lyt \s-V'i>: w T-t now for some COMING EVENTS around brisbane BRISBANE THIS MONTH-CULTURAL sented by K/G Productions directed by SEMPER SERIOUS SURVEY Do you regard Semper's coverage of EVENTS Hilary Moiton - Schonell Theatre, Uni- ve»i^ of (Queensland, St Luda - also Sat these areas adequate? If not, why not? THEPOrrER'SDEN. 173 Lattobc 20, Thuts 25, Fri 25, and Sat 2 7 April, at Tee. Paddington - (63 3664) - a continuing 8 pjh. - Adults $2; Students $1.20 - Rarely have there occurred attempts exhibition of potteiy by memben of the Bookings at SchoneU Theatre (711879) to gauge student response to and criticism Queondand Pottei's Association - Monday of this publication. However, such a time to Ftidajr, 10.30 ajn. to 2 pjn.: Sat, 10 a.m. AJB.C. ORCHESTRAL CONCERT - is now upon the University. We ask read­ to 12 noon; and Sun, 2 pjn. to 4 pjn. Sat 20 AptSl - 2nd Red-Series - Queensland ers to fiPin as completely as possible the Symphony Ordtestia conducted by Patrick following questionnaire and return it GEERBAUGH ART GALLERY, 418 Ann Xlioinas, widt Joseph Kalidistein (piano) Stieet a^ - (29 2727) - Display of abod- - Don Juan, (^. 20 by Stiamt; Piano either to Semper Office (first floor. Union ginal baikpaintings, weapons, etc by tribal Concetto No 22 in E flat, K 482 "by^ozart; Building), or to the Union Office counter. artists - Monday to Fiiiuy, 10 ajn. to 4 pjn. and Symphony No 12 by Shostakovich - - continuing into May. City Hall, Biisbane, at 8 pjn. - A Reserve 1. What is your general opinion of the Are there other issues/areas of inter­ $2.50; B Reserve $1.90; and C Reseive 1974 Publication? est you would like to see Semper cover QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY, $1.50 - Bookings at A.B.C. City Centre, more or less regularly?Specify: Gregory Tee, Brisbane - (52 7600) - Print 217 Geotge Stieet, Brisbane Prize 1973 - Exhibition of prints supplied by the Print Council of Australia - Mondaiy to Saturday - 10 a.m. to 5.pjn.; Sunday, DUNWELL ART GALLERY - Mon 22 2 pjn. to £ pjn. - Until WMnesiay 24 April - 860 Samford Road, Giovtly - April (30 2282) - Mixed exhibidon by Queensland To assist us further in identifying our Aitists - Monday, 9 ajn. to 12.30 pjn., and reading public, would you indicate your CRAFT ASSOCIATION GALLERY, 37 2 pjn. to 9 pjn.; Tues, 10 a.m. to 4 pjn.; Wed 10 8jn. to 4 pjn., & 6 pjn. to 9 pjn.; course and year below (and political Leidtardt St, Sprint Hill - (21 9583) - persuasion, if you wish). Exhibition of Potteiy aiid Crafts by Al, ^s, Sat, 9 8.m. to 4 p jn.;and Sun, 1 pjn. to and Ann Rolley of C^oundia Potteiy im 5 pjn. - until Tues 30 April Art Studio - Monday toj^riday, 10 ajn. to 4pjn.-untilThiioaiy2May. ' BRISBANE CINEMA GROUP SCREENING-Tues 23 April-South , 2. Have you been reading most or only America Part One: BLOOD OF THE CONDOR a few sections o'f the paper? 7. Any further corriments you may wish to • MclNNES GALLERIES, Adelaide make; Street, Brisbane'-. (312262) - Mixed exhibi­ (BoUvia), and TERRA EM TRANSE (Biadl) - Manufactuiei'S House Auditorium, 375 , r!, tion by Waterman; Hobnyaid, McClymont, Wdtham Tee, Brisbane, at 7.30 pjn. - Ad-.>»i Alien, Bymes, G'Brook, Tiesz, Benton, Da mission members only - eniohnent at saeenBl'g Oi^a, and Biessow - Monday to Friday, Annual fee $10 - Enquiries (^ 4821) 9 ajn. to 5 pjn.; Sat, 9 ajn. to 12 pjn.- 3. Do you read the following sections: until Wed 24 April. FREE BAND CONCERT - Sun 28 April - Brisbane atittiit Band - King thoroughly • browse • not at all BARRY'S/JIT GALLERY, 205 Geoige Squaie, Gty, at 3 p.m. - Admission Adelaide Street, Brisbane - ai 2712) - free Rhinoceros Exhibition of ot^al Picasso, and Chagall lnt.Affairs drawings, and Fiendi Impiesrioiiist Utno- CHRISTIAN ARCHITECTURE - THE Media naphs - Mon to Fri, ID ajn. to 5 pjn;; GOTHIC CHURCHES - Tues 30 April - Monkey Bus- • Sat, 10 ajn. to 2.30 pjn. - until Tues 30 Slides tidd cbnunehtaiy by Florenza Jones - iness . ApriL - . presentfffby the Dante Alighleri Society - Reviews: Dante AMlHi Sodetv premises, 175 Eagle ARTS AND FTS 74 - Thurs Books Your suggestions and comments will be Street, Brisbane, at 7.30 pjn. - Admission taken seriously. We who work on the paper of various aits and Gree - (Supper 50c) - Enquiries, Mis P Theatre crafts tnetsntei Christ Chuidh of Cameion (67 2729). Film .itself, are only too aware of certain inadeq­ England, CtiiC., Ninth Avenues, MUStiC DEPARTMENT CONCERTS Music uacies; and would like to see such inadequacies St Luda-Officii at 7.30 pjn. PROGRAMME: FIRST SEMESTER LUNCH- Interviews overcome. This however is partly your (Admission S2) ,^ 10 ajn. to TIHE CONCERTS LL, .^ Campus News battle too. Your support in conscientiously P j». to 5 pjn. 9 pjh.; and Sdt VENUE: ABEL SMFIH LECTURE 1HEATRE completing this questionnaire and handing it -Adults50c " lOc- Environment TIME: l.l(mi,WE0NB8DAYS. Life Science in to us will indicate general support or lack Apnl 24 'PameUPige(piiiio) thereof in the total p\ibUca(ion or its parts. BEDTIME STORY ^ Fri l9-AjjA - Coming Events Comedy by Sean O'Casey; and tXffliSB^ Living with Such information will help lis make the May 1 EhBllpBnctnin-t'dept right decisions. DF/JH KING - Diama by Eugene loneico - p»- nusidinf: contemponiy Wine ^•^>«.«*«L'* »'»*i'*»a*»^#*» • »*»^»**»«**-» A-ft-a »-4'«-»'» >>**'•*•** J *»*•«« w*****^-*** I » ••* «'A-*-«^«'»*•>*«•< > « ^ •*' • • • « w"* m'^ ^ -• »••"< .»»•»**"•.'#•»*< PAGE 2 THE RHINOCEROS USTENING IN WHITLAM AND COUNTER- USELESS INFORMATION FILE over'populated areas in the western not be righted. It appears, according United States. to a report in The Australian (4/4/74) INSURGENCY Under a S26.9 million program, that Bjelke-Petersen rejected a recomm­ nicknamed Giant Patriot by the endation by the Queensland State Is the Whitlam government pre- Air Force, four Minutemen 2 mis­ Electricty Ommissioner (Mr. Murray) aring for urban guerilla warfare? siles would be fired in tlie winter of for electricity rationing to be intro­ Elocuments which have recently emerg­ 1974-75 and four more in the next duced in light of the coal shortage at ed from the United States outline the winter. But the Air Force plans Ipswich. .details of a Symposium on Combat in are Ukely to run into opposition There are many students artd staff Urban Areas on March 14 and 15, from the five states under the at this University who remember the 1973. The symposium was sponsored flight path: Montana, Idaho, last time our crackpot premier de­ by the US Army Munition Command Washington, Oregon and California. clared a state of emergency - the Spring­ and the US Army Material System The Air Force claims that debris bok tour of 1971. And the police Analysis Agency. The discussion from the burnt-out eariy stages would charges and harrassment in those mid- topics ranged from a 'survey of his­ fall on 'sparsely-populated' areas July evenings outside the Tower Mill torical experience' to 'measures of of the states involved. But even on a hotel. combat effectiveness' and culminating normal flight, the spent fu^t stage There are many more householders in 'global projections' of urban war­ of the rocket, which is 28 feet long who reflect painfully on the non­ fare. Participants in this conference and weighs 4,800 pounds, and four existence of such a state of emergency came from various facets of the US metal engine covers from the second during the recent floods in this State. Military machine including the US stage, each weighing 60 pounds, Can it be as we enter the tortuous Army; the FBI Academy and the US would fall to earth. Each missUe's process of comprehending the incom­ Army Human Engineering Lab. nuclear warhead would be replaced prehensible Premier of this state and Most significantly, two members for the test with a 'destruct package' his mental ju-jitsu, that he is, in fact, of the Australian Embassy, B.D. of explosives to blow up the missile a cupboard astrologist: showing more Treharne and Michael M. Thompson, if it malfunctioned or veered off concern for those living under the attended this symposium. "Playboy", the Gentleman's Magazme with worldwide distribution, is one of course. If the missile had to be influence of an earth sign, and less for The question is now, what did the very few publications of its kind to destroyed in the first 102 seconds those under a water sign? they learn, and more importantly, cover all production costs with news­ of the flight, the 'destruct' would Investigations will continue on this who is Whitlam planning to 'combat stand sales. A page of Advertising in blow the missile into small pieces, somewhat original hypothesis and shall in urban areas'? "Playboy" costs around $30,000 and the largest a 17 foot section of the (no doubt) be published accordingly. the advertisiiig density is usually near rocket enguie weighing 100 pounds, Source: ANS, No 18,27 March, 50% over an average of 200 pages which could possibly fall on popu­ D.R.F. 1974 each regular edition. This advertising lated areas. revenue is entirely profit. Which goes Of the 70 Minutemen test-fired to show that the wages of skin is over water from the Vandenberg wealth. ' base, 'several' have had to be des­ KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS P.F, troyed in tiie first 102 seconds of FOR FUN AND PROFIT THOSE OLD PARANOIA BLUES. fli^t, but the exact number is classified. New York (ZNS).- the largest Once upon a time in contemporary Source: ANS, No 18,27 March, incense manufacturer in the United Australia there existed a group called 1974 States is making a pretty hefty profit the Immigration Control Association BEATRICE ALLENDE TO TOUR these days - mainly because it doesn't (ICA) who put out a newsletter called pay any of its employees.
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