i ^ m WEATHER, | || EUREKA JAMBOREE [Ucj jjje Si FAIR and WARMER i® 0 SATURDAY, OCT. 8th ^nl 31 --OF- TAYLOR UNIVERSITY VOLUME XV. UPLAND, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1927 NUMBER 3 Thalos Lead Philos 73—48 LATEST OFFICIAL FIGURES ON RESULTS Two Great Missionary OF RUSH DAY SHOW Programs of High Merit THE THALOS WITH A Sermons Heard Sunday LEAD OF 25 OVER THEIR RIVALS THEPresented to T,U, Audiences Dr. Rockwell Clancy From India Speaks at Chapel. PHILOS. Dr. Canright of China Speaks at the M. E. Church. THIS COUNT IS PRACTI­ PHILOS DRAW LARGE CROWDS THALO PROGRAM AN ARTISTIC AT OPENING PROGRAM MARVEL CALLY FINAL WITH ONLY WELL KNOWN ARTISTS A Day Of Missionary Feasting For T, U. A VERY FEW OF THE NEW PARTICIPATE "A DREAM OF YOUTH"' was the STUDENTS UNACCOUNTED theme of the program Saturday ev­ Taylor and vicinity were favored FOR. An exceptional range of talent of ening. Amid a setting of artistic beau­ with a feast Sunday when two great Dr, Clancy Speaks InP, M. the highest order, rendered amid a ty the Thalonian Literary Society missionaries gave stirring messages, setting of superb and almost breath presented to a Taylor audience one Christ is responsible for the great representing practically one half of taking beauty was the feature of the of the finest programs in the last revolutions going on in Asia toady. the world. Dr* Paul Preaches Philo program of Friday night, Sept. several years Speaking of India before the after­ 30. From begining to end it was well __Dr. Canright has spent the best Allen presented a silver loving noon Chapel service, Dr. Clancy told done. Variety, and excellence of per­ part of his life as a pioneer medical Matriculation Sermon cup to be used as a trophy, held us that he thanked God for the fact formance were outstanding in the ev­ missionary in the heart of China, far each year by the winner of the Philo- that the British were in control there. ening's entertainment. up the Yangtsee river. In a simple yet Our Matriculation Chapel Service Thalo men's basket-ball series. He said that all the great continent gripping way he told of the work of began on Tuesday morning at nine Vocal, instrumental, and whisteling of Asia was in the midst of a tre­ Robert Clark's speech was out­ Christianity in the land of the yellow o'clock. Prof. Kenneth Wells led the numbers of the highest order were mendous and far-reaching revolution, standing and the whole program was men. congregation in the singing of that presented. These along with a reading, and that the cause of the revolution and an oration by the President con­ one of intense atmosphere and fine In his life time Dr. Canright has worshipful hymn, "Holy Spirit Light was the introduction and acceptance stituted the program. unity. To Miss Jett belongs much of had the privilege of ministering to Divine," after which the invocation of the Gospel of Christ into these the credit for the artistic beauty of hundreds of thousands of disease rid­ was given by Dr. Newton Wray whom Placed as it was in an exquisite lands, that the revolution in China was setting of fairy-land, the program was the stage setting. den natives. He told how Christ had we are glad to have back with us terrible and bloody, while the same As the curtain rose, a dream garden the power not only to show the Chin­ after a year's leave of absence to entirely unique, and was greeted thing was sweeping Indian in the throughout by a most appreciative unfolded itself befor- the audience. ese better ways of living, but to complete some books he had commenc­ silent power of a great spiritual trans­ audience. In the center of the stage, a bubbling change their hearts, and to make new ed to write. formation. fountain was .surrounded by rocks creatures out of them. The Taylor Hymns written by our (Continued on page 4, column 1) Great Britan has done much for president, Dr. Paul, were enthusias- whose crevices were filled by stream­ India. ticly sung by even our new students. ing blossoms of sweet peas. To the Rupp and Wideman Famines, once the scourge of that It does noi take tne Freshman long National Secretary loft of the fountain were two juj - country are practically a thing of the to catch the true spirit of Taylor after ous canaries in a graceful, golden Winners Of past. There are two great tracts of they arrive. Of W* H* M* S. cage. In the left corner was a garden 27 million acres each that have been Miss Ada Rupp, assistant professor bench, inviting the weary passer-by Vocal Contest placed under irrigation. There are of voice sang, "The Lord is My Shep­ Speaks to Volunteers In the opposite corner the piano was more railroads in India today than herd," and after this followed the artfully decorated with green foliage. The Taylor University Music De­ in any other ocuntries of the world introductions which was a little un­ Ada Rupp Sings Ferns arched over the front of the partment is pleased to announce, as except the United States and Canada. usual in that Dr. Paul called on dif­ The First Meeting of the Student stage. Enclosing all was a stone wall winners of the Atwater Kent Vocal In a few years India will stand second ferent members of the faculty to in­ Volunteers was held with gladness whose stalwart beauty was enhanced Contest held in Shreiner Anditorium to the United States in this respect. troduce the new members, whom they and hope. Our hope being in Christ by sweet peas climbing up from the on the evening of the 28th, Miss Ada England is not quenching the rev­ were to be associated with, or with Jesus, whom we know will call forth base and dangling from the top. A Rupp and Mr. Charles Wideman, who olution in India, it is merely direct­ whom they had already made some laborers in a greater number than gate, so eralistic that it invited you will represent this locality at a State ing it. special acquaintance. Dean Saucier ever before because His time is at to swing upon it, hung near one cor­ Musical Contest to be held in Indiana­ Dr. Clancy said that you can not presented his assistant Dean of Men, hand. ner. Lamps glowed on each gate post. polis. The State winners will com­ put new wine into old bottles. These and Professor of Zoology, Professor Mrs. Davis the National Secretary Above all, was the broad, green leaves pete at a District Audition, and Dis­ oriental countries are receiving the John H. Furbay. Dr. Evans presented of the Women's Home Missionary of the oak, the maple, and the ash. trict Winners will go to New York new wine of the Gospel of Christ our new professor and head of a new Society, gave a short survey of their In the center above the stage was City for the final National Audition. and the old bottles are bursting. "The department here at Taylor known as, work in the South among the colored the Thalonian motto admonishing the audence to "Know Thyself." The Local Audition of the Vocal most hopeful thing in the Orient today "The Department of Modern Europ­ people, among the foreigners in the Contest consisted of the following is this Revolution," says Dr. Clancy. ean Languages," in the person of cities and among the Mormons in The program was opened by Rus­ numbers: The Christ of these nations is not Professpr Susan B. Gibson. Miss Utah and other western states. She sell Metcalfe, Thalonian chaplain by our Christ, but he is their own Christ, Bothwell completed the introduction urged that we work while it is yet reading a passage of scripture. Prof­ Juanita Frazier seen in their own image. The Christ by presenting Miss Ada Rupp as the day for there are many in our own essor Evans led in prayer. "Danny Boy,' Weatherly of China is a Chinaman, the Christ assistant to Prof. Wells, the head of country who are perishing. The beautiful strains of a song Leota Miller of India is an Indian, the Christ of the Voice Department. To all these Ada Rupp sang, ""The Master Call- from behind the scene swept over "By the Waters of Minnetonka Africa is an African, as the Christ introductions the new members of the eth- Thee." tSudents! Jesus is calling the audience. Before the last strain —: Lieurence of America is an American. faculty responded with delightful and you to bear His Cross and in prayer of Love's Old Sweet Song died away, Ada Rupp optomistic remarks. and supplication with thanksgiving to a stately couple wandered into the "The Little Damozel" Novello Special music was then rendered intercede for those who do not know garden. As they strolled about drink­ Roxy McCain Mnankas Rally by a mixed quartette composed of of His great love. Let us awaken ing in the beautiful .surroundings, "You" — Hamblin the Misses McCain and Frazier, Mr. and put on the whole armour of many reminiscents of their youth Wideman and Professor Wells. God and be strong in the Lord, re­ George Edie At First Meeting crowding back into their minds. They Dr. Paul expressed his appreciation deeming the time. "The Lord is My Light Allitsen sat and slumbered on the garden A hearty Greeting was extended for the service of Dr. Stanley during Miss Deyo gave a short talk upon bench while the dreams of youth pre- Charles Wideman the New Students who attended the the many years she has been with the International Convention which sened themselves.
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