DISTRICT Project Description BE 2018-19 DIR UPPER DP15D00008-Constt of Retaining wall care ofMuhammad Saleem UC Jaber 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00009-Retaining Wall at UC Jaber 250,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00010-"Pav of Street at College Colony,Naqib Korona" 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00011-"Pav of Street at Sher Afzal Korona,Mirash Patai" 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00012-Pav of Street at Kalsho care of Farid 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00061-Pav of Street at Qadar Kalay 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00065-Constt Widening of Link Road Pitaw BandaUmar Rahman Korona 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00236-Construction & Widenng of PCC Road atAlam Zaib Korona Saro Rambial 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00259-PCC Road at Gul Nawaz Korona 250,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00267-PCC Road at Mula Muhammad Daskor Bala 300,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00272-Widening and PCC Roads at Inzar Paty 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00276-Construction of PCC Road at IslamabadAlwari 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00292-Pav of Street at UC Bandai 500,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00310-Pav of street at Jekand 500,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00318-Pukhtagi of Raod at Serai Patrak 500,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00332-"Award for top Ten Students 9th, 10th,11th and 12th" 2,000,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00334-Bio Metric System for 07 Schools 500,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00393-Repair of roof at UPS Thall 400,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00400-DWSS GHS Patrak 1,000,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00418-Constt Widening PCC Road at GPS KalKana 300,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00422-Constt Repair Bridge to GHS Nihag 800,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00439-Constt work at DEO (Male) office Dir 3,000,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00451-Repair work renovation at BHUs Dir Upper 859,200 DIR UPPER DP15D00466-Constt Repair Work at BHU Namlai 800,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00471-Construction of Roads from Main JailarRoad to BHU Naseer Abad 800,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00473-Constt Repair work at BHU Akhagram 400,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00485-PCC Road BHU Badalai 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00549-DWWS Sharmai 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00628-Construction of Dug Well at Bazar ChamZahid Jan Korona 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00670-"DWSS at Kashmirai, Nihag and Manzai VCNihag" 267,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00688-DWSS care of Umar Zaib Kakad 200,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00706-Water Supply at Kodra 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00774-Water Pond at Farhad Korona 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00775-Water Pond at Chipatarara 300,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00777-Water Pond at Subhan Korona 100,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00781-"Water Pond care of Gul Bahar, Manasabkhan and Hussain ur Rahman 232,000 Bahgh Kalay Sarko" DIR UPPER DP15D00793-Water Pond at Jekand 300,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00806-Renovation of District Nazim andDistrict Naib Nazim Offices 500,000 DIR UPPER DP15D00842-Provison of Wheel Chairs for deservingdisables men and women on need 4,029,600 basis DIR UPPER DP15D00843-Purchase of Try-Cycle for disable onneed basis 2,000,000 DIR UPPER DP1600085-Additional room GPS beray 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600086-constt of danga Jarjoray and additionalroom for girls sadiq banda 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600087-Dir Guloona lap top /Cash Prizes 4,000,000 DIR UPPER DP1600088-Dasti Shafqat Scheem for urphan students 2,000,000 DIR UPPER DP1600089-Rehankot GHS Ground 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600090-Constt: Exam Hall GHS Rehankot 1,500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600091-Constt of B/Wall at GGPS Khan shaheed 700,000 DIR UPPER DP1600092-Constt: of b/ wall GHS Rehankot 800,000 DIR UPPER DP1600093-Constt: of Additional room at GGMSHattan 800,000 DIR UPPER DP1600094-Repair of b/W in schools inayat said 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600095-"WSS Solar based to village/ GPS,GGPSand GHS Swani " 1,200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600096-Repair of boundry work / dug well atSwani school 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600097-Repair work at GMS Duro 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600098-B/W at GGMS Sheringal Docki 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600099-Danga wall at GHS Miana Doag 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600100-Constt : of Additional room at GHS Doagpayeen 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600101-Repair work at GMS Shahoor 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600102-repair work at GMS Sundrai 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600103-Repair work at GHS Bela Gwaldai 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600104-Constt: of additional in GHS Kair 800,000 DIR UPPER DP1600105-Constt Of additional room gPS GandigarN03 800,000 DIR UPPER DP1600106-Constt: of B/w at GMS Kandow Jaber 270,000 DIR UPPER DP1600107-Solar system at GGHS Jaber 280,000 DIR UPPER DP1600108-Constt: of stairs to GHS Aligaser andpurchase of LAB Equipments 150,000 DIR UPPER DP1600109-Constt: of Aditional room at GMSTarpatar(BOYS) 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600110-Constt work at GPS sadiqa banda 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600111-Waiting room at GGHSS Samkot 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600112-Constt: work at GGHS Samkot 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600113-Repair work GPS Poly Baba 600,000 DIR UPPER DP1600114-Additional room at GPS Tanay sarfosundrawal 800,000 DIR UPPER DP1600115-Repair work at GPS Noor Khail 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600116-Repair work at GHS Bin Bala 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600117-Repair and WSS at GPS Jan Bhatti No 01 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600118-Repair of rooms at GMS Bandagai 600,000 DIR UPPER DP1600119-Solar sys at GMS Umralai and PCC ground 304,000 DIR UPPER DP1600120-Solar Sys at GMS Nasir abad 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600121-Solar sys at GMS Chapper 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600122-Solar sys at GHS Jelar 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600123-Solarization of GGMS Chapper 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600124-Constt: of Danga wall/ street at GMSsheratkal 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600125-Levelling and constt work of Playground at GMS Gogyal 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600126-Dug well at GHS Jatgram 150,000 DIR UPPER DP1600127-Solar system at GMS Sundal 150,000 DIR UPPER DP1600128-GGPS Shagai Boundry wall 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600129-Additional room at GPS Badalai Bala 700,000 DIR UPPER DP1600130-Repair work at GGPS Bandai 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600131-Constt: of Additional room at GMSBalkore 800,000 DIR UPPER DP1600132-Constt of Lab GHS Karkabanj 600,000 DIR UPPER DP1600133-WSS Pipe GPS Shonga 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600134-WSS pipe Chakar Batola school 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600135-Insttalation of Grill at GGPS RemainKass 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600136-Group washing Room+ SDEO Office 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600137-Repair work /room at GHS Lamotai 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600138-Repair work /room at GMS Jandri Lamotai 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600139-Aditional room at GHS Thall No 01 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600140-Stairs at Masjid Faizur rahman GeroKhwar 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600141-Pav : of street Israr Korona Panakot 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600142-Retaining wall Sultan Hakim Panakot 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600143-Constt: of Noor Hussian road Sadiq banda 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600144-Pav of street at Panakot Ziaurrahman 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600145-Constt of bridge panakot Gul Baz 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600146-Access way toti panakot 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600147-Constt of bridge panakot karim Khan 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600148-Danga wall Mian zarin panakot 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600149-Access way salih Mohd panakot 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600150-Constt of way Nehar gah Najibullah 150,000 DIR UPPER DP1600151-Repair /constt of way panakot c/o Gheyas 50,000 DIR UPPER DP1600152-Constt of retaining wall Qarishakirullah surbat 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600153-Pav: of street Ubaidullah Shawo 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600154-Constt of link road swato chum 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600155-"Pav: at street at Kalssho serai azizullah, umer zarin" 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600156-Street at Rehankot 1,100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600157-road irshad mahmood 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600158-Danga wall Fazal Manan 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600159-Pav: street at Sher zaman khan koronaheli pad 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600160-Retaining wall Ijaz Kalsho 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600161-Retaining wall c/o sahib zada ihtisham 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600162-PCC road at Aftab Korona Rehankot 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600163-street at Rokhan 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600164-street at Shawo 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600165-strreet at Kass 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600166-Constt of bridge at Rokhan payeen 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600167-Pav: of street at Dir town 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600168-road Yousaf Haji korona Rokhan payeen 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600169-Pav street Dr. Hamidullah rokhan 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600170-Pav: of streets c/o sherin Kamergai 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600171-Retaining wall C/o Wazir zada Kandowgay 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600172-Retaing wall Mohd Zarin Shahi Bagh 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600173-Reating wall Faizur rahman Rohkan Khwar 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600174-Pav: street at ambar cham 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600175-Constt of road /dhanda C/o zain ullahAlla 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600176-ghundakay street Chukyatan 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600177-link road Alla 400,000 DIR UPPER DP1600178-Pav: street at hayagai Sharqi 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600179-street at masjid sra dheri 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600180-Pcc road Hatan qala 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600181-Constt: of road at Muqadam khan korona 300,000 DIR UPPER DP1600182-Danga wall C/O Alam zeb 250,000 DIR UPPER DP1600183-"Pav: of street at Ghusur, rahman V/CGanori" 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600184-PCC road at Farm Muhallah V/C Ganori 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600185-jetkol bala road 500,000 DIR UPPER DP1600186-road C/O tahir islam 350,000 DIR UPPER DP1600187-Pav of street at saeedur rahman korona 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600188-road akber said korona sharmai 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600189-pav: of street lar jam dorov/o sher ali 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600190-Constt of Kiderkot road Jetkot/ Goryal 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600191-Constt: of Daar road Jetkot/Goryal 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600192-Tangisar Parawo road 200,000 DIR UPPER DP1600193-Constt: access way at Ganshal Bala 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600194-Constt: access way at Ganshal Payeen 100,000 DIR UPPER DP1600195-Access way at Doon Bala 200,000 DIR
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