Shortridge Daily Echo First American High School Daily VOL. XXXXI. NO. 2. SHORTRIDCK HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1938. TWO CENTS News Views FICTION CLUB MEMBERS SPONSORS ANNOUNCE SHORTRIDGE GRIDDERS by CONVENE FOR THEIR NEW MEMBERS OF OPEN NEW SEASON MARVIN L. BORMAN Safety Assurance FIRST MEETING STUDENT COUNCIL NEXT WEEK-END Human Dolphins Northwestern Summer School 1938 Representatives Include Eight Lettermen and Bob Shade Provides Topic for Talk Wilcox, Bracken, Hesler, Return Friday to New A needed campaign to protect by Rosanne Smith and Blickman S. H. S. Stadium the lives of Indianapolis school children was launched a week ago Miss Ruth Armstrong, member At an election held late last se With but one starter and eight at the second annual school boy of the English department and mester, the Juniors elected their other lettermen returning from last patrol Safety Training camp at the sponsor of the Fiction Club, has Student Council representatives for year's squad, the Shortridge High Indianapolis Boy Scout Reserva­ announced the opening of the se­ their senior year. Those elected School football team today entered tion. A total of 268 boys from mester's activities for the group. nre the following: Marian Wilcox. upon its second week of practice every public and parochial school The program committee, headed Phyllis Hadden, Bob Bracken, Ralph in preparation for the opening tilt, attended the camp and made an by Bruce Cameron, held a meeting Hesler, and Sol Blickman. Jack which i.s with Broad Ripple, at the Intensive stfidy of traffic problems Tuesday and plans were made for Brown will serve as alternate. rejuvenated Shortridge gridiron. and safety measures. These boys, the coming programs. The Student Council will hold a The nine lettermen are Shade, all school patrol officers, received A questionnaire was mailed yes­ meeting Monday, September 12, at quarterback and captain; Linge­ instruction in all types of accident terday to the members to discover which temporary officers will be man, end; Dalzell, tackle; Williams, prevention. They were impressed the various talents within the club elected. These officers will hold of­ center; Shade, quarterback; Smith, with the responsibility they held in and to obtain program preferences flce . until the faculty student rela­ quarterback; Scott, halfback; Aller­ performing their duties toward of the members. tion committee will nominate the dice, halfback; Hoelscher, end; and younger and more Impulsive child­ The first meeting of the year will freshmen and sophomore Student Johnson, fullback. Other squad- ren in the coming school year. Ex­ be held next Tuesday, September Council members for the year. 1938- men returning are Smock, Stiver, hibitions and demonstrations by the 13. The club wlll elect a new party 1039. After this! an election will Mingle, Lewis, Freihofer, Riggs, flre department rescue squad and chairman and also a new secretary. be held at which permanent offi­ Raber, and Wlnegarner. police department were part of the Carolyn Spencer, formerly the club cers will be Installed. The Shortridge stadium is ready daily program. Indianapolis and secretary, has moved to Washing­ Joel Hadley, sponsor of the Sen for use by the Blue gridders and the entire world may well be proud ton, D. C. ior Class, has announced that 'the their opponents. The grandstand is of this camp, the flrst of Its kind Rosanne Smith, co-editor of Fri­ election of Senior officers will be constructed out of concrete, with In the world. Young boys are day's Echo and a new member of held early In November. The Jun­ wooden benches and steel supports. studying ways and means of sav­ the Fiction Club, will tell of her ior election will be held a short There is a press box for the var­ ing and preserving lives, rather experiences In the Northwestern time later. ious correspondents from the local than ways and means of destroying School of Journalism which she at­ papers. The gateway to the fleld lives. tended this summer on a scholar­ SENIOR HOLDS CAMP OFFlOE is nearlng completion. » * • ship which she won. Travel talks Tho schedule for the season Is as Each year In August, when the by other members and the presen­ This past sumir.v'r. as in preced­ follows: waters of the English Channel tation of an enlarged club emblem ing ones, "ShortrVJge students have September 16 — Broad Ripple more or less warm up, the hardy wlll close the program. The sen­ gainei^Tiew laurels for themselves. 2:30 p. m. — Here souls dive In wid attempt to swim iors of last year have given to the During the vacation monlfltB, Miss September 23 — Southport from France to England, or vice- club a framed black and silver Marian Sturw, a Shortridge senior, 8:00 p. m. — There versa. Two''Accomplished the feat scroll on a background of Short­ held the position of Archery coun­ September 30 — Stivers of Day­ last week. A German girl, Bruna ridge blue, made by Mark Hole- sellor at Camp Ak-b-Mak in Chlk- ton. 8:00 p. m. — There Wendel, propelled herself a dis­ man, former president. The em­ apl, Ontario, Canada. October 7 — Culver (tentative) tance of nineteen miles In fifteen blem will be hung in the front of Miss Sturm gave an exhibition of 2:00 p. m. — Here hours and three minutes. Three Room 324 where most of thc meet­ her skill with the bow and arrow (Continued cm pane four) ings are held. days later, a forty-two year old at a Regatta shooting demonstra­ SHORTRIDGE FAVORITES (Continued on pag-e four) Members of the Fiction Club tion before the camp and visitors have been asked to remember that of the neighboring towns. Miss BROADCAST all Christmas Echo stories are due Sturm's record can well vouch for EQUESTRIENNE CLUB Monday, September 12. her efficiency and skill. She is two Subject: Tommle Wright, com­ ELECTS OFFICERS The new members admitted to year National Junior Archery poser-pianist, plays a radio pro­ the club at the end of last semes­ champion, three year Junior State gram of own compositions. When — Where: WFBM — At the business meeting of the ter are John Spitznagel, Palmer champion and Indoor State Wo­ men's champion. Friday, September 9 — Jordan Equestrienne Club, held at the close (Continued on pape four) Conservatory Hour. Broadcast of school last semester, Patty Goode from State Fair studio. was re-elected president by the un­ BiU Shirley, favorite of many animous vote of all present. Mar- S. H. S. vaudevilles and S. H. S. Ian Donnely was elected vieejyesl- productions, will sing refrains dent. The new .secretary wfti' be By way of keeping the new Sen­ bell, Gene Clairmont, Ginger Good­ from some of Wright's songs. Rosanne Smith, and Martha Jo iors and other friends up to date rich, Jane Reynolds, Mary Ann * * * Cantwell will hold the position of on the latest news about that dear, Lookabiil, Patty Stayton, Shirley Additional Facts treasurer. Margaret Studebaker departed '38 bunch, we wish to de­ St. Pierre, Mary Helen Yates, Mary A. The radio program will be will act as party chairman. Mlss vote at least one last column to a Catherine Stair. designed to feature Wright's songs Thelma Simmons of the gym de­ Pi Beta Phi: Phyllis Daseke, Pat­ as written from the years 1935 partment Is the faculty sponsor. A bit of the Collegiate capers of the same. ty Hill, Harriet Shellhorn, Dorothy (when he was still a student in program has been planned, includ­ Street, Joan Silberman, Dotty Ann S. H. S.) to 1938. ing lectures by some of the out­ * * « Fisher. B. Heard on the program will standing riders of the city. Num­ Each of the Butler sororities pro­ Delta Gamma: Marian Blasen­ be: (1) "Girls," which was written erous parties have been planned, fesses to have the cream of thp gym, Joan Colgan, Frances Haney, in 1935 for a Shortridge musical also. The club will resume Its reg­ freshie crop. Below Is a list of Betty Faulconer, Betty Walsh, Jo and which was indorsed by Buddy ular rides at the Algonquin stables the Shortridgers pledged to each Kingston. Rogers and Dick Powell. (2) "The When the weather gets cooler.. group. Zeta Tau Alpha: Paula McClurg, Gent from the Windy City," writ­ Alpha Chi Omega: Betty Burckes, Mary Jane Warren. ten in "blue" style — 1936. (3) "My SYMPATHY Betty Starr, Doris Talbott, Joan One Ambition,v introduced by Amos Hixon, Mary Edith Lawson. * * * Ostot's orchestra at the Columbia Shortridge deeply regrets the Alpha Omicron PI: Mary J. Eble. Just as we thought! Practically (Continued on page four) death of Edward W. Clark, pub­ Delta Delta Delta: Martha Foote, none of the '38 seniors knew what lisher of the Spectator magazine. Lois Foreman, Lucille Dyer, Har­ college they wanted to go to last NOTICE! Mr. Clark was a graduate of riet Krueger. spring. Compare this new almost Butler University and a mem­ Kappa Alpha Theta: Ruth Arm­ accurate list below with earlier There will be a meeting for ber of Delta Tau Delta fratern­ strong, Dorothy Evans, Peggy Bos­ testimonials. tryouts for Friday's Echo next ity. His co-operation with Short­ art, Mary Kershner, Madeline Judd, To DePauw: Claire Patten, Helen Wednesday at 2:30 In Room 327. ridge journalistic correspondence Jean Smelser, Caroline Hyman, Lois Kemper, Ann Henderson, Mary Freshmen especially welcome. will -be sincerely missed. Mathieson, Mary Stuart Socwell. Alice Claycombe, Peggy L. Bridges, Marian Wilcox. Kappa Kappa Gamma: Freddie Martha Stanford, Mary Lee Porter, Adler, Barbara Badger, Ruth Camp- (Continued on page four) K --*.._ Page Two THE SHORTRIDOE DAILY ECHO THE SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO PREVIEW PATTER FRIDAY FILIPS by Rosanne Smith —x— THE SHORTRIDGE ECHO PRESS Ahoy, me hearties! Are your sails SHORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL There's no doubt about it.
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