The homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories Zhen Lin Low 2 November 2013 Abstract Evidence is given for the correctness of the Joyal–Riehl–Verity con- struction of the homotopy bicategory of the (∞, 2)-category of (∞, 1)- categories; in particular, it is shown that the analogous construction using complete Segal spaces instead of quasicategories yields a bicate- gorically equivalent 2-category. Introduction In recent years, it has become accepted that an (∞, 1)-category should be something like a category weakly enriched in ∞-groupoids, where ‘∞-groupoid’ refers to weak homotopy types, and by ‘weakly enriched’ we mean that com- position is unital and associative only up to coherent homotopy. There has been a proliferation of proposed definitions making this precise: for example, simplicially enriched categories, Segal categories, complete Segal spaces, qua- sicategories, and relative categories. Fortunately, the categories of such struc- tures (with the appropriate notion of equivalence) can each be embedded in a Quillen model category, and the model categories so obtained have been arXiv:1310.0381v2 [math.CT] 2 Nov 2013 shown to be Quillen-equivalent: see [Bergner, 2007], [Joyal and Tierney, 2007], and [Barwick and Kan, 2012]. In short, the aforementioned theories of (∞, 1)- categories have the same homotopy theory. However, the present writer contends that it is not enough to have present- ations of the homotopy theory of (∞, 1)-categories: we would like to also have presentations of its formal category theory. To illustrate, consider a homo- topy pullback square in a simplicially enriched category C: is it the case that the corresponding square in the quasicategorical incarnation of C is a pull- back square in the sense of Joyal and Lurie? Recent work of Riehl and Verity Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK. E-mail address: [email protected] 1 The homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories [2013a,b] has shown that questions of this nature can be answered by look- ing at what one might call the homotopy bicategory of the (∞, 2)-category of (∞, 1)-categories, at least when the latter is realised as the cartesian closed category of quasicategories. We now briefly recall the aforementioned construction. Let sSet be the category of simplicial sets, let Qcat be the full subcategory of quasicategories, let N: Cat → sSet be the nerve functor, and let τ1 : sSet → Cat be its left adjoint. The Joyal model structure for quasicategories is cartesian (in the sense of Rezk [2010, § 2]), so Qcat is an exponential ideal in sSet; in particular, Qcat is cartesian closed. One can show that τ1 : sSet → Cat preserves finite products, so the cartesian closed structure of Qcat gives rise to a 2-category Qcat whose underlying 1-category is (isomorphic to) Qcat. Moreover, a morphism in Qcat is an equivalence in the 2-categorical sense if and only if it is a weak equivalence in the Joyal model structure, so this is a good 2-truncation of the (∞, 2)-category of (∞, 1)-categories (in some sense still to be made precise). Essentially the same story goes through for complete Segal spaces, though the proofs are (by necessity) more complicated. The purpose of the present paper is threefold: • To give evidence for the correctness of the Joyal–Riehl–Verity construc- tion of the homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories, by showing that its bicategorical equivalence class is essentially theory-independent. • To show that an analogous construction can be carried out using com- plete Segal spaces instead of quasicategories. • To exhibit an explicit bicategorical equivalence between the two construc- tions. In the first section, we will review some basic facts about cartesian closed categories and cartesian model structures. This will be followed by some ob- servations about the 2-category Qcat and its intrinsicality with respect to the homotopy theory of (∞, 1)-categories. We will then prove some propositions for Segal spaces needed to make the construction go through, and in the last section, we will show that one of the Quillen equivalences constructed by Joyal and Tierney [2007] induces the desired bicategorical equivalence. Acknowledgements The author is indebted to Mike Shulman for providing the proofof theorem 2.13, which lies at the heart of the argument that the bicategorical equivalence class 2 The homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories of the homotopy bicategory of the (∞, 2)-category of (∞, 1)-categories is well- defined. Thanks are also due to Emily Riehl for pointing out the work of Toën [2005]. The author gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Cambridge Commonwealth, European and International Trust and the Department of Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics. 1 Generalities Recall the following definition: Definition 1.1. A cartesian closed category is a category C equipped with the following data: • A terminal object 1. • A functor − × − : C×C→C such that X × Y is the cartesian product of X and Y (in a natural way). • A functor [−, −]: C×C→C equipped with bijections C(X × Y,Z) ∼= C(X, [Y,Z]) that are natural in X, Y , and Z. A cartesian closed functor is a functor F : C→D between cartesian closed categories satisfying these conditions: • F preserves finite products (up to isomorphism). • The canonical morphism F [X,Y ] → [FX,FY ] is an isomorphism for all X and Y in C. Examples 1.2. The following categories are cartesian closed: (a) The category of sets, Set. (b) The category of small categories, Cat. (c) The category of small simplicially-enriched categories, SCat. (d) The category of presheaves on any small category. It is not hard to check that a cartesian closed category C has a canonical C- enrichment, with the object of morphisms X → Y being the exponential object [X,Y ]. As such, if D is a category with finite products and F : C→D is a functor that preserves finite products, there is an induced D-enriched category F [C] with the same objects as C but where the object of morphisms X → Y is given by F [X,Y ]. (Of course, identities and composition are inherited from C via F .) Moreover: 3 The homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories Lemma 1.3. The underlying ordinary category of the D-enriched category F [C] inherits the structure of a cartesian closed category from C. Proof. It is easy to check that [X, 1] ∼= 1 for all X in C, so 1 is still a terminal object in F [C]. Since F preserves binary products, we have the following natural isomorphisms: F [X,Y × Z] =∼ F ([X,Y ] × [X,Z]) =∼ F [X,Y ] × F [X,Z] It therefore follows that Y × Z is a cartesian product of Y and Z in F [C] as well. Finally, there is a natural isomorphism [X × Y,Z] ∼= [X, [Y,Z]] and so by applying F we deduce that [Y,Z], regarded as an object in F [C], is an exponential object of Z by Y . Definition 1.4. Let C be a cartesian closed category. A reflective exponen- tial ideal of C is a reflective subcategory D with the following property: • For all C in C and all D in D, the exponential object [C, D] (as computed in C) is isomorphic to an object in D. Proposition 1.5. Let C be a cartesian closed category, let G : D → C be a fully faithful functor, and let F : C→D be a left adjoint of G. The following are equivalent: (i) The image of G : D → C is a reflective exponential ideal of C. (ii) The functor F : C→D preserves finite products. (iii) D is a cartesian closed category and, for all C in C and all D in D, the canonical morphisms G[FC,D] → [GF C, GD][GF C, GD] → [C, GD] are isomorphisms. Proof. See Proposition 4.3.1 in [Johnstone, 2002, Part A]. Lemma 1.6. Let C be a cartesian closed category and let F : C →D be a functor that preserves finite products. The functor C → F [C] induced by F is an isomorphism of ordinary categories if and only if the hom-set maps C(1,X) →D(F 1,FX) induced by F are bijections for all objects X in C. 4 The homotopy bicategory of (∞, 1)-categories Proof. Simply recall the natural bijection C(X,Y ) ∼= C(1, [X,Y ]) and the nat- ural isomorphism X ∼= [1,X]. Throughout this paper, we use the definition of ‘model category’ found in [Hovey, 1999, § 1.1], i.e. our model categories are complete, cocomplete, and have functorial factorisations. Definition 1.7. A cartesian model structure on a cartesian closed category is a model structure satisfying the following additional axioms: • If p : X → Y is a fibration and i : Z → W is a cofibration, then in any commutative diagram [W, X] [i,X] q L(i, p)[Z,X] [W, p] [Z,p] [W, Y ][Z,Y ] [i,Y ] where the square in the lower right is a pullback square, the morphism q :[W, X] → L(i, p) indicated in the diagram is a fibration, and q is a weak equivalence if either i or p is a weak equivalence. • The terminal object 1 is cofibrant. A cartesian model category is a cartesian closed category equipped with a model structure. Example 1.8. The Kan–Quillen model structure on sSet is a cartesian model structure: see e.g. Proposition 4.2.8 in [Hovey, 1999]. Theorem 1.9. Let M be a cartesian model category, let Mf be the full sub- category of fibrant objects, and let Ho M be the homotopy category of M. (i) Mf is closed under small products in M, and [X,Y ] is fibrant if X is cofibrant and Y is fibrant.
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