1938 THE LONDON GAZETTE, MARCH 30, 1875. of the Bankruptcy Act, 1869, an order having been made property of the bankrupt. The Court has appointed the closing the bankruptcy.—Dated this 24th day of March, Public Examination of the bankrupt to take place at the 1875. Court-house, Nicholas-croft, High-street, in the city of GEO.JTAPPIN, Trustee. Manchester, oh the 29th day of April, 1875, at half-past nine o'clock.in the forenoon. All persons having in their possession any of the" effects of the bankrupt must deliver them to the trustee, and all debts due to the bankrupt roust In the London Bankruptcy Court. be paid to the trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved SECOND Dividend of 4d. in the pound has been de- their debts must forward their proofs of debts to the A clared in the matter of Herbert Edward Clayton, of trustee.—Dated this 25th day of March, 1875. No. 34, Tbrogmorton-street, in the city of London, Stock Broker, adjudicated bankrupt on the 25th day of April, The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. 1874, and will be paid by me, at my offices, No. 3, Crosby-! In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester, square, in the city of London, on Wednesday, the 31st day by transfer from the County Court of Lancashire, of March, 1875, and three following Wednesdays, between holden at Oldham. the hours of eleven and two.—Dated this 24th day of In the Matter of John Lomax, of 89, Lees-road, Oldham, March, 1875. in the county of Lancaster, Grocer and Provision Dealer, EDWARD MOORE, Trustee. a-Bankrupt. William Augustus Quaut, of Acresfield, Bolton, in the The Bankruptcy Act, 1861. county of Lancaster, Public Accouatant, has been appointed HEREAS a Petition for adjudication was filed in Trustee of t.be'property of the bankrupt. The Court has W Her Majesty's Court of Bankruptcy, London, on appointed the Public Examination of the bankrupt to take the 22nd day of June, 1864, by Robert Bower, formerly place at the Court-house, Nicholas-croft, High-street, Man- of Pladbury House, Tonsley-Mll, East-hill, Wandsworth, chester, in the county of Lancaster, on the 22nd day of but now of No. 1, Surrey-cottages, Tonsley-hill, East- April, 1875, at half-past nine o'clock in the'forenoon. All hill, Wandsworth, both in the county of Surrey, Clerk persons having in their possession' any of the effects of to the Aerated Bread Company Limited, under which the bankrupt must deliver them to the trustee, and all Petition the said Robert Bower was duly adjudicated debts due to the bankupt must be paid to the trustee. bankrupt. Notice is hereby given, that by an Order of Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must the Court, bearing date the 24th day of March, 1875, the forward their proofs of debts to the trustee.—Dated this said adjudication was annulled.—Dated this 24th day of 25th day of March, 1875. March, 1875. The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. In the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Leeds. In the Matter of Charles Billapy, of 77, Hunslet-road, The Bankruptcy Act, 1.869. Leeds, in the county of York, Grocer, a Bankrupt. In the London Bankruptcy Court. Charles Beevers, of Commercial-street, Leeds aforesaid. In the Matter of John Neat Pocock, of the Midland Hotel, Accountant, has been appointed Trustee of the property of St Pancras, in the county of Middlesex, Gentleman, a the bankrupt. The Court has appointed the Public Exami- Bankrupt. nation of the bankrupt to take place at the County Court- Thomas Stephen Evans, of Bucklersbury, in the city bouse, Albion-place, in Leeds aforesaid, on the 21st day of of London, Public Accountant, has been appointed Trustee April, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. All persons of the property of the bankrupt. The Court has appointed having in their possession any of the effects of the bankrupt the Public Examination of the bankrupt to take place at must deliver them to the trustee, and all debts due to the the London Bankruptcy Court, Lincoln's-inn-fields, in the bankrupt must be paid to the trustee. Creditors who have county of Middlesex, on the 20th day of April, 1875, at eleven not yet. proved their debts must forward their proofs o'clock in the forenoon. AH persons having in their possession any of the effects of the bankrupt must deliver ot debts to the trustee.—Dated this 24th day of March, them to the trustee, and all debts due to the bankrupt 1875. must be paid to the trustee. Creditors who have not yet The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. proved their debts must forward their proofs of debts to In the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Bradford.» the trustee.—Dated this 18th day of March, 1875. In the Matter of David Rolling, of the Midland Railway Coal Yard, and of 47, Hustler-street, both in Bradford, in The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. the county of York, Coal Dealer, a Bankrupt. In the London Bankruptcy Court. Peter Kerr Chesney, of Bradford, in the county of York, In the Matter of Samuel Lemon, of 37, Maddox-street, Accountant, has been appointed Trustee of the property of Regent-street, and of 44, Formosa-street, Maida-vale, both the bankrupt. The Court has appointed the Public Ex- in the county of Middlesex, Tailor, a Bankrupt. amination of the bankrupt to take place at the said Court, Henry Waite, of 15, Mill-street, Hanover-square, in on the 20th day of April, 1875, at eleven o'clock in the the county of Middlesex, Woollen Draper, has been ap- forenoon. All persons having in their possession any of the pointed Trustee of the property of the bankrupt. The effects of the bankrupt must deliver them to the trustee, Court has appointed the Public Examination of the bank- and all debts due to the bankrupt must be paid to the rupt to take place at the London Bankruptcy Court, trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts Liucoln's-inn-fields, on the 24th day of April, 1875; at must forward their proofs of debts to the trustee.—Dated eleven o'clock in the forenoon. All persons having in their this 23rd day of March, 1875. possession any of the effects of the bankrupt must deliver them to the trustee, and all debts due to the bankrupt must be paid to the trustee. Creditors who have not yet proved their debts must forward their proofs of debts to In the County Court of Yorkshire, holden at Bradford. the trustee.—Dated this 23rd day of March, 1875. A Dividend is intended to be declared in the matter of Charles Henry Gillder, of Bowling, in the parish ot Brad- The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. ford, in -the county of York, Beerseller, formerly residing In the County Court of Surrey, holden at Kingston. and carrying on business at the Beerhouse, in Bowling In the Matter of William Wood, of Montague House, Kent- aforesaid, called ihe Horse aiid Jockey, adjudicated bank- road, East Moulsey, in the county of Surrey, Tax Col- rupt on the 9th day of March, 1875. Creditors who have lector, a Bankrupt. not proved their debts by the 10th day of April, 1875, will George Nelson Strawbridge, of Copthall-cbambers, be excluded.—Dated this 23rd day of March, 1875. Copthall-court, in the city of London, Stock Broker, has William Stow, Trustee. been appointed Trustee of the property of the bankrupt The Court has appointed the Public Examination of the In the County Court of Norfolk, holden at Norwich. bankrupt to take place at the County Court, Kingston- A Dividend is intended to be declared in the matter of upon-Thames, in the county of Surrey,.on the 7th day of Andrew Nanna, of WattoD, in the county of Norfolk, May, 1875, at two o'clock in the afternoon. All persons Draper and Tea Dealer, adjudicated bankrupt on the 21st having in their possession any of the effects, of the bank- day of July, 1873. Creditors who have not proved their rupt must deliver them to the trustee, and all debts due debts by the 3rd day of April, 1875, will be excluded.— to the bankrupt must be paid to the trustee. Creditors Dated this 27th day of March, 1875. who have not yet proved their debts must forward their W. S. Eackham, Trustee. proofs of debts to the trustee.—Dated this 25th day of In the County Court of Staffordshire, holden at Walsall. March, 1875. A Dividend is intended to be declared in the matter of The Bankruptcy Act, 1869. Ellen Cooper, of New-street, Walsall, in the county of In the County Court of Lancashire, holden at Manchester. Stafford, Widow and Butcher, adjudicated bankrupt on the In the Matter of Charles Henry Ingham, of No. 4, Ajtoun- 28th day of March, 1874. Creditors who have not proved etreet, in the city of Manchester, and of Claremont their debts by the 8th day of April, 1875, will be excluded. Cheadle, Hulme, in the county of Chester, Commission —Dated this 24th day of March, 1875. Merchant, a Bankrupt. Charles Morris, 37, Waterloo-street, Birmingham, Joseph Barber, of John Dalton-street, Manchester, Trustee. Public Accountant, has been appointed Trustee of the.
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