DEVOTED TO BASE BALL AND TRAP SHOOTING VOL. 64. NO. 15 PHILADELPHIA, DECEMBER 12, 1914 PRICE 5 CENTS MOVES The Powers of Organized Ball Planning Anew to Meet the Sudden Offensive Assumed By the Federal League, Which Is Capturing Valuable Prizes and Threatens an Invasion of the Metropolis had to offer. Although all of tne e!uT> owns ers were very secretive about what transpired As "Sporting Life" goes to press at this conference, it was stated two or three^ the magnates of the National different propositions for peace which the League and the members of the Na~ Federals offered in Chicago were revealed. It was understood that all of these so-called plans tional Commission are in session in for peace demanded so much of Organized Ball Netc York the one for the annual that they will not even be considered. The de meeting of the senior league; the mands of the Feds were exorbitant. other to devise icays and means of combatting the sudden assaults of Devery Out of New York Club the Federal League, which appears NEW YORK, N. Y., December 8. Rudolph in anything but the moribund con Hynicka, of Cincinnati, today bought William dition the powers of Organized Ball S. Devery©s interest in tTie New York Ameri recently pictured it to be. The lat cans, according to a report at the Hotel Bel- est events and happenings in the mont last night. The erstwhile "Best Chief of Police" is said to have disposed of his 42 war situation are given below: shares after Mr. Hynicka had failed in an ef fort to get actual control of the club. For several seasons the Cincinnati resident has been trying to buy his way into a big league To War on Federal League club, and the deal which was culminated last NEW YORK, N. Y., December 8. Organ night is the result. Eddie Collins, who was in ized Ball has finally arrived at the conclusion this city, following a conference in Philadel that the Federal League must be taken seri phia, in which Ban Johnson and Connie Mack ously. Today the magnates of the National were active, is tentatively named as mar<iger of the club under the reorganization arrange League and the members of the National Com ments Johnson is making for the New York mission will begin their sessions at the Wal Club in the American League. Frank J. Far- dorf-Astoria with one thought uppermost rell will remain as president of the club, ac how to effectually crush the Feds and stop cording to American League club owners now. further desertions from, the fold. The Na in this city. tional Commission will hold a meeting today, which will be of much importance, for it is Burns Not With Tourists believed that the Commission realizes that the SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., December 7. time has come when something radical will George Burns, the crack hitter and fielder of have to be done to stave off the high-handed the New York Giants, was unable to make the raids of the Federals on players who are under trip to Honolulu with the All-Stars. Mrs. contract. The situation looms up very seri Burns, a bride of a few weeks, had the mis ously and by taking the players they have in fortune to suffer a painful injury to her leg the past week the Federals have given Or when a grandstand fell down during the game ganized Ball a scare which will surely spur it between the All-Stars last week at Porterville. into some important action. Manager Bancroft, of the All-Nationals, has Continued on nineteenth page Federals May Invade New York NEW YORK, N. Y., December 9. While no official announcement has been made in Chicago or this city, it was learned yesterday Eddie Collins Sold that President James A. Gilmore and his Fed eral League "raiders" intend to establish a to Chicago White Sox team in New York as a further assault on Organized Ball. It was said that the grounds will be located in the Bronx and that the PHILADELPHIA, Pa., December 8. financial backers of the New York team will One of the most surprising an be men closely connected with the Wards, who J. C. BENTON nouncements in the history of base control the Brooklyn Club. Falkenberg©s go hall was made here today, when Man ing to Brooklyn is thought in some quarters Pitcher of the Cincinnati National League Club ager Connie Mack, of the Athletics, to mean that the IndianapJlis Club will not gave out the statement that he had be in the independent organization if the J. C. ("Kube") Benton, the big southpaw twirler of the Cincinnati National League Club, just sold Eddie Collins, his great sec present plans of the Federals go through. was bom in Clinton, N. C., June 27, 1890. He began his professional career with the Maenti team, of the South Atlantic League, in 1310, and proved a sen*atioa. Several rltibs bid for ond baseman, and one of the best all- Dooin Serves Ten Days© Notice hia services, but lie anally went to the Reds for $7500, an unusual price at that time for around ball players in the game, to a Class D player. The Rube lacked experience and was sent to Chattanooga in 1011, where President Comiskey, of the Chicago NEW YORK, N. Y., December 8. Charles he was not only a leading pitcher, but outclassed the league hearers in striking out batsmen. American League Club, for a sum of 6. Dooin, the deposed manager of the Phila He returned to the Reds in the Fall, and has been with them since. Summer of 1910 he was $50,000. Manager Mack said that the delphia National Club, caused a mild sensa injured in a motorcycle accident and was suspended for the balance of the season, as an entire matter was a cash transaction, tion at the Waldorf-Astoria yesterday, by an object-lesson, as he had apparently forgotten the fact that he was being paid for playing hut reports from New York credited nouncing to President William F. Baker, of ball and not for joy-riding every night, bast season Benton started off in srcat shape, but President Ban Johnson, of the Ameri the Philadelphia Club, that, after serving his was much troubled recently with an absoesa on his jaw, which was broken in the accident. can League, with the announcement ten days© notice, he would declare himself a The bone \vas not set properly and he intends to have an operation performed soon. Benton that players were involved in the deal. free agent. Mr. Baker received the ultimatum stands six feet, one inch iii height, and weighs 18o pounds. This is one more of the sweeping without alarm and said that Dooin was still changes inaugurated by Manager Mack, the property of the Philadelphia Club, which of the champion local club, following would take the proper means to protect its the cutting loose of Bender, Plank interests. There is only one way open to and Coombs, his three great veteran Dooin, if be follows out this course and that Herrmann Reveals Peace Negotiations took place, which lasted several hours. August pitchers. It is regarded as a war will be to go to the Federal League. This Herrmann, of Cincinnati, chairman of the move, destined to strengthen the Chi Dooin will undoubtedly do, as later in the day NEW YORK, N. Y., December 8. Presi cago White Sox, which have opposi he had a long conference with a representative dent H. N. Hernpstead, of the Giants, last National Commission, who conducted the so- tion both from the National and Fed of the Federals. Dooin is much chagrined night gave a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria called peace negotiations with Charles Weegh- eral League Clubs. Collins signed a over the treatment he has received from the for the club presidents of the National League. man, the independent magnate, in Chicago, five-year contract in New York today. Philadelphia management. He asked for his President John K. Tener presided. During the told the other club owners for the first time nconditional release, which was refused. dinner a discussion of the Federal League just what propositions for peace the Federals DECEMBER 12, 1914 Gaffney he will attend the annual meeting of the National League in New York next Tues PITTSBURGH PENNINGS day. The "miracle man" will be the guest National League News of President Gaffney during his stay in the Corsair Leader Declares That the Way of big city. Manager Stallings will be in Bos the Jumper Is Hard No Plungers From ton just before Christmas to attend the an o nual tijrkey dinner to be given by the Winter Pirate Craft in American League War greatest stars might be used in a deal that League. President Jack Dooley has received MORE BATTLE IN COURT FORE would build up the Cardinals. a letter from Mr. Stallings, who is at his Prosperous Bits of Base Ball News. THAT BONUS PLAN home in Haddock, Ga., saying that he had By A. E. Cratty SHADOWED President Britton, of the Cardinals, will shipped 25 young turkeys on November 25 again award bonuses to the members of his to Sunset Farm at Holliston, Mass., to be PITTSBURGH, Pa., December 7. No Or base ball club if they finish one, two, three in fattened for the Stallings banquet. ganized Base Ball magnate has thrown hotter 1915, provided his fellow magnates in the shots at the jumpers this Autumn than the LATER THE PARK SITE SECURED Pirates© veteran executive.
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