Country Level Evaluation Angola Final Report VOLUME 2: ANNEXES September 2009 Evaluation carried out on behalf of the European Commission Consortium composed by ECO Consult, AGEG, APRI, Euronet, IRAM, NCG Leader of the Consortium: ECO Consult, Contact Person: Dietrich BUSACKER [email protected] Contract No. EVA 2007/geo-acp This evaluation is mandated by The Joint Evaluation Unit for: EuropeAid Cooperation Office (AIDCO) Directorate General for Development and Directorate-General External Relations The evaluation has been carried out by William Cerritelli (team leader), John Clifton, Claudio Schuftan, Mário José Aniceto do Rosário, Barbara Dequinze, Jutta Keilbach. Quality control: Martin Steinmeyer; Evaluation Manager for the Consortium: Dietrich Busacker The opinions expressed in this document represent the views of the authors, which are not necessarily shared by the European Commission or by the authorities of the countries concerned. EVA 2007/geo-acp: Evaluation of the EC support to Angola – Final Report ECO – AGEG – APRI – Euronet – IRAM – NCG TABLE OF CONTENTS ANNEX 1 TERMS OF REFERENCE 7 ANNEX 2 COMPLEMENTARY DATA ON EC INTERVENTION LOGIC 21 ANNEX 3 EC PROJECT PORTFOLIO 2002-2007 31 ANNEX 4 ECHO LRRD PROJECT PORTFOLIO 41 ANNEX 5 EVALUATION METHODOLOGY 51 ANNEX 6 MATRIX FOR EVALUATION QUESTIONS 79 ANNEX 7 CASE STUDIES 189 ANNEX 8 COUNTRY SOCIO-ECONOMIC DATA 223 ANNEX 9 OFFICIAL DONOR ASSISTANCE 249 ANNEX 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND DOCUMENTATION 253 ANNEX 11 LIST OF PEOPLE CONTACTED 265 ANNEX 12 MISSION CALENDAR 269 ANNEX 13 FOCUS GROUP REPORTS 273 ANNEX 14 ADDITIONAL SECTORAL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 277 ANNEX 15 MINUTES OF THE SEMINAR IN LUANDA 10 JUNE, 2009 285 List of Tables Table 1 Evaluation Questions...................................................................................................................................... 53 Table 2 Evaluation Criteria and Evaluation Questions.......................................................................................... 54 Table 3 Coverage of evaluation criteria by Evaluation questions ........................................................................ 55 Table 4 Share of selcted projects analysed of the total Commitments per sector .............................................. 58 Table 5 Methodology for EQ 1 .................................................................................................................................... 65 Table 6 Methodology for EQ 2 .................................................................................................................................... 65 Table 7 Methodology for EQ 3 .................................................................................................................................... 66 Table 8 Methodology for EQ 4 .................................................................................................................................... 66 Table 9 Methodology for EQ 5 .................................................................................................................................... 67 Table 10 Methodology for EQ 6 .................................................................................................................................... 67 Table 11 Methodology for EQ 7 .................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 12 Methodology for EQ 8 .................................................................................................................................... 68 Table 13 Methodology for EQ 9 .................................................................................................................................... 69 Table 14 Methodology for EQ 10.................................................................................................................................. 69 Table 15 Coherence between ECP and CSP/NIP ...................................................................................................... 81 Table 16 Macroeconomic Indicators..........................................................................................................................228 Table 17 Sectoral Share of GDP .................................................................................................................................229 Table 18 Millennium Development Goals Indicators..............................................................................................245 Table 19 MDG Status in Angola .................................................................................................................................247 Table 20 Angola Data Profile......................................................................................................................................248 Table 21 Total ODA to Angola (Commitments and Net disbursement) by major donors 2002 - 2007 ..........251 List of Figures Figure 1 Intervention Logic of CSP/NIP and other EC instruments 2002-2007.................................................. 23 Figure 2 Phases of the Evaluation Process ................................................................................................................ 52 Figure 3 Summary of the Evaluation Approach......................................................................................................... 60 Figure 4 Map of Angola ...............................................................................................................................................224 Figure 5 5 Real GDP% growth rates 2002-2007 ....................................................................................................228 Figure 6 Sectoral Share of GDP .................................................................................................................................229 Figure 7 Trend of Angola’s external debt in% on GDP .........................................................................................231 Figure 8 Total net ODA to Angola, all donors and EC 1987-2006 ......................................................................250 Figure 9 The ten major donors of ODA in 2002-2006 (commitments) ................................................................252 1 EVA 2007/geo-acp: Evaluation of the EC support to Angola – Final Report ECO – AGEG – APRI – Euronet – IRAM – NCG LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ACRONYM NAME ACP Africa Caribbean Pacific ABC Agência Brasileira de Cooperação (Brazilian Development Cooperation Agency ) ADRP Projecto de Demobilização e Reintegração de Angola (Angola Demobilisation and Reintegration Program) AEBRAN Association of Brazilian Companies in Angola AICEP Agência para o Investimento e Comércio Externo de Portugal (Portugal Agency for In ternational Investment and Trade) AMU Asset Management Unit ANIP Agência Nacional para o Investimento Privado – National Agency for Private Investment ANU Agostinho Neto University APRM Africa Peer Review Mechanism ARI Acute Respiratory Infections ARVs Anti-Retroviral Drugs AU African Union BCP Banco Comercial Português (Portuguese Commercial Bank) BIC Banco Internacional de Crédito (International Credit Bank) BNA Banco Nacional de Angola (National Bank of Angola) BWI Bretton Woods Institutions CACS Conselhos de Ascultação e Concertação Social (Consultation and Concertation Councils) CIC Associação para a Cooperação, Intercambio e Cultura - Portugal (Association for Interchange, Cooperation and Culture- Portugal) CBO Community-Based Organisation CCA Common Country Assessment (UN) CCB China Construction Bank CDD Community-Driven Development CEEAC Commissão Económica dos Estados da África Central (Economic Commission for Central Africa States) CSF Child Friendly Service CET Common external tariff CI Conservation International CNE Commissão Nacional Eleitoral (National Electoral Commission) CNIDAH Commissão Nacional Inter-Sectorial de Desminagem e Assistência Humanitaria (National Commission for Humanitarian De-Mining) CNUCED Conferência das Nações Unidos de Comércio e Desenvolvimento (UN conference on Trade and Development) COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMIFAC Commission des Forêts d’Afrique Centrale (Central Africa Forestry Commission) COOPENER Cooperation in Energy (EC initiative of cooperation for renewable energies) CPAR Country Procurement Assessment Review CPLP Comunidade de Países de Lingua Portuguesa (Lusophone Countries Community) CRIS Common Relex Information System CSO Civil Society Organisation CSP Country Strategy Paper CU Customs Union DAC-OECD Department for Assistance Committee- Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Danida Danish International Development Assistance DDRR Disarmament, Demobilization, Rehabilitation, Reintegration DFID Department for International Development (UK) DNA Direcção Nacional de Água ( National Water Directorate) DNRN National Directorate for Natural Resources DOTS Directly Observed Treatment, Short -course DPA Direcção Provincial de Água ( Provincial Water Directorate) DPS Direção Provincial de Saude Provincial Health Directorate) DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus DRC Democratic Republic of Congo EAP Environment Analysis Program EBA Everything but Arms Initiative EBAS European Business Assistance Scheme EC European Commission ECHO Commission's Humanitarian Aid Department 2 EVA 2007/geo-acp: Evaluation of the EC support to Angola – Final Report ECO – AGEG – APRI – Euronet – IRAM – NCG ACRONYM NAME
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