Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. Collection: Blackwell, Morton: Files Folder Title: Air Force Sergeants Association (1 of 2) Box: 41 To see more digitized collections visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/archives/digital-library To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: https://reaganlibrary.gov/document-collection Contact a reference archivist at: [email protected] Citation Guidelines: https://reaganlibrary.gov/citing National Archives Catalogue: https://catalog.archives.gov/ / {;.J-Q_ A ir Force Sergeants Association ' . ' ;)l, . i Int ernation al Head quarters, P. O. Box 31050, Washin gton , D.C. 2003 1 • Pho ne : (301) 899-35 00 ' . ' '··. _, +. ' ~. ~.... •- --. ~ 8 May 1981 Mr. Morton C. Blackwell Spec i al Assistant to the Presi dent for Public Liaison Room 191, Old Executive Office Building Washin~ton, D.C. 20500 Dear Mr. Blackwell: I wish to thank you for the support rendered to me in acqu1r1ng the very beautiful letter from President Reagan co mm emorating the 20th Anniversary of our Association and the dedication of our Intern ational Headquarters Airmen Me morial Building. It was a most appropriate letter, which will be occupying a prominent place in the Airmen Hall of Fame located on the first floor of our new building. As I stated during my visit to the White House, please find enclosed copies of the magazine containing the story 11 The Warmth of the Reagan White House 11 along with two copies of the special edition of our magazine developed primarily for our 20th Anniversary. Again, I thank you for all your kindness and courtesies extended to me as a representative for the 157,000 members of our Association and their dependents. Looking forward to future opportunities of meeting with you, I r emain, Sincerely, DONALD L. HARLOW, CMSAF, Ret. Executive Director Encl: a/s cc: ~rs. Eli za beth Dole Serving A ir Force E nlisted P ersonnel Of All Gra des uring the previous Carter admin­ mittee meetings when a representative from The Warmth of the istration, the representatives of the the White House was in attendance. D veterans organizations and associ­ The warmth of the Reagan White House Reagan White House ations received only one invitation to the was exhibited on Saturday, Feb. 14, 1981 , White House. During that meeting, mem­ when the president's assistant for Public Li­ bers of the president's staff talked about aison, Mrs. Elizabeth Dole, graciously wel­ several issues and the president did spend comed the veterans' representatives to the a few moments welcoming them to the first of several meetings planned at the White House. White House. After Mrs. Dole's brief introduction to those in attendance, Don Moran, from the president's Office of Management and Bud­ get (0MB) proceeded to outline the admin­ istration's objectives for the coming year. In the president's attempt to curb inflation, putting people back to work and reducing the heavy tax burden on all Americans, Moran said that no part of American society will get off scot-free on budget cuts . While he did clarify that statement, pointing out the careful consideration being given to all programs, it is not the intent of the ad­ Elizabeth H. Dole, assistant to the ministration to impose a serious financial president for Public Liaison burden on any one segment of society. It's a full sharing-the-burden type of reduction in the outlay of government funds. From that time on, the only dialogue be­ During the last fifteen minutes of the tween the veterans' groups and the White hour long meeting, James Banker, the presi­ House was at the monthly Ad Hoc Com- dent's chief-of-staff, joined the discussion April 1981 9 and responded to several questions posed for all of the veterans' representatives to by various representatives. personally meet with President Reagan. In In closing the meeting, Mrs. Dole pointed the meantime, Mrs. Dole referred to mem­ out her desire to develop a trust between bers of her staff as she introduced each. the veterans' associations and the members saying that all representatives in attendance of President Reagan's White House staff. should feel free to contact her office at any She further stated that the voices of the time deemed essential. representatives will be heard at the highest While all segments of our society will level of government, as she will submit a face difficult periods of adjustment, the full report on every meeting held with the warmth of the Reagan White House will veterans· groups, and they will be seen by make it a more pleasant relationship for all the president. veterans and the representatives who A meeting is planned at some future date proudly serve them. I AirForceSergeonlsAssociolion Congress Faces New Challen.ges P.O . Box 31 050 \.\'ashmgton. D C. 20031 Toll-free 800--638-0594/5 or 30!-899-3500 How many times have we read in the news media or heard people _say, America lacked strong leadership over the past four years? Publisher Some were quick to blame weak leadership on President Carter, yet, a look at the CMSAF (Ret.) Donald L. Harlow lack of adequate modern weapons systems, coupled with the high rate of loss of essential · Director of Public Affairs CMSgt. (Rel.) Raymond F. Meyer leaders and skilled technicians within our enlisted and officer corps, placed our defense forces in -a very precarious state of readiness. Editor Karen E. Thuermer AFSA, along with other associations and the service chiefs "spoke out" on the need Editorial Assistant to restore the needed pay and benefits for members of our armed services. The 96th Belinda L. Parker Congress began to respond to such voices. Clerk Typill President Reagan has already exhibited strong leadership for all Americans. However, Yvette King to maintain a position of strength, it will be the members of the 97th Congress reaction Art Services Graphic C-oncepts, Jnc . to the new challenges by the members that will determine the extent to which our armed services can back-up the president's important position among leaders of tbe Advertising Sales world. Robert Silv~rslein We urge the members of the 97th Congress to recognize that regardless of all the Graphic Concepts, Inc. 1750 Pennsylvania Ave., NW modern, sophisticated weapons systems in the inventory, the true strength and effec­ Washington, D.C. 20006 "tiveness of our armed services depends upon people. To obtain, retain and sustain the 202-223-6677 highly qualified people needed in today's armed services, they must receive comparable pay to the private sector, along with their counterparts in civilian communities, and Editorial Board CMSA F (Rel.) Dnnald L. Harlow; CMSgt. (Rel.) Albert J. must be provided with adequate benefits that will permit their quality of life to accept Conne<>; SSgt. (Rel .) Earl Marshall; SMSgt. (Rel.) Dnnald E. the unique, controlled environment in which they serve this great nation. Harley; Sandy Dwight ; Delores Lewis; Harold Ha ywood; This is our challenge to the administration and the Congress. SMSgt. (Rel.) Robert Schaefer; Terry Hall; MSgt . (Rel.) Ken Mayo; CMSgt . (Rel.) Bill Glass. AFSA International Encutive Council International Pre,ident CMSgt. L.J. Spence; V. Pre,. CMSgt. JD Staton; Trustee- Active Dut y Affairs TSgt. J.D. HOO.son; Trusltt-Retired Affairs MSgt. {Rel.) C.R. Si~; Trus1ee­ AFRe, Affair, MSgt . B. Mitchell; Trustee-ANG Affair> S"1Sgt. A Wallem; AFSA Senior Ad vi>or CMSgt. (Rel .) W. CMSgt. Lewis J. Spence, Scott, Division Presidents: Div. 1, MSgt. (Rel.) A. Sharp; Div. AFSA Internacional President 2, SMSgt (Rel.) F. Bearse Jr. ; Div. 3, MSgt. C. Bryant ; Div. 4, CMSgt. (Ret.) F. Holler; Div. 5, MSgt . (Ret.) D. Stala; Div. 6, CMSgt. J Jame,; Div. 7, TSgt. L. Redmond; Div. 8, MSgt . (Ret.) J. H}dc, Div. 9, SMSgt . R. Som born, Div. 10, CMSgt. L Schiller; Div. II. CMSgt. (Ret .) L Reynolds; Div. 12, MSgt A Ramirez Jr.; Div. 13, MSgt. (Rel.) J. Theis; Div. 14 , MSgt C Hudson; Di v 15, C MSgt. W. Lockridge; Div. 16. SMSgt . E Fain. lntemational Auxiliary President J. Hopkins. Vol. 19, SumMr -4 April 1981 Departments Special Srrgtanu (ISS :-1 0360-7364) is publ;,hed monthly by the Air Letters 4 New VISA Cards to be Issued 14 For<'f' Serge.a.nu A~iation. a non-profit corporation. 'I Capital Update 6 Spring in Andalucia 20 Cop~right c Af'SA 1981. all rights roerved. Second-class Washington Report The Airmen Memorial Building 22 post.age p.iid at \\'ashmgton. DC Membership/subscription I; 8 rates ·"FSA membership S)S one year; S24 two yea rs , S34 Personally Yours 15 The View from the Top 24 thre-e )'ears. ! :!25 life membership. Membership includes Recruiter's Report Florida Here We Come 28 $4 00 sub5criptK>fl per )ear, single cop)' 75 cents; Canada 18 $4 50 per ~ear; foreign S5 00 per yeu . On-Line 36 An Airman to Remember 32 Activities Afield 41 La ckland Air Force Base 39 Appearantt of ad"ertisemenls in Sergeants does not Final Fly-By 46 constitute endo~ment b~ AFSA of products or 5-C rvices ad\ert~ Change of Address ~otif~ Air Fortt Sergr-ants As..\CX'ialion, PO Box 3)050, V.'~hing1oo. DC 2(()3) Attach old address label. provide uld and nc"' .ddr~ and current membership card number. .-ti.no .... eight ""'rtls for change of address to ta~e effect. April 19 1 3 ,..____,___ pi .G~'fA~ . ~Y't~o . Air Force Sergeants Association International Headquarters, P. 0. Box 31050, Washington, D.C. 20031 • Phone: (301) 899-3500 6 November 1981 1, ; 1 ·i The President j The White House Washington, D.C.
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