July 31, 2012 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1359 IN RECOGNITION OF DAVID the Army, the Assistant Secretary of Defense ing scientists, public health experts, policy- BOSTON for Force Management Policy and four years makers, community leaders, and individuals as the Army’s Director of Military Personnel living with HIV/AIDS from around the world to HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS Management. Her highly successful command enhance the global response to HIV/AIDS, OF TEXAS assignments included battalion command at evaluate recent scientific developments, share IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ft. Lewis, brigade command at Ft. Benjamin knowledge, and facilitate a collective strategy Harrison and the Army’s Soldier Support Insti- to combat the HIV/AIDS pandemic. AIDS 2012 Tuesday, July 31, 2012 tute at Ft. Jackson. Most recently, Major Gen- is a tremendous opportunity to strengthen the Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to eral Farrisee headed Army Human Resources role of the United States in global HIV/AIDS recognize David Boston, a talented and re- Command, at Ft. Knox in my district. Her self- initiatives within the context of significant glob- spected builder from Crossroads, Texas. After less service, professionalism and expertise al economic challenges, reenergize the re- many years of private custom home building, were highlighted while assigned as the 61st sponse to the domestic epidemic, and focus and ten years of employment with the Federal Adjutant General of the Army. particular attention on the devastating impact Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Mr. Throughout her service, Major General of HIV/AIDS that continues in the United Boston is retiring. Farrisee has been a shining example for our States. Mr. Boston was a sought-after custom home Nation. It has been my pleasure to highlight The theme of AIDS 2012, ‘‘Turning the Tide builder in Denton for many years. After retiring Major General Farrisee’s long and decorated Together,’’ embodies the promise and urgency from that profession, he accepted a part-time career today. On behalf of a grateful Nation, I of utilizing recent scientific advances in HIV/ position with FEMA in 2002. Four years later join my colleagues today in commending and AIDS treatment and biomedical prevention, in 2006, Mr. Boston accepted a full-time posi- thanking Major General Farrisee for a lifetime continuing research for an HIV vaccine and tion with the agency. He served as a National of service during peace and wartime to her cure, and increasing effective, evidence-based Hazard Mitigation Specialist where he inves- country. Her sacrifices and contributions will interventions in key settings to change the tigated properties that were damaged by dis- be forever remembered in the Soldiers and course of the HIV/AIDS crisis. AIDS 2012 asters like Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Ike. In families she mentored and inspired. Those seeks to engage governments, non-govern- his tenure at FEMA, he investigated over same Soldiers will miss her leadership, tech- mental organizations, policymakers, the sci- 46,000 sites. nical competence, mentorship and enthu- entific community, the private sector, civil soci- Due to his prior experience building private siasm, as well as her daily inspiration—‘‘It’s a ety, faith-based organizations, the media, and homes, Mr. Boston was able to deal favorably Great Day to be a soldier.... Hooah!’’ people living with HIV/AIDS to more effectively with sub-contractors. Because of this advan- For all she and her family have given to our address regional, national, and local re- country, we are in debt. We wish her and her tage, he saved FEMA and American taxpayers sponses to HIV/AIDS around the world and husband David, all the best as they continue nearly $25 million. In addition to his commit- overcome barriers that limit access to prevent- their journey. ment and dedication to FEMA, Mr. Boston was ative care, treatment, and other services. always equally dedicated to the home owners f My resolution supports the goal of bringing and businesses with whom he worked. INTRODUCING A RESOLUTION IN renewed awareness of, and commitment to, Mr. Boston retired in May, 2012 after ten SUPPORT OF THE XIX INTER- addressing the HIV/AIDS crisis in the United years of service. Upon his retirement, he will NATIONAL AIDS CONFERENCE States and abroad. In particular, it recognizes serve as a Republican precinct chair begin- that formulating sound public health policy, ning in August of 2012. As Mr. Boston retires HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS protecting human rights, addressing the needs from a long and dedicated career, I would like OF FLORIDA of women and girls, directing effective pro- to recognize his accomplishment and service, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gramming toward the populations at the high- as well as congratulate him on a job well est risk of infection, ensuring accountability, Tuesday, July 31, 2012 done. His experience and skills are evident to and combating stigma, poverty, and other so- all he worked with. It is an honor to have the Mr. HASTINGS of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I cial challenges related to HIV/AIDS are key to opportunity to recognize and represent Mr. rise today to introduce a resolution in support overcoming HIV/AIDS. It also encourages the Boston in the U.S. House of Representatives. of the XIX International AIDS Conference ongoing development of innovative therapies f (AIDS 2012), which takes place from July 22, and advances in clinical treatment for HIV/ 2012, through July 27, 2012, at the Walter E. AIDS in the public and private sectors. RETIREMENT OF MAJOR GENERAL Washington Convention Center in Washington, Mr. Speaker, 25 years after the III Inter- GINA FARRISEE DC. AIDS 2012 is organized by the Inter- national AIDS Conference was held in Wash- national AIDS Society (IAS) and brings to- ington, DC, we are now at a point where we HON. BRETT GUTHRIE gether more than 20,000 delegates from near- have the tools necessary to prevent the OF KENTUCKY ly 200 countries, including 2,000 journalists. spread of HIV and bring an end to the crisis. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES My resolution supports a stronger international Now is the time to commit. HIV/AIDS is not a response to HIV/AIDS that seeks to prevent Tuesday, July 31, 2012 partisan issue. But it will take a bipartisan ef- the transmission of HIV, increase access to fort to overcome HIV/AIDS as a nation once Mr. GUTHRIE. Mr. Speaker, today I wish to testing, treatment, and care, improve health and for all. Continued commitment by the recognize the dedication and selfless service outcomes for all people living with HIV/AIDS, United States to HIV/AIDS research, preven- of Major General Gina Farrisee, who will cul- foster greater scientific and programmatic col- tion, and treatment programs is crucial to pro- minate her 34-year Army career as the Com- laborations around the world to end HIV/AIDS, tecting global health. I urge my colleagues to manding General of Human Resources Com- and protect the rights of people living with support my resolution, which recognizes the mand in Ft. Knox, Kentucky. HIV/AIDS. importance of the XIX International AIDS Con- As a Member of Congress, a Kentuckian, According to UNAIDS, the Joint United Na- ference in the global effort to end the HIV/ and a former Army Officer, it is an honor to tions Programme on HIV/AIDS, there are ap- AIDS pandemic and create an ‘‘AIDS-free recognize Major General Farrisee today before proximately 33.4 million people living with HIV generation.’’ the United States House of Representatives. worldwide, and nearly 30 million people have f She is a native of Virginia, a 1978 graduate of died of AIDS since the first cases were re- the University of Richmond and the National ported in 1981. The United States is heavily DAVID HERMAN Defense University in 1998. She was commis- engaged in both international and domestic ef- sioned a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army, forts to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic, in- HON. ED PERLMUTTER serving her career as an Adjutant General Of- cluding the United States President’s Emer- OF COLORADO ficer. gency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Major General Farrisee’s career highlights Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and include a variety of command and staff posi- Malaria. Taxpayers in the United States have Tuesday, July 31, 2012 tions at Army installations around the world to paid more than $45 billion through PEPFAR Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise include Germany, Ft. Bliss, TX; Ft. Lewis, WA; and the Global Fund, which have enjoyed today to recognize and applaud David Herman Ft. Benjamin Harrison, IN; and Ft. Jackson, broad bipartisan support in Congress. for his service to our community. SC. During several key assignments in the Since 1985, the now biennial International David Herman, a native of Wheat Ridge, Pentagon she worked for the Chief of Staff of AIDS Conference has brought together lead- Colorado, is a world-class BMX rider and a VerDate Mar 15 2010 05:52 Aug 01, 2012 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K31JY8.012 E31JYPT1 pwalker on DSK7TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1360 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 31, 2012 contender in the 2012 London Olympics. nearly 50 percent of the annual peanut crop. congratulating Mr. Addison on this truly signifi- David has been passionate about BMX since Georgia has 14,000 farms with peanuts and cant birthday. he was eight years old, and received his first about 4,500 active farmers. Approximately 200 f factory sponsor in sixth grade. He is currently businesses in Georgia are peanut-related. taking time off from pursuing his college de- Two million bags of peanuts are distributed MISSY FRANKLIN gree in Denver to focus on his Olympic career.
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