GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 12 07 2021 Code: GB210201a-GB210215b Newsletter No. 1434 / Issues date: 12.07.2021 Printed: 25.09.2021 / 09:45 Code Country / Name Type EUR/1 Qty TOTAL Stamperija: GB210201a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Turtles (Turtles (Testudo graeca; Terrapene carolina; FDC €7.45 - - Cylindraspis vosmaeri; Peltocephalus dumerilianus; Imperforated €15.00 - - Dermochelys coriacea) [5v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210201b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Turtles (Turtles (Psammobates geometricus) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: Podocnemis expansa; Staurotypus Imperforated €15.00 - - triporcatus; Pyxis arachnoides; Kinosternon subrubrum FDC imperf. €17.50 - - [s/s 3300 FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210202a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Snakes (Snakes (Vipera berus; Erpeton tentaculatum; FDC €7.45 - - Platyceps gracilis; Acrochordus granulatus; Laticauda Imperforated €15.00 - - semifasciata) [5v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210202b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Snakes (Snakes (Vipera ammodytes) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Malpolon monspessulanus; Epicrates cenchria [s/s Imperforated €15.00 - - 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210203a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Venezuela snakes (Venezuela snakes (Photo: Ivan FDC €7.45 - - Mikolji; Bothrops afrox; Bothrops venezuelensis) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: Helicops angulatus [2v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210203b1 GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Venezuela snakes (Venezuela snakes (Photo: Ivan FDC €7.45 - - Mikolji; Leptophis ahaetulla occidentalis) [s/s 3300 Imperforated €15.00 - - FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210203b2 GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Venezuela snakes (Venezuela snakes (Photo: Ivan FDC €7.45 - - Mikolji; Leptophis ahaetulla occidentalis) [s/s 3300 Imperforated €15.00 - - FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210204a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Alcedo semitorquata; Alcedo FDC €7.45 - - euryzona; Ceyx fallax; Chloroceryle americana; Imperforated €15.00 - - Pelargopsis amauroptera) [5v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210204b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Kingfishers (Kingfishers (Alcedo ispida) Background FDC €7.45 - - info: Ceyx tridactyla; Pelargopsis capensis [s/s 3300 Imperforated €15.00 - - FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210205a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey (Falco rusticolus; Accipiter FDC €7.45 - - gentilis; Gyps fulvus; Falco columbarius; Neophron Imperforated €15.00 - - percnopterus) [5v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210205b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey (Pernis apivorus) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: Haliaeetus albicilla; Clanga clanga Imperforated €15.00 - - [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210206a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Aglais urticae; Aglais io; FDC €7.45 - - Vanessa atalanta; Iphiclides podalirius; Limenitis Imperforated €15.00 - - populi) Background info: Papilio machaon [5v 3300 FDC imperf. €17.50 - - FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210206b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Butterflies (Butterflies (Papilio machaon) Background FDC €7.45 - - info: Aglais io; Iphiclides podalirius; Limenitis populi; Imperforated €15.00 - - Vanessa cardui [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210207a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Moths (Moths (Parasemia plantaginis; Phragmatobia FDC €7.45 - - fuliginosa; Callimorpha dominula; Saturnia pavonia; Imperforated €15.00 - - Epicallia villica) [5v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210207b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Moths (Moths (Mimas tiliae) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Phyllodesma ilicifolia; Tyria jacobaeae; Lymantria Imperforated €15.00 - - monacha; Arctia caja [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210208a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Deep sea fish (Deep sea fish (Bassogigas koefoedi; FDC €7.45 - - Lobianchia gemellarii; Lophotes cepedianus; Exocætus Imperforated €15.00 - - fucorum; Cepola macrophthalma) Background info: FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Melanonus gracilis [5v 3300 FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210208b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Deep sea fish (Deep sea fish (Trachypterus spinolae) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: Stomias boa boa; Macrurus violaceus; Imperforated €15.00 - - Malacosteus niger; Eurypharynx pelecanoides [s/s 3300 FDC imperf. €17.50 - - FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210209a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Sharks (Sharks (Carcharhinus sealei; Isogomphodon FDC €7.45 - - oxyrhynchus; Chiloscyllium griseum; Isurus oxyrinchus; Imperforated €15.00 - - Nebrius ferrugineus) Background info: Chiloscyllium FDC imperf. €17.50 - - punctatum; Prionace glauca [5v 3300 FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210209b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Sharks (Sharks (Triakis scyllium) Background info: FDC €7.45 - - Chiloscyllium punctatum; Carcharhinus sealei; Isurus Imperforated €15.00 - - oxyrinchus [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210210a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Snow leopard (Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) [5v FDC €7.45 - - 3300 FCFA]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210210b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Snow leopard (Snow leopard (Panthera uncia) [s/s FDC €7.45 - - 3300 FCFA]) Imperforated €15.00 - - FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210211a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Primates (Primates (Colobus guereza; Presbytis hosei; FDC €7.45 - - Nasalis larvatus; Miopithecus talapoin; Symphalangus Imperforated €15.00 - - syndactylus) Background info: Pongo pygmaeus [5v FDC imperf. €17.50 - - 3300 FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210211b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Primates (Primates (Chlorocebus sabaeus) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: Cercopithecus neglectus; Colobus Imperforated €15.00 - - guereza; Cercopithecus pogonias [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210212a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Volcanoes (Volcanoes (Mount Asama, Japan; Mount FDC €7.45 - - Azuma-kofuji, Japan; Mount Yake, Japan; Mount Imperforated €15.00 - - Kaimon, Japan; Mount Nantai, Japan) [5v 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210212b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Volcanoes (Volcanoes (Mount Zaō, Japan) FDC €7.45 - - Background info: N700 Series Shinkansen; Mount Fuji, Imperforated €15.00 - - Japan [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210213a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Shells and lighthouses (Shels and lighthouses (Luro FDC €7.45 - - Lighthouse, Sweden; Magilus antiquus; Anorisaki Imperforated €15.00 - - Lighthouse, Japan; Epitonium algerianum; FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Hirakubozaki Lighthouse, Japan; Turbo petholatus; Tybee Island Lighthouse, United States; Natica canrena; När Lighthouse, Sweden; Vermicul) Stamperija: GB210213b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Shells and lighthouses (Shells and lighthouses (Långe FDC €7.45 - - Jan Lighthouse, Sweden; Sinum haliotoideum) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: Castle Hill Lighthouse, United States; FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Portland Head Lighthouse, United States [s/s 3300 FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210214a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Pablo Picasso (140th anniversary of Pablo Picasso FDC €7.45 - - (Pablo Picasso 1881–1973 "Two Acrobats", 1901; Imperforated €15.00 - - "Bust of Young Woman from Avignon", 1907; "Queen FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Isabella", 1908; "Family of Saltimbanques" (detail), 1905) Background info: "Guitar and Bottle of Bass", 1913 [4v 3200 FCFA]) Stamperija: GB210214b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Pablo Picasso (140th anniversary of Pablo Picasso FDC €7.45 - - (Pablo Picasso 1881–1973 "Child with a Dove", 1901) Imperforated €15.00 - - Background info: "Bullfighting", 1901 [s/s 3300 FCFA]) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Stamperija: GB210215a GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Jean-Honoré Fragonard (215th memorial FDC €7.45 - - anniversary of Jean-Honoré Fragonard (Jean-Honoré Imperforated €15.00 - - Fragonard 1732–1806 "Two Girls on a Bed Playing FDC imperf. €17.50 - - with Their Dogs" (detail), 1770; "Young Girl Sleeping", 1758–1761; "A Lady in her Bed Chamber", 1770; "The Happy Lovers", c. 1770; "The Three) Stamperija: GB210215b GUINEA-BISSAU (Guiné-Bissau) 2021 Perforated €4.95 - - Jean-Honoré Fragonard (215th memorial FDC €7.45 - - anniversary of Jean-Honoré Fragonard (Jean-Honoré Imperforated €15.00 - - Fragonard 1732–1806 "Girl with a Dog", 1770) FDC imperf. €17.50 - - Background info: "The Bathers" (detail), 1772 [s/s 3300 FCFA]) Total 31 diff. Perforated x 1: €153.45 STAMPERIJA Ltd. POBOX 5 RIESES POST, Vilnius distr. LT-14028 Lithuania E-mail [email protected] www.stampera.eu.
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