Tracing the origin of the Aquarius Stream: I Elizabeth Wylie-de Boer and Kenneth Freeman Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Rd, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia [email protected], [email protected] Mary Williams and Matthias Steinmetz Leibniz-Institut fuer Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany [email protected] Ulisse Munari INAF Astronomical Observatory of Padova, 36012 Asiago (VI), Italy and Stefan Keller Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Cotter Rd, Weston Creek, ACT 2611, Australia Received ; accepted arXiv:1206.0784v1 [astro-ph.GA] 4 Jun 2012 { 2 { ABSTRACT We present an abundance analysis of six member stars of the recently dis- covered Aquarius stream, in an attempt to ascertain whether this halo stream is real and, if so, to understand its origin. The mean metallicities of the six stars have a dispersion of only 0:10 dex, indicating that they are part of a chemically coherent structure. We then investigate whether the stream represents the de- bris of a disrupted dwarf galaxy or a disrupted globular cluster. The [Ni/Fe] - [Na/Fe] plane provides a good diagnostic: globular cluster stars and dwarf spheroidal galaxy stars are well separated in this plane, and the Aquarius stream stars lie unambiguously in the globular cluster region. The Aquarius stream stars also lie on the distinct [Na/Fe] - [O/Fe] and [Mg/Fe] - [Al/Fe] relations delin- eated by Galactic globular cluster stars. Spectroscopic parameters for the six Aquarius stars show that they are tightly confined to a 12 Gyr, [Fe/H]= −1:0, alpha-enhanced isochrone, consistent with their identification as globular cluster debris. We present evidence that the Aquarius stream may continue through the disk and out into the northern halo. Our results indicate a globular cluster origin for the Aquarius stream, and demonstrate the potential for chemical tagging to identify the origins of Galactic substructures. Subject headings: Galaxy: abundances, Galaxy: evolution, Galaxy: stellar content { 3 { 1. Introduction The idea of hierarchical galaxy formation, in which galaxies are believed to form from the aggregation of smaller elements was described by White & Rees (1978). In a related study from an observational viewpoint, Searle & Zinn (1978) proposed that the halo of our Galaxy may have formed from the accretion of many small fragments. Relics of these assembly processes may be recognizable as spatial, kinematic and chemical substructures among the Galactic stars. The identification of debris from these ancient disrupted building-blocks is an important challenge for near-field cosmology, but is made more complex by the likely presence of debris from other old disrupted aggregates like globular clusters: see for example Gnedin & Ostriker (1997), Fall & Zhang (2001) and Odenkirchen et al. (2009). Recently, Williams et al. (2011) identified 15 members of the newly discovered stellar Aquarius stream in data from the 2011 internal release of the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) (see Siebert et al. (2011) for the 3rd public data release). All 15 members have galactic longitudes and latitudes at 30◦ < l < 75◦ and −70◦ < b < −50◦, distances of up to about 10 kpc and heliocentric line of sight velocities of around -200 km s−1. The Aquarius stream appears to be a structure in the Galactic halo. From the RAVE stellar parameters, the metallicity distribution function and isochrone fits for the Aquarius stream stars are consistent with a 10 Gyr old population with metallicity [M/H] ∼ −1:0. In this paper, we present the first results of a more detailed element abundance study of Aquarius stream stars. Our goal is to determine whether the stream is real, and if so to ascertain whether the Aquarius stream stars are the debris of a disrupted dwarf galaxy, or a globular cluster. Either outcome is interesting. Globular cluster debris can give us insight into the cluster disruption processes and can serve as useful dynamical tracers for a variety of Galactic dynamics problems, even if the parent cluster has been completely disrupted. { 4 { 2. Data and Analysis The sample of six Aquarius stream stars was taken from Williams et al. (2011). Spectra were acquired with the echelle spectrograph on the 2.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory over the period 2010 July to 2011 August. The spectrograph provides complete wavelength coverage from 4120 to 6920A˚ with a resolution of about 25,000. Our spectra have an average signal to noise per resolution element of about 30. Bias frames, quartz lamp exposures for flat-fielding and Th-Ar exposures for wavelength-calibration were all included. Bright radial velocity standards and hot rapidly rotating stars for telluric line removal were also observed each night with much higher signal to noise. The data were reduced using standard IRAF routines in the packages imred, echelle and ccdred with no deviation from the normal reduction procedures. Radial velocities for the whole Williams sample of Aquarius stars were independently measured with the Asiago echelle spectrograph, and confirm that the mean velocity of the Williams sample is correct to about 1 km s−1, and the random errors are about 2.0 km s−1. 2.1. Abundance Analysis Spectroscopic atmospheric parameters were derived for each star using a chi-squared fitting program which compares observed spectra to a model grid of synthetic spectra from Munari et al. (2005). The program takes several regions of the spectra and matches them against ∼ 7000 synthetic spectra covering the range Teff = 4000 to 6000 K, log g = 0:0 to 5:0, [M/H] = −2:5 to +0:5 with [α/Fe] = 0:0. The results are shown in Table 1. The final atmospheric parameters were obtained by averaging over the values from the different regions, and the ± value quoted in Table 1 is the standard deviation over the values from the different regions. The regions used were 5575 - 5725A,˚ identified as being sensitive to { 5 { effective temperature, and 4950 - 5200A,˚ identified as being sensitive to both surface gravity and metallicity. An initial [α/Fe] = 0:0 was assumed as it was not intended to unnecessarily bias the results in any way prior to the abundance analysis. Before the abundance analysis was undertaken there was no reason to believe the [α/Fe] value in for these stars would be any different from scaled solar. Microturbulence values, ξ, were obtained using established relationships from Reddy et al. (2003) for dwarf stars (Equation 1) and Kirby et al. (2008) for giant stars (Equation 2). These values and uncertainties are also included in Table 1. The uncertainty shown in ξ is calculated using the associated uncertainties on Teff and log g as well as the corresponding term's constant from the equation and then adding these in quadrature. For the subgiant, C2309161-120812, the microturbulence was found by averaging the results given by both Equation 1 and 2. −4 −1 ξ = (1:28 + 3:3 × 10 × (Teff − 6000) − 0:64 × (logg − 4:5)) km s (1) ξ = (2:70 − 0:509 × logg) km s−1 (2) The average absolute difference between RAVE parameters and those obtained in this study were ∆Teff = 159 K, ∆log g = 0:48 and ∆[M/H]= 0:34 dex. Our mean errors are −1 136 K in Teff , 0:22 in log g, 0:18 dex in [M/H] and 0.18 km s in ξ. The effect of these uncertainties on derived abundances is discussed further in Section 2.1.1. Abundances for individual elements were obtained via the method of spectrum synthesis using the MOOG code (Sneden 1973) and Anders & Grevesse (1989) solar abundances. The analysis for these stars included atomic line lists from Kurucz1 with refined oscillator strengths for all lines not involving hyperfine splitting via a reverse solar analysis using 1http://kurucz.harvard.edu { 6 { the Kitt Peak solar spectrum2. This reverse solar analysis was done with a solar model of Teff = 5770 K and log g = 4:44. The linelist used for abundances can be found in Table 2. For two hotter stars in which weaker Na lines could not be measured accurately enough (C2309161-120812 and J223811.4-104126), the NaD lines were used to obtain the sodium abundance. Likewise, for the single star in which weaker Mg lines could not be measured (J223811.4-104126), the Mgb lines were used to obtain the magnesium abundance. In such hotter metal-poors stars, these lines do not saturate and provide a reliable estimate of these abundance although with greater errors due to broadening. The spectrum synthesis program MOOG has an option to deal with strong lines, such as NaD and Mgb, separately during the analysis. Hyperfine splitting components were taken into account for the lines of Sc, V and Co. 2.1.1. Abundance Uncertainties Generally, there are three main sources of uncertainty when measuring abundances: uncertainty due to atmospheric parameters, uncertainty in measurement of individual lines and the standard deviation in abundances from many lines of the same species. Perhaps the major source of uncertainty in abundance comes from the uncertainty in the adopted atmospheric parameters for the stellar models. Table 3 shows the sensitivity of the log abundance values for representative errors in atmospheric parameters for these stars: ± 150K in effective temperature, ± 0.25 dex in gravity and ± 0.2km s−1 in microturbulence (taken from Table 1). These errors were measured by repeating the abundance determination for all lines used (listed in Table 2) with models of varying parameters. When added in quadrature, the uncertainty due to associated errors in 2 http://bass2000.obspm.fr/solar−spect.php { 7 { atmospheric parameters can be as much as +0.28 dex, although over the species and individual lines used in this analysis averages at +0.16 dex.
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