lOCAL SPORTS . NATION WSU helps develop Coug spikers kick off Souter questioned crimson lentil, page 3 Pac- 10 play, page 13 by senators, page 7 ver Se t. 14, 1990 e Established 1894 een Vol. 97 No. 17 HANGIN'OUT FRIDAY Official • ~Al'~ ~ -fry'rlanncd resigns Most\ysUn d \ear today on C ot the roost d HighS \IIIee\{en 'er 80s, position in the upP 'd \0\111 in the ro' 5 By Jennifer Jones 50S, h Staff Writer Wind 5-,0 roP , WSU's associate vice provost for student affairs submitted his resignation, beginning a national Mile High search for someone to fill the position. Stadium a tight "Right now I am doing two jobs, which is just too many," fit for big fans said Matthew Carey, who is also DENVER (AP) - Foot- the director of the Comp- ball fans with wide berths ton Union will get no sympathy at Building. Mile High Stadium, home Carey will of the Denver Broncos. remain direc- Individual theater-type tor of the seats are being installed in CUB, and place of old benches at the will retain stadium, and they are prov- the associate ing too narrow for some vice provost fans' comfort. Carey position until Mike Flaherty, deputy a new person is hired to fill the open spot. director of parks and recre- The associate vice provost ation, said he was position is an administrative one, approached by Mayor Fed- involving supervision of dining erico Pena because of com- services, residence life, financial plaints about the seats. services, child care and the But the complainers will CUB, Carey said. just have to adjust, Flaherty "The selected individual will said. be part of the senior management The city is spending $4.2 team for student affairs," said Maureen Anderson, student million to put new seats in affairs vice provost. most sections of the sta- The search began this week dium, he said. with the placement of an adver- "The issue," Flaherty tisement in the Chronicle, the said, "is people in the past biggest individual publication for have been sitting on more this type of advertising, Ander- seat than they paid for." son said. "Unfortunately, we're Various universities have also talking about people who been notified of the opening, and Staff photo by Russ Croman are overweight," he added. a list of criteria and a point sys- A crane operator ascends to his position atop the crane at Carpenter Hall. See PROVOST on page 6 Mag.sellers irk campus Site for WSU branch he said. By Jennifer Jones "There are tons of them," Staff Writer said Nicole Bride, a Campus Several WSU students have Commons North resident. "They campus to be chosen recently complained about the show up in vans over here." harassment techniques of maga- Different people, same pitch, WSU's Board of Regents is under consideration by Regents. Research Foundation concerning zine salespeople on campus, said Bride said. "They are really expected to recommend a site for These are in Central Park in management of the research park Lt. Kenny of the WSU police. pushy and won't go away." she the university's new Southwest Vancouver near Clark Commu- located on the north edge of Pull- "They do not have permission said. Washington Campus today. nity College, on Mill Plain east man. from the office of the president First of all, they say they can't An agreement between the uni- of Vancouver and at Salmon The agreement provides for the to sell magazines on campus," show you the price of the maga- versity and the WSU Research Creek near the junction of Inter- lease of about half of the first Kenny said. "We cited a couple zines, but they can quote it for Foundation on management of state 5 and Interstate 205 north building in the park to the of them for criminal trespassing, you, Follis said: the research and technology park, of Vancouver. research foundation for manage- and informed them that they Follis said he needed to renew and a presentation on a legal The regents visited the sites ment and further development. could not continue sales on cam- a subscription, so he said okay to challenge to the federal log prior to their August meeting in The other half is occupied by pus. " the salespeople. Then they told export ban are also on the Vancouver. Consultants' reports, the WSU Wood Materials and However, the sales are valid, him there was a $6 processing agenda. environmental impact studies and Engineering Lab and the WSU Kenny said. fee, he said. The board also will be asked public comment from hearings Office of Intellectual Property "They come to your door and "I don't know why I didn't to approve purchase of equip- and letters are being considered Administration. ask if they can come in," said tear up my check right then," ment worth more than $500,000 for recommendation to the state's The board will be asked to David Follis, an Orton resident. Follis said. "I just wanted to get for the Washington Higher Edu- Higher Education Coordinating delegate authority to the univer- "If you let them in, you can't them out of the room." cation Telecommunication Sys- Board. sity to purchase equipment get them out again without buy- The checks- are to be made out tem, the electronic teaching net- The HEC Board is expected to needed to update the WHETS ing from them." to a person's name, not a busi- work linking WSU's four make the final decision later this electronic teaching system from They tell you that they need ness, Follis said. Cash is also campuses. year. Regents will also be asked analog to digital equipment. you to do a favor for them, Fol- accep ed Three sites for the Southwest to approve an agreement between lis said. "Buy from them so they Washington campus remain the university and the WSU See REGENTS on page 6 can go to the Bahamas. Right," See MAGS on page 6 2 The Evergreen Friday, September 14,1990 WSU, Pullman, Wash. Heyl Donlt delay, place your ad in the Dadls Weekend Dow tumbles 43 points NEW YORK (AP) - The those stocks on regional issue todayll Deadline is Monday, Sept. 17 @ 5:00pm. stock market fell sharply Thurs- exchanges and in the over-the- day in light but steady selling counter market, totaled 148.04 attributed to fears of impending minion shares. bad news on the economy. The government is due to Analysts said worries about the report Friday morning on the touchy state of the banking sys- producer price index of finished tem added to the market's woes. goods for August. The Dow Jones average of 30 Analysts expect the index, a industrials tumbled 43.07 points measure of inflationary pressures to 2,582.67, for its biggest one- in the pipelines of the economy, day drop since it slumped 76.73 to show a big jump as a result of points on Aug. 23. higher energy costs. Declining issues outnumbered More of the impact of the advances by more than 2 to 1 in surge in oil prices this summer is nationwide trading of New York expected to carryover to the Stock Exchange-listed stocks, September producer-price report. with 430 up, 1,009 down and Data on retail sales and indus- 506 unchanged. trial production for August are Volume on the floor of the Big also slated to be issued before Board came to 123.37 million the market opening Friday. shares, against 129.89 million in Standard & Poor's industrial the previous session. Nationwide, index fell 5.08 to 376.88, and '\",\,;~, Guess consolidated volume in NYSE- S&P's 500-stock composite index ~~~!!~g<!~eDlO?~~', listed issues, including trades in was down 3.89 at 318.65. I.,y.-~f~~if) SEPTEMBER 18,1990 " "r'~) ~ ~~'~..k1;..C.'.) :<:\ Uqultex. Crescent· Badger )' t.'~~.·'r, ..- HUNTI Speedball (special products table only)" LOCAL BRIEFS ..~~~~ SEPTEMBER 24, 1990 "~~ Koh-I-noor Announcements eoutelJlClle8l'llitow yo;:, CAlI apply utedlUJIIS.board, l tecJtJllcal equlputeJlt • The Mecha Club will be having a Potluck Saturday at {'p.m. at t.o lOur aditIO)project. a)ld arC.IaUcworb! 349 N. Campus Heights. Everyone welcome. For more information UT Mlt9iRTMENT - LOWE1lLEVEL - W~TCH fOR SP!C~L DISCOUNTS! call 5-2616. • Ahmmad Marri, former representative to the parliament, will be speaking on the current developments in the Middle East today at 2 p.m. in the CUB Auditorium. • Jewish Student Organization meeting on Sunday at 7 p.m. in Orton Lobby. Interested students are invited to attend. Meeting will determine future schedule of events. • PETE needs volunteers!! The partnership in Equine Therapy and Education program needs volunteers to help sell concessions at Cougar football games and other fund raising events. For more information please contact Jerry at 397-3258 or leave a message at the People Pet Partnership office at 5-1303. • All 1990-1991 Mortar Board members please contact Katie-Michelle Bosch at 4-0628 or Sue Hinz at 5-4527 to give information on how you can be reached. • Pre-Physical Therapy Club will meet Monday at noon in CUB 108-109. • Live at Eight, WSU's nationally televised comedy show, is inviting you to be a part of its studio audience. Come to Murrow, Studio A Friday at 7:45 p.m. or watch it at home on Cable 8 at 8 p.m. • Adult children of dysfunctional families are forming a group at Friday, September 1 at 7:30pm the WSU counseling center. Support is available from this confidential ACDF group.
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