now known as the con- structive or intuitionistic approach to logic. Its key feature is the absence of the law of the excluded middle. The basic idea is that to give a proof one has to ex- plicitly construct a proof object, e.g., for a (binary) conjunction one has to provide a pair of proof objects, one for each conjunct. The most influential insight was that the proof of an implication is a procedure that transforms any proof object for the antecedent into a proof object for the conclusion, i.e., essentially a function on proof objects. What makes this development interesting is the close correspond- ence between intuitionistic logic and typed, computational calculi, like the simply typed λ-calculus or Girard’s System F [GTL89]. The Curry-Howard correspond- ence [CF58, How80] or more generally the Propositions as Types principle states that theorems can be seen as types and proofs as terms. Then stating that a term has a type is essentially the same as presenting the proof of a theorem. In other words, a theorem is proved by the proofs that inhabit it. The use of typed, functional calculi as a logic is then the core doctrine of type theory. There are other type the- ories next to System F, like Coquand’s and Huet’s Calculus of Constructions (CC) [CH85, CH88] or Martin-Lof’s¨ predicative Type Theory (MLTT) [ML75]. Ideas taken from all of these resulted in Luo’s Extended Calculus of Constructions (ECC) [Luo94]. Then with the addition of inductive types and further modifications we arrive at the Calculus of (co)inductive Constructions (CiC) [PPM89]. It is the logic implemented in the proof assistant Coq1, which has been used for several extens- ive, machine-verified proofs, not least among which are a fully verified C-compiler [BDL06, Ler09b, Ler09a] and the four colour theorem [Gon07]. It is natural to ask how these two distinct approaches relate to each other. To answer this question one usually takes one formalism and constructs a
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