The Holy Land: Then (New Testament Times AD 1–70) and Now (Modern Times) Paul’s Journeys: Then ( AD 47–62) and Now (Modern Times) Paul’s Journeys: AD 47–62 Compare Bible Times with Modern Day Paul’s First Journey: AD 47–49 Paul’s Third Journey: AD 52–57 +(34(;0( %HOJUDGH %XFKDUHVW miles km )6:50( 964(50( 50 *96(;0(/,9A,.6=05( 75 %ODFN6HD 6DUDMHYR :,9)0( Damascus )ORUHQFH *RUD]GH )<3.(90( 0RVWDU 465;, 6RILD ;/9(*, 765;<: Naveh 50 Philadelphia 0;(3@ 5,.96 .RVRYR 52 SYRIA ,VWDQEXO &RQVWDQWLQRSOH )0;/@50( JORDAN Dion $GULDWLF Mt. Nebo 6NRSMH OF PHILIP %\]DQWLXP 1LFDHD Amman Tiberias TETRARCHY 4(*,+650( 25 6HD 6FKNRGsU 1HDSROLV $QNDUD Gerasa 5RPH 3KLOLSSL Abilene Mt. Hermon 7LUDQD 4(*,+650( Banyas $PSKLSROLV 7KUHH7DYHUQV 7KHVVDORQLFD 6DPRWKUDFH .(3(;0( *(77(+6*0( Gedora 7KHVVDORQLNL ,OLRQ 7UR\ DECAPOLIS $SSLL)RUXP (3)(50( $SROORQLD 7UR\ ;<92,@ Ger gesa %HUHD $6,$0,125 Caesarea-Philippi Gadara 7URDV Tabgha 1DSOHV 9ORUs 0 0W 2O\PSXV 0 4@:0( 3@*(650( GOLAN Rive Jordan PEREA 3XWHROL Seleucia 3RPSHLL $VVRV r (:0( Bethsaida HEIGHTS $HJHDQ %HUJDPD Sea of .9,,*, Dead 3HUJDPXP5XLQV Sea 6HD /HVERV Galilee 7K\DWLUD 7/[email protected]( *030*0( Dan Migdal (*/(0( 0LW\OHQH $QWLRFK .RQ\D Lake Qumran ,FRQLXP ,VNHQGHUXQ Huldah 6P\UQD 6DUGLV 5XLQV 7\UUKHQLDQ 'HUEH$GDQD Nain 1LFRSROLV Beirut &KLRV 3KLODGHOSKLD SYRIA ,]PLU 70:0+0( /\VWUD Mt.Tabor Mt. of the Bethany Sychar Jericho (SKHVXV Beth Shan +LHUDSROLV 0HUVLQ Beatitudes 6HD Qiryat 'HOSKL LEBANON Mt. of Olives Masada ,RQLDQ 7DUVXV • Ancient Empires Chorazin Garden of Gethsemane $WKHQV Sidon 6DPRV Magdala Nablus (Jacob’s Well) En-Gedi 7URJ\OOLXP /DRGLFHD .RULQWKRV 3HUJD 5XLQV $QWDN\D Bethlehem Ramallah Shemona Capernaum &RORVVDH $QWLRFK 6HD &RULQWK 0LOHWXV $QWDO\D & Kingdoms Gennesaret 3DWPRV 7(47/@30( Zarephath &HQFKUHDH 3@*0( WEST BANK $WWDOLD Tyre Hebron :@90( GALILEE 5KHJLXP Beersheba &RV .DOH • The Middle East Cana SAMARIA 5HJJLR&DODEULD Golgotha 6HOHXFLD Antipatris Ephraim *@79<: Shechem 3DWDUD 0\UD Nazareth Akko 6SDUWD Emmaus :0*03@ JUDEA 6DODPLV Samaria &QLGXV Paul’s Second Journey: AD 49–51 Paul’s Journey to Rome: AD 57–62 Jerusalem 6SDUWL • United & Divided Dimona 9/6+,: 7ULSROL Megiddo 6\UDFXVH 1LFRVLD 3,)(565 Kingdoms Caesarea 3DSKRV %HLUXW IDUMEA 7XQLV (Acco) 'DPDVFXV Mt. of Olives (Olivet) Joppa &DUWKDJH ,UDNOLRQ • The Holy Land Ptolemais Haifa Jamnia *9,;, 6DOPRQH ;<50:0( ISRAEL 3KRHQL[ 7/6,50*0( 6LGRQ Garden of /DVHD • Paul’s Journeys Ashdod )DLU+DYHQV 7\UH Gethsemane 4(3;( .(303,, Ashkelon &ODXGD 3WROHPDLV lley Netanya Va 4,30;( 0HGLWHUUDQHDQ +DLID • Modern-day cities Kidron Kidron &DHVDUHD Mount Carmel :(4(90( e P 6HD (0+04<5 $QWLSDWULV $PPDQ and countries shown mpl Gentiles 0:9(,3 Tel Aviv-Yafo Tel Pool of Pool Court of the -RSSD Te Bethesda Gentiles 6ID[ 7HO$YLY<DIR -HUXVDOHP with red type, or red Court of the Siloam Pool of Pool Ashqelon Gaza AASTRI GAZA 1<+,( *D]D 169+(5 Sea underline if the name 3RUW6DLG 30)@( is still the same Mediterranean &\UHQH Antonia Fortress EGYPT 7ULSROL *@9,5(0*( $OH[DQGULD (9()0( EGYPT JERUSALEM ;907630;(50( %HQJKD]L 30)@( ,.@7; House of (alternate) Caiaphas © 2009 RW Research, Inc. Rose Publishing, Inc. Golgotha Garden Tomb Garden Palace Herod’s (traditional) Ancient cities and sites that have the same name today are underlined in red. Ancient cities and sites that have the same name today are Upper Room (traditional) Golgotha © 2009 RW Research, Inc. Rose Publishing, Inc. 2QHRIWKH6HYHQ&KXUFKHVRI$VLD 5HY Ancient cities and sites that have the same name today NP &LW\RU7RZQ are underlined in red. PLOHV $QFLHQW5XLQV6LWHV 0RXQWDLQ 0RGHUQ&DSLWDOFLWLHV © 2009 RW Research, Inc. Rose Publishing, Inc. © 2009 RW Research, Inc. Rose Publishing, Inc. 594X Bible_Maps.indd 2 1/8/09 2:11:19 PM The Middle East: Then (Bible Times) and Now (Modern Times) ARMENIA Baku TURKMENI- Mt. Ararat AZERBAIJAN HITTITES TURKEY STAN Antalya FERTILE CRESCENT Caspian Sea Tarsus Adana HURRIANS ARMENIA Haran CYPRUS Aleppo MESOPOTAMIA ASSYRIA Ugarit Nicosia Mosul Nineveh Hamath Nimrud Paphos Tigr Mediterranean Sea Tripoli Tehran (Great Sea) Byblos SYRIA is Riv Kirkuk Hamaden Beirut LEBANON Sidon Damascus Mari EuphratesTikrit er (Ecbatana ) Tyre Golan CANAAN Heights BABYLONIA ISRAEL Jericho IRAQ River Baghdad Tel Aviv-Yafo West Bank Jerusalem Amman Babylon Gaza Tower of Babel? MEDIA Cairo Gaza Bethlehem On Strip Nippur Giza Suez Suez Canal JORDAN Noph SUMER Susa (Memphis) Elat Ezion-geber Ur SINAI Garden of Eden? ELAM PENIN- Basra IRAN SULA Aqaba Gulf Gulf of Suez of Aqaba KUWAIT Persepolis Nile River Kuwait City PERSIA Thebes Luxor EGYPT BAHRAIN Dhahran Manama Persian Gulf Aswan Medina QATAR (Arabian Gulf) Lake Dubai Nasser Doha Riyadh Red ARABIAN Abu Dhabi Sea DESERT UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Mecca SAUDI ARABIA Nile River Port Sudan SUDAN OMAN ERITREA Asmara Sanaa Arabian YEMEN Sea CUSH SHEBA Gulf of Aden ETHIOPIA Aden DJIBOUTI !NCIENTCITIESANDSITESTHATHAVETHESAMENAMETODAYAREUNDERLINEDINRED © 2019 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate, duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet. Download catalog and sign up for Rose Bible e-Charts at Title: Then & Now Bible Maps Product Code: 594X ISBN-13: 9781596361300 The Holy Land: Then (1300 BC – Twelve Tribes) and Now (Modern Times) Nicosia Hamath Canaan Divided CYPRUS by the Twelve Tribes Paphos Reuben Tripoli Simeon LEBANON Zebulun Beirut GESHUR Judah Sidon Dan Damascus Naphtali Kadesh ARAM SYRIA Tyre Dan Gad Mediterranean Sea PHOENICIA Lake Huldah Hazor (Great Sea) Nahariyya Golan Asher Chinnereth Heights Ptolemais (Capernaum) Sea of Galilee Akko (Chinnereth) Migdal Golan Ashtoroth Issachar Haifa Tiberias Mt. Carmel Cana Ramoth- Megiddo Nazareth gilead Manasseh Netanya Jezreel Beth Shan Caesarea Dothan Ephraim Samaria Jabesh-gilead CANAAN Shechem Jordan Joppa Shiloh Nablus Succoth? Benjamin Tel Aviv Bethel Amman Gezer Gilgal Jerusalem Jericho (Philadelphia) West Bank AMMON Ashkelon Mt. Nebo Ashqelon Bethlehem ) Sea EglonHebron Salt Gaza PHILISTIA En-Gedi Gaza Strip Dead ( Beer-sheba MOAB GOSHEN Sodom and Great Gomorrah? Alexandria Port Said Crater NEGEV AMALEK Raamses Suez Canal EDOM El Mansura Succoth? Kadesh-barnea Pithom Zagazig Great Bitter Makheloth? Petra On Lake THE WILDERNESS Cairo Giza Suez JORDAN Pyramids Noph (Memphis) Elat Ezion-geber Aqaba SINAI PENINSULA Marah River Jabal al Lawz Elim Nile Hazeroth?fluG fo abaqA zeuS fofluG zeuS Red Sea MIDIAN EGYPT SAUDI Rephidim? ARABIA Mt. Sinai Red Sea !NCIENTCITIESANDSITESTHATHAVETHESAMENAMETODAYAREUNDERLINEDINRED © 2019 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate, duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet. Download catalog and sign up for Rose Bible e-Charts at Title: Then & Now Bible Maps Product Code: 594X ISBN-13: 9781596361300 EMPIRES & KINGDOMS: Assyrian Empire Then and Now Assyrian Empire 875-640 BC Now !NCIENTCITIESANDSITESTHATHAVETHESAMENAMETODAYAREUNDERLINEDINRED © 2019 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate, duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet. Download catalog and sign up for Rose Bible e-Charts at Title: Then & Now Bible Maps Product Code: 594X ISBN-13: 9781596361300 EMPIRES & KINGDOMS: Babylonian Kingdom Then and Now Babylonian Kingdom 600 BC Now Kings: .EBUCHADNEZZAR)) BC "ELSHAZZAR BC !NCIENTCITIESANDSITESTHATHAVETHESAMENAMETODAYAREUNDERLINEDINRED © 2019 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate, duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet. Download catalog and sign up for Rose Bible e-Charts at Title: Then & Now Bible Maps Product Code: 594X ISBN-13: 9781596361300 EMPIRES & KINGDOMS: Persian Empire Then and Now Persian Empire 500 BC Now Kings: #YRUS BC $ARIUS) BC 8ERXES)!HASUERUS BC !RTAXERXES BC !NCIENTCITIESANDSITESTHATHAVETHESAMENAMETODAYAREUNDERLINEDINRED © 2019 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate, duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet. Download catalog and sign up for Rose Bible e-Charts at Title: Then & Now Bible Maps Product Code: 594X ISBN-13: 9781596361300 Canaan Divided The Holy Land: United Kingdom (1020 BC) by the Twelve Tribes Hamath Reuben Dotted Line (Saul) Simeon Dashed Line (David) Zebulun Bold Line (Solomon) Judah Dan ) a Naphtali e S GESHUR Gad t a e Sidon Asher r G ( Damascus Issachar a e S Manasseh ARAM n Kadesh a Ephraim e Tyre n Dan a PHOENICIA r Lake Huldah Benjamin r Hazor e it d Chinnereth e Ptolemais (Capernaum) Sea of Galilee (Chinnereth) M Golan Ashtoroth Mt. Carmel Cana Ramoth- Megiddo Nazareth gilead Jezreel Beth Shan Caesarea Samaria Jabesh-gilead CANAAN Shechem Jordan Joppa Shiloh Succoth? Bethel Amman Gezer Gilgal Jerusalem Jericho (Philadelphia) AMMON Ashkelon Mt. Nebo Bethlehem ) Sea Hebron Salt Gaza PHILISTIA En-Gedi Dead ( Beer-sheba MOAB Sodom and Gomorrah? NEGEV AMALEK EDOM Kadesh-barnea Makheloth? Ezion-geber © 2019 Rose Publishing, LLC. Bible Reference Made Easy Permission granted to the original purchaser to print out. It is illegal to sell, email, replicate, duplicate, or post any part of this on the Internet. Download catalog and sign up for Rose Bible e-Charts at Title: Then & Now Bible Maps Product Code: 594X ISBN-13: 9781596361300 The Holy Land: Divided Kingdom (900 BC) Canaan Divided by the Twelve Tribes GESHUR Reuben Sidon Simeon ) Zebulun a Damascus e S Judah t Kadesh ARAM a Dan e r Tyre G Naphtali ( Dan PHOENICIA Lake Huldah a Hazor Gad e S Chinnereth Asher n Ptolemais (Capernaum) Sea of Galilee (Chinnereth) a e Golan Ashtoroth Issachar n a r Mt.
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