RELIGIO-POLITICAL THOUGHTS OF MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN By SIDDIQUE AHMAD SHAH PhD Thesis DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR Session: 2011-2012 RELIGIO-POLITICAL THOUGHTS OF MAULANA WAHIDUDDIN KHAN A Thesis Submitted to the Department of History, University of Peshawar in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy By SIDDIQUE AHMAD SHAH DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY UNIVERSITY OF PESHAWAR Session: 2011-2012 APPROVAL SHEET This thesis entitled “Religio-Political Thoughts of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan” submitted by Siddique Ahmad Shah in partial fulfillment of requirements for award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History is hereby approved. __________________________ External Examiner __________________________ Supervisor Dr. Syed Waqar Ali Shah Department of History University of Peshawar _________________________ Chairman Department of History University of Peshawar DECLARATION I hereby declare that this thesis entitled “Religio-Political Thoughts of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan” is the outcome of my individual research and it has not been submitted concurrently to any other university for any other degree. Siddique Ahmad Shah PhD Scholar FORWARDING SHEET The thesis entitled “Religio-Political Thoughts of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan ” submitted by Siddique Ahmad Shah , in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in History has been completed under my guidance and supervision. I am satisfied with the quality of this research work. Dated: (Dr. Syed Waqar Ali Shah) (Supervisor) To My wife Table of Contents S. No Title Page No. 1. Glossary i 2. Acknowledgements vi 3. Abstract viii 4. Introduction 1-11 5. CHAPTER 1 12-36 Early Life, Education, Mission and Features of Personality 6. CHAPTER 2 37-73 Concept of Da’wah and its Different Dimensions 7. CHAPTER 3 74-114 Philosophy of Criticism 8. CHAPTER 4 115-153 Views on Important Religious and Political Personalities of Indo-Pak 9. CHAPTER 5 154-228 Views on Armed Jihad, Political Revolt against Muslim Ruler and Hindu-Muslim Phenomenon in India 10. CHAPTER 6 229-258 Views on Politics, Establishment of State, Western Democracy, Secularism and its Different Manifestation in the Domain of Islam 11. Conclusion 259-266 12. Bibliography 267-283 Glossary A’jam Non-Arab person, World other than Arab, dumb Alim Singular of Ulama ; learned religious scholar, learned person A’azimat Risky undertaking in the service of Islam, determination Ahl-e-Bai’at Arabic word used for the family of Prophet Akhirat -oriented Preference of other world than the present one Ashab Direct disciple or companions of Prophet, comrades Bagwat Gita Religious book of Hinduism Bai’yyat Oath of allegiance to Caliph/Spiritual guide, homage, fealty Bai’yyat-e-Rizwan It was pledge taken by Prophet Muhammad from his followers which led to the conclusion of Hudebiyya pact. The Prophet sent three envoys to Makkans to inform them that the Muslims were visiting for Umra only when people of Makkah did not allow Prophet and his companions for visiting Ka’aba . A rumor spread that he had been assassinated by the Makkans when one of the envoys Uthman bin Affan did not return. On hearing the news the Muslim pledged to take revenge of Uthman at any cost. Danay-e-Raz Discerner of secret Da’wah Peaceful preaching of Islam, invitation to someone to a religion or to join a cause Da’i Peaceful preachers of Islam, one who makes a call for a noble cause Faasiq Sinner or an oppressor, transgressor, adulterer i Fisq Sin, disobedience of God Fana Fil Da’wah Immersion or lost in contemplation of peaceful Da’wah mission of Islam Fana fil Qom Immersion or lost in contemplation of welfare of his Muslim nation Hajj Muslim’s visit of Ka’aba in Makkah, intention, purpose Haram Interdicted or prohibited, unlawful, sacred, inviolable Hud Islamic punishment which is proven from Quran, boundry, edge Hudebiyya pact A peace treaty which was concluded in 628 by Prophet and his companions with Quraish of Makkah on accepting unilateral conditions from the latter in order to make peace for ten years Hukm Divine rule, order, command, decree Hajr-e-Aswad Black stone fixed at Ka’aba in Makkah Ijma Consensus of scholars of Islam on specific query in Islamic domain, meeting, assembly Ijtehad Struggling for the pragmatic interpretation of Islamic primary sources in accordance with new emergent situation, exertion, Ijtehadi Khata Unintentional mistake in independent reasoning in Islam to reach a conclusion in specific matter Ijtiba Arabic word means to choose, liking, selection Imam Arabic word means the leader Ibadat Worship, praying Islah-e-Ummat Reviving internal religious spirit of Muslim community ii Jihad Fi Sabil Allah Struggle in the way of Allah. It should not be mixed with armed war to be waged for the cause of Islam Qital Fi Sabil Allah Armed war or killing in the way of Allah Istata’at Ability, power, be able to afford, potentiality Kalam Islamic theology, discourse, scholastic Kalam-e-Jaheliyya Literature of ignorant Arab before the advent of Prophet Kalima Muslims’ confession of faith, speech, word, saying Kumbh Mela Kumbh Mela or Kumbha Mela is a mass pilgrimage of Hindu community where Hindus gather to take bath in sacred river Khatm-e-Nabuwwat Finality of prophethood of Prophet Muhammad Mad’u Non-Muslim who is addressed by preacher of Islam as to court him to accept Islam Madrassa A theological school where Muslim students gets education to join the circle of Ulama ; religious seminary Ma’arefat Gnosis or discovering God Millat-e-Muslima The community of Muslims Muhaditheen The scholars of traditions Mujtahed Mutlaq Independent jurist Mujaddad There is belief among the Muslims that a staunch Muslims comes every century to reform faith Maqawamat-Bil-Sabr Resistance by patience or steadfastness Musleh Reformer Muslihana Jang A war aimed at reforming others iii Mutaqaddemin Formers, the ancient Mutakherin Laterss Nafs Lower self, mind, soul, person, Qaimuz Zaman Sustainer of age Qiasi Based on syllogism, analogy, hypothetical, by conjecture Qibla Muslim’s home of Allah in Makkah, to which all Muslims turn to pray Qiyas Islamic principle of Jurisprudence which is employed on the basis of sameness of reason, presumption, Qubbat al-Sakhra Dome of the Rock, the Jewish Qibla Rukhsat Avoidance, permit Sabr Patience Sawab Godly reward, Divine prize, Saheb-e-Nisab Person who has enough money to pay Zakat Sheikhul Islam Grand scholar of Islam Shirk Attributing Creator’s feature(s) to creatures, praying other objects than God Shari’ah Islamic law which is based on Quran and other Islamic sources; divine law as revealed to Prophet Muhammad Shi’a Technically group or party. Commonly it is used for the sect which consists of the followers of line of Ali Ibn Talib, the fourth Caliph Shivling Image and mark of Hindus’ deity used for worship in Temples Sufia Mystics-singular Sufi iv Ta’beer Ki Ghalti Error of interpretation or erroneous interpretation Tableeghi Tahrik Peaceful preaching mission of Islam which was started in Subcontinent by Maulana Muhammad Ilyas (d. 1944) and his colleagues in 1926 Tafseer Exegesis of Quran Tafseer Birra’ye Exegesis on the basis of reason Tajdid Process of reformation of religion that it does not become stagnant in accordance with new surroundings, renew, refresh Talif-e-Qalb Consolation, conciliation, uniting hearts in friendship, giving solace or comfort Tanqid Critical review, appraisal Tanqis Curtailment, Caviling, faultfinding, denunciation, negative and adverse criticism Taqleed Primarily the imitation of practice of Prophet Muhammad and secondarily his companions and his successors, following especially the old ways and traditions Taqwa Fear of God, piety, perseverance, abstinence Ulama Muslim religious scholars; plural of alim Ulama-e-Haq Righteous scholars of Islam Zakat religious tax paid to poor personsone of the five basic tenets of Islam Zalim Oppressor, Tyrant v Acknowledgements I am very grateful to Allah the Almighty who enabled me to complete my dissertation well in time. Indeed it was Him who gave me extra strength to overpower the intended enterprise despite the limited sources and resources at my disposal. I am also very thankful to those individuals who helped me during my present research work. In this regard I am deeply in debt to my research supervisor Dr. Syed Waqar Ali Shah for guidance and support. I am also heartily grateful to my co-supervisor Dr. Altaf Qadir for his encouragement and going through my entire work with care. I am very indebted to Dr. Javed Iqbal who is mainly responsible for levering in me the faculty of critical thinking during my research work. I am deeply grateful to my teachers including Prof. Salman Bangash, Dr. Attaur Rahman and Mr. Ghayyur Hussain for their guidance and time. I am indebted to Dr. Mursal Farman whose service proved to be inevitable for the completion of my work. He generously offered me time, sources and guidance. I am indebted to the management of Higher Education Commission Islamabad for supporting my study at Mcmaster University, Canada, where I fully benefitted from the Western Academic environment. I am also grateful to Professor Dr. Liyakat Ali Takim, Chairman Sharjah Chair of Global Islam, Mcmaster University, Canada for his guidance and support. I am in great debt to Prof. Abdul Rauf for his encouragement and his exclusive guidance during the preparation of my research proposal. He is mainly responsible for affixing my present study to the realm of History. I am deeply grateful to Maulana Abdul vi Latif and Mrs. Salma Shehzad of Centre for Peace and Spirituality (CPS) who generously provided me books and other sources of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan. I also acknowledge the service of my colleagues Mr. Naveed Ahmad, Mr. Asfandyar Durrani, Mr. Ishtiaq Ahmad and Mr. Aslam Mir for their encouragement, support and time. vii Abstract With commencement of the direct British rule, after 1857, the Indian Muslims had to face multi-faceted challenges.
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