Volume 12, Numbers 1 & 2 Fall – Winter 2011 ISSN: 1533-2535 POLICY STATEMENTS COOPERATION AND CONTROVERSY Cresencio Arcos, “U.S.–Latin American Security Kevin Newmeyer, "The Honduran Ties: Episodic Relationships” Coup of 2009 and the Inter-American María Luisa Parraguez Kobek, “Securing Democratic Charter" Defense and Cooperation in South America: Howard J. Wiarda and Hilary Geopolitical Changes, UNASUR, and the SDC” Collins, "Constitutional Coups? Military Intervention in Latin America" R. Evan Ellis, “The United States and China in Latin America: Cooperation and Competition” Hernán Castillo,"Cultura Política y Fuerzas Armadas en Venezuela" Luis Hernández, "El Control Civil de COUNTRY AND REGIONAL ISSUES las Fuerzas Armadas en el Ecuador. ¿Intento Fallido?" Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith, “Political Acumen and Geopolitical Anxiety in Suriname” David Spencer, “The Evolution and BOOK REVIEWS Implementation of FARC Strategy: Insights from Its Internal documents” Matthew Finger: Review of Jodi Sérgio Luiz Cruz Aguilar, “A Particição Sul- Vittori, Terrorist Financing and Americana Nas Operações de Paz da ONU: Resourcing Algumas Consideracões” Joanna Gillia: Review of Cristina Marcano and Alberto Barrera Tyszka, Hugo Chávez STRATEGIC AND SECURITY ISSUES Patricia Kehoe: Review of Hal Brands, Latin America’s Cold War Jaime García Covarrubias, “Liderazgo Celina Realuyo: Review of Joseph Estrategico en Defensa” Nye, The Future of Power W. Alejandro Sánchez, “Sangre Joven: Richard W. Taylor: Review of Jorge Understanding the new wave of Armed Groups in G. Castañeda, Mañana Forever: Latin America” Mexico and the Mexicans Vicente Torrijos, “La Legítima Defensa en Perspectiva” Juan Carlos Gómez, “La Utilización de las Fuerzas Militares en un Ambiente Criminal y no de Guerra: Desafíos del Siglo XXI” 2011 Fall-Winter Issue / Volume 12 1 Security and Defense Studies Review Staff and Editorial Board Richard D. Downie, Ph.D. Director, Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies Howard J. Wiarda, Guest Editor CHDS Associate Director for Research and Publications Yamile Kahn, Managing Editor Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies Patricia Kehoe, Assistant Guest Editor Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies Vivian Rodríguez, Graphic Designer Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies Raúl Benítez Manaut, Investigador Centro de Investigaciones Interdisciplinarias en Ciencias y Humanidades Universidad Autónoma de México J. Samuel Fitch, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science University of Colorado at Boulder Ivelaw Griffith, Provost and Senior Vice President York College/ City University of New York Oswaldo Jarrín, Former Professor and Minister of Defense Chair Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies General (R) Julio Hang, Director Institute of International Security and Strategic Affairs Jennifer Holmes, Associate Professor of Political Science University of Texas at Dallas Hal Klepak, Professor of War Studies and Latin American History Royal Military College of Canada Richard Millett, Professor of History Emeritus Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville Patricia Olney, Associate Professor of Political Science Southern Connecticut State University Eliezer Rizzo de Oliveira, Profesor Núcleo de Estudos Estratégicos Universidade de Campinas, São Paolo, Brasil Carlos Ospina, Professor and Chief of Defense Chair Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies Orlando J. Pérez, Professor and Chair, Department of Political Science Central Michigan University Security and Defense Studies Review An Interdisciplinary Journal Volume 12, Numbers 1 & 2 Fall–Winter 2011 Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies National Defense University 260 5th Avenue, S.W. Building 64, Lincoln Hall Fort Lesley J. McNair Washington, D.C. 20319-5066 Security and Defense Studies Review Volume 12, Numbers 1 & 2, Fall–Winter 2011 CONTENTS Message from the Director, Richard D. Downie 5 Guest Editor Introduction, Howard J. Wiarda 7 POLICY STATEMENTS U.S.–Latin American: Security Ties: Episodic Relationships Ambassador (R.) Cresencio Arcos 13 Securing Defense and Cooperation in South America: Geopolitical Changes, UNASUR, and the SDC María Luisa Parraguez Kobek 17 The United States and China in Latin America: Cooperation and Competition R. Evan Ellis 37 COUNTRY AND REGIONAL ISSUES Political Acumen and Geopolitical Anxiety in Suriname Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith 47 The Evolution and Implementation of FARC Strategy: Insights from Its Internal Documents David Spencer 73 A Particição Sul-Americana nas Operações de Paz da ONU: Algumas Consideracões Sérgio Luiz Cruz Aguilar 99 STRATEGIC AND SECURITY ISSUES Liderazgo Estratégico en Defensa Jaime García Covarrubias 119 Sangre Joven? Understanding the New Wave of Armed Groups in Latin America W. Alejandro Sánchez 135 La Legítima Defensa en Perspectiva Vicente Torrijos 155 La Utilización de las Fuerzas Militares en un Ambiente Criminal y no de Guerra: Desafíos del Siglo XXI Juan Carlos Gómez 167 3 COOPERATION AND CONTROVERSY The Honduran Coup of 2009: Application of the Inter-American Democratic Charter Kevin Newmeyer 177 Constitutional Coups? Military Intervention in Latin America Howard J. Wiarda and Hilary Collins 189 Cultura Política y Fuerzas Armadas en Venezuela Hernán Castillo 199 El Control Civil de las Fuerzas Armadas en el Ecuador ¿Intento Fallido? Luis Hernández 217 BOOK REVIEWS Terrorist Financing and Resourcing, by Jodi Vittori Reviewed by Matthew Finger 229 Hugo Chávez, by Cristina Marcano and Alberto Barrera Tyszka Reviewed by Joanna Gillia 231 Latin America’s Cold War, by Hal Brands Reviewed by Patricia Kehoe 233 The Future of Power, by Joseph S. Nye Jr. Reviewed by Celina B. Realuyo 235 Mañana Forever: Mexico and the Mexicans, by Jorge G. Castañeda Reviewed by Richard W. Taylor 237 CONTRATAPA (ENGLISH/SPANISH ABSTRACTS) 243 CONTRIBUTORS 251 The opinions expressed in the Security and Defense Studies Review do not necessarily reflect those of the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies, the National Defense University, or the U.S. Department of Defense. 4 Security and Defense Studies Review Message from the Director In the Fall–Winter 2011 volume, the Center for Hemispheric Defense Studies is pleased to offer the research and writing of several CHDS scholars as well as the contributions of a number of our alumni, friends, and collaborators. We think it is a rich and thought-provoking issue and we hope it stirs your interest. We are pleased to report that the Review continues to attract growing reader interest in both North and Latin America and that the pre- vious issue on “Women in Defense and Security” has been our most popular issue and attracted a great deal of attention. We are grateful that Prof. Howard J. Wiarda, one of the country’s leading scholars of Latin America, agreed to step in in emergency circumstances to serve as Guest Editor of this issue. His assistant, Ms. Patricia Kehoe of Georgetown University, did unselfish and yeoman service in helping get this issue out in a timely fashion. We are also pleased to announce the addition of Ms. Yamile Kahn, formerly of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, as the new Managing Editor of the Review. We begin this issue with three policy statements. Former Ambassador Cresencio Ar- cos, Political Advisor at CHDS, offers a provocative statement about U.S. policy in Latin America as well as his own policy recommendations. Prof. María Luisa Parraguez Kobek provides an analysis of the Council of Defense Ministers of the Americas meeting in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia, in 2010, as well as the emergence of such new and perhaps rival defense and security institutions as ALBA and UNASUR. CHDS Scholar R. Evan Ellis then updates his highly regarded book on the same subject with his analysis of the pos- sibilities for cooperation as well as competition between the United States and China in Latin America. Next comes a section of detailed country and regional studies. Prof. Ivelaw Griffith of York College of the City University of New York is a longtime Caribbean expert and a longtime friend of CHDS; he contributes an insightful article on Désiré Bouterse and the little-known but deeply troubled country of Suriname. Then CHDS’s own David Spencer, former Professor of International Security Studies, adds a penetrating analysis of Colom- bia’s revolutionary guerrilla group, the FARC. Spencer’s analysis is part of a larger study on Colombia carried out by CHDS that includes a recently published monograph, “Co- lombia’s Road to Recovery: Security and Governance 1982-2010,” as well as a book and several articles and occasional papers in process. Finally in this section we include Sérgio Luis Cruz Aguilar’s fascinating study of South American participation in UN peace opera- tions since 1947. There follow four articles on security and strategic issues. Prof. Jaime García of CHDS deals with the complex issue of strategic leadership in national defense. Then comes an article by W. Alejandro Sánchez of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs with the intrigu- ing title, “Sangre Joven.” Dr. Vicente Torrijos next weighs in with an article on “legitimate defense” in which he assesses the laws of war on preventive or preemptive action. Dr. Juan Gómez then deals with the complex issue of using the armed forces, as distinct from the police, to combat domestic violence, crime, and gangs. Our next section is designed to raise questions and discussion about military coups. 2011 Fall-Winter Issue / Volume 12 5 First, CHDS Professor Kevin Newmeyer offers a critique of the Honduran coup of 2009 and proceeds
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