Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1963-1964 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1964 Eastern Progress - 03 Apr 1964 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1963-64/25 See Story High School Coaches, Welcome To Eastern On Page 4 .... It's Your Florida Student Council Or Else 6<xsteR OGRZSS Pafce 2 "Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era Friday, April 3, 1964 ■--« 41st Year Number 24 Student Publication of Eastern State Gjlle&e, Richmond, Kentucky . Public To View Tall Todd Hall Eastern's KEA Breakfast During Sunday Open House Next Friday In Louisville rce, a gift of the Todd family. Alro scheduled for the day's events will be a noon luncheon Dr. P. M. Grise Twelve Story Dorm's at 12:30 p.m. in the President's Room of the Keen Johnson Student Union for special Roberts Heads Doors Open At 2:30 p. m. guests. ' To Speak Dornvi Alr-Condltlcaed Eastern's annual K.E.A. Open house will be held Sun- dentist, who will make a brief The twin "lowers," both of breakfast meeting will be held day at Todd Hall, a new 12- upeech. .vhich will be fully air-condi- State CCUN Friday morning at 8 o'clock in story men's dormitory, at 2:30 Mrs. Todd and Mrs. Arnold tioned, will house 720 men etui dents. Each will contain two I the Sheraton Hotel in Louis- p.m. Lane, Dr. Todd's sister, will Jay Roberts. Eastern ville. unveil a portrait of the hono- elevators and 71,000 square Named in honor of Dr. Rus- senior, has been elected state Approximately 500 alumni sell I. Todd, a member of the feet of floor space. There will chairman of the Kentucky and friends are expected to at- Board of Regents and Rich- also be quarters for two head tend. President Martin will mond dentist, Todd Hall is one residents. Collegiate Council of the preside at the meeting. of twin 12 story skyscrapers— Todd Hall will be occupied by students April 13, immedia- United Nations. Featured speaker will be Dr. the state's tallest dormitories. UK, Emory, Purpose of the Council is to P. M. Grise, head of the Eng- Dupree Hall, named to honor tely following spring vacation. lish department. His address P. L. Dupree, Harlan, another Connecting the two halls Is promote more student under- will be entitled, "Towers and member of the board of re- an enclosed one-story area standing of the UN. and world Spires." gents, will be completed in late Transy Win containing a lSimge, lobby, organizations. Others appearing on the pro- summer. and , recreation room. The Eastern is the headquarters gram will be Dr. R. E. Jag- Participants Are $2,850,000 project is located for the Kentucky organization. gers, associate dean of gra- Participating in the cere- between the new Ajlumni Coli- The son of Mr. and Mrs. Stadium — duate studies-emeritus; James monies will be President Mar- seum and Hanger Francis W. Roberts, Richmond, E. Van Peursem, head of the In Debate in the same" are of other he is a graduate of Model High tin; the Reverend Frank N. DONALD DYKES music department; Donald Tinder, minister of the First men's residence hal School. Henrickson, assistant professor Christian Church, who will de- The University of Kentucky, When completed, \ they will of music and Mrs. Henrickson, become the sixth and seventh 9 At Eastern, Roberts Is maj- liver the invocation, and Dr. Emory University and Tran- oring In chemistry and biology. and students Miss Mellnda Crville Cummer, a Louisville sylvania took top honors in the residence halls completed on 'The Conquering Nero He is a member of the college Mines, Somerset, and Bob third annual Pioneer Debate the Eastern campus since 1960. Dykes Receives Mr. Peter Nero, left, autographs one of his albums for East- debate team, Sigma Chi Delta, Vickers, Richmond. Tournament held here Satur- Architects are Brock and Vickers, president of the Johnson, Lexington. The con- ern Student Council members Bill Evans, Lexington, and a men's service group, and day. chief justice of the student Eastern Student Council, and Easter Seal Taking first place honors in tractor is Hargett Construction Isabelle Brown, Oneida, during the Intermission of his con- cert here Tuesday night. j court. Miss Hines, president of Col- both the varsity and novice Company, also of Lexington. NSF Fellowship legiate Pentacle, senior wom- debates was the University of en's honorary, will bring greet- Dorm Canvass Kentucky. Second place win- Donald Campbell Dykes. Rich- ings from the college student ner for the varsity team was body. Henrickson will present Emory University, and Tran- mond, has been awarded a Na- Reaps $201 tional Science Foundation Co- vocal selections. sylvania placed second- in the Special guests at the break- The Easter Seal Campaign novice debate. ' New Language Department Head, Three operative Fellowship in mathe- matics for 12 months at the Uni- fast will be the Louisville for the. .Kentucky Sjetsty for Alumni Chapter and Eastern Crlpplerl CtiiWren wta com- being''' awarijea* TOT tlaf "Him •cssrr:-.—7VT vo«*j*y.jaf-Ksntuckji, . .. „ ... students-"from the' toutsvffle- pleted March 22, after each tune this year, was the top The award carries a tuition area. dorm was canvassed. speaker in each division. In free stipend of $2,400. Tickets will be on sale at Kappa Delta Tau and Sigma the novice division, Miss Janet Additional Faculty Members Announ Dykes, who was one of six the Eastern headquarters in Chi Delta, under the direction Graham, from Transylvania U.K. graduate students to re- the lobby of the Sheraton of John D. Rowlette, assistant placed first, and Sarah Prath- ceive such a fellowship, was al Hotel. Facilities will be locat- professor of Industrial Arts er. from U.K., placed second. President Martin has an- He has taught at the Uni- Limena," "Folklore In Plo Bar- Dr. Stevic, who will work January Eastern graduate. ed there for registering alumni and Richmond area chairman, Winners in the varsity debate versity of North Carolina and oja," and "Labor Guilds in primarily In the area of gui- An honor student, he majored and friends and the placement were successful in collecting were Larry Woods, Emory, nounced the appointment of Valencia, Spain, in the Six- In Mathematics. He was a mem- Davidson College, in addition dance counselor education, re- bureau will also be there to $201. first place, and Richard Ford, one new department head and to U.K., and spent three years teenth Century." ber of Kappa Delta PI, a national place prospective teachers. These contributions will be U.K., second. three faculty members who in Peru and Argentina with ceived the B.S. from the Col- education honor soicety; Kappa Ten debate teams participat- He has served as editor of helpign children with arthri- will join the college staff the State Department. the University of Kentucky lege of Wooster, and his M.A. lota Epsilon, -sophomore men's tis, polio, cerebral palsy, ed in the tournament held In Sept. 1. A native of Louisville, Dr. "Modern Foreign Language and Ph.D. from Ohio State honorary; Omlcron Alpha Kap- speech disorders, hearing, loss, the Donovan Building. Mr8j pa, senior men's honorary, and Band To Go On Tour Dr. J. Hunter Peak was an- Peak is a member of the Mod- Newsletter" in cooperation University. He is currently and many other physical de- Aimee Alexander, of the Eng- nounced as professor of ern Language Association, the the math club. The Eastern band under the lish faculty, was coordinator of with the Modern Language employed as assistant state He was selected to member- direction of Nick Koenignstein fects. French and head of the depart- South Atlantic Modern Lan- Association. Some of the treatments for the tournament. guage Association, the supervisor, test program co- ship in the 1963 edition of Who's will go on tour April 14 and ment of foreign languages. Miss Cheros, a natfve of these crippled children that Other schools participating Mr. Jon F. Botsford will Join AATSP, Phi Sigma Iota, Sig- ordination with the Division of Who Among Students in Amer- 15. will be made opsslble with in the day-long event were: Greenville, South Carolina, ican Universities and Colleges, Among high schools visited the Industrial arts department, ma illta Pi, and the Ameri- Guidance and Testing of the these contributions are: $3 will Asbury, Bellarmine, George- can Association of University earned the B.A. degree from and was chosen to represent the will be: Harrodsburg, Jessa- while Miss Mary G. Cheros Furman University, and the mine County (Nicholasvllle). pay for a speech therapy ses- town, University of Pitts- and Dr. Richard R. Stevic Professors. Ohio State Department. mathematics division In the sion; $5.25 will provide a pair burgh, Western Kentucky He Is the author of "A Sur- M. Ed. from the University of Mr. Botsford received both yearbook's Honor Roll, which and Shelby County. The band have been named to the educa- Maryland, where she has earn- will stay in Louisville the of modified crutches; $10 will State College, Texas Techno- tion and psychology depart- vey of Spanish Social Drama the B.S. and M.S. degrees recognizes the student with the pay for a hearing aid evalua- logical School, and Eastern. In the Nineteenth Century" ed additional hours beyond the highest average within each ma- night of the April 14 and re- ment. They will hold the masters-. She has taught in from Stout State College In turn home the next day. tion; $21 will provide a simple Dr.
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